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Stern, Ari and Tong, Yiying, el al. (2015) Geometric Computational Electrodynamics with Variational Integrators and Discrete Differential Forms ; ISBN 978-1-4939-2440-0; Geometry, Mechanics, and Dynamics; 437-475; 10.1007/978-1-4939-2441-7_19
Marsden, Jerrold E. and Wang, Hong, el al. (2014) Regular reduction of controlled Hamiltonian system with symplectic structure and symmetry ; Differential Geometry and its Applications; Vol. 33; 13-45; 10.1016/j.difgeo.2014.01.003
Ober-Blöbaum, Sina and Tao, Molei, el al. (2013) Variational integrators for electric circuits ; Journal of Computational Physics; Vol. 242; 498-530; 10.1016/
Yavari, Arash and Marsden, Jerrold E. (2012) Covariantization of nonlinear elasticity ; Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematick und Physik; Vol. 63; No. 5; 921-927; 10.1007/s00033-011-0191-7
Moore, Ashley and Blöbaum, Sina-Ober, el al. (2012) Trajectory Design Combining Invariant Manifolds with Discrete Mechanics and Optimal Control ; Journal of Guidance Control and Dynamics; Vol. 35; No. 5; 1507-1525; 10.2514/1.55426
Gay-Balmaz, François and Marsden, Jerrold E., el al. (2012) Reduced Variational Formulations in Free Boundary Continuum Mechanics ; Journal of Nonlinear Science; Vol. 22; No. 4; 463-497; 10.1007/s00332-012-9143-4
Maruskin, Jared M. and Bloch, Anthony M., el al. (2012) A Fiber Bundle Approach to the Transpositional Relations in Nonholonomic Mechanics ; Journal of Nonlinear Science; Vol. 22; No. 4; 431-461; 10.1007/s00332-012-9144-3
Chertock, Alina and Du Toit, Philip, el al. (2012) Integration of the EPDiff equation by particle methods ; ESAIM-Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis; Vol. 46; No. 3; 515-534; 10.1051/m2an/2011054
Kobilarov, Marin and Marsden, Jerrold E., el al. (2012) Global estimation in constrained environments ; International Journal of Robotics Research; Vol. 31; No. 1; 24-41; 10.1177/0278364911423558
Venturini, G. and Yang, J. Z., el al. (2011) Replica time integrators ; International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering; Vol. 88; No. 6; 586-611; 10.1002/nme.3202
Gawlik, E. S. and Mullen, P., el al. (2011) Geometric, variational discretization of continuum theories ; Physica D; Vol. 240; No. 21; 1724-1760; 10.1016/j.physd.2011.07.011
Kobilarov, Marin B. and Marsden, Jerrold E. (2011) Discrete Geometric Optimal Control on Lie Groups ; IEEE Transactions on Robotics; Vol. 27; No. 4; 641-655; 10.1109/TRO.2011.2139130
Grillo, Sergio and Marsden, Jerrold, el al. (2011) Lyapunov constraints and global asymptotic stabilization ; Journal of Geometric Mechanics; Vol. 3; No. 2; 145-196; 10.3934/jgm.2011.3.145
Mullen, P. and McKenzie, A., el al. (2011) Discrete Lie Advection of Differential Forms ; Foundations of Computational Mathematics; Vol. 11; No. 2; 131-149; 10.1007/s10208-010-9076-y
Ober-Blöbaum, Sina and Junge, Oliver, el al. (2011) Discrete mechanics and optimal control: An analysis ; ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations; Vol. 17; No. 2; 322-352; 10.1051/cocv/2010012
Pavlov, D. and Mullen, P., el al. (2011) Structure-preserving discretization of incompressible fluids ; Physica D; Vol. 240; No. 6; 443-458; 10.1016/j.physd.2010.10.012
Tao, Molei and Owhadi, Houman, el al. (2011) Space-time FLAVORS: finite difference, multisymlectic, and pseudospectral integrators for multiscale PDEs ; Dynamics of Partial Differential Equations; Vol. 8; No. 1; 21-45; 10.48550/arXiv.1104.0272
Marsden, Jerrold E. (2011) Geometry of Nonlinear Systems : CDS 202 lecture notes
Tao, Molei and Owhadi, Houman, el al. (2011) From efficient symplectic exponentiation of matrices to symplectic integration of high-dimensional Hamiltonian systems with slowly varying quadratic stiff potentials ; Applied Mathematics Research eXpress; Vol. 2011; No. 2; 242-280; 10.1093/amrx/abr008
Leyendecker, S. and Ober-Bloebaum, S., el al. (2010) Discrete mechanics and optimal control for constrained systems ; Optimal Control Applications and Methods; Vol. 31; No. 6; 505-528; 10.1002/oca.912
Du Toit, Philip C. and Marsden, Jerrold E. (2010) Horseshoes in hurricanes ; Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications; Vol. 7; No. 2; 351-384; 10.1007/s11784-010-0028-6
Vankerschaver, J. and Kanso, E., el al. (2010) The Dynamics of a Rigid Body in Potential Flow with
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Yanao, Tomohiro and Koon, Wang Sang, el al. (2010) A Nonequilibrium Rate Formula for Collective Motions of Complex Molecular Systems ; ISBN 978-0-7354-0834-0; Numerical analysis and applied mathematics; 1597-1600; 10.1063/1.3498120
Tao, Molei and Owhadi, Houman, el al. (2010) Nonintrusive and Structure Preserving Multiscale Integration of Stiff ODEs, SDEs, and Hamiltonian Systems with Hidden Slow Dynamics via Flow Averaging ; Multiscale Modeling and Simulation; Vol. 8; No. 4; 1269-1324; 10.1137/090771648
Tao, Molei and Owhadi, Houman, el al. (2010) Temperature and Friction Accelerated Sampling of Boltzmann-Gibbs Distribution ; 10.48550/arXiv.1007.0995
Tao, Molei and Owhadi, Houman, el al. (2010) Structure preserving Stochastic Impulse Methods for stiff Langevin systems with a uniform global error of order 1 or 1/2 on position ; 10.48550/arXiv.1006.4657
Kobilarov, Marin and Marsden, Jerrold E., el al. (2010) Geometric discretization of nonholonomic systems with symmetries ; Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems Series S; Vol. 3; No. 1; 61-84; 10.3934/dcdss.2010.3.61
Bloch, Anthony M. and Leok, Melvin, el al. (2010) Controlled Lagrangians and stabilization of discrete mechanical systems ; Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems Series S; Vol. 3; No. 1; 19-36; 10.3934/dcdss.2010.3.19
Jacobs, Henry and Nair, Sujit, el al. (2010) Multiscale Surveillance of Riemannian Manifolds ; ISBN 978-1-4244-7426-4; 2010 American Control Conference (ACC); 5732-5737
Bosanac, Natasha and Marsden, Jerrold E., el al. (2010) Titan Trajectory Design Using Invariant Manifolds and Resonant Gravity Assists ; ISBN 9780877035602; Spaceflight Mechanics 2010; 1057-1070
Yoshimura, Hiroaki and Jacobs, Henry, el al. (2010) Interconnection of Dirac Structures and Lagrange-Dirac
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Nair, Sujit and Chevva, Konda Reddy, el al. (2009) Multiple target detection using Bayesian learning ; ISBN 978-1-4244-3871-6; Proceedings of the 48h IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) held jointly with 2009 28th Chinese Control Conference; 8549-8554; 10.1109/CDC.2009.5399565
Or, Yizhar and Vankerschaver, Joris, el al. (2009) Geometric control of particle manipulation in a two-dimensional fluid ; ISBN 978-1-4244-3871-6; Proceedings of the 48h IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) held jointly with 2009 28th Chinese Control Conference; 19-26; 10.1109/CDC.2009.5399499
Krechetnikov, Rouslan and Marsden, Jerrold E. (2009) Dissipation-Induced Instability Phenomena in Infinite-Dimensional Systems ; Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis; Vol. 194; No. 2; 611-668; 10.1007/s00205-008-0193-6
Krechetnikov, R. and Marsden, J. E. (2009) On the origin and nature of finite-amplitude instabilities in physical systems ; Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical; Vol. 42; No. 41; Art. No. 412004; 10.1088/1751-8113/42/41/412004
Nair, Sujit and Ober-Blöbaum, Sina, el al. (2009) The Jacobi-Maupertuis Principle in Variational Integrators ; ISBN 9780735407091; Numerical analysis and applied mathematics : International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2009 : Rethymno, Crete, Greece, 18-22 September 2009; 464-467; 10.1063/1.3241498
Bloch, Anthony M. and Brînzănescu, Vasile, el al. (2009) A Class of Integrable Flows on the Space of Symmetric Matrices ; Communications in Mathematical Physics; Vol. 290; No. 2; 399-435; 10.1007/s00220-009-0849-6
Tao, Molei and Owhadi, Houman, el al. (2009) Non-intrusive and structure preserving multiscale integration of stiff ODEs, SDEs and Hamiltonian systems with hidden slow dynamics via flow averaging ; 10.7907/QZNP-SR14
Krechetnikov, R. and Marsden, J. E., el al. (2009) A low-dimensional model of separation bubbles ; Physica D; Vol. 238; No. 14; 1152-1160; 10.1016/j.physd.2009.03.017
Yavari, Arash and Marsden, Jerrold E. (2009) Energy balance invariance for interacting particle systems ; Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik; Vol. 60; No. 4; 723-738; 10.1007/s00033-008-8059-1
Vankerschaver, Joris and Kanso, Eva, el al. (2009) The geometry and dynamics of interacting rigid bodies and point vortices ; Journal of Geometric Mechanics; Vol. 1; No. 2; 223-266; 10.3934/jgm.2009.1.223
Bloch, Anthony M. and Marsden, Jerrold E., el al. (2009) Quasivelocities and symmetries in non-holonomic systems ; Dynamical Systems; Vol. 24; No. 2; 187-222; 10.1080/14689360802609344
Yanao, Tomohiro and Koon, Wang Sang, el al. (2009) Intramolecular energy transfer and the driving mechanisms for large-amplitude collective motions of clusters ; Journal of Chemical Physics; Vol. 130; No. 14; 144111; 10.1063/1.3098141
Bou-Rabee, Nawaf and Marsden, Jerrold E. (2009) Hamilton–Pontryagin integrators on Lie groups part I: introduction and structure-preserving properties ; Foundations of Computational Mathematics; Vol. 9; No. 2; 197-219; 10.1007/s10208-008-9030-4
Du Toit, Philip and Mezić, Igor, el al. (2009) Coupled oscillator models with no scale separation ; Physica D; Vol. 238; No. 5; 490-501; 10.1016/j.physd.2008.11.014
Gawlik, Evan S. and Marsden, Jerrold E., el al. (2009) Lagrangian coherent structures in the planar elliptic restricted three-body problem ; Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy; Vol. 103; No. 3; 227-249; 10.1007/s10569-008-9180-3
Yoshimura, Hiroaki and Marsden, Jerrold E. (2009) Dirac cotangent bundle reduction ; Journal of Geometric Mechanics; Vol. 1; No. 1; 87-158; 10.3934/jgm.2009.1.87
Shadden, Shawn C. and Lekien, Francois, el al. (2009) The correlation between surface drifters and coherent structures based on high-frequency radar data in Monterey Bay ; Deep-Sea Research. Part II, Topical Studies in Oceanography; Vol. 56; No. 3-5; 161-172; 10.1016/j.dsr2.2008.08.008
Yavari, Arash and Marsden, Jerrold E. (2009) Covariant balance laws in continua with microstructure ; Reports on Mathematical Physics; Vol. 63; No. 1; 1-42; 10.1016/S0034-4877(09)00007-X
Moore, Ashley and Ober-Blöbaumy, Sina, el al. (2009) Optimization of Spacecraft Trajectories: A Method Combining Invariant Manifold Techniques and Discrete Mechanics and Optimal Control ; ISBN 978-0-87703-554-1; Spaceflight Mechanics 2009; 2387-2406
Xu, Zhiliang and Chen, Nan, el al. (2009) Study of blood flow impact on growth of thrombi using a multiscale model ; Soft Matter; Vol. 5; No. 4; 769-779; 10.1039/b812429a
Gawlik, Evan S. and Marsden, Jerrold E., el al. (2009) Invariant manifolds, discrete mechanics, and trajectory design for a mission to Titan ; ISBN 978-0-87703-554-1; Spaceflight mechanics 2009; 1887-1903
Marsden, Jerrold E. and Ratiu, Tudor S. (2009) Mechanical Systems: Symmetry and Reduction ; ISBN 9780387758886; Encyclopedia of Complexity and Systems Science; 5482-5510; 10.1007/978-0-387-30440-3
Castrillón López, Marco and Gotay, Mark J., el al. (2009) Concatenating Variational Principles and the Kinetic Stress-Energy-Momentum Tensor ; ISBN 9781604569209; Variations, Geometry and Physics; 117-128; 10.48550/arXiv.0711.4679
Castrillón López, Marco and Marsden, Jerrold E. (2008) Covariant and dynamical reduction for principal bundle
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Leyendecker, Sigrid and Marsden, Jerrold E., el al. (2008) Variational integrators for constrained dynamical systems ; Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik; Vol. 88; No. 9; 677-708; 10.1002/zamm.200700173
