McKeon, Beverley
- Harms, Tanner David (2025) Chasing After the Wind: Flow Structure Detection Strategies for Autonomous Mobile Flow Field Measurements; 10.7907/vjvv-vb21
- Huang, Yuting (2025) Linear and Non-Linear Interactions Involving Large-Scale Structures in Turbulence; 10.7907/739k-dj72
- Huang, Yuting (2025) Linear and Non-Linear Interactions Involving Large-Scale Structures in Turbulence; 10.7907/739k-dj72
- Gomez De La Cruz, Salvador Rey (2024) Linear Amplification in Nonequilibrium Turbulent Boundary Layers; 10.7907/hn98-c285
- Gomez De La Cruz, Salvador Rey (2024) Linear Amplification in Nonequilibrium Turbulent Boundary Layers; 10.7907/hn98-c285
- Wei, Nathaniel James (2023) Dynamics and Performance of Wind-Energy Systems in Unsteady Flow Conditions; 10.7907/d9wh-pj98
- Song, Yichuan (2022) Rheological Measurements in Moderate Reynolds Number Liquid-Solid Flows; 10.7907/5ey8-v324
- Hooper, Morgan Louise (2022) Characterization and Optimization of a Fully Passive Flapping Foil in an Unsteady Environment for Power Production and Propulsion; 10.7907/tymc-1985
- White, Nicholas Conlan (2022) Nonlinear Dynamics and Stability of Viscous Free-Surface Microcapillary Flows in V-Shaped Channels and on Curved Surfaces; 10.7907/yd3w-ck87
- Dougherty, Christopher John (2022) On the Experimental Simulation of Atmospheric-Like Disturbances Near the Surface; 10.7907/293w-ev66
- Barthel, Benedikt (2022) On the Variational Principles of Linear and Nonlinear Resolvent Analysis; 10.7907/sy44-d841
- Barthel, Benedikt (2022) On the Variational Principles of Linear and Nonlinear Resolvent Analysis; 10.7907/sy44-d841
- Lhota, Red C. (2022) Rheological Characterization of Polymer Additives for Mist Control and Drag Reduction; 10.7907/wav1-4t47
- Hooper, Morgan Louise (2022) Characterization and Optimization of a Fully Passive Flapping Foil in an Unsteady Environment for Power Production and Propulsion; 10.7907/tymc-1985
- Lee, Marcus Kuok Kuan (2022) Instabilities in the Flow Over a Spinning Disk at Angle of Attack; 10.7907/kmhn-7e49
- Jones, Silken Michelle (2021) Thermal Ignition by Vertical Cylinders; 10.7907/9g5j-2b97
- Toedtli, Simon Silvio (2021) Control of Wall-Bounded Turbulence Through Closed-Loop Wall Transpiration; 10.7907/me3y-te05
- Shamai, Maysam (2021) Complexity Reduction of Fluid-Structure Systems at Low Forcing Frequencies; 10.7907/rhs5-yq49
- Shamai, Maysam (2021) Complexity Reduction of Fluid-Structure Systems at Low Forcing Frequencies; 10.7907/rhs5-yq49
- Pickering, Ethan Marcus (2021) Resolvent Modeling of Turbulent Jets; 10.7907/szxb-f168
- Ruan, Joseph Y. (2021) Streamwise Homogeneous Turbulent Boundary Layers; 10.7907/qjfk-5q05
- Shen, Naijian (2021) Part I: The Equations of Plasma Physics and the Richtmyer-Meshkov Instability in Magnetohydrodynamics. Part II: Evolution of Perturbed Planar Shockwaves.; 10.7907/e9b8-y318
- Toedtli, Simon Silvio (2021) Control of Wall-Bounded Turbulence Through Closed-Loop Wall Transpiration; 10.7907/me3y-te05
- McMullen, Ryan Michael (2020) Aspects of Reduced-Order Modeling of Turbulent Channel Flows: From Linear Mechanisms to Data-Driven Approaches; 10.7907/wayx-eh75
- Yanes, Nelson Javier (2020) Ultraviolet Radiation of Hypervelocity Stagnation Flows and Shock/Boundary-Layer Interactions; 10.7907/WYHM-1218
- Sridhar, Akshay (2019) Large-Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Boundary Layers with Spatially Varying Roughness; 10.7907/8YWS-B862
- da Silva, Andre Fernando de Castro (2019) An EnKF-Based Flow State Estimator for Aerodynamic Problems; 10.7907/W327-VF41
- Ruan, Xiaozhou (2019) Oceanic Bottom Boundary Layers and Abyssal Overturning Circulation; 10.7907/6EZA-R251
- Morgan, Jonathan Philip (2019) Linear and Non-linear Interactions in a Rough-Wall Turbulent Boundary Layer; 10.7907/7RSR-3277
