McEliece, Robert J.
Cassuto, Yuval and Bruck, Jehoshua, el al. (2013) On the Average Complexity of Reed–Solomon List Decoders ; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory; Vol. 59; No. 4; 2336-2351; 10.1109/TIT.2012.2235522
El-Khamy, Mostafa and Vikalo, Haris, el al. (2009) Performance of sphere decoding of block codes ; IEEE Transactions on Communications; Vol. 57; No. 10; 2940-2950; 10.1109/TCOMM.2009.10.080402
Florens, Cedric and Sharif, Masoud, el al. (2009) Random sensory networks: a delay in analysis ; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory; Vol. 55; No. 4; 1650-1664; 10.1109/TIT.2009.2012999
Boyle, Elette C. and McEliece, Robert J. (2009) Asymptotic Weight Enumerators of Randomly Punctured, Expurgated, and Shortened Code Ensembles ; ISBN 978-1-4244-2925-7; 2008 46th annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing; 910-917; 10.1109/ALLERTON.2008.4797654
Bertiger, Anna S. and McEliece, Robert J., el al. (2008) The Combinatorics of Differentiation ; ISBN 9783540859116; Sequences and Their Applications - SETA 2008; 142-152; 10.1007/978-3-540-85912-3_13
Soedarmadji, Edwin and McEliece, Robert J. (2008) Finding the best path in a binary Block Interference network ; ISBN 978-1-4244-2571-6; 2008 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory; 335-338; 10.1109/ISIT.2008.4595003
McEliece, Robert J. and Sweatlock, Sarah L. (2007) Some Mysterious Sequences Associated with LDPC Codes ; ISBN 978-3-540-77403-7; Sequences, Subsequences, and Consequences; 153-161; 10.1007/978-3-540-77404-4_15
Soedarmadji, Edwin and McEliece, Robert J. (2007) Optimal Worst-Case QoS Routing in Constrained AWGN Channel Network ; ISBN 978-1-4244-0352-3; 2007 IEEE International Conference on Communications; 153-157; 10.1109/ICC.2007.33
El-Khamy, Mostafa and Vikalo, Haris, el al. (2006) On the Performance of Sphere Decoding of Block Codes ; ISBN 1-4244-0505-X; 2006 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory; 1964-1968; 10.1109/ISIT.2006.261824
McEliece, Robert J. and Rodriguez-Palánquex, M. C. (2006) AG Goppa Codes from Maximal Curves over determined Finite Fields of characteristic 2 ; ISBN 1-4244-0505-X; 2006 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory; 1066-1069; 10.1109/ISIT.2006.261891
Klimesh, Matthew and McEliece, Robert J. (2006) Existence, Uniqueness, and Optimality of Sibling-Property Codes for Infinite Sources ; ISBN 1-4244-0505-X; 2006 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory; 2536-2540; 10.1109/ISIT.2006.262089
McEliece, Robert J. (2006) Decoding the universe: How the new science of information is explaining everything in the cosmos, from our brains to black holes [Book Review] ; Nature; Vol. 441; No. 7092; 409-410; 10.1038/441409b
El-Khamy, Mostafa and McEliece, Robert J. (2006) Iterative algebraic soft-decision list decoding of Reed-Solomon codes ; IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications; Vol. 24; No. 3; 481-490; 10.1109/JSAC.2005.862399
McEliece, Robert J. and Soedarmadji, Edwin (2006) On Generalized Parity Checks ; ISBN 978-3-540-31423-3; Applied Algebra, Algebraic Algorithms and Error-Correcting Codes; 29-34; 10.1007/11617983_2
Soedarmadji, Edwin and McEliece, Robert J. (2006) A dynamic graph algorithm for the highly dynamic network problem ; ISBN 0-7695-2520-2; Fourth annual IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops; 101-105; 10.1109/PERCOMW.2006.5
El-Khamy, Mostafa and McEliece, Robert J. (2005) The partition weight enumerator of MDS codes and its applications ; ISBN 0-7803-9151-9; 2005 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT) : Adelaide, Australia, 4-9 September, 2005; 926-930
