Maxson, John H.
- Menard, Henry William (1947) Geology of the Agua Dulce Canyon area, Los Angeles County, California; 10.7907/K8WG-ES91
- Holser, William Thomas (1946) Geology of the Mint Canyon Area, Los Angeles County, California; 10.7907/J528-VK62
- Regan, Louis John (1941) The Composition, Texture, Structure, and Probable Origin of the "Gatchell" Sand; 10.7907/N2K8-7D80
- Wallace, Robert Earl (1940) Volcanic Tuff Beds of the Mint Canyon Formation; 10.7907/RC14-TJ83
- Holloway, John Marshall (1940) Areal Geology and Contact Relations of the Basement Complex and Later Sediments, West End of the San Gabriel Mountains, California; 10.7907/S8Q6-4M27
- Karubian, Ruhollah Yahyaw (1940) Surface and Subsurface Geology of Montebello Hills, California; 10.7907/F9D3-RE30
- Flint, Delos Edward (1939) The Geology of a Portion of the Humphreys Quadrangle, California; 10.7907/R5GP-JG41
- Rynearson, Garn Arthur (1938) Geology of the Fernando Pass Region; 10.7907/D34W-SF50
- Sharp, Robert Phillip (1935) Geology of the Ravenna Quadrangle, Los Angeles County, California; 10.7907/4364-VE20
- Judson, Jack Finlay (1935) Geology of the Le Brun and Mint Canyon Quadrangles, Los Angeles County, California; 10.7907/J2MK-KK74
- Scherb, Ivan Victor (1935) Geology of the Le Brun and Mint Canyon Quadrangles, California; 10.7907/RC5N-4B66
- Judson, Jack Finlay (1934) General Geology of the Verdugo Mountains; 10.7907/KFF4-5G61
- Chawner, William Donald (1934) The Montrose-La Crescenta (California) Flood of January 1, 1934, and its Sedimentary Aspects; 10.7907/F3ED-0V61
- Sharp, Robert Phillip (1934) Geology of the Tujunga region, Southwestern San Gabriel Mountains; 10.7907/6D8Y-3G83
- Ericson, David Barnard (1933) Geology of the Whittier Hills, California; 10.7907/2REH-7E70
- Bonillas, Ygnacio, III (1933) Geology of Tick Canyon; 10.7907/GCCT-S998