- Morgan, Jonathan Philip (2019) Linear and Non-linear Interactions in a Rough-Wall Turbulent Boundary Layer; 10.7907/7RSR-3277
- Huynh, David Pham (2019) Spatio-Temporal Response of a Compliant-Wall, Turbulent Boundary Layer System to Dynamic Roughness Forcing; 10.7907/A5PS-GT54
- Huynh, David Pham (2019) Spatio-Temporal Response of a Compliant-Wall, Turbulent Boundary Layer System to Dynamic Roughness Forcing; 10.7907/A5PS-GT54
- Huertas-Cerdeira, Cecilia (2019) On the Dynamics of Flat Plates in a Fluid Environment: A Study of Inverted Flag Flapping and Caudal Fin Maneuvering; 10.7907/326X-M576
- Grivel, Morgane Anne Marie (2018) On the Effect of Large-Scale Patterned Wettability on Contact Line Hydrodynamics; 10.7907/Z9736P2V
- Rosenberg, Kevin Thomas (2018) Resolvent-Based Modeling of Flows in a Channel; 10.7907/PHDW-Z389
- Saxton-Fox, Theresa Ann (2018) Coherent Structures, their Interactions, and their Effects on Passive Scalar Transport and Aero-Optic Distortion in a Turbulent Boundary Layer; 10.7907/Z9W0943P
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- Martin, Nathan Koon-Hung (2018) Analysis of Flapping Propulsion: Comparison, Characterization, and Optimization; 10.7907/Q6CG-QY57
- Martin, Nathan Koon-Hung (2018) Analysis of Flapping Propulsion: Comparison, Characterization, and Optimization; 10.7907/Q6CG-QY57
- Rosenberg, Kevin Thomas (2018) Resolvent-Based Modeling of Flows in a Channel; 10.7907/PHDW-Z389
- Symon, Sean Pearson (2018) Reconstruction and Estimation of Flows Using Resolvent Analysis and Data-Assimilation; 10.7907/B4K7-K876
- Symon, Sean Pearson (2018) Reconstruction and Estimation of Flows Using Resolvent Analysis and Data-Assimilation; 10.7907/B4K7-K876
- Gat, Ilana Batya (2018) Investigations of Incompressible Variable-Density Turbulence in an External Acceleration Field; 10.7907/Z9JM27V7
- Hufstedler, Esteban Antonio Lemus (2017) Experimental Generation and Modeling of Vortical Gusts and Their Interactions with an Airfoil; 10.7907/Z9Q52MN5
- Hufstedler, Esteban Antonio Lemus (2017) Experimental Generation and Modeling of Vortical Gusts and Their Interactions with an Airfoil; 10.7907/Z9Q52MN5
- Araya, Daniel Borsodi (2016) Aerodynamics of Vertical-Axis Wind Turbines in Full-Scale and Laboratory-Scale Experiments; 10.7907/Z9VD6WC2
- Coronel, Stephanie Alexandra (2016) Thermal Ignition Using Moving Hot Particles; 10.7907/Z9W37T9X
- Choi, Jeesoon (2016) Unsteady Aerodynamics and Optimal Control of an Airfoil at Low Reynolds Number; 10.7907/Z9J1014Q
- Tsai, Hsieh-Chen (2016) Numerical Investigation of Vertical-Axis Wind Turbines at Low Reynolds Number; 10.7907/Z9SF2T5R
- Cymbalist, Niccolo (2016) Mixing, Chemical Reactions, and Combustion in Supersonic Flows; 10.7907/Z9G73BNR
- Towne, Aaron S. (2016) Advancements in Jet Turbulence and Noise Modeling: Accurate One-Way Solutions and Empirical Evaluation of the Nonlinear Forcing of Wavepackets; 10.7907/Z99884XJ
- Duvvuri, Subrahmanyam (2016) Non-Linear Scale Interactions in a Forced Turbulent Boundary Layer; 10.7907/Z9Z31WKP
- Duvvuri, Subrahmanyam (2016) Non-Linear Scale Interactions in a Forced Turbulent Boundary Layer; 10.7907/Z9Z31WKP
- Dunne, Reeve (2016) Dynamic Stall on Vertical Axis Wind Turbines; 10.7907/Z92Z13FX
- Bitter, Neal Phillip (2015) Stability of Hypervelocity Boundary Layers; 10.7907/Z9Q23X5Z
- Mbengue, Cheikh Oumar (2015) Storm Track Response to Perturbations in Climate; 10.7907/Z9FT8J05
- Savard, Bruno (2015) Characterization and Modeling of Premixed Turbulent n-Heptane Flames in the Thin Reaction Zone Regime; 10.7907/Z9GM858F
- Cossé, Julia Theresa (2014) On the Behavior of Pliable Plate Dynamics in Wind: Application to Vertical Axis Wind Turbines; 10.7907/X7S3-CS74
- Rabinovitch, Jason (2014) Advancing EDL Technologies for Future Space Missions: From Ground Testing Facilities to Ablative Heatshields; 10.7907/XKM7-7368