Fogal, S. L. and McEliece, Robert, el al. (2005) Enumerators for protograph ensembles of LDPC codes ; ISBN 0-7803-9150-0; 2005 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory; 2156-2160; 10.1109/ISIT.2005.1523728
Yokokawa, Takashi and Shinohara, Yuji, el al. (2004) An optimization method for designing high rate and high performance SCTCM systems with in-line interleavers ; ISBN 0780387945; IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, GLOBECOM '04, 29 November-3 December 2004; 162-166
Florens, Cédric and Franceschetti, Massimo, el al. (2004) Lower bounds on data collection time in sensory networks ; IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications; Vol. 22; No. 6; 1110-1120; 10.1109/JSAC.2004.830927
Florens, Cédric and Sharif, Masoud, el al. (2004) Delay issues in linear sensory networks ; ISBN 0-7803-8280-3; 2004 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory; 81; 10.1109/ISIT.2004.1365119
El-Khamy, Mostafa and McEliece, Robert J., el al. (2004) Performance enhancements for algebraic soft decision decoding of Reed-Solomon codes ; ISBN 0-7803-8280-3; 2004 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory : proceedings : Chicago Downtown Marriott, Chicago, Illinois, USA, June 27-July 2, 2004; 419; 10.1109/ISIT.2004.1365456
Hamkins, Jon and Klimesh, Matthew, el al. (2004) Capacity of the Generalized PPM Channel ; ISBN 0-7803-8280-3; 2004 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory; 334-334; 10.1109/ISIT.2004.1365371
Harel, Jonathan and McEliece, Robert J., el al. (2003) Poset belief propagation-experimental results ; ISBN 0780377281; IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, 2003. Proceedings.; 177; 10.1109/isit.2003.1228191
Iida, Yasuhiro and Yokokawa, Takashi, el al. (2003) Convergence analysis of SCCC and SCTCM with 'in-line' interleaver ; ISBN 0-7803-7728-1; 2003 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory; 410-410; 10.1109/ISIT.2003.1228427
Florens, Cédric and McEliece, Robert (2003) Packets distribution algorithms for sensor networks ; ISBN 0-7803-7753-2; Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and Communications Societies, 22nd, IEEE INFOCOM 2003, San Francisco, CA, 30 March-3 April 2003; 1063-1072
McEliece, Robert J. and Yildirim, Muhammed (2003) Belief Propagation on Partially Ordered Sets ; ISBN 978-1-4419-2326-4; Mathematical Systems Theory in Biology, Communications, Computation, and Finance; 275-299; 10.1007/978-0-387-21696-6_10
Florens, Cédric and McEliece, Robert (2002) Scheduling algorithms for wireless ad-hoc sensor networks ; ISBN 0-7803-7632-3; GLOBECOM'02: IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference; 6-10; 10.1109/GLOCOM.2002.1188031
Jin, Hui and McEliece, Robert J. (2002) Coding theorems for turbo code ensembles ; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory; Vol. 48; No. 6; 1451-1461; 10.1109/TIT.2002.1003833
McEliece, Robert J. and Rodriguez-Palánquex, M. C. (2002) Results to get Maximal Quasihermitian Curves. New possibilities for AG Codes ; ISBN 978-1-4419-5289-9; Information, Coding and Mathematics: Proceedings of Workshop honoring Prof. Bob McEliece on his 60th birthday; 55-62; 10.1007/978-1-4757-3585-7_4
Khandekar, Aamod and McEliece, Robert J. (2001) On the complexity of reliable communication on the erasure channel ; ISBN 0-7803-7123-2; 2001 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory; 1; 10.1109/ISIT.2001.935864
McEliece, Robert J. and Le Dantec, Claude, el al. (2001) Permutations preserving divisibility ; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory; Vol. 47; No. 3; 1206-1207; 10.1109/18.915685