Marsden, Jerrold E. and Ratiu, Tudor S. (2008) Geometry and analysis in physical systems; papers presented in honour of Darryl D Holm's 60th birthday ; Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical; Vol. 41; No. 34; Art. No. 340301; 10.1088/1751-8121/41/34/340301
Bloch, Anthony M. and Crouch, Peter E., el al. (2008) Optimal Control and Geodesics on Quadratic Matrix Lie Groups ; Foundations of Computational Mathematics; Vol. 8; No. 4; 469-500; 10.1007/s10208-008-9025-1
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Bou-Rabee, Nawaf M. and Marsden, Jerrold E., el al. (2008) Dissipation-Induced Heteroclinic Orbits in Tippe Tops ; SIAM Review; Vol. 50; No. 2; 325-344; 10.1137/080716177
Brezhneva, Olga A. and Tret'yakov, Alexey A., el al. (2008) Higher order implicit function theorems and degenerate nonlinear boundary-value problems ; Communications Pure and Applied Analysis; Vol. 7; No. 2; 293-315; 10.3934/cpaa.2008.7.293
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Leyendecker, Sigrid and Ober-Blŏbaum, S., el al. (2008) Discrete mechanics and optimal control for constrained systems ; ISBN 978-0-7918-4806-7; Proceedings of the ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference; 623-632; 10.1002/oca.912
Yoshimura, Hiroaki and Marsden, Jerrold E. (2008) Representations of Dirac Structures and Implicit Port-Controlled Lagrangian Systems
Stern, A. and Tong, Y., el al. (2008) Variational Integrators for Maxwell's Equations with Sources ; ISBN 978-1-934142-06-6; PIERS 2008 Cambridge, Proceedings; 443-447; 10.2529/PIERS071019000855
Pekarek, David N. and Marsden, Jerrold E. (2008) Variational Collision Integrators and Optimal Control
Vankerschaver, Joris and Kanso, Eva, el al. (2008) The motion of solid bodies in potential flow with circulation: a geometric outlook ; ISBN 978-0-7918-4335-2; Proceedings of the ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference 2008, Parts A and B; 1067-1074; 10.1115/DSCC2008-2292
Castrillón López, Marco and Gotay, Mark J., el al. (2008) Parametrization and stress–energy–momentum tensors in metric field theories ; Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical; Vol. 41; No. 34; 344002; 10.1088/1751-8113/41/34/344002
Kobilarov, Marin and Desbrun, Mathieu, el al. (2008) A Discrete Geometric Optimal Control Framework for Systems with Symmetries
Shadden, S. C. and Katija, K., el al. (2007) Transport and stirring induced by vortex formation ; Journal of Fluid Mechanics; Vol. 593; 315-331; 10.1017/S0022112007008865
Yanao, Tomohiro and Koon, Wang S., el al. (2007) Collective coordinates and the mechanism for conformational transitions of complex molecules ; Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics; Vol. 7; No. 1; 1080503-1080504; 10.1002/pamm.200700486
Yoshimura, Hiroaki and Marsden, Jerrold E. (2007) Reduction of Dirac Structures and the Hamilton-Pontryagin Principle ; Reports on Mathematical Physics; Vol. 60; No. 3; 381-426; 10.1016/S0034-4877(08)00004-9
Bloch, Anthony M. and Leok, Melvin, el al. (2007) Matching and stabilization of discrete mechanical systems ; Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics; Vol. 7; No. 1; 1030603-1030604; 10.1002/pamm.200700390
Coulliette, Chad and Lekien, Francois, el al. (2007) Optimal Pollution Mitigation in Monterey Bay Based on Coastal Radar Data and Nonlinear Dynamics ; Environmental Science and Technology; Vol. 41; No. 18; 6562-6572; 10.1021/es0630691
Kanso, Eva and Arroyo, Marino, el al. (2007) On the geometric character of stress in continuum mechanics ; Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematick und Physik; Vol. 58; No. 5; 843-856; 10.1007/s00033-007-6141-8
Lekien, Francois and Shadden, Shawn C., el al. (2007) Lagrangian coherent structures in n-dimensional systems ; Journal of Mathematical Physics; Vol. 48; No. 6; Art. No. 065404; 10.1063/1.2740025
Krechetnikov, R. and Marsden, J. E. (2007) Dissipation-induced instabilities in finite dimensions ; Reviews of Modern Physics; Vol. 79; No. 2; 519-553; 10.1103/RevModPhys.79.519
Yanao, Tomohiro and Koon, Wang S., el al. (2007) Gyration-radius dynamics in structural transitions of atomic clusters ; Journal of Chemical Physics; Vol. 126; No. 12; Art. No. 124102; 10.1063/1.2710272
Pekarek, David and Ames, Aaron D., el al. (2007) Discrete Mechanics and Optimal Control Applied to the Compass Gait Biped ; ISBN 978-1-4244-1497-0; 46th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control; 5376-5382; 10.1109/CDC.2007.4434296
Yoshimura, Hiroaki and Marsden, Jerrold E. (2007) Dirac structures and the Legendre transformation for implicit Lagrangian and Hamiltonian systems ; ISBN 9783540738893; Lagrangian and Hamiltonian methods for nonlinear control 2006: Proceedings from the 3rd IFAC workshop; 233-247; 10.1007/978-3-540-73890-9_18
Yoshimura, Hiroaki and Marsden, Jerrold E. (2006) Dirac structures in Lagrangian mechanics. Part II: Variational structures ; Journal of Geometry and Physics; Vol. 57; No. 1; 209-250; 10.1016/j.geomphys.2006.02.012
Yoshimura, Hiroaki and Marsden, Jerrold E. (2006) Dirac Structures in Lagrangian Mechanics.
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Marsden, Jerrold E. (2006) The Influence of G&H on Nonlinear Dynamics ; Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics; Vol. 1; No. 4; 275-276; 10.1115/1.2338665
Yanao, T. and Koon, W. S., el al. (2006) Mass-Related Dynamical Barriers in Triatomic Reactions ; Few-Body Systems; Vol. 38; No. 2-4; 161-166; 10.1007/s00601-005-0138-7
Gabern, F. and Koon, W. S., el al. (2006) Application of Tube Dynamics to Non-Statistical Reaction Processes ; Few-Body Systems; Vol. 38; No. 2-4; 167-172; 10.1007/s00601-005-0136-9
Jalnapurkar, Sameer M. and Leok, Melvin, el al. (2006) Discrete Routh reduction ; Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General; Vol. 39; No. 19; 5521-5544; 10.1088/0305-4470/39/19/S12
Yanao, Tomohiro and Koon, Wang S., el al. (2006) Mass effects and internal space geometry in triatomic reaction dynamics ; Physical Review A; Vol. 73; No. 5; Art. No. 052704; 10.1103/PhysRevA.73.052704
Gabern, Frederic and Koon, Wang S., el al. (2006) Parking a Spacecraft near an Asteroid Pair ; Journal of Guidance Control and Dynamics; Vol. 29; No. 3; 544-553
Yavari, Arash and Marsden, Jerrold E., el al. (2006) On spatial and material covariant balance laws in elasticity ; Journal of Mathematical Physics; Vol. 47; No. 4; Art. No. 042903; 10.1063/1.2190827
Shadden, Shawn C. and Dabiri, John O., el al. (2006) Lagrangian analysis of fluid transport in empirical vortex ring flows ; Physics of Fluids; Vol. 18; No. 4; Art. No. 047105; 10.1063/1.2189885
Afshari, E. and Bhat, H. S., el al. (2006) Extremely wideband signal shaping using one- and two-dimensional nonuniform nonlinear transmission lines ; Journal of Applied Physics; Vol. 99; No. 5; Art. No. 054901; 10.1063/1.2174126
Krechetnikov, R. and Marsden, J. E. (2006) On destabilizing effects of two fundamental non-conservative forces ; Physica D; Vol. 214; No. 1; 25-32; 10.1016/j.physd.2005.12.003
Bloch, Anthony M. and Leok, Melvin, el al. (2006) Controlled Lagrangians and Stabilization of the Discrete Cart-Pendulum System ; ISBN 0-7803-9567-0; 44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control & European Control Conference; 6579-6584; 10.1109/CDC.2005.1583218
Junge, Oliver and Marsden, Jerrold E., el al. (2006) Optimal Reconfiguration of Formation Flying Spacecraft--a Decentralized Approach ; ISBN 978-1-4244-0170-3; Proceedings of the 45th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control; 5210-5215; 10.1109/CDC.2006.376977
Yoshimura, Hiroaki and Marsden, Jerrold E. (2006) Dirac Structures and Implicit Lagrangian Systems in Electric Networks
Kharevych, L. and Wei, W., el al. (2006) Geometric, Variational Integrators for Computer Animation ; ISBN 9783905673340; Computer animation 2006 : ACM SIGGRAPH / Eurographics Symposium Proceedings : Vienna, Austria September 2 - 4, 2006; 43-51
Bloch, Anthony M. and Marsden, Jerrold E., el al. (2006) Controlled Lagrangians and Potential Shaping for Stabilization of Discrete Mechanical Systems ; ISBN 978-1-4244-0170-3; Proceedings of the 45th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control; 3333-3338; 10.1109/CDC.2006.376695
Gabern, F. and Koon, W. S., el al. (2006) Binary Asteroid Observation Orbits from a Global Dynamical Perspective ; SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems; Vol. 5; No. 2; 252-279; 10.1137/050641843
Marsden, Jerrold E. and Ross, Shane D. (2006) New methods in celestial mechanics and mission design ; Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society; Vol. 43; No. 1; 43-73
Shadden, Shawn C. and Lekien, Francois, el al. (2005) Definition and properties of Lagrangian coherent structures from finite-time Lyapunov exponents in two-dimensional aperiodic flows ; Physica D; Vol. 212; No. 3-4; 271-304; 10.1016/j.physd.2005.10.007
Gabern, Frederic and Koon, Wang S., el al. (2005) Theory and computation of non-RRKM lifetime distributions and rates in chemical systems with three or more degrees of freedom ; Physica D; Vol. 211; No. 3-4; 391-406; 10.1016/j.physd.2005.09.008
Lekien, Francois and Coulliette, Chad, el al. (2005) Pollution release tied to invariant manifolds: A case study for the coast of Florida ; Physica D; Vol. 210; No. 1-2; 1-20; 10.1016/j.physd.2005.06.023
Bou-Rabee, Nawaf M. and Marsden, Jerrold E., el al. (2005) A geometric treatment of Jellett's egg ; ZAMM - Journal of Applied Mathematics; Vol. 85; No. 9; 618-642; 10.1002/zamm.200410207
Desbrun, Mathieu and Hirani, Anil N., el al. (2005) Discrete Exterior Calculus ; 10.48550/arXiv.0508341
Kanso, E. and Marsden, J. E., el al. (2005) Locomotion of Articulated Bodies in a Perfect Fluid ; Journal of Nonlinear Science; Vol. 15; No. 4; 255-289; 10.1007/s00332-004-0650-9
Dellnitz, Michael and Junge, Oliver, el al. (2005) Transport of Mars-Crossing Asteroids from the Quasi-Hilda Region ; Physical Review Letters; Vol. 94; No. 23; Art. No. 231102; 10.1103/PhysRevLett.94.231102
Desbrun, Mathieu and Leok, Melvin, el al. (2005) Discrete Poincaré Lemma ; Applied Numerical Mathematics; Vol. 53; No. 2-4; 231-248; 10.1016/j.apnum.2004.09.035
Lekien, F. and Marsden, J. (2005) Tricubic interpolation in three dimensions ; International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering; Vol. 63; No. 3; 455-471; 10.1002/nme.1296
Hernández-Garduño, Antonio and Marsden, J. E. (2005) Regularization of the Amended Potential and the Bifurcation of Relative Equilibria ; Journal of Nonlinear Science; Vol. 15; No. 2; 93-132; 10.1007/s00332-004-0544-x
Bhat, H. S. and Fetecau, R. C., el al. (2005) Lagrangian Averaging for Compressible Fluids ; Multiscale Modeling and Simulation; Vol. 3; No. 4; 818-837; 10.1137/030601739
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Dellnitz, Michael and Junge, Oliver, el al. (2005) Transport in dynamical astronomy and multibody problems ; International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering; Vol. 15; No. 3; 699-727; 10.1142/S0218127405012545
Bloch, Anthony M. and Marsden, Jerrold E., el al. (2005) Nonholonomic Dynamics ; Notices of the American Mathematical Society; Vol. 52; No. 3; 320-329
Cendra, Hernán and Marsden, Jerrold E. (2005) Geometric Mechanics and the Dynamics of Asteroid Pairs ; Dynamical Systems; Vol. 20; No. 1; 3-21; 10.1080/1468936042000269578
Kanso, Eva and Marsden, Jerrold E. (2005) Optimal Motion of an Articulated Body in a Perfect Fluid ; ISBN 0-7803-9567-0; 2005 44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control & European Control Conference; 10.1109/CDC.2005.1582540
Inanc, Tamer and Shadden, Shawn C., el al. (2005) Optimal trajectory generation in ocean flows ; ISBN 0-7803-9098-9; Proceedings of the 2005 American Control Conference; 674-679; 10.1109/ACC.2005.1470035
Dellnitz, M. and Grubits, K. A., el al. (2005) Set oriented computation of transport rates in 3-degree of freedom systems: the Rydberg atom in crossed fields ; Regular and Chaotic Dynamics; Vol. 10; No. 2; 173-192; 10.1070/RD2005v010n02ABEH000310