- Verma, Siddhartha (2014) Velocity Resolved - Scalar Modeled Simulations of High Schmidt Number Turbulent Transport; 10.7907/PTD9-W004
- Verma, Siddhartha (2014) Velocity Resolved - Scalar Modeled Simulations of High Schmidt Number Turbulent Transport; 10.7907/PTD9-W004
- Carroll, Phares Lynn (2014) Towards Understanding the Mixing Characteristics of Turbulent Buoyant Flows; 10.7907/RDHJ-3X60
- Carroll, Phares Lynn (2014) Towards Understanding the Mixing Characteristics of Turbulent Buoyant Flows; 10.7907/RDHJ-3X60
- Saito, Namiko (2014) Large-Eddy Simulations of Fully Developed Turbulent Channel and Pipe Flows with Smooth and Rough Walls; 10.7907/WKNJ-ET18
- Saito, Namiko (2014) Large-Eddy Simulations of Fully Developed Turbulent Channel and Pipe Flows with Smooth and Rough Walls; 10.7907/WKNJ-ET18
- Lyon, Bradley Joseph (2014) A Multi-Scale Approach to Shaping Carbon Nanotube Structures for Hollow Microneedles; 10.7907/BJGT-TB74
- Parziale, Nicholaus J. (2013) Slender-Body Hypervelocity Boundary-Layer Instability; 10.7907/KZJ1-Y009
- Mehrotra, Prakhar (2013) Sustainable Energy Solutions for Irrigation and Harvesting in Developing Countries; 10.7907/KV5Y-4960
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- Rought, Rebecca Lynn (2013) Identification of Thermally-Tagged Coherent Structures in the Zero Pressure Gradient Turbulent Boundary Layer; 10.7907/Z2V0-9V82
- Jacobi, Ian (2013) Structure of the Turbulent Boundary Layer under Static and Dynamic Impulsive Roughness Perturbation; 10.7907/H5WJ-RK31
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- Whittlesey, Robert Wells (2013) Dynamics and Scaling of Self-Excited Passive Vortex Generators for Underwater Propulsion; 10.7907/SC4M-8896
- Inoue, Michio (2012) Large-Eddy Simulation of the Flat-Plate Turbulent Boundary Layer at High Reynolds Numbers; 10.7907/PXTM-W616
- Boettcher, Philipp Andreas (2012) Thermal Ignition; 10.7907/H2W9-ZK95
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- LeHew, Jeffrey Allen (2012) Spatio-Temporal Analysis of the Turbulent Boundary Layer and An Investigation of the Effects of Periodic Disturbances; 10.7907/20CM-EV70
- Meier, John Allen (2011) A Novel Experimental Study of a Valveless Impedance Pump for Applications at Lab-On-Chip, Microfluidic, and Biomedical Device Size Scales; 10.7907/DBKG-EJ21
- Tchieu, Andrew Allen (2011) The Development of Low-Order Models for the Study of Fluid-Structure Interactions; 10.7907/SYHX-8A77
- Tchieu, Andrew Allen (2011) The Development of Low-Order Models for the Study of Fluid-Structure Interactions; 10.7907/SYHX-8A77
- Norman, Adam Keith (2010) Effect of Surface Morphological Changes on Flow Over a Sphere; 10.7907/SED1-5250
- Gayme, Dennice F. Maynard (2010) A Robust Control Approach to Understanding Nonlinear Mechanisms in Shear Flow Turbulence; 10.7907/P1DS-Q379
- Bane, Sally Page Moffett (2010) Spark Ignition: Experimental and Numerical Investigation With Application to Aviation Safety; 10.7907/W1NB-5W06
- Kim, Daegyoum (2010) Characteristics of Three-dimensional Vortex Formation and Propulsive Performance in Flapping Locomotion; 10.7907/8VZJ-7Z78
- Joe, Won Tae (2010) Optimized Feedback Control of Vortex Shedding on an Inclined Flat Plate; 10.7907/6D11-2Y92
- Joe, Won Tae (2010) Optimized Feedback Control of Vortex Shedding on an Inclined Flat Plate; 10.7907/6D11-2Y92
- Chung, Daniel (2009) Numerical Simulation and Subgrid-Scale Modeling of Mixing and Wall-Bounded Turbulent Flows; 10.7907/NE1Y-M812
- Chung, Daniel (2009) Numerical Simulation and Subgrid-Scale Modeling of Mixing and Wall-Bounded Turbulent Flows; 10.7907/NE1Y-M812
- Bermejo-Moreno, Ivan (2008) On the Non-Local Geometry of Turbulence; 10.7907/DH9W-Y894
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