Aji, Srinivas and Jin, Hui, el al. (2001) BSC Thresholds for Code Ensembles Based on "Typical Pairs" Decoding ; ISBN 978-0-387-95173-7; Codes, Systems, and Graphical Models; 195-210; 10.1007/978-1-4613-0165-3_11
Abu-Mostafa, Y. S. and McEliece, R. J. (2000) Maximal codeword lengths in Huffman codes ; Computers and Mathematics with Applications; Vol. 39; No. 11; 129-134; 10.1016/S0898-1221(00)00119-X
Jin, Hui and McEliece, Robert J. (2000) General coding theorems for turbo-like codes ; ISBN 0-7803-5857-0; 2000 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory; 120-120; 10.1109/ISIT.2000.866412
Divsalar, D. and Dolinar, S., el al. (2000) AWGN Coding Theorems from Ensemble Weight Enumerators ; ISBN 0-7803-5858-9; 2000 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory; 459-459; 10.1109/ISIT.2000.866757
Aji, Srinivas M. and McEliece, Robert J. (2000) The generalized distributive law ; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory; Vol. 46; No. 2; 325-343; 10.1109/18.825794
Jin, Hui and McEliece, Robert J. (1999) RA Codes Achieve AWGN Channel Capacity ; ISBN 978-3-540-66723-0; Applied Algebra, Algebraic Algorithms and Error-Correcting Codes; 10-18; 10.1007/3-540-46796-3_2
Hattori, Masayuki and McEliece, Robert J., el al. (1998) Subspace subcodes of Reed-Solomon codes ; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory; Vol. 44; No. 5; 1861-1880; 10.1109/18.705564
McEliece, Robert J. and Xu, Meina (1998) Junction tree representations for linear block codes ; ISBN 0-7803-5000-6; 1998 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory; 253-253; 10.1109/ISIT.1998.708858
Lin, Wei and McEliece, Robert J., el al. (1998) The Trellis Evolution Algorithm for Nonlinear Block Codes ; ISBN 0-7803-5000-6; 1998 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory; 254-254; 10.1109/ISIT.1998.708859
McEliece, Robert J. and MacKay, David J. C., el al. (1998) Turbo decoding as an instance of Pearl's "belief propagation" algorithm ; IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications; Vol. 16; No. 2; 140-152; 10.1109/49.661103
Aji, Srinivas M. and Horn, Gavin B., el al. (1998) Iterative decoding on graphs with a single cycle ; ISBN 0-7803-5000-6; Proceedings, 1998 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT '98), Cambridge, MA, August 16-21, 1998; 276; 10.1109/ISIT.1998.708881
Aji, Srinivas and Horn, Gavin, el al. (1998) Iterative min-sum decoding of tail-biting codes ; ISBN 0-7803-4408-1; Information Theory Workshop, 1998 (ITW '98), Killarney, Ireland, 22-26 June 1998; 68-69; 10.1109/ITW.1998.706439
McEliece, Robert J. (1997) Gus' last theorem? Fast multiplication in GF (2^m) ; ISBN 0-7803-3906-1; 1997 IEEE Pacific Rim Conference on Communications, Computers and Signal Processing: PACRIM, 10 years, 1987-1997; 736-738; 10.1109/PACRIM.1997.620364
Horn, Gavin B. and McEliece, Robert J. (1997) Belief Propagation in Loopy Bayesian Networks: Experimental Results ; ISBN 0-7803-3956-8; 1997 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, Proceedings; 232-232; 10.1109/ISIT.1997.613147
Lin, Wei and McEliece, Robert J., el al. (1997) Trellis-Canonical Generator Matrices for Convolutional Codes ; ISBN 0-7803-3956-8; 1997 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, Proceedings; 286-286; 10.1109/ISIT.1997.613207
Yu, Zhong and McEliece, Robert J. (1997) Buffer occupancy of statistical multiplexers with periodic interchangeable traffic in ATM networks ; ISBN 0780339568; IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT 1997), Ulm, Germany, 29 June-4 July 1997; 31; 10.1109/ISIT.1997.612946
Aji, Srinivas M. and McEliece, Robert J. (1997) A general algorithm for distributing information in a graph ; ISBN 0-7803-3956-8; Proceedings, 1997 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT '97), Ulm, Germany, June 29-July 4, 1997; 6; 10.1109/ISIT.1997.612921
