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- Jin, Michael Yih-Hwa (1981) Temporal-Spatial Functional Analysis of the Class-II-a1 Motion Detection Cell of the Fly Calliphora phaenicia; 10.7907/ccc0-ws70
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- Arnett, David Woods (1971) Information Processing by the First Optic Ganglion in Dipterans; 10.7907/VSZT-PE65
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- Randall, David Lawrence (1970) Formal Methods in the Foundations of Science; 10.7907/KB5H-4F11
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- Hughes, Gordon Frierson (1964) A Threshold Gate Feed-Forward Switching Net Algorithm; 10.7907/K8X1-1697
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- Tanaka, Richard Isamu (1958) The Logical Design of a Serial General-Purpose Computer with Micro-Program Capabilities; 10.7907/TE7V-ZX24
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- Johnson, Robert Royce (1956) An Electronic Digital Polynomial Root Extractor; 10.7907/XSCJ-XT27
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- Upthegrove, Harry Nelson (1954) An Investigation of the Influence of Fuselage Elasticity on the Pitching Motion of a Controlled Missile; 10.7907/B4FA-2254
- Shennum, Robert Herman (1954) The Dielectric Recovery of Parallel Arcs; 10.7907/G0V3-BW26
- Anderson, Jack Steele (1953) An Analysis of Servomechanisms Containing a Dependent Variable Nonlinearity; 10.7907/SQ9A-3G13
- Duesterhoeft, William Charles (1953) Temperature Measurements of Large Power Arcs and the Relation of Temperature to Dielectric Recovery; 10.7907/XRPC-8159
- Howard, Robert Charles (1953) A Special Purpose Electric Analog Computer and its Application to the Solution of Certain Nonlinear Differential Equations; 10.7907/Y018-YQ64
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