Vasylkevych, Sergiy and Marsden, Jerrold E. (2005) The Lie-Poisson Structure of the Euler Equations of an Ideal Fluid ; Dynamics of Partial Differential Equations; Vol. 2; No. 4; 281-300
Gabern, F. and Koon, W. S., el al. (2005) Spacecraft dynamics near a binary asteroid ; Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems; Vol. 2005; No. Supple; 297-306
Lekien, F. and Coulliette, C., el al. (2004) Open-boundary modal analysis: Interpolation, extrapolation, and filtering ; Journal of Geophysical Research C; Vol. 109; No. C12; Art. No. C12004; 10.1029/2004JC002323
Junge, Oliver and Marsden, Jerrold E., el al. (2004) Uncertainty in the dynamics of conservative maps ; ISBN 0-7803-8682-5; IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 43rd (CDC 2004), Nassau, Bahamas, 14-17 December 2004; 2225-2230; 10.1109/CDC.2004.1430379
Holm, Darryl D. and Marsden, Jerrold E. (2004) Momentum maps and measure-valued solutions (peakons, filaments, and sheets) for the EPDiff equation ; ISBN 0817635653; The Breadth of Symplectic and Poisson Geometry; 203-235; 10.1007/0-8176-4419-9_8
Gomez, G. and Koon, W. S., el al. (2004) Connecting orbits and invariant manifolds in the spatial restricted three-body problem ; Nonlinearity; Vol. 17; No. 5; 1571-1606; 10.1088/0951-7715/17/5/002
Chang, Dong Eui and Marsden, Jerrold E. (2004) Reduction of Controlled Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Systems with Symmetry ; SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization; Vol. 43; No. 1; 277-300; 10.1137/S0363012902412951
Lew, A. and Marsden, J. E., el al. (2004) Variational time integrators ; International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering; Vol. 60; No. 1; 153-212; 10.1002/nme.958
Koon, Wang Sang and Marsden, Jerrold E., el al. (2004) Geometric Mechanics and the Dynamics of Asteroid Pairs ; ISBN 9781573315135; Astrodynamics, space missions, and chaos; 11-38; 10.1196/annals.1311.002
Vela-Arevalo, Luz V. and Marsden, Jerrold E. (2004) Time-frequency analysis of the restricted three-body problem: transport and resonance transitions ; Classical and Quantum Gravity; Vol. 21; No. 3; S351-S375; 10.1088/0264-9381/21/3/022
Ross, S. D. and Koon, W. S., el al. (2004) Application of dynamical systems theory to a very low energy transfer ; ISBN 978-0-87703-515-2; AAS/AIAA Spaceflight Mechanics Meeting 2004; 2991-3003
Zhao, Hongwu and Mohseni, Kamran, el al. (2004) Dynamic modeling of α in the isotropic lagrangian averaged navier-stokes-α equations ; ISBN 0791847098; Proceedings of the ASME Fluids Engineering Division--2004 $h [electronic resource] : presented at 2004 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition : November 13-19, 2004, Anaheim, California, USA; 1-9; 10.1115/IMECE2004-61591
Woolsey, Craig and Reddy, Chevva Konda, el al. (2004) Controlled Lagrangian systems with gyroscopic forcing and dissipation ; European Journal of Control; Vol. 10; No. 5; 478-496
Bou-Rabee, Nawaf M. and Marsden, Jerrold E., el al. (2004) Tippe Top Inversion as a Dissipation-Induced Instability ; SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems; Vol. 3; No. 3; 352-377; 10.1137/030601351
Lew, Adrian and Marsden, Jerrold E., el al. (2004) An Overview of Variational Integrators ; ISBN 9788495999498; Finite Element Methods: 1970's and Beyond; 1-18
Chang, Dong Eui and Shadden, Shawn C., el al. (2003) Collision avoidance for multiple agent systems ; ISBN 0-7803-7924-1; Proceedings of the 42nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, December 9-12, 2003, Maui, HI, USA; 539-543; 10.1109/CDC.2003.1272619
Desbrun, Mathieu and Hirani, Anil N., el al. (2003) Discrete exterior calculus for variational problems in computer vision and graphics ; ISBN 0-7803-7924-1; 42nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control; 4902-4907; 10.1109/CDC.2003.1272393
Tret'yakov, Alexey and Marsden, Jerrold E. (2003) Factor-Analysis of nonlinear mappings: p-regularity theory ; Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis; Vol. 2; No. 4; 425-445; 10.3934/cpaa.2003.2.425
Shashikanth, Banavara N. and Marsden, Jerrold E. (2003) Leapfrogging vortexrings: Hamiltonian structure, geometric
phases and discrete reduction ; Fluid Dynamics Research; Vol. 33; No. 4; 333-356; 10.1016/j.fluiddyn.2003.05.001
Castrillón López, Marco and Marsden, Jerrold E. (2003) Some remarks on Lagrangian and Poisson reduction for field theories ; Journal of Geometry and Physics; Vol. 48; No. 1; 52-83; 10.1016/S0393-0440(03)00025-1
Lall, Sanjay and Krysl, Petr, el al. (2003) Structure-preserving model reduction for mechanical systems ; Physica D; Vol. 184; No. 1-4; 304-318; 10.1016/S0167-2789(03)00227-6
Cendra, Hernán and Marsden, Jerrold E., el al. (2003) Variational Principles for Lie—Poisson and Hamilton—Poincaré
Equations ; Moscow Mathematical Journal; Vol. 3; No. 3; 833-867
Lekien, Francois and Coulliette, Chad, el al. (2003) Lagrangian Structures in Very High-Frequency Radar Data and Optimal Pollution Timing ; ISBN 0-7354-0145-4; Experimental chaos : 7th Experimental Chaos Conference, San Diego, California, 26-29 August 2002; 162-168; 10.1063/1.1612209
Lekien, Francois and Coulliette, Chad, el al. (2003) Lagrangian Structures in Very High-Frequency Radar Data and Optimal Pollution Timing ; ISBN 0-7354-0145-4; Experimental Chaos; 162-168; 10.1063/1.1612209
Hernán, Cendra and Marsden, Jerrold E., el al. (2003) Variational principles for Lie-Poisson and Hamilton-Poincaré equations ; Moscow Mathematical Journal; Vol. 3; No. 3; 833-867
Chang, Dong Eui and Marsden, Jerrold E. (2003) Geometric Derivation of the Delaunay Variables and Geometric Phases ; Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy; Vol. 86; No. 2; 185-208; 10.1023/A:1024174702036
Lew, A. and Marsden, J. E., el al. (2003) Asynchronous Variational Integrators ; Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis; Vol. 167; No. 2; 85-146; 10.1007/s00205-002-0212-y
Mohseni, Kamran and Kosovic, Branko, el al. (2003) Numerical simulations of the Lagrangian averaged Navier–Stokes equations for homogeneous isotropic turbulence ; Physics of Fluids; Vol. 15; No. 2; 524-544; 10.1063/1.1533069
Rowley, Clarence W. and Kevrekidis, Ioannis G., el al. (2003) Reduction and reconstruction for self-similar dynamical systems ; Nonlinearity; Vol. 16; No. 4; 1257-1275; 10.1088/0951-7715/16/4/304
Marsden, Jerrold E. and Shkoller, Steve (2003) The Anisotropic Lagrangian Averaged Euler
and Navier-Stokes Equations ; Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis; Vol. 166; No. 1; 27-46; 10.1007/s00205-002-0207-8
Fetecau, R. C. and Marsden, Jerrold E., el al. (2003) Variational Multisymplectic Formulations of Nonsmooth Continuum Mechanics ; ISBN 9780387003122; Perspectives and problems in nonlinear science : a celebratory volume in honor of Lawrence Sirovich; 229-262
Zenkov, Dmitry V. and Bloch, Anthony M., el al. (2003) Controlled Lagrangian Methods and Tracking of Accelerated Motions ; ISBN 0-7803-7924-1; Proceedings of the 42nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control; 533-538; 10.1109/CDC.2003.1272618
Cendra, Hernán and Marsden, Jerrold, el al. (2003) Cocycles, compatibility, and Poisson brackets for complex fluids ; ISBN 0817643249; Advances in Multifield Theories for Continua with Substructure; 51-73
Ross, S. D. and Koon, W. S., el al. (2003) Design of a Multi-Moon Orbiter ; ISBN 978-0-87703-504-6; Spaceflight Mechanics 2003; 669-683
Fetecau, R. C. and Marsden, J. E., el al. (2003) Nonsmooth Lagrangian mechanics and variational collision integrators ; SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems; Vol. 2; No. 3; 381-416; 10.1137/S1111111102406038
Gómez, G. and Koon, W. S., el al. (2003) Invariant Manifolds, the Spatial Three-Body Problem and Petit Grand Tour of Jovian Moons ; ISBN 981-238-363-8; Libration point orbits and applications; 587-601
Chang, Dong Eui and Marsden, Jerrold E. (2003) Gyroscopic Forces and Collision Avoidance with Convex Obstacles ; ISBN 9783540404743; New Trends in Nonlinear Dynamics and Control and their Applications; 145-159; 10.1007/978-3-540-45056-6_9
Zenkov, Dmitry V. and Bloch, Anthony M., el al. (2002) Flat Nonholonomic Matching ; ISBN 0-7803-7298-0; Proceedings of the 2002 American Control Conference; 2812-2817; 10.1109/ACC.2002.1025215
Bloch, Anthony M. and Crouch, Peter E., el al. (2002) The symmetric representation of the rigid body equations and their discretization ; Nonlinearity; Vol. 15; No. 4; 1309-1341; 10.1088/0951-7715/15/4/316
Jaffé, Charles and Ross, Shane D., el al. (2002) Statistical Theory of Asteroid Escape Rates ; Physical Review Letters; Vol. 89; No. 1; Art. No. 011101; 10.1103/PhysRevLett.89.011101
Chang, Dong Eui and Bloch, Anthony M., el al. (2002) The equivalence of controlled Lagrangian and controlled Hamiltonian systems ; ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations; Vol. 8; No. Specia; 393-422; 10.1051/cocv:2002045
Lall, Sanjay and Marsden, Jerrold E., el al. (2002) A subspace approach to balanced truncation for model reduction of nonlinear control systems ; International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control; Vol. 12; No. 6; 519-535; 10.1002/rnc.657
Zenkov, Dmitry V. and Bloch, Anthony M., el al. (2002) The Lyapunov-Malkin Theorem and Stabilization of the Unicycle with Rider ; Systems and Control Letters; Vol. 45; No. 4; 293-302; 10.1016/S0167-6911(01)00187-6
Serban, Radu and Koon, Wang S., el al. (2002) Halo orbit mission correction maneuvers using optimal control ; Automatica; Vol. 38; No. 4; 571-583; 10.1016/S0005-1098(01)00279-5
Pandolfi, A. and Kane, C., el al. (2002) Time-discretized variational formulation of non-smooth
frictional contact ; International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering; Vol. 53; No. 8; 1801-1829; 10.1002/nme.361
Shashikanth, Banavara N. and Marsden, Jerrold E., el al. (2002) The Hamiltonian structure of a two-dimensional rigid circular cylinder interacting dynamically with N point vortices ; Physics of Fluids; Vol. 14; No. 3; 1214-1227; 10.1063/1.1445183
Chang, Dong Eui and Chichka, David F., el al. (2002) Lyapunov-based transfer between elliptic Keplerian orbits ; Discreet and Continuous Dynamical Systems Series B; Vol. 2; No. 1; 57-67; 10.3934/dcdsb.2002.2.57
Holm, Darryl D. and Marsden, Jerrold E., el al. (2002) The Euler-Poincaré Equations in Geophysical Fluid Dynamics ; ISBN 0521807573; Large-scale Atmosphere-ocean Dynamics II: Geometric methods and models; 251-300
Rowley, Clarence W. and Marsden, Jerrold E. (2002) Variational integrators for degenerate Lagrangians, with application to point vortices ; ISBN 0-7803-7516-5; Proceedings of the 41st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control; 1521-1527; 10.1109/CDC.2002.1184735
Clerc, Marcel G. and Marsden, Jerrold E. (2001) Dissipation-induced instabilities in an optical cavity laser: A mechanical analog near the 1:1 resonance ; Physical Review E; Vol. 64; No. 6; Art. No. 067603; 10.1103/PhysRevE.64.067603
Woolsey, C. A. and Bloch, A. M., el al. (2001) Dissipation and Controlled Euler-Poincaré Systems ; ISBN 0780370619; Proceedings of the 40th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2001; 3378-3383; 10.1109/.2001.980356
Bloch, Anthony M. and Chang, Dong Eui, el al. (2001) Controlled Lagrangians and the stabilization of mechanical systems. II. Potential shaping ; IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control; Vol. 46; No. 10; 1556-1571; 10.1109/9.956051
Koon, W. S. and Lo, M. W., el al. (2001) Resonance and Capture of Jupiter Comets ; Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy; Vol. 81; No. 1-2; 27-38; 10.1023/A:1013398801813
Koon, W. S. and Lo, M. W., el al. (2001) Low Energy Transfer to the Moon ; Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy; Vol. 81; No. 1-2; 63-73; 10.1023/A:1013359120468
Marsden, Jerrold E. and Shkoller, Steve (2001) Global well–posedness for the Lagrangian averaged Navier–Stokes (LANS–α) equations on bounded domains ; Philosophical Transactions A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences; Vol. 359; No. 1784; 1449-1468; 10.1098/rsta.2001.0852
Marsden, Jerrold E. and Shkoller, Steve (2001) Global well-posedness for the Lagrangian averaged Navier-Stokes (LANS-α) equations on bounded domains ; Philosophical Transactions A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences; Vol. 359; No. 1784; 1449-1468; 10.1098/rsta.2001.0852
Cendra, Hernán and Marsden, Jerrold E., el al. (2001) Lagrangian Reduction by Stages ; Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society; Vol. 152; No. 722; 1-108
Alber, Mark S. and Camassa, Roberto, el al. (2001) The Complex Geometry of Weak Piecewise Smooth Solutions of Integrable Nonlinear PDE's of Shallow Water and Dym Type ; Communications in Mathematical Physics; Vol. 221; No. 1; 197-227; 10.1007/PL00005573
Krysl, P. and Lall, S., el al. (2001) Dimensional model reduction in non-linear finite element
dynamics of solids and structures ; International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering; Vol. 51; No. 4; 479-504; 10.1002/nme.167
Marsden, Jerrold E. and Pekarsky, Sergey, el al. (2001) Variational methods, multisymplectic geometry and continuum mechanics ; Journal of Geometry and Physics; Vol. 38; No. 3-4; 253-284; 10.1016/S0393-0440(00)00066-8
Marsden, J. E. and West, M. (2001) Discrete mechanics and variational integrators ; Act Numerica; Vol. 10; No. 5; 357-514; 10.1017/S096249290100006X
Bloch, Anthony M. and Leonard, Naomi Ehrich, el al. (2001) Controlled Lagrangians and the stabilization of Euler-Poincaré mechanical systems ; International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control; Vol. 11; No. 3; 191-214; 10.1002/rnc.572
Woolsey, C. A. and Bloch, A. M., el al. (2001) Physical Dissipation and the Method of Controlled Lagrangians
Hirani, Anil N. and Marsden, Jerrold E., el al. (2001) Averaged Template Matching Equations ; ISBN 3-540-42523-3; Energy minimization methods in computer vision and pattern recognition; 528-543; 10.1007/3-540-44745-8_35
Koon, Wang S. and Lo, Martin W., el al. (2001) Constructing a Low Energy Transfer
Between Jovian Moons ; Contemporary Mathematics; Vol. 292; 129-146
Cendra, Hernán and Marsden, Jerrold E., el al. (2001) Geometric Mechanics, Lagrangian Reduction, and Nonholonomic Systems ; ISBN 9783540669135; Mathematics Unlimited - 2001 and Beyond; 221-273
Pekarsky, Sergey and Marsden, Jerrold E. (2001) Abstract mechanical connection and Abelian
reconstruction for almost Kähler manifolds ; Journal of Applied Mathematics; Vol. 1; No. 1; 1-28
Marsden, Jerrold E. and Weinstein, Alan J. (2001) Some Comments on the History, Theory, and Applications of Symplectic Reduction ; ISBN 3764366087; Quantization of Singular Symplectic Quotients; 1-20; 10.1007/978-3-0348-8364-1_1
Mohseni, Kamran and Shkoller, Steve, el al. (2001) Numerical Simulations of the Lagrangian Averaged Navier-Stokes (Lans-α) Equations for Forced Homogeneous Isotropic Turbulence ; ISBN 978-1-56347-482-8; A Collection of the 15th Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference Technical Papers; 1-11
Gómez, G. and Koon, W. S., el al. (2001) Invariant Manifolds, the Spatial Three-Body Problem and Space Mission Design ; ISBN 0-87703-488-5; Astrodynamics 2001; 3-22
Koon, Wang Sang and Marsden, Jerrold E., el al. (2001) J_2 Dynamics and Formation Flight ; ISBN 9781563474835; Proceedings of AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference, 2001; 1-7
Kane, C. and Marsden, J. E., el al. (2000) Variational Integrators and the Newmark Algorithm for Conservative and Dissipative Mechanical Systems ; International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering; Vol. 49; No. 10; 1295-1325; 10.1002/1097-0207(20001210)49:10<1295::AID-NME993>3.0.CO;2-W
Bloch, Anthony M. and Leonard, Naomi Ehrich, el al. (2000) Controlled Lagrangians and the stabilization of mechanical systems. I. The first matching theorem ; IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control; Vol. 45; No. 12; 2253-2270; 10.1109/9.895562
Mohseni, Kamran and Shkoller, Steve, el al. (2000) Numerical Simulations of Homogeneous Turbulence using Lagrangian-Averaged Navier-Stokes Equations
Marsden, Jerrold E. and Pekarsky, Sergey, el al. (2000) Symmetry reduction of discrete Lagrangian mechanics on Lie groups ; Journal of Geometry and Physics; Vol. 36; No. 1-2; 140-151; 10.1016/S0393-0440(00)00018-8
West, M. and Kane, C., el al. (2000) Variational integrators, the Newmark scheme, and dissipative systems ; ISBN 9789810243593; Equadiff 99, International Conference on Differential Equations,; 1009-1011
Jalnapurkar, Sameer M. and Marsden, Jerrold E. (2000) Reduction of Hamilton's variational principle ; Dynamics and Stability of Systems; Vol. 15; No. 3; 287-318; 10.1080/713603744
Rowley, Clarence W. and Marsden, Jerrold E. (2000) Reconstruction Equations and the Karhunen-Loève
Expansion for Systems with Symmetry ; Physica D; Vol. 142; No. 1-2; 1-19; 10.1016/S0167-2789(00)00042-7
Rowley, Clarence W. and Marsden, Jerrold E. (2000) Reconstruction equations and the Karhunen–Loève expansion for systems with symmetry ; Physica D; Vol. 142; No. 1-2; 1-19; 10.1016/S0167-2789(00)00042-7
Jalnapurkar, Sameer M. and Marsden, Jerrold E. (2000) Stabilization of relative equilibria ; IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control; Vol. 45; No. 8; 1483-1491; 10.1109/9.871756
Koon, Wang Sang and Lo, Martin W., el al. (2000) Heteroclinic connections between periodic orbits and resonance transitions in celestial mechanics ; Chaos; Vol. 10; No. 2; 427-469; 10.1063/1.166509
Kane, C. and Marsden, J. E., el al. (2000) Frictional Collisions Off Sharp Objects ; ISBN 9789810243593; International Conference on Differential Equations; 979-984
Luther, G. G. and Alber, M. S., el al. (2000) Geometric analysis of optical frequency conversion and its control in quadratic nonlinear media ; Journal of the Optical Society of America B; Vol. 17; No. 6; 932-941
Marsden, Jerrold E. and Ratiu, Tudor S., el al. (2000) Reduction theory and the Lagrange–Routh equations ; Journal of Mathematical Physics; Vol. 41; No. 6; 3379-3429; 10.1063/1.533317
Koon, Wang Sang and Lo, Martin W., el al. (2000) Heteroclinic Connections Between Periodic Orbits and Resonance Transitions in Celestial Mechanics ; Chaos; Vol. 10; No. 2; 427-469; 10.1063/1.166509
Bloch, Anthony M. and Crouch, Peter E., el al. (2000) An almost Poisson structure for the generalized rigid body equations ; ISBN 0-08-043658-7; Lagrangian and Hamiltonian methods for nonlinear control; 87-92
Marsden, J. E. and Ratiu, T. S., el al. (2000) The geometry and analysis of the averaged Euler equations and a new diffeomorphism group ; Geometric and Functional Analysis; Vol. 10; No. 3; 582-599; 10.1007/PL00001631
Marsden, Jerrold E. and Pekarsky, Sergey, el al. (2000) Poisson structure and invariant manifolds on Lie groups ; ISBN 9789810243593; EQUADIFF 99; 1192-1197
Marsden, Jerrold E. and Ratiu, Tudor S., el al. (2000) The Euler Equations on Thin Domains ; ISBN 9789810243593; EQUADIFF 99; 1198-1203
Zenkov, Dmitry V. and Bloch, Anthony M., el al. (2000) Matching and stabilization of the unicycle with rider ; ISBN 0-08-043658-7; Lagrangian and Hamiltonian methods for nonlinear control; 177-178
Ge, Z. and Kruse, H. P., el al. (2000) The Limits of Hamiltonian Structures in Three-Dimensional Elasticity, Shells, and Rods ; ISBN 978-1-4612-7059-1; Mechanics: From Theory to Computation - Essays in Honor of Juan-Carlos Simo; 19-57; 10.1007/978-1-4612-1246-1_2
Serban, Radu and Koon, Wang Sang, el al. (2000) Optimal control for halo orbit missions ; ISBN 0-08-043658-7; Lagrangian and Hamiltonian methods for nonlinear control; 1-6
Zenkov, Dmitry V. and Bloch, Anthony M., el al. (2000) Matching and Stabilization of Low-dimensional Nonholonomic Systems ; ISBN 0-7803-6638-7; Proceedings of the 39th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2000; 1289-1294; 10.1109/CDC.2000.912033
Bloch, Anthony M. and Chang, Dong Eui, el al. (2000) Asymptotic stabilization of Euler-Poincaré mechanical systems ; ISBN 0-08-043658-7; Lagrangian and Hamiltonian methods for nonlinear control; 51-56
Chang, Dong Eui and Marsden, Jerrold E. (2000) Asymptotic stabilization of the heavy top using controlled Lagrangians ; ISBN 0-7803-6638-7; Proceedings of the 39th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control; 269-273; 10.1109/CDC.2000.912771
Bloch, Anthony M. and Leonard, Naomi Ehrich, el al. (2000) Potential and kinetic shaping for control of underactuated mechanical systems ; ISBN 0-7803-5520-2; Proceedings of the 2000 American Control Conference; 3913-3917; 10.1109/ACC.2000.876956
Bloch, Anthony M. and Holm, Darryl D., el al. (2000) An optimal control formulation for inviscid incompressible ideal fluid flow ; ISBN 0-7803-6638-7; Proceedings of the 39th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control; 1273-1278; 10.1109/CDC.2000.912030
Marsden, Jerrold E. and Perlmutter, Matthew (2000) The Orbit Bundle Picture of Cotangent Bundle
Reduction ; Comptes Rendus Mathématiques de l'Académie des Sciences. La Société Royale du Canada; Vol. 22; No. 1; 33-54
Koon, Wang Sang and Lo, Martin W., el al. (2000) Shoot the Moon ; ISBN 978-0-87703-470-4; Spaceflight mechanics 2000; 1017-1030
Koon, Wang Sang and Lo, Martin W., el al. (2000) Dynamical Systems, the Three-Body Problem and Space Mission Design ; ISBN 978061524095-4; International Conference on Differential Equations; 1167-1181
Alber, Mark S. and Camassa, Roberto, el al. (1999) On Billiard Solutions of Nonlinear PDE's ; Physics Letters A; Vol. 264; No. 2-3; 171-178; 10.1016/S0375-9601(99)00784-7
Alber, Mark S. and Luther, Gregory G., el al. (1999) Geometry and Control of Three-Wave Interactions ; ISBN 0821809458; The Arnoldfest Proceedings of a Conference in Honour of V.I. Arnold for his Sixtieth Birthday; 55-80
Kane, C. and Repetto, E. A., el al. (1999) Finite element analysis of nonsmooth contact ; Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering; Vol. 180; No. 1-2; 1-26; 10.1016/S0045-7825(99)00034-1
Marsden, Jerrold E. and Pekarsky, Sergey, el al. (1999) Discrete Euler-Poincaré and Lie-Poisson equations ; Nonlinearity; Vol. 12; No. 6; 1647-1662; 10.1088/0951-7715/12/6/314
Marsden, J. E. and Pekarsky, S., el al. (1999) Stability of Relative Equilibria of Point Vortices on a Sphere and Symplectic Integrators ; Nuovo cimento della Società italiana di fisica. C; Vol. 22C; No. 6; 793-802
Koon, Wang Sang and Lo, Martin W., el al. (1999) The Genesis Trajectory and Heteroclinic Cycles ; ISBN 0-87703-467-2; Astrodynamics 1999; 2327-2343
Kane, C. and Marsden, J. E., el al. (1999) Symplectic-energy-momentum preserving variational integrators ; Journal of Mathematical Physics; Vol. 40; No. 7; 3353-3371; 10.1063/1.532892
Parrilo, Pablo A. and Lall, Sanjay, el al. (1999) Model reduction for analysis of cascading failures in power systems ; ISBN 0-7803-4990-3; American Control Conference, 1999. San Diego, CA, 2-4 June 1999; 4208-4212; 10.1109/ACC.1999.786351
Marsden, Jerrold E. and Ratiu, Tudor S. (1999) Introduction to Mechanics and Symmetry: A Basic Exposition of Classical Mechanical Systems ; ISBN 978-0-387-98643-2; 10.1007/978-0-387-21792-5
Marsden, Jerrold E. and Shkoller, Steve (1999) Multisymplectic geometry, covariant Hamiltonians, and water waves ; Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society; Vol. 125; No. 3; 553-575; 10.1017/S0305004198002953
Kruse, Hans Peter and Mahalov, Alex, el al. (1999) On the Hamiltonian structure and three-dimensional instabilities of rotating liquid bridges ; Fluid Dynamics Research; Vol. 24; No. 1; 37-59; 10.1016/S0169-5983(98)00005-7
Bloch, Anthony M. and Leonard, Naomi Ehrich, el al. (1999) Potential shaping and the method of controlled Lagrangians ; ISBN 0-7803-5250-5; Proceedings of the 38th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 1999; 1652-1657; 10.1109/CDC.1999.830261
Marsden, Jerrold E. (1999) Park City Lectures on Mechanics, Dynamics, and Symmetry ; ISBN 0821808389; Symplectic geometry and topology; 335-430
Zenkov, Dmitry V. and Bloch, Anthony M., el al. (1999) Stabilization of the Unicycle with Rider ; ISBN 0-7803-5250-5; Proceedings of the 38th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control; 3470-3471; 10.1109/CDC.1999.827861
Bloch, Anthony M. and Leonard, Naomi Ehrich, el al. (1999) Stabilization of the pendulum on a rotor arm by the method of controlled Lagrangians ; ISBN 9780780351806; Proceedings of the 1999 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation; 500-505; 10.1109/ROBOT.1999.770026
Lall, Sanjay and Marsden, Jerrold E., el al. (1999) Empirical Model Reduction of Controlled Nonlinear Systems ; ISBN 0080432476 (set); Proceedings of the IFAC World Congress; 473-478
Marsden, Jerrold E. and Patrick, George W., el al. (1998) Multisymplectic Geometry, Variational Integrators, and
Nonlinear PDEs ; Communications in Mathematical Physics; Vol. 199; No. 2; 351-395; 10.1007/s002200050505
Glavaški, Sonja and Marsden, Jerrold E., el al. (1998) Model reduction, centering, and the Karhunen-Loeve expansion ; ISBN 0-7803-4394-8; IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 37th (CDC 1998), Tampa, FL, 16-18 December 1998; 2071-2076; 10.1109/CDC.1998.758639
Bloch, Anthony M. and Crouch, Peter E., el al. (1998) Discrete rigid body dynamics and optimal control ; ISBN 0-7803-4394-8; IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 37th, Tampa, FL, December 1998; 2249-2254; 10.1109/CDC.1998.758678
Pekarsky, Sergey and Marsden, Jerrold E. (1998) Point vortices on a sphere: Stability of relative equilibria ; Journal of Mathematical Physics; Vol. 39; No. 11; 5894-5907; 10.1063/1.532602
Marsden, Jerrold E. and Misiołek, Gerard, el al. (1998) Symplectic Reduction for Semidirect Products and Central Extensions ; Differential Geometry and its Applications; Vol. 9; No. 1-2; 173-212; 10.1016/S0926-2245(98)00021-7
Holm, Darryl D. and Marsden, Jerrold E., el al. (1998) The Euler–Poincaré Equations and Semidirect Products with Applications to Continuum Theories ; Advances in Mathematics; Vol. 137; No. 1; 1-81; 10.1006/aima.1998.1721
Cendra, Hernán and Holm, Darryl D., el al. (1998) The Maxwell–Vlasov equations in Euler–Poincaré form ; Journal of Mathematical Physics; Vol. 39; No. 6; 3138-3157; 10.1063/1.532244
Holm, Darryl D. and Marsden, Jerrold E., el al. (1998) Euler-Poincaré Models of Ideal Fluids with Nonlinear Dispersion ; Physical Review Letters; Vol. 80; No. 19; 4173-4176; 10.1103/PhysRevLett.80.4173
Alber, Mark S. and Luther, Gregory G., el al. (1998) Geometric Phases, Reduction and Lie-Poisson Structure
for the Resonant Three-wave Interaction
Cendra, Hernán and Holm, Darryl D., el al. (1998) Lagrangian Reduction, the Euler-Poincaré Equations,
and Semidirect Products ; American Mathematical Society Translations; Vol. 186; No. 1; 1-25
Zenkov, Dmitry V. and Bloch, Anthony M., el al. (1998) The energy–momentum method for the stability of non-holonomic systems ; Dynamics and Stability of Systems; Vol. 13; No. 2; 123-166; 10.1080/02681119808806257
Bloch, Anthony M. and Leonard, Naomi Ehrich, el al. (1998) Matching and stabilization by the method of controlled Lagrangians ; ISBN 0-7803-4394-8; Proceedings of the 37th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 1998; 1446-1451; 10.1109/CDC.1998.758490
Koon, Wang Sang and Marsden, Jerrold E. (1998) Poisson reduction for nonholonomic mechanical systems with symmetry ; Reports on Mathematical Physics; Vol. 42; 101-134
Marsden, Jerrold E. and Ostrowski, Jim (1998) Symmetries in Motion: Geometric Foundations of Motion Control ; ISBN 9780309057851; Motion, Control, and Geometry: Proceedings of a Symposium; 3-19
Zenkov, Dmitry V. and Bloch, Anthony M., el al. (1998) The energy-momentum method for the stability of non-holonomic systems ; Dynamics and Stability of Systems; Vol. 13; No. 3; 123-165; 10.1080/02681119808806257
Jalnapurkar, Sameer M. and Marsden, Jerrold E. (1998) Stabilization of Relative Equilibria II ; Regular & Chaotic Dynamics; Vol. 3; No. 3; 161-179; 10.1070/RD1998v003n03ABEH000087
Bloch, Anthony M. and Leonard, Naomi Ehrich, el al. (1997) Stabilization of mechanical systems using controlled Lagrangians ; ISBN 0-7803-4187-2; IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 36th, San Diego, CA, 10-12 December 1997; 2356-2361; 10.1109/CDC.1997.657135
Koon, Wang Sang and Marsden, Jerrold E. (1997) The geometric structure of nonholonomic mechanics ; ISBN 9780780341876; Proceedings of the 36th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control : December 10-12, 1997, Hyatt Regency San Diego, San Diego, CA, USA; 4856-4861; 10.1109/CDC.1997.649795
Wendlandt, Jeffrey M. and Marsden, Jerrold E. (1997) Mechanical Integrators Derived from a Discrete Variational Principle ; Physica D; Vol. 106; No. 3-4; 223-246; 10.1016/S0167-2789(97)00051-1
Koon, Wang Sang and Marsden, Jerrold E. (1997) The Hamiltonian and Lagrangian Approaches to the Dynamics of
Nonholonomic Systems ; Reports on Mathematical Physics; Vol. 40; No. 1; 21-62; 10.1016/S0034-4877(97)85617-0
Leonard, Naomi Ehrich and Marsden, Jerrold E. (1997) Stability and drift of underwater vehicle dynamics: Mechanical systems with rigid motion symmetry ; Physica D; Vol. 105; No. 1-3; 130-162; 10.1016/S0167-2789(97)83390-8
Zenkov, Dmitry V. and Bloch, Anthony M., el al. (1997) The Energy-Momentum Method for the Stability of Nonholonomic Systems
Getz, N. H. and Marsden, Jerrold E. (1997) Dynamical methods for polar decomposition and inversion of matrices ; Linear Algebra and its Applications; Vol. 258; No. June; 311-343; 10.1016/S0024-3795(96)00235-2
Koon, Wang-Sang and Marsden, Jerrold E. (1997) Optimal Control for Holonomic and Nonholonomic Mechanical
Systems with Symmetry and Lagrangian Reduction ; SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization; Vol. 35; No. 3; 901-929; 10.1137/S0363012995290367
Alber, Mark S. and Luther, Gregory G., el al. (1997) Energy dependent Schrödinger operators and complex Hamiltonian systems on Riemann surfaces ; Nonlinearity; Vol. 10; No. 1; 223-241; 10.1088/0951-7715/10/1/015
Marsden, J. E. and Wendlandt, J. M. (1997) Mechanical Systems with Symmetry, Variational Principles, and Integration Algorithms ; ISBN 081763956X; Proceedings of the Symposium on Current and Future Directions in Mathematics; 219-261; 10.1007/978-1-4612-2012-1_18
Marsden, Jerrold E. (1997) Trends in Applied Mathematics ; ISBN 978-1-4612-7380-6; Current and Future Directions in Applied Mathematics; 28-30; 10.1007/978-1-4612-2012-1_8
Alber, Mark S. and Luther, Gregory G., el al. (1997) Complex Billiard Hamiltonian Systems and Nonlinear Waves ; ISBN 0817638350; Algebraic Aspects of Integrable Systems; 1-16
Bloch, Anthony M. and Marsden, Jerrold E., el al. (1997) Feedback stabilization of relative equilibria for mechanical systems with symmetry ; ISBN 081763956X; Current and future directions in applied mathematics; 43-64; 10.1023/A:1023027113383
Bloch, Anthony M. and Krishnaprasad, P. S., el al. (1996) Nonholonomic Mechanical Systems with Symmetry ; Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis; Vol. 136; No. 1; 21-99; 10.1007/BF02199365
Marsden, Jerrold E. and Koon, Wang-Sang (1996) The Hamiltonian and Lagrangian approaches to the dynamics of nonholonomic systems
Wendland, Jeffrey M. and Marsden, Jerrold E (1996) Mechanical integrators derived from a discrete variational principle
Xu, Chong-Ye and Marsden, Jerrold E. (1996) Asymptotic Stability for Equilibria of Nonlinear Semiflows with Applications to Rotating Viscoelastic Rods, Part I ; Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis; Vol. 7; No. 2; 271-297
Bloch, Anthony and Krishnaprasad, P. S., el al. (1996) The Euler-Poincare Equations and Double Bracket Dissipation ; Communications in Mathematical Physics; Vol. 175; No. 1; 1-42; 10.1007/BF02101622
Ge, Zhong and Kruse, Hans Peter, el al. (1996) The limits of Hamiltonian structures in three-dimensional elasticity, shells, and rods ; Journal of Nonlinear Science; Vol. 6; No. 1; 19-57; 10.1007/BF02433809
Marsden, Jerrold E. and Scheurle, Jürgen, el al. (1996) Visualization of orbits and pattern evocation for the double spherical pendulum ; ISBN 3055016823; ICIAM 95 : proceedings of the Third International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics; 213-232
Kirk, Vivien and Marsden, Jerrold E., el al. (1996) Branches of stable three-tori using Hamiltonian methods in hopf bifurcation on a rhombic lattice ; Dynamics and Stability of Systems; Vol. 11; No. 4; 267-302; 10.1080/02681119608806228
Alber, Mark S. and Marsden, Jerrold E. (1996) Semiclassical monodromy and the spherical pendulum as a complex Hamiltonian System ; ISBN 9780821802540; Conservative Systems and Quantum Chaos
Getz, Neil H. and Marsden, Jerrold E. (1995) Joint-space tracking of workspace trajectories in continuous time ; ISBN 0780326857; Proceedings of the 34th Conference on Decision & Control, New Orleans, LA, 13-15 December 1995; 1001-1006; 10.1109/CDC.1995.480218
Getz, Neil H. and Marsden, Jerrold E. (1995) Dynamic inversion and polar decomposition of matrices ; ISBN 0-7803-2685-7; IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 34th (CDC 1995). New Orleans, LA, 13-15 December 1995; 142-147; 10.1109/CDC.1995.478664
Getz, Neil H. and Marsden, Jerrold E. (1995) A dynamic inverse for nonlinear maps ; ISBN 0-7803-2685-7; IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 34th (CDC '95), New Orleans, LA, 13-15 December 1995; 4218-4223; 10.1109/CDC.1995.480780
Alber, Mark S. and Camassa, Roberto, el al. (1995) On the Link between Umbilic Geodesics and Soliton Solutions of Nonlinear PDEs ; Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, physical, and engineering sciences; Vol. 450; No. 1940; 677-692; 10.1098/rspa.1995.0107
Koon, Wang-Sang and Marsden, Jerrold E. (1995) Optimal Control for Holonomic and Nonholonomic Mechanical Systems with Symmetry and Lagrangian Reductions
Marsden, Jerrold E. and Scheurle, Jürgen (1995) Pattern Evocation and Geometric Phases in Mechanical Systems with Symmetry
Getz, Neil H. and Marsden, Jerrold E. (1995) Tracking implicit trajectories ; ISBN 008042371X; Nonlinear control systems design, 1995 : a postprint volume from the 3rd IFAC Symposium, Tahoe City, California, USA, 25-28 June 1995; 25-28
Bloch, A. M. and Krishnaprasad, P. S., el al. (1995) Nonholonomic Mechanical Systems with Symmetry
Ge, Zhong and Kruse, Hans Peter, el al. (1995) The convergence of Hamiltonian structure in the shallow water approximation ; Canadian Applied Mathematics Quarterly; Vol. 3; No. 3; 277-302
Golubitsky, Martin and Marsden, Jerrold E., el al. (1995) The constrained Liapunov-Schmidt procedure and periodic orbits ; Fields Institute Communications; Vol. 4; 81-127
Marsden, Jerrold E. and Scheurle, Jürgen (1995) Pattern evocation and geometric phases in
mechanical systems with symmetry ; Dynamics and Stability of Systems; Vol. 10; No. 4; 315-338; 10.1080/02681119508806210
Getz, Neil H. and Marsden, J. E. (1995) Control for an Autonomous Bicycle ; ISBN 0-7803-1965-6; Proceedings of the 1995 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation; 1397-1402; 10.1109/ROBOT.1995.525473
Marsden, Jerrold E. and Ratiu, Tudor S., el al. (1995) Équations d'Euler dans une coque sphérique mince = Euler equations in a thin spherical shell ; Comptes rendus de l'Académie des sciences. Série I, Mathématique; Vol. 321; No. 9; 1201-1206
Alber, M. S. and Marsden, J. E. (1994) Complex geometric asymptotics for nonlinear systems on complex varieties ; Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis; Vol. 4; No. 2; 237-251
Alber, Mark S. and Camassa, Roberto, el al. (1994) The geometry of peaked solitons and billiard solutions of a class of integrable PDE's ; Letters in Mathematical Physics; Vol. 32; No. 2; 137-151; 10.1007/BF00739423