Kiely, Aaron B. and Dolinar, Samuel J, Jr., el al. (1996) Trellis decoding complexity of linear block codes ; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory; Vol. 42; No. 6, pt.; 1687-1697; 10.1109/18.556665
McEliece, Robert J. and Lin, Wei (1996) The trellis complexity of convolutional codes ; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory; Vol. 42; No. 6, par; 1855-1864; 10.1109/18.556680
McEliece, Robert J. (1996) On the BCJR trellis for linear block codes ; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory; Vol. 42; No. 4; 1072-1092; 10.1109/18.508834
Divsalar, D. and McEliece, R. J. (1996) Effective free distance of turbo codes ; Electronics Letters; Vol. 32; No. 5; 445-446; 10.1049/el:19960321
Divsalar, D. and Dolinar, S., el al. (1995) Performance Analysis of Turbo Codes ; ISBN 0-7803-2489-7; MILCOM '95: 14th Military communications conference; 91-96; 10.1109/MILCOM.1995.483278
McEliece, Robert J. and Yu, Zhong (1995) An Inequality On Entropy ; ISBN 0-7803-2453-6; Proceedings 1995 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory; 329-329; 10.1109/ISIT.1995.550316
McEliece, Robert J. and Lin, Wei (1995) The trellis complexity of convolutional codes ; ISBN 0-7803-2453-6; Proceedings 1995 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory; 131-131; 10.1109/ISIT.1995.531335
Cheng, Jung-Fu and McEliece, Robert J. (1995) Unit-memory Hamming turbo codes ; ISBN 0-7803-2453-6; IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT '95), Whistler, British Columbia, 17-22 September 1995; 33; 10.1109/ISIT.1995.531135
Cheng, Jung-Fu and Dolinar, Sam, el al. (1995) Data expansion with Huffman codes ; ISBN 0-7803-2453-6; IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT '95), Whistler, British Columbia, 17-22 September 1995; 325; 10.1109/ISIT.1995.531102
Hattori, Masayuki and McEliece, Robert J., el al. (1994) Subspace subcodes of Reed-Solomon codes ; ISBN 0780320158; Proceedings 1994 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory : The Norwegian Institute of Technology, Trondheim, Norway, June 27 - July 1, 1994; 430; 10.1109/ISIT.1994.395045
Lumbard, Kim E. and McEliece, Robert J. (1994) Counting minimal generator matrices ; ISBN 0-7803-2015-8; Proceedings 1994 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory; 18-18; 10.1109/ISIT.1994.394953
McEliece, Robert J. (1994) The Viterbi decoding complexity of linear block codes ; ISBN 0-7803-2015-8; Proceedings 1994 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory; 341-341; 10.1109/ISIT.1994.394677
McEliece, Robert J. and Sivarajan, Kumar N. (1994) Performance limits for channelized cellular telephone systems ; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory; Vol. 40; No. 1; 21-34; 10.1109/18.272452
Goodman, Rodney M. and McEliece, Robert J., el al. (1993) Phased burst error-correcting array codes ; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory; Vol. 39; No. 2; 684-693; 10.1109/18.212304
McEliece, Robert J. and Onyszchuk, Ivan (1993) The Extended Invariant Factor Algorithm with Application to the Forney Analysis of Convolutional Codes ; ISBN 0-7803-0878-6; 1993 Proceedings of the International Symposium on Information Theory; 142-142; 10.1109/ISIT.1993.748457
Mandell, Michael I. and McEliece, Robert J. (1993) A Comparison of CDMA and Frequency Hopping in a Cellular Environment ; ISBN 0-7803-0878-6; Proceedings. IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory; 252-252; 10.1109/ISIT.1993.748566
