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- Linderman, Robert Bruce (1952) The Effect of pH on the Workability of Concrete; 10.7907/C141-5S39
- Quinlan, Patrick Michael (1949) A Fourier Integral Approach to an Aeolotropic Medium; 10.7907/CTQV-V186
- Soli, Orlan Alton and Ditch, William Earl (1947) A Study of the Effects of Rapidly Applied Loads and Repeated Loads on Countersunk Riveted Joints; 10.7907/WEWA-8A78
- Heller, William Edwin (1947) An Analysis of the Stresses in the Wall Slab of a Counterforted Retaining Wall; 10.7907/abs5-th87
- Harris, Robert Blynn (1947) An Investigation in the Reduction of Tabulated Loads for Bolted Joints Fabricated of Green Douglas Fir; 10.7907/4D9Y-VF55
- Sanders, Lewis B. (1947) An Investigation of Inspection Criteria for Countersunk Rivets; 10.7907/X2ZV-8G18
- Cobb, Charles Lewis (1941) An Investigation of the Deflection Curve for a Pile Due to a Horizontal Load
- Housner, George William (1941) An Investigation of the Effects of Earthquakes on Buildings; 10.7907/CTJR-HD62
- Byrne, Ralph Edward (1940) The Analysis of Stresses in a Thin Cylindrical Shell of Circular Cross-Section; 10.7907/4542-J330
- White, Merit Penniman (1935) Analytical Studies of the Dynamic Response of Certain Structures to Assumed Ground Movements; 10.7907/3Y5W-NG36
- Christensen, Nephi Albert (1934) The Effect of Openings on the Lateral Stiffness of Walls Between Continuous, Rigid Floor; 10.7907/bn1m-4p30
- Kingman, Douglas George (1929) Design of a Seismometer for Local Earthquakes; 10.7907/776b-hm65