Knobloch, Edgar and Mahalov, Alex, el al. (1994) Normal Forms for Three–dimensional Parametric Instabilities in Ideal Hydrodynamics ; Physica D; Vol. 73; No. 1-2; 49-81; 10.1016/0167-2789(94)90225-9
Marsden, Jerrold E. (1994) Geometric Mechanics, Stability and Control ; ISBN 0387942017; Trends and perspectives in applied mathematics; 265-291
Bloch, Anthony and Krishnaprasad, P. S., el al. (1994) Dissipation Induced Instabilities ; Analyse Nonlineaire, Annales Institute H. Poincaré; Vol. 11; No. 1; 37-90
Alber, M. S. and Marsden, J. E. (1994) Resonant Geometric Phases for Soliton Equations ; ISBN 978-0-8218-0255-7; Hamiltonian and Gradient Flows, Algorithms and Control; 1-26
Marsden, Jerrold E. (1994) Remarks on Geometric Mechanics ; ISBN 0387572147; Duration and change : fifty years at Oberwolfach; 254-274
Alber, Mark S. and Marsden, Jerrold E. (1994) Geometric phases and monodromy at singularities ; ISBN 0306446286; Singular Limits of Dispersive Waves; 273-295
Marsden, Jerrold E. (1993) Steve Smale and Geometric Mechanics ; ISBN 9780387979328; From Topology to Computation: Proceedings of the Smalefest; 499-516
Marsden, Jerrold E. and Scheurle, Jürgen (1993) Lagrangian Reduction and the Double Spherical
Pendulum ; Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematick und Physik; Vol. 44; No. 1; 17-43; 10.1007/BF00914351
Marsden, Jerrold E. (1993) Bifurcations in Hamiltonian Systems with Symmetry ; ISBN 3055016084; 1st European Nonlinear Oscillations Conference; 45-64
Kruse, H.-P. and Marsden, J. E., el al. (1993) On uniformly rotating fluid drops trapped between two parallel plates ; ISBN 0821811347; Exploiting symmetry in applied and numerical analysis; 307-317
Marsden, Jerrold E. and Scheurle, Jürgen (1993) The Reduced Euler-Lagrange Equations ; ISBN 9780821892008; Dynamics and Control of Mechanical Systems: The Falling Cat and Related Problems; 139-164
Alber, M. S. and Marsden, J. E. (1992) On geometric phases for soliton equations ; Communications in Mathematical Physics; Vol. 149; No. 2; 217-240; 10.1007/BF02097623
Bloch, A. M. and Krishnaprasad, P. S., el al. (1992) Stabilization of Rigid Body Dynamics by Internal and External Torques ; Automatica; Vol. 28; No. 4; 745-756; 10.1016/0005-1098(92)90034-D
Dellnitz, Michael and Melbourne, Ian, el al. (1992) Generic bifurcation of Hamiltonian vector fields with symmetry ; Nonlinearity; Vol. 5; No. 4; 979-996; 10.1088/0951-7715/5/4/008
Lin, F. J. and Marsden, J. E. (1992) Symplectic reduction and topology for applications in classical molecular dynamics ; Journal of Mathematical Physics; Vol. 33; No. 4; 1281-1294; 10.1063/1.529705
Lewis, D. and Ratiu, T., el al. (1992) The heavy top: a geometric treatment ; Nonlinearity; Vol. 5; No. 1; 1-48; 10.1088/0951-7715/5/1/001
Marsden, Jerrold E. (1992) Lectures on Mechanics ; ISBN 9780521428446; 10.2277/0521428440
Gotay, Mark J. and Marsden, Jerrold E. (1992) Stress-Energy-Momentum Tensors and the Belinfante-Rosenfeld Formula
Dellnitz, Michael and Marsden, Jerrold E., el al. (1992) Generic Bifurcations of Pendula ; ISBN 978-3-7643-2739-2; Bifurcation and Symmetry: Cross Influence Between Mathematics and Applications; 111-122
Bloch, A. M. and Krishnaprasad, P. S., el al. (1991) Asymptotic Stability, Instability and Stabilization of Relative Equilibria ; ISBN 0879425652; Proceedings of the 1991 American Control Conference; 1120-1125
Simo, J. C. and Posbergh, T. A., el al. (1991) Stability of Relative Equilibria. Part II: Application to Nonlinear Elasticity ; Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis; Vol. 115; No. 1; 61-100; 10.1007/BF01881679
Simo, J. C. and Lewis, D., el al. (1991) Stability of relative equilibria. Part I: The reduced energy-momentum method ; Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis; Vol. 115; No. 1; 15-59; 10.1007/BF01881678
Marsden, J. E. and Ratiu, T., el al. (1991) Symplectic connections and the linearisation of Hamiltonian systems ; Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Section A Mathematics; Vol. 117; No. 3-4; 329-380
Scheurle, Jürgen and Marsden, Jerrold E., el al. (1991) Exponentially small estimates for separatrix splittings ; ISBN 9780306441127; Asymptotics beyond All Orders; 187-195
Holm, Darryl D. and Marsden, Jerrold E. (1991) The Rotor and the Pendulum ; ISBN 0817635815; Proceedings of Colloquium in honor of Jean-Marie Souriau; 189-203
Marsden, J. E. and O'Reilly, O. M., el al. (1991) Symmetry, Stability, Geometric Phases, and Mechanical
Integrators ; Nonlinear Science Today; Vol. 1; No. 1; 4-11
Simo, J. C. and Posbergh, T. A., el al. (1990) Stability of coupled rigid body and geometrically exact rods, block diagonalization and the energy, momentum method ; Physics Reports; Vol. 193; No. 6; 279-360; 10.1016/0370-1573(90)90125-L
Bloch, Anthony M. and Marsden, Jerrold E. (1990) Stabilization of rigid body dynamics by the Energy-Casimir method ; Systems and Control Letters; Vol. 14; No. 4; 341-346; 10.1016/0167-6911(90)90055-Y
Lewis, D. and Marsden, J. E., el al. (1990) Normalizing connections and the energy-momentum method ; ISBN 2921120054; Hamiltonian systems, transformation groups and spectral transform methods; 207-227
Marsden, Jerrold E. and Simo, Juan C. (1990) The Energy-Momentum Method
Aubry, Nadine and Perry, Tony, el al. (1990) Discussion on the utility of dynamical systems approach ; ISBN 978-3-540-52535-6; Whither Turbulence? Turbulence at the Crossroads : Proceedings of a Workshop Held at Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, March 22–24, 1989; 292-305; 10.1007/3-540-52535-1_50
Marsden, J. E. and Montgomery, R., el al. (1990) Reduction, Symmetry and Phases in Mechanics ; ISBN 0821824988; Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society; Vol. 88; No. 436
Chern, Shuh-Jye and Marsden, Jerrold E. (1990) A note on symmetry and stability for fluid flows ; Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Mechanics; Vol. 51; No. 1-4; 19-26; 10.1080/03091929008219848
Bloch, A. M. and Marsden, J. E. (1989) Control and stabilization of systems with homoclinic orbits ; 10.1109/CDC.1989.70566
Oh, Y.-G and Sreenath, N., el al. (1989) The dynamics of coupled planar rigid bodies. II. Bifurcations, periodic solutions, and chaos ; Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations; Vol. 1; No. 3; 269-298; 10.1007/BF01053929
Marsden, J. E. and Simo, J. C., el al. (1989) A block diagonalization theorem in the energy-momentum method ; ISBN 0821851047; Dynamics and control of multibody systems : proceedings of the AMS-IMS-SIAM joint summer conference; 297-313
Lewis, D. and Marsden, J. (1989) The Hamiltonian-dissipative decomposition of normal forms of vector fields ; ISBN 7-5605-0257-1; Proceedings of the Conference on Bifurcation and its Numerical Analysis; 51-78
Bloch, A. M. and Marsden, J. E. (1989) Controlling Homoclinic Orbits ; Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics; Vol. 1; No. 3; 179-190; 10.1007/BF00417919
Posbergh, T. A. and Simo, J. C., el al. (1989) Stability Analysis of a Rigid Body with Attached Geometrically Nonlinear Rod by the Energy-Momentum Method ; ISBN 0821851047; Dynamics and control of multibody systems : proceedings of the AMS-IMS-SIAM; 371-398
Marsden, J. and Montgomery, Sean M., el al. (1989) Cartan-Hannay-Berry Phases and Symmetry ; ISBN 0821851047; Dynamics and Control of Multibody Systems; 279-295
Zhong, Ge and Marsden, Jerrold E. (1988) Lie-Poisson Hamilton-Jacobi theory and Lie-Poisson integrators ; Physics Letters A; Vol. 133; No. 3; 134-139; 10.1016/0375-9601(88)90773-6
Simo, Juan C. and Marsden, Jerrold E., el al. (1988) The Hamiltonian Structure of Nonlinear Elasticity: The
Material and Convective Representations of Solids, Rods,
and Plates ; Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis; Vol. 104; No. 2; 125-183; 10.1007/BF00251673
Sreenath, N. and Oh, Y. G., el al. (1988) The dynamics of coupled planar rigid bodies. Part I: Reduction, equilibria and stability ; Dynamics and Stability of Systems; Vol. 3; No. 1-2; 25-49; 10.1080/02681118808806044
Marsden, Jerrold E. (1988) The Hamiltonian formulation of classical field theory ; ISBN 978-0-8218-5079-4; Mathematics and General Relativity; 221-235
Grossman, R. and Krishnaprasad, P. S., el al. (1988) The Dynamics of Two Coupled Rigid Bodies
Holmes, Philip and Marsden, Jerrold, el al. (1988) Exponentially small splittings of separatrices with applications to KAM theory and degenerate bifurcations ; ISBN 0821850865; Hamiltonian dynamical systems : proceedings of the AMS-IMS-SIAM joint summer research conference; 213-244
Lewis, D. and Marsden, J., el al. (1987) Stability and bifurcation of a rotating planar liquid drop ; Journal of Mathematical Physics; Vol. 28; No. 10; 2508-2515; 10.1063/1.527740
Abraham, Ralph and Marsden, Jerrold E. (1987) Foundations of Mechanics, Second Edition ; ISBN 080530102X
Marsden, Jerrold and Scheurle, Jürgen (1987) The Construction and Smoothness of Invariant Manifolds by the Deformation Method ; SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis; Vol. 18; No. 5; 1261-1274; 10.1137/0518092
Cendra, Hernan and Marsden, Jerrold E. (1987) Lin constraints, Clebsch potentials and variational principles ; Physica D; Vol. 27; No. 1-2; 63-89; 10.1016/0167-2789(87)90005-4
Krishnaprasad, P. S. and Marsden, J. E. (1987) Hamiltonian structures and stability for rigid bodies with flexible attachments ; Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis; Vol. 98; No. 1; 71-93; 10.1007/BF00279963
Golubitsky, Martin and Stewart, Ian, el al. (1987) Generic bifurcation of Hamiltonian systems with symmetry ; Physica D; Vol. 24; No. 1-3; 391-405; 10.1016/0167-2789(87)90087-X
Cendra, Hernan and Ibort, Alberto, el al. (1987) Variational principles on principal fiber bundles: A geometry theory of Clebsch potentials and Lin constraints ; Journal of Geometry and Physics; Vol. 4; No. 2; 183-205; 10.1016/0393-0440(87)90026-X
Cendra, Hernan and Ibort, Luis A., el al. (1987) Horizontal Lin contraints, Clebsch potentials and variational principles on principal fiber bundles ; ISBN 9971503395; XV International colloquium on group theoretical methods in physics; 446-450
Marsden, J. E. and Ratiu, T. S. (1987) Nonlinear Stability in Fluids and Plasmas ; ISBN 9783528089757; Seminar on New Results in Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations : a publication of the Max-Planck-Institut für Mathematik, Bonn; 101-134
Posbergh, T. A. and Krishnaprasad, Perinkulam S., el al. (1987) Stability Analysis of a Rigid Body with a Flexible Attachment Using the Energy-Casimir Method
Abarbanel, H. D. I. and Holm, D. D., el al. (1986) Nonlinear Stability Analysis of Stratified Fluid Equilibria ; Philosophical Transactions A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences; Vol. 318; No. 1543; 349-409; 10.1098/rsta.1986.0078
Marsden, J. E. and Montgomery, R., el al. (1986) Covariant Poisson Brackets for Classical Fields ; Annals of Physics; Vol. 169; No. 1; 29-47; 10.1016/0003-4916(86)90157-0
Eardley, D. and Isenberg, J., el al. (1986) Homothetic and Conformal Symmetries of Solutions to
Einstein's Equations ; Communications in Mathematical Physics; Vol. 106; No. 1; 137-158; 10.1007/BF01210929
Marsden, Jerrold E. and Ratiu, Tudor (1986) Reduction of Poisson manifolds ; Letters in Mathematical Physics; Vol. 11; No. 2; 161-169; 10.1007/BF00398428
Lewis, D. and Marsden, J., el al. (1986) The Hamiltonian structure for dynamic free boundary problems ; Physica D; Vol. 18; No. 1-3; 391-404; 10.1016/0167-2789(86)90207-1
Holm, Darryl D. and Marsden, Jerrold E., el al. (1986) Nonlinear stability of the Kelvin-Stuart cat's eyes flow ; ISBN 0821811266; Nonlinear systems of partial differential equations in applied mathematics part 2; 171-186
Lewis, D. and Marsden, J., el al. (1986) Formal stability of liquid drops with surface tension ; ISBN 9971501147; Perspectives in nonlinear dynamics; 71-83
Holm, Darryl D. and Marsden, Jerrold E., el al. (1986) The Hamiltonian structure of continuum mechanics in material, inverse material, spatial and convective representations ; ISBN 9782760607712; Hamiltonian structure and Lyapunov stability for ideal continuum dynamics; 11-124
Bao, David and Marsden, Jerrold, el al. (1985) The Hamiltonian Structure of General Relativistic
Perfect Fluids ; Communications in Mathematical Physics; Vol. 99; No. 3; 319-345; 10.1007/BF01240351
Holm, Darryl D. and Marsden, Jerrold E., el al. (1985) Nonlinear stability of fluid and plasma equilibria ; Physics Reports; Vol. 123; No. 1-2; 1-116; 10.1016/0370-1573(85)90028-6
Slemrod, M. and Marsden, J. E. (1985) Temporal and Spatial Chaos in a van der Waals Fluid Due to Periodic Thermal Fluctuations ; Advances in Applied Mathematics; Vol. 6; No. 2; 135-158; 10.1016/0196-8858(85)90008-9
Marsden, Jerrold E. and Weinstein, Alan J. (1985) Calculus III ; ISBN 9780387909851
Marsden, Jerrold E. and Weinstein, Alan J. (1985) Calculus I ; ISBN 0387909745
Marsden, Jerrold E. and Weinstein, Alan J. (1985) Calculus II ; ISBN 0387909753
Marsden, Jerrold E. (1984) Chaos in dynamical systems by the Poincaré-Melnikov-Arnold method ; ISBN 9780898710526; Chaos in Nonlinear Dynamical Systems; 19-31
Scheurle, Jürgen and Marsden, Jerrold (1984) Bifurcation to Quasi-Periodic Tori in the Interaction of Steady State and Hopf Bifurcations ; SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis; Vol. 15; No. 6; 1055-1074; 10.1137/0515082
Simo, Juan C. and Marsden, Jerrold E. (1984) On the rotated stress tensor and the material version of the Doyle-Ericksen formula ; Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis; Vol. 86; No. 3; 213-231; 10.1007/BF00281556
Ball, J. M. and Marsden, J. E. (1984) Quasiconvexity at the Boundary, Positivity of the
Second Variation and Elastic Stability ; Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis; Vol. 86; No. 3; 251-277; 10.1007/BF00281558
Salam, Fathi M. A. and Marsden, Jerrold E., el al. (1984) Arnold diffusion in the swing equations of a power system ; IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems; Vol. 31; No. 8; 673-688
Abarbanel, Henry D. I. and Holm, Darryl D., el al. (1984) Richardson Number Criterion for the Nonlinear Stability of Three-Dimensional Stratified Flow ; Physical Review Letters; Vol. 52; No. 26; 2352-2355; 10.1103/PhysRevLett.52.2352
Holm, Darryl and Marsden, Jerrold, el al. (1984) Stability of rigid body motion using the Energy-Casimir method ; ISBN 9780821850282; Fluids and Plasmas: geometry and dynamics; 15-23
Isenberg, James and Marsden, Jerrold E. (1984) The York map is a canonical transformation ; Journal of Geometry and Physics; Vol. 1; No. 1; 85-105; 10.1016/0393-0440(84)90015-9
Marsden, Jerrold E. and Ratiu, Tudor, el al. (1984) Reduction and Hamiltonian structures on duals of semidirect product Lie algebras ; ISBN 0821850288; Fluids and Plasmas : Geometry and Dynamics; 55-100
Montgomery, Richard and Marsden, Jerrold, el al. (1984) Gauged Lie-Poisson structures ; ISBN 0821850288; Fluids and plasmas : geometry and dynamics; 101-114
Simo, J. C. and Marsden, J. E. (1984) Stress tensors, Riemannian metrics and the alternative descriptions in elasticity ; ISBN 9783540129165; Trends and applications of pure mathematics to mechanics; 369-383
Marsden, Jerrold E. and Morrison, Philip J., el al. (1984) The Hamiltonian structure of the BBGKY hierarchy equations ; ISBN 0821850288; Fluids and plasmas : geometry and dynamics; 115-124
Marsden, Jerrold E. (1984) Hamiltonian structures for the heavy top and plasmas ; ISBN 9780273086444; Partial Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems; 259-278
Golubitsky, M. and Marsden, J. E., el al. (1984) Bifurcation problems with hidden symmetries ; ISBN 9780273086444; Partial differential equations and dynamical systems; 181-197
Marsden, Jerrold E. and Morrison, Philip J. (1984) Noncanonical Hamiltonian field theory and reduced MHD ; ISBN 0821850288; Fluids and plasmas : geometry and dynamics; 133-150
Marsden, Jerrold E. (1984) Stress and Riemannian metrics in nonlinear elasticity ; ISBN 0387960791; Seminar on nonlinear partial differential equations; 173-184
Hazeltine, R. D. and Holm, D. D., el al. (1984) Generalized poisson brackets and nonlinear Liapunov stability application to reduces mhd
Marsden, Jerrold E. and Ratiu, Tudor, el al. (1984) Semidirect products and reduction in mechanics ; Transactions of the American Mathematical Society; Vol. 281; No. 1; 147-177
Salam, Fathi M. A. and Marsden, Jerrold E., el al. (1983) Arnold diffusion in the dynamics of a 4-machine power system undergoing a large fault ; 10.1109/CDC.1983.269772
Marsden, Jerrold E. (1983) Chaotic orbits by Melnikov's method: A survey of applications ; IEEE Conference on Decision and Control; Vol. 22; 356-359; 10.1109/CDC.1983.269859
Buchner, Michael and Marsden, Jerrold E., el al. (1983) Examples for the Infinite Dimensional Morse Lemma ; SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis; Vol. 14; No. 6; 1045-1055; 10.1137/0514084
Golubitsky, Martin and Marsden, Jerrold (1983) The Morse Lemma in Infinite Dimensions via Singularity Theory ; SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis; Vol. 14; No. 6; 1037-1044; 10.1137/0514083
Holm, Darryl D. and Marsden, Jerrold E., el al. (1983) Nonlinear stability conditions and a priori estimates for barotropic hydrodynamics ; Physics Letters A; Vol. 98; No. 1-2; 15-21; 10.1016/0375-9601(83)90534-0
Salam, Fathi M. A. and Marsden, Jerrold E., el al. (1983) Chaos and Arnold diffusion in dynamical systems ; IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems; Vol. 30; No. 9; 697-708
Wan, Y. H. and Marsden, J. E. (1983) Symmetry and Bifurcation in Three-Dimensional Elasticity. Part III: Stressed Reference Configurations ; Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis; Vol. 84; No. 3; 203-233; 10.1007/BF00281519
Buchner, Michael and Marsden, Jerrold, el al. (1983) Applications of the blowing-up construction and algebraic geometry to bifurcation problems ; Journal of Differential Equations; Vol. 48; No. 3; 404-433; 10.1016/0022-0396(83)90102-X
Marsden, Jerrold E. and Weinstein, Alan J. (1983) Coadjoint orbits, vortices, and Clebsch variables for incompressible fluids ; Physica D; Vol. 7; No. 1-3; 305-323; 10.1016/0167-2789(83)90134-3
Marsden, Jerrold E. and Ratiu, T., el al. (1983) Hamiltonian systems with symmetry, coadjoint orbits and plasma physics ; Atti della Accademia delle scienze di Torino; Vol. 117; No. 1; 289-340
Marsden, Jerrold and Hughes, Thomas J. R. (1983) Mathematical foundations of elasticity ; ISBN 0-486-67865-2
Marsden, J. E. (1983) The Initial Value Problem and the Dynamics of Gravitational Fields ; ISBN 0521246695; Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation; 115-126
Marsden, J. E. and Wan, Y. H. (1983) Linearization stability and Signorini series for the traction problems in elastostatics ; Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Section A Mathematics; Vol. 95; No. 1-2; 171-180
Holmes, Philip J. and Marsden, Jerrold E. (1983) Horseshoes and Arnold Diffusion for Hamiltonian Systems on Lie Groups ; Indiana University Mathematics Journal; Vol. 32; No. 2; 273-309
Marsden, Jerrold E. (1983) Bifurcation and linearization stability in the traction problem ; ISBN 9027716293; Systems of nonlinear partial differential equations; 367-372
Chillingworth, D. R. J. and Marsden, J. E., el al. (1983) Symmetry and bifurcation in three-dimensional elasticity. Part II ; Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis; Vol. 83; No. 4; 363-395; 10.1007/BF00963840
Chillingworth, D. R. J. and Marsden, J. E., el al. (1982) Symmetry and bifurcation in three-dimensional elasticity, part I ; Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis; Vol. 80; No. 4; 295-331; 10.1007/BF00253119
Arms, Judith M. and Marsden, Jerrold E., el al. (1982) The Structure of the Space of Solutions of Einstein's Equations II: Several Killing Fields and the Einstein-Yang-Mills Equations ; Annals of Physics; Vol. 144; No. 1; 81-106; 10.1016/0003-4916(82)90105-1
Isenberg, James and Marsden, Jerrold E. (1982) A slice theorem for the space of solutions of Einstein's equations ; Physics Reports; Vol. 89; No. 2; 179-222; 10.1016/0370-1573(82)90066-7
Ball, J. M. and Marsden, J. E., el al. (1982) Controllability for Distributed Bilinear Systems ; SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization; Vol. 20; No. 4; 575-597; 10.1137/0320042
Holmes, Philip J. and Marsden, Jerrold E. (1982) Melnikov's method and Arnold diffusion for perturbations of integrable Hamiltonian systems ; Journal of Mathematical Physics; Vol. 23; No. 4; 669-675; 10.1063/1.525415
Marsden, Jerrold E. and Weinstein, Alan J. (1982) The Hamiltonian structure of the Maxwell-Vlasov equations ; Physica D; Vol. 4; No. 3; 394-406; 10.1016/0167-2789(82)90043-4
Holmes, Philip J. and Marsden, Jerrold E. (1982) Horseshoes in Perturbations of Hamiltonian Systems with Two Degrees of Freedom ; Communications in Mathematical Physics; Vol. 82; No. 4; 523-544; 10.1007/BF01961239
Marsden, Jerrold E. (1982) Four Applications of Nonlinear Analysis to Physics and Engineering ; ISBN 0387906045; New directions in applied mathematics : papers presented April 25/26, 1980, on the occasion of the Case centennial celebration; 85-107
Marsden, Jerrold E. (1982) A group theoretic approach to the equations of plasma physics ; Canadian Mathematical Bulletin; Vol. 25; No. 2; 129-142
Marsden, Jerrold E. (1982) Spaces of solutions of relativistic field theory with constraints ; ISBN 0387111972; Differential geometric methods in mathematical physics, Clausthal 1980 : proceedings of an international conference held at the Technical University of Clausthal, FRG, July 23-25, 1980; 29-43; 10.1007/BFb0092425
Holmes, Philip and Marsden, Jerrold E. (1981) A partial differential equation with infinitely many periodic orbits: Chaotic oscillations of a forced beam ; Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis; Vol. 76; No. 1; 135-165; 10.1007/BF00251249
Arms, Judith M. and Marsden, Jerrold E., el al. (1981) Symmetry and Bifurcations of Momentum Mappings ; Communications in Mathematical Physics; Vol. 78; No. 4; 455-478; 10.1007/BF02046759
Marsden, Jerrold and Weinstein, Alan J. (1981) Calculus Unlimited ; ISBN 0-8053-6932-5
Marsden, Jerrold E. and Holmes, Philip J. (1980) A horseshoe in the dynamics of a forced beam ; Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences; Vol. 357; No. 1; 313-321; 10.1111/j.1749-6632.1980.tb29697.x
Marsden, Jerrold E. and Tipler, Frank J. (1980) Maximal hypersurfaces and foliations of constant mean curvature in general relativity ; Physics Reports; Vol. 66; No. 3; 109-139; 10.1016/0370-1573(80)90154-4
Ball, J. M. and Marsden, J. E., el al. (1980) Controllability and stabilizability of distributed bilinear systems: Recent results and open problems
Fischer, Arthur E. and Marsden, Jerrold E., el al. (1980) The structure of the space of solutions of Einstein's equations. I. One Killing field. ; Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré. Section A, Physique théorique; Vol. 33; No. 2; 147-194
Fischer, Arthur E. and Marsden, Jerrold E., el al. (1980) Symmetry breaking in general relativity ; ISBN 9780126913804; Essays in general relativity : a festschrift for Abraham Taub; 79-96; 10.1016/B978-0-12-691380-4.50013-7
Holmes, Philip J. and Marsden, Jerrold E. (1980) Dynamical Systems and Invariant Manifolds ; ISBN 0898711673; New Approaches to Nonlinear Problems in Dynamics; 1-28
Holmes, Philip and Marsden, Jerrold E. (1979) Qualitative Techniques for Bifurcation Analysis of Complex Systems ; Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences; Vol. 316; No. 1; 608-622; 10.1111/j.1749-6632.1979.tb29502.x
Fischer, A. E. and Marsden, J. E. (1979) Topics in the Dynamics or General Relativity ; ISBN 0444853294; Isolated Gravitating Systems in General Relativity; 322-395
Fischer, Arthur E. and Marsden, Jerrold E. (1979) The initial value problem and the dynamical formulation of general relativity ; ISBN 9780521299282; General relativity : an Einstein centenary survey; 138-211
Choquet-Bruhat, Y. and Fischer, A. E., el al. (1979) Maximal Hypersurfaces and Positivity of Mass ; ISBN 0444853294; Isolated gravitating systems in general relativity; 396-456
Arms, Judith M. and Marsden, Jerrold E. (1979) The Absence of Killing Fields is Necessary for Linearization Stability of Einstein's Equations ; Indiana University Mathematics Journal; Vol. 28; No. 1; 119-125
Marsden, Jerrold E. (1978) Qualitative methods in bifurcation theory ; Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society; Vol. 84; No. 6; 1125-1148; 10.1090/S0002-9904-1978-14549-2
Holmes, Philip and Marsden, Jerrold (1978) Bifurcation to Divergence and Flutter in Flow-induced Oscillations: An Infinite Dimensional Analysis ; Automatica; Vol. 14; No. 4; 367-384; 10.1016/0005-1098(78)90036-5
Chorin, Alexandre J. and Hughes, Thomas J. R., el al. (1978) Product formulas and numerical algorithms ; Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics; Vol. 31; No. 2; 205-256; 10.1002/cpa.3160310205
Hughes, Thomas J. R. and Marsden, Jerrold E. (1978) Classical elastodynamics as a linear symmetric hyperbolic system ; Journal of Elasticity; Vol. 8; No. 1; 97-110; 10.1007/BF00044512
Marsden, Jerrold E. (1978) On the Geometry of the Liapunov-Schmidt Procedure ; ISBN 0387097031; Global analysis : proceedings of the biennial seminar of the Canadian Mathematical Congress, Calgary, Alberta, June 12-27, 1978; 77-82; 10.1007/BFb0069805
Ball, J. M. and Knops, R. J., el al. (1978) Two examples in nonlinear elasticity ; ISBN 9783540089223; Journées d'Analyse Non Linéaire; 41-48; 10.1007/BFb0061796
Marsden, Jerrold E. and Hughes, T. J. R. (1978) Topics in the mathematical foundations of elasticity ; ISBN 0273084208; Nonlinear analysis and mechanics; 30-285
Holmes, Philip J. and Marsden, Jerrold E. (1978) Bifurcations of dynamical systems and nonlinear oscillations in engineering systems ; ISBN 9783540087595; Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations and Applications; 163-206; 10.1007/BFb0066411
Hughes, Thomas J. R. and Kato, Tosio, el al. (1977) Well-posed quasi-linear second-order hyperbolic systems with applications to nonlinear elastodynamics and general relativity ; Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis; Vol. 63; No. 3; 273-294; 10.1007/BF00251584
Hughes, Thomas J. R. and Marsden, Jerrold E. (1977) Some applications of geometry is continuum mechanics^(*1) ; Reports on Mathematical Physics; Vol. 12; No. 1; 35-44; 10.1016/0034-4877(77)90044-1
Fischer, Arthur E. and Marsden, Jerrold E. (1977) The manifold of conformally equivalent metrics ; Canadian Journal of Mathematics; Vol. 29; No. 1; 193-209
Marsden, Jerrold E. (1977) Attempts to relate the Navier-Stokes equations to turbulence ; ISBN 0387084452; Turbulence Seminar, Berkeley 1976/77; 1-35; 10.1007/BFb0068357
Chernoff, Paul R. and Marsden, Jerrold E. (1977) Some remarks on Hamiltonian systems and quantum mechanics ; ISBN 9027706212; Foundations and Philosophy of Statistical Theories in the Physical Sciences; 35-53
Choquet-Bruhat, Yvonne and Marsden, Jerrold E. (1976) Solution of the Local Mass Problem in General Relativity ; Communications in Mathematical Physics; Vol. 51; No. 3; 283-296; 10.1007/BF01617923
Cantor, M. and Fischer, A., el al. (1976) The Existence of Maximal Slicings in Asymptotically
Flat Spacetimes ; Communications in Mathematical Physics; Vol. 49; No. 2; 187-190; 10.1007/BF01608741
Choquet-Bruhat, Yvonne and Fisher, Arthur, el al. (1976) Equations des contraintes sur une variété non compacte ; Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l'Académie des sciences. Séries A et B, Sciences mathématiques et Sciences physiques; Vol. 284; 975-978
Fischer, Arthur E. and Marsden, Jerrold E. (1976) A new Hamiltonian structure for the dynamics of general relativity ; General Relativity and Gravitation; Vol. 7; No. 12; 915-920; 10.1007/BF00766416
Fischer, Arthur E. and Marsden, Jerrold E. (1976) Deformations of non-linear partial differential equations ; ISBN 222201784X; Géométrie symplectique et physique mathématique; 331-345
Marsden, Jerrold E. (1976) Well-posedness of the equations of a non-homogeneous perfect fluid ; Communications in Partial Differential Equation; Vol. 1; No. 3; 215-230
Choquet-Bruhat, Yvonne and Marsden, Jerrold E. (1976) Sur la positivité de la masse ; Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l'Académie des sciences. Séries A et B, Sciences mathématiques et Sciences physiques; Vol. 282; 609-612
Bourguignon, J. P. and Ebin, David G., el al. (1976) Sur le noyau des opérateurs pseudo-differentiels á symbole surjectif et non injectif ; Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l'Académie des sciences. Séries A et B, Sciences mathématiques et Sciences physiques; Vol. 282; 867-870
Marsden, J. E. and McCracken, M. (1976) The Hopf Bifurcation and Its Applications ; ISBN 0-38790200-7
Arms, Judith Meryl and Fischer, Arthur Eliot, el al. (1975) Géometrie différentielle : une approche symplectique pour des théorémes de décomposition en géométrie ou relativité générale ; Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l'Académie des sciences. Séries A et B, Sciences mathématiques et Sciences physiques; Vol. 281; 517-520
Fischer, Arthur E. and Marsden, Jerrold E. (1975) Deformations of the scalar curvature ; Duke Mathematical Journal; Vol. 42; No. 3; 519-547; 10.1215/S0012-7094-75-04249-0
Chernoff, P. R. and Marsden, J. E. (1975) Some basic properties of infinite dimensional Hamiltonian systems ; ISBN 222201784X; Géométrie symplectique et physique mathématique; 313-330
Fischer, Arthur E. and Marsden, Jerrold E. (1975) Linearization stability of nonlinear partial differential equations ; Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics; Vol. 27; No. 2; 219-263
Fischer, Arthur E. and Marsden, Jerrold E. (1974) Manifolds of Riemannian metrics with prescribed scalar curvature ; Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society; Vol. 80; No. 3; 479-484; 10.1090/S0002-9904-1974-13457-9
Marsden, J. (1974) A formula for the solution of the Navier-Stokes equation based on a method of Chorin ; Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society; Vol. 80; No. 1; 154-158
Fischer, Arthur E. and Marsden, Jerrold E. (1974) Global analysis and general relativity ; General Relativity and Gravitation; Vol. 5; No. 1; 73-77; 10.1007/BF00758076
Marsden, Jerrold E. and Weinstein, Alan J. (1974) Reduction of symplectic manifolds with symmetry ; Reports on Mathematical Physics; Vol. 5; No. 1; 121-130; 10.1016/0034-4877(74)90021-4
Marsden, Jerrold E. and Fischer, Arthur E. (1974) General relativity as a Hamiltonian system ; Symposia Mathematica; Vol. 14; 193-205
Marsden, Jerrold E. (1974) Applications of global analysis in mathematical physics ; ISBN 0-914098-11-X
Marsden, J. E. (1973) On completeness of homogeneous Pseudo-Riemannian manifolds ; Indiana University Mathematics Journal; Vol. 22; No. 11; 1065-1066
Fischer, Arthur E. and Marsden, Jerrold E. (1973) Linearization stability of the Einstein equations ; Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society; Vol. 79; No. 5; 997-1003; 10.1090/S0002-9904-1973-13299-9
Fischer, Arthur E. and Marsden, Jerrold E. (1973) New theoretical techniques in the study of gravity ; General Relativity and Gravitation; Vol. 4; No. 4; 309-317; 10.1007/BF00759850
Marsden, J. (1973) The Hopf bifurcation for nonlinear semigroups ; Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society; Vol. 79; No. 3; 537-541; 10.1090/S0002-9904-1973-13191-X
Marsden, J. E. (1973) On product formulas for nonlinear semigroups ; Journal of Functional Analysis; Vol. 13; No. 1; 51-72; 10.1016/0022-1236(73)90066-9
Marsden, J. (1973) A proof of the Calderon extension theorem ; Canadian Mathematical Bulletin; Vol. 16; No. 1; 133-136
Marsden, J. E. (1973) On Global Solutions for Non-Linear
Hamiltonian Evolution Equations ; Communications in Mathematical Physics; Vol. 30; No. 1; 79-81
Fischer, Arthur E. and Marsden, Jerrold E. (1973) General relativity partial differential equations and dynamical systems ; ISBN 9780821814239; Partial Differential Equations; 309-327
Fischer, Arthur E. and Marsden, Jerrold E. (1972) The Einstein Evolution Equations as a First-Order
Quasi-Linear Symmetric Hyperbolic System, I ; Communications in Mathematical Physics; Vol. 28; No. 1; 1-38; 10.1007/BF02099369
Fischer, A. E. and Marsden, Jerrold E. (1972) The Einstein Equations of Evolution - A Geometric Approach ; Journal of Mathematical Physics; Vol. 13; No. 4; 546-568; 10.1063/1.1666014
Fischer, Arthur E. and Marsden, Jerrold E. (1972) The Einstein Equations of Evolution -- A Geometric Approach ; Journal of Mathematical Physics; Vol. 13; No. 4; 546-568; 10.1063/1.1666014
Marsden, J. E. (1972) Darboux's Theorem Fails for Weak Symplectic Forms ; Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society; Vol. 32; No. 2; 590-592
Marsden, Jerrold E. and Ebin, David G., el al. (1972) Diffeomorphism groups, hydrodynamics and relativity ; ISBN 9780919558038; Proceedings of the 13th Biennial Seminar of Canadian Mathematical Congress; 135-279
Fischer, Arthur E. and Marsden, Jerrold E. (1972) General Relativity as a dynamical system on the manifolds α of Riemannian metrics which cover diffeomorphisms ; ISBN 9783540057932; Proceedings of the Regional Conference on Relativity; 176-188; 10.1007/3-540-05793-5_14
Weinstein, Alan J. and Marsden, Jerrold E. (1970) A comparison theorem for Hamiltonian vector fields ; Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society; Vol. 26; No. 4; 629-631; 10.1090/S0002-9939-1970-0273648-6
Chernoff, P. and Marsden, J. (1970) On continuity and smoothness of group actions ; Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society; Vol. 76; No. 5; 1044-1049; 10.1090/S0002-9904-1970-12552-6
Ebin, David G. and Marsden, Jerrold (1970) Groups of diffeomorphisms and the motion of an incompressible fluid ; Annals of Mathematics; Vol. 92; No. 1; 102-163
Marsden, J. and Abraham, R. (1970) Hamiltonian mechanics on Lie groups and hydrodynamics ; ISBN 0821814141; Global Analysis; 237-244
Ebin, David G. and Marsden, Jerrold E. (1970) On the motion of incompressible fluids
Ebin, David G. and Marsden, Jerrold E. (1969) Groups of diffeomorphisms and the solution of the classical Euler equations for a perfect fluid. ; Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society; Vol. 75; No. 5; 962-967; 10.1090/S0002-9904-1969-12315-3
Marsden, J. E. (1969) Hamiltonian systems with spin ; Canadian Mathematical Bulletin; Vol. 1969; No. n/g; 203-208
Marsden, Jerrold E. (1969) Non smooth geodesic flows and classical mechanics ; Canadian Mathematical Bulletin; Vol. 12; 209-212
Marsden, J. E. (1968) Countable and net convergence ; American Mathematical Monthly; Vol. 75; No. 4
Marsden, J. E. (1968) Hamiltonian one parameter groups ; Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis; Vol. 28; No. 5; 362-396; 10.1007/BF00251662
Marsden, J. E. (1968) Generalized Hamiltonian mechanics ; Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis; Vol. 28; No. 5; 323-361; 10.1007/BF00251661
Marsden, J. (1968) A Banach space of analytic functions for constant coefficient equations of evolution ; Canadian Mathematical Bulletin; Vol. 11; No. 4; 599-601
Wightman, A. S. and Marsden, J. E. (1967) Lectures on Statistical Mechanics (II)
Marsden, J. E. (1967) A correspondence principle for momentum operators ; Canadian Mathematical Bulletin; Vol. 10; No. 2; 247-250
Wightman, A. S. and Marsden, J. E., el al. (1966) Lectures on Statistical Mechanics (I)
Beattie, Mary and Marsden, J. E., el al. (1966) Order in finite affine planes ; Canadian Mathematical Bulletin; Vol. 66; No. 4; 407-411
Sharpe, R. and Beattie, M., el al. (1966) A universal factorization theorem in topology ; Canadian Mathematical Bulletin; Vol. 9; No. 2; 201-207
Marsden, J. E. (1965) A theorem on harmonic homologies ; Canadian Mathematical Bulletin; Vol. 8; No. 1; 375-377