Chao, Chi-Chao and McEliece, Robert J., el al. (1992) Performance of binary block codes at low signal-to-noise ratios ; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory; Vol. 38; No. 6; 1677-1687; 10.1109/18.165442
McEliece, Robert J. and Sivarajan, Kumar N. (1992) Heavy traffic performance of a class of channel assignment algorithms ; ISBN 0-7803-0841-7; Third IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications; 550-555; 10.1109/PIMRC.1992.279871
Mandell, Michael I. and McEliece, Robert J. (1992) A Comparison of CDMA and Frequency Hopping in a Cellular Environment ; ISBN 0-7803-0591-4; 1st International Conference on Universal Personal Communications, Proceedings (ICUPC '92); 252-252; 10.1109/ICUPC.1992.240779
Dolinar, Sam and Ko, Tsz-Mei, el al. (1992) VLSI decompositions for deBruijn graphs ; ISBN 0-7803-0593-0; Proceedings 1992 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems; 1855-1858; 10.1109/ISCAS.1992.230451
McEliece, Robert J. and Sivarajan, Kumar N. (1991) Performance Limits For Cellular Multiuser Communication Systems ; ISBN 0-7803-0056-4; Proceedings. 1991 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory; 205; 10.1109/ISIT.1991.695261
Sayano, Masahiro and Goodman, Rodney M., el al. (1991) Single Phased Burst Error Correcting Array Codes ; ISBN 0-7803-0056-4; Proceedings. 1991 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory; 195; 10.1109/ISIT.1991.695251
McEliece, Robert J. and Sivaraian, Kumar N. (1991) Asymptotic Performance Of Fixed And Dynamic Channel Assignment In Cellular Radio ; ISBN 0-7803-0056-4; Proceedings. 1991 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory; 154; 10.1109/ISIT.1991.695210
Mandell, Michael and McEliece, R. (1991) Some Properties Of Memoryless Multiterminal Interference Channels ; ISBN 0-7803-0056-4; Proceedings. 1991 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory; 212; 10.1109/ISIT.1991.695268
Abdel-Ghaffar, Khaled and McEliece, Robert, el al. (1991) Some Partial Unit Memory Convolutional Codes ; ISBN 0780300564; Proceedings. 1991 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory; 196; 10.1109/isit.1991.695252
McEliece, R. J. and Sivarajan, K. N. (1991) Performance limits for FDMA cellular systems described by hypergraphs ; ISBN 0-85296-502-8; 1991 Third IEE Conference on Telecommunications; 360-365
Sivarajan, Kumar N. and McEliece, Robert J., el al. (1990) Dynamic channel assignment in cellular radio ; 10.1109/VETEC.1990.110396
McEliece, Robert J. and Onyszchuk, Ivan M. (1989) Truncation effects in Viterbi decoding ; 10.1109/MILCOM.1989.103985
Sivarajan, Kumar N. and McEliece, Robert J., el al. (1989) Channel assignment in cellular radio ; 10.1109/VETEC.1989.40173
Cheung, Kar-Ming and McEliece, Robert J. (1988) The undetected error probability for Reed-Solomon codes ; 10.1109/MILCOM.1988.13385
Pollara, Fabrizio and McEliece, Robert J., el al. (1988) Finite-state codes ; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory; Vol. 34; No. 5; 1083-1089; 10.1109/18.21238
Blumer, Anselm C. and McEliece, Robert J. (1988) The Rényi Redundancy of Generalized Huffman Codes ; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory; Vol. 34; No. 5; 1242-1249; 10.1109/18.21251
Abdel-Ghaffar, Khaled A. S. and McEliece, Robert J., el al. (1988) Two-dimensional burst identification codes and their use in burst correction ; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory; Vol. 34; No. 3; 494-504; 10.1109/18.6029
Swanson, Laif and McEliece, Robert J. (1988) A simple decision procedure for Hofstadter's Mitt-system ; The Mathematical Intelligencer; Vol. 10; No. 2; 48-49; 10.1007/bf03028356
Stark, Wayne E. and McEliece, Robert J. (1988) On the capacity of channels with block memory ; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory; Vol. 34; No. 2; 322-324; 10.1109/18.2642
Blaum, Mario and Goodman, Rodney, el al. (1988) The reliability of single-error protected computer memories ; IEEE Transactions on Computers; Vol. 37; No. 1; 114-119; 10.1109/12.75143
Abdel-Ghaffar, Khaled and McEliece, Robert J. (1988) The Ultimate Limits of Information Density ; ISBN 978-94-010-7757-6; Performance Limits in Communication Theory and Practice; 267-279; 10.1007/978-94-009-2794-0_16
McEliece, Robert J. and Posner, Edward C., el al. (1987) The capacity of the Hopfield associative memory ; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory; Vol. 33; No. 4; 461-482; 10.1109/TIT.1987.1057328
McEliece, Robert J. and Swanson, Laif (1987) A Note on the Wide-Band Gaussian Broadcast Channel ; IEEE Transactions on Communications; Vol. 35; No. 4; 452-453; 10.1109/TCOM.1987.1096784
Seitz, Charles L. and Martin, Alain J., el al. (1987) Submicron Systems Architecture: Semiannual Technical Report ; 10.7907/7cknj-w1w80
McEliece, Robert J. (1987) Finite Fields for Computer Scientists and Engineers ; ISBN 978-1-4612-9185-5; 10.1007/978-1-4613-1983-2
Abdel-Ghaffar, Khaled A. S. and McEliece, Robert J., el al. (1986) On the existence of optimum cyclic burst-correcting codes ; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory; Vol. IT-32; No. 6; 768-775; 10.1109/TIT.1986.1057242
Berlekamp, E. R. and Currie, R. J., el al. (1986) An Error-Control Code with an Imbalance of Ones and Zeros to Provide a Residual Carrier Component ; 10.1109/MILCOM.1986.4805784
McEliece, Robert J. and Swanson, Laif (1986) On the decoder error probability for Reed-Solomon codes ; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory; Vol. 32; No. 5; 701-703; 10.1109/TIT.1986.1057212
McEliece, Robert J. and Rodemich, Eugene R., el al. (1986) An entropy maximization problem related to optical communication ; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory; Vol. 32; No. 2; 322-326; 10.1109/TIT.1986.1057149
Seitz, Charles L. and Kajiya, James T., el al. (1986) Submicron Systems Architecture: Semiannual Technical Report ; 10.7907/my65t-e9565
Seitz, Charles L. and Kajiya, James T., el al. (1986) Submicron Systems Architecture: Semiannual Technical Report ; 10.7907/rzewj-csb10
Blaum, Mario and McEliece, Robert J. (1985) Coding protection for magnetic tapes: A generalization of the Patel-Hong code ; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory; Vol. 31; No. 5; 690-693; 10.1109/TIT.1985.1057098
Seitz, Charles L. and Kajiya, James T., el al. (1985) Submicron Systems Architecture: Semiannual Technical Report ; 10.7907/7fbb9-smt37
Seitz, Charles L. and Kajiya, James T., el al. (1985) Submicron Systems Architecture: Semiannual Technical Report ; 10.7907/mrh1j-cjp65
Berlekamp, Elwyn R. and McEliece, Robert J. (1985) Average-Case Optimized Buffered Decoders ; ISBN 978-94-010-8760-5; The Impact of Processing Techniques on Communications; 145-158; 10.1007/978-94-009-5113-6_9
Abdel-Ghaffar, Khaled and McEliece, Robert J. (1984) Soft error correction for increased densities in VLSI memories ; ISBN 0-8186-0538-3; ISCA '84 Proceedings of the 11th annual international symposium on Computer architecture; 248-250; 10.1145/800015.808191
Abdel-Ghaffar, Khaled and McEliece, Robert J. (1984) Soft error correction for increased densities in VLSI memories ; ACM SIGARCH Computer Architecture News; Vol. 12; No. 3; 248-250; 10.1145/773453.808191
Lorden, Gary and McEliece, Robert J., el al. (1984) Node Synchronization for the Viterbi Decoder ; IEEE Transactions on Communications; Vol. 32; No. 5; 524-531; 10.1109/TCOM.1984.1096098
