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Ober-Blöbaum, Sina and Tao, Molei, el al. (2013) Variational integrators for electric circuits ; Journal of Computational Physics; Vol. 242; 498-530; 10.1016/
Yavari, Arash and Marsden, Jerrold E. (2012) Covariantization of nonlinear elasticity ; Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematick und Physik; Vol. 63; No. 5; 921-927; 10.1007/s00033-011-0191-7
Moore, Ashley and Blöbaum, Sina-Ober, el al. (2012) Trajectory Design Combining Invariant Manifolds with Discrete Mechanics and Optimal Control ; Journal of Guidance Control and Dynamics; Vol. 35; No. 5; 1507-1525; 10.2514/1.55426
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Gay-Balmaz, François and Marsden, Jerrold E., el al. (2012) Reduced Variational Formulations in Free Boundary Continuum Mechanics ; Journal of Nonlinear Science; Vol. 22; No. 4; 463-497; 10.1007/s00332-012-9143-4
Chertock, Alina and Du Toit, Philip, el al. (2012) Integration of the EPDiff equation by particle methods ; ESAIM-Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis; Vol. 46; No. 3; 515-534; 10.1051/m2an/2011054
Kobilarov, Marin and Marsden, Jerrold E., el al. (2012) Global estimation in constrained environments ; International Journal of Robotics Research; Vol. 31; No. 1; 24-41; 10.1177/0278364911423558
Venturini, G. and Yang, J. Z., el al. (2011) Replica time integrators ; International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering; Vol. 88; No. 6; 586-611; 10.1002/nme.3202
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Kobilarov, Marin B. and Marsden, Jerrold E. (2011) Discrete Geometric Optimal Control on Lie Groups ; IEEE Transactions on Robotics; Vol. 27; No. 4; 641-655; 10.1109/TRO.2011.2139130
Grillo, Sergio and Marsden, Jerrold, el al. (2011) Lyapunov constraints and global asymptotic stabilization ; Journal of Geometric Mechanics; Vol. 3; No. 2; 145-196; 10.3934/jgm.2011.3.145
Ober-Blöbaum, Sina and Junge, Oliver, el al. (2011) Discrete mechanics and optimal control: An analysis ; ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations; Vol. 17; No. 2; 322-352; 10.1051/cocv/2010012
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Tao, Molei and Owhadi, Houman, el al. (2011) Space-time FLAVORS: finite difference, multisymlectic, and pseudospectral integrators for multiscale PDEs ; Dynamics of Partial Differential Equations; Vol. 8; No. 1; 21-45; 10.48550/arXiv.1104.0272
Tao, Molei and Owhadi, Houman, el al. (2011) From efficient symplectic exponentiation of matrices to symplectic integration of high-dimensional Hamiltonian systems with slowly varying quadratic stiff potentials ; Applied Mathematics Research eXpress; Vol. 2011; No. 2; 242-280; 10.1093/amrx/abr008
Leyendecker, S. and Ober-Bloebaum, S., el al. (2010) Discrete mechanics and optimal control for constrained systems ; Optimal Control Applications and Methods; Vol. 31; No. 6; 505-528; 10.1002/oca.912
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Du Toit, Philip C. and Marsden, Jerrold E. (2010) Horseshoes in hurricanes ; Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications; Vol. 7; No. 2; 351-384; 10.1007/s11784-010-0028-6
Tao, Molei and Owhadi, Houman, el al. (2010) Nonintrusive and Structure Preserving Multiscale Integration of Stiff ODEs, SDEs, and Hamiltonian Systems with Hidden Slow Dynamics via Flow Averaging ; Multiscale Modeling and Simulation; Vol. 8; No. 4; 1269-1324; 10.1137/090771648
Kobilarov, Marin and Marsden, Jerrold E., el al. (2010) Geometric discretization of nonholonomic systems with symmetries ; Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems Series S; Vol. 3; No. 1; 61-84; 10.3934/dcdss.2010.3.61
Bloch, Anthony M. and Leok, Melvin, el al. (2010) Controlled Lagrangians and stabilization of discrete mechanical systems ; Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems Series S; Vol. 3; No. 1; 19-36; 10.3934/dcdss.2010.3.19
Krechetnikov, Rouslan and Marsden, Jerrold E. (2009) Dissipation-Induced Instability Phenomena in Infinite-Dimensional Systems ; Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis; Vol. 194; No. 2; 611-668; 10.1007/s00205-008-0193-6
Krechetnikov, R. and Marsden, J. E. (2009) On the origin and nature of finite-amplitude instabilities in physical systems ; Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical; Vol. 42; No. 41; Art. No. 412004; 10.1088/1751-8113/42/41/412004
Bloch, Anthony M. and Brînzănescu, Vasile, el al. (2009) A Class of Integrable Flows on the Space of Symmetric Matrices ; Communications in Mathematical Physics; Vol. 290; No. 2; 399-435; 10.1007/s00220-009-0849-6
Krechetnikov, R. and Marsden, J. E., el al. (2009) A low-dimensional model of separation bubbles ; Physica D; Vol. 238; No. 14; 1152-1160; 10.1016/j.physd.2009.03.017
Yavari, Arash and Marsden, Jerrold E. (2009) Energy balance invariance for interacting particle systems ; Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik; Vol. 60; No. 4; 723-738; 10.1007/s00033-008-8059-1
Bloch, Anthony M. and Marsden, Jerrold E., el al. (2009) Quasivelocities and symmetries in non-holonomic systems ; Dynamical Systems; Vol. 24; No. 2; 187-222; 10.1080/14689360802609344
Vankerschaver, Joris and Kanso, Eva, el al. (2009) The geometry and dynamics of interacting rigid bodies and point vortices ; Journal of Geometric Mechanics; Vol. 1; No. 2; 223-266; 10.3934/jgm.2009.1.223
Yanao, Tomohiro and Koon, Wang Sang, el al. (2009) Intramolecular energy transfer and the driving mechanisms for large-amplitude collective motions of clusters ; Journal of Chemical Physics; Vol. 130; No. 14; 144111; 10.1063/1.3098141
Bou-Rabee, Nawaf and Marsden, Jerrold E. (2009) Hamilton–Pontryagin integrators on Lie groups part I: introduction and structure-preserving properties ; Foundations of Computational Mathematics; Vol. 9; No. 2; 197-219; 10.1007/s10208-008-9030-4
Du Toit, Philip and Mezić, Igor, el al. (2009) Coupled oscillator models with no scale separation ; Physica D; Vol. 238; No. 5; 490-501; 10.1016/j.physd.2008.11.014
Yoshimura, Hiroaki and Marsden, Jerrold E. (2009) Dirac cotangent bundle reduction ; