McKelvey, Richard D.
- McKelvey, Richard D. and Patty, John W. (2006) A Theory of Voting in Large Elections; 10.7907/5pq1n-gsc34
- Goeree, Jacob K. and Palfrey, Thomas R., el al. (2004) Self-correcting Information Cascades; 10.7907/3dd4s-jz194
- McKelvey, Richard D. and Page, Talbot (2000) Status Quo Bias in Bargaining: An extension of the Myerson Satterthwaite Theorem with an application to the Coase Theorem; 10.7907/fykjr-x5418
- Guarnaschelli, Serena and McKelvey, Richard D., el al. (2000) An Experimental Study of Jury Decision Rules; 10.7907/49qpb-78b68
- McKelvey, Richard D. and Palfrey, Thomas R., el al. (1999) The Effects of Payoff Magnitude and Heterogeneity on Behavior in 2 x 2 Games with Unique Mixed Strategy Equilibria; 10.7907/95xv9-jkv06
- McKelvey, Richard D. (1998) A Liapunov Function for Nash Equilibria; 10.7907/f61vr-arf47
- McKelvey, Richard D. and Page, Talbot (1997) An Experimental Study of the Effect of Private Information in the Coase Theorem; 10.7907/h25ge-vez95
- McKelvey, Richard D. and Palfrey, Thomas R. (1996) A Statistical Theory of Equilibrium in Games; 10.7907/m8276-pad75
- McKelvey, Richard D. and Palfrey, Thomas R. (1995) Quantal Response Equilibria for Extensive Form Games; 10.7907/prxgj-mg253
- McKelvey, Richard D. and McLennan, Andrew (1994) The Maximal Number of Regular Totally Mixed Nash Equilibria; 10.7907/w4xpy-8z371
- Fey, Mark and McKelvey, Richard D., el al. (1994) An Experimental Study of Constant-sum Centipede Games; 10.7907/g1kfx-nex14
- McKelvey, Richard D. and Palfrey, Thomas R. (1993) The Holdout Game: An Experimental Study of an Infinitely Repeated Game with Two-Sided Incomplete Information; 10.7907/h5sgq-1q935
- McKelvey, Richard D. and Palfrey, Thomas R. (1993) Engodeneity of Alternating Offers in a Bargaining Game; 10.7907/46qat-kfm09
- Boylan, Richard T. and Ledyard, John O., el al. (1992) Political Competition in a Model of Economic Growth; Some Theoretical Results; 10.7907/dja9h-egh71
- McKelvey, Richard D. and Palfrey, Thomas R. (1992) Stationarity and Chaos in Infinitely Repeated Games of Incomplete Information; 10.7907/kz8hk-4de75
- El-Gamal, Mahmoud and McKelvey, Richard D., el al. (1992) A Bayesian Sequential Experimental Study of Learning in Games; 10.7907/hgs8z-hwd27
- McKelvey, Richard D. and Palfrey, Thomas R. (1991) An Experimental Study of the Centipede Game
- McKelvey, Richard D. and Reizman, Raymond G. (1991) Initial Versus Continuing Proposal Power in Legislative Seniority; 10.7907/w9sq4-wzr65
- McKelvey, Richard D. and Reizman, Raymond G. (1990) Seniority in Legislatures; 10.7907/af878-br061
- McKelvey, Richard D. and Page, Talbot (1989) Public and Private Information: An Experimental Study of Information Pooling; 10.7907/t4jca-fps61
- McKelvey, Richard D. and Ordeshook, Peter C. (1987) A Decade of Experimental Research on Spatial Models of Elections and Committees; 10.7907/bc0gn-qhp30
- McKelvey, Richard D. (1986) Game Forms for Nash Implementation of General Social Choice Correspondences; 10.7907/a7ntz-bnj28
- McKelvey, Richard D. and Schofield, Norman (1985) Generalized Symmetry Conditions at a Core Point; 10.7907/scsnd-3xh89
- McKelvey, Richard D. (1985) Covering, Dominance, and Institution Free Properties of Social Change; 10.7907/ktzhs-d3673
- Li, Lode and McKelvey, Richard D., el al. (1985) Optimal Research for Cournot Oligopolists; 10.7907/jdn82-4bs44
- McKelvey, Richard D. and Schofield, Norman (1984) Structural Instability of the Core; 10.7907/e2cny-p7059
- McKelvey, Richard D. and Ordeshook, Peter C. (1984) Sequential Elections with Limited Information; 10.7907/v23kd-qbn10
- McKelvey, Richard D. and Ordeshook, Peter C. (1984) Elections with Limited Information: A Multidimensional Model; 10.7907/ebpx6-ssr61
- McKelvey, Richard D. and Page, Talbot (1984) Common Knowledge and Consensus with Aggregate Statistics; 10.7907/z43xd-96j96
- McKelvey, Richard D. and Ordeshook, Peter C. (1983) Elections with Limited Information: A Fulfilled Expectations Model Using Contemporaneous Poll and Endorsement Data as Information Sources; 10.7907/a7hd5-zy507
- Ferejohn, John A. and McKelvey, Richard D., el al. (1981) Limiting Distributions for Continuous State Markov Voting Models; 10.7907/p4th4-s2326
- Green, Edward J. and McKelvey, Richard D., el al. (1981) Methods for Comparison of Markov Processes by Stochastic Dominance; 10.7907/em073-25e98
- Ferejohn, John A. and McKelvey, Richard D. (1981) An Impossibility Theorem for Von Neumann-Morgenstern Solutions; 10.7907/v65dx-j2z11
- McKelvey, Richard D. (1980) A Theory of Optimal Agenda Design; 10.7907/3f4kp-f9653
- Cox, Gary W. and McKelvey, Richard D. (1980) A Ham Sandwich Theorem for General Measures; 10.7907/c09md-7bk98
- Ferejohn, John A. and Grether, David M., el al. (1980) Implementation of Democratic Social Choice Functions; 10.2307/2297367
- McKelvey, Richard D. and Ordeshook, Peter C. (1979) Experiments on the Core: Some Disconcerting Results for Majority Rule Voting Games; 10.7907/vxjaz-75n80