McEliece, Robert J. and Stark, Wayne E. (1984) Channels with block interference ; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory; Vol. 30; No. 1; 44-53; 10.1109/TIT.1984.1056848
McEliece, Robert J. and Rodemich, Eugene R. (1983) A Study of Optimal Abstract Jamming Strategies vs. Noncoherent MFSK ; 10.1109/MILCOM.1983.4794651
McEliece, Robert J. (1983) Communication in the Presence of Jamming-An Information-Theoretic Approach ; ISBN 978-3-211-81784-1; Secure Digital Communications; 127-166; 10.1007/978-3-7091-2640-0_8
McEliece, R. J. and Stark, W. E. (1982) The Optimal Code Rate vs. a Partial Band Jammer ; 10.1109/MILCOM.1982.4805908
Goodman, R. M. F. and McEliece, R. J. (1982) Lifetime analyses of error-control coded semiconductor RAM systems ; IEE Proceedings E Computers and Digital Techniques; Vol. 129; No. 3; 81-85; 10.1049/ip-e.1982.0017
McEliece, Robert J. (1981) Practical codes for photon communication ; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory; Vol. 27; No. 4; 393-398; 10.1109/TIT.1981.1056380
Cover, Thomas M. and McEliece, Robert J., el al. (1981) Asynchronous multiple-access channel capacity ; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory; Vol. 27; No. 4; 409-413
Davisson, Lee D. and McEliece, Robert J., el al. (1981) Efficient Universal Noiseless Source Codes ; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory; Vol. 27; No. 3; 269-279; 10.1109/TIT.1981.1056355
Baumert, Leonard D. and McEliece, Robert J., el al. (1979) Symbol synchronization in convolutionally coded systems ; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory; Vol. 25; No. 3; 362-365; 10.1109/TIT.1979.1056044
McEliece, Robert J. (1979) Bounds of Delsarte and Lovász, and Their Applications to Coding Theory ; ISBN 978-3-662-38752-8; Algebraic Coding Theory and Applications; 107-178; 10.1007/978-3-662-39641-4_2
Berlekamp, Elwyn R. and McEliece, Robert J., el al. (1978) On the inherent intractability of certain coding problems ; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory; Vol. 24; No. 3; 384-386; 10.1109/TIT.1978.1055873
Shearer, James B. and McEliece, Robert J. (1977) There is no MacWilliams identity for convolutional codes ; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory; Vol. 23; No. 6; 775-776; 10.1109/TIT.1977.1055785
McEliece, Robert J. and Omura, Jim K. (1977) An improved upper bound on the block coding error exponent for binary-input discrete memoryless channels ; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory; Vol. 23; No. 5; 611-613; 10.1109/TIT.1977.1055772
McEliece, Robert J. and Rodemich, Eugene R., el al. (1977) New upper bounds on the rate of a code via the Delsarte-MacWilliams inequalities ; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory; Vol. 23; No. 2; 157-166; 10.1109/TIT.1977.1055688
McEliece, R. J. (1975) Irreducible Cyclic Codes and Gauss Sums ; ISBN 978-94-010-1828-9; Combinatorics; 185-202; 10.1007/978-94-010-1826-5_9
Welch, Lloyd R. and McEliece, Robert J., el al. (1974) A low-rate improvement on the Elias bound ; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory; Vol. 20; No. 5; 676-678; 10.1109/TIT.1974.1055279
McEliece, Robert J. (1973) Comments on 'A class of codes for axisymmetric channels and a problem from the additive theory of numbers' by Varshanov, R. R. ; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory; Vol. 19; No. 1; 137; 10.1109/TIT.1973.1054941
Baumert, L. D. and McEliece, R. J. (1973) A note on the Griesmer bound ; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory; Vol. 19; No. 1; 134-135; 10.1109/TIT.1973.1054939
McEliece, Robert J. (1970) On the symmetry of good nonlinear codes ; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory; Vol. 16; No. 5; 609-611; 10.1109/TIT.1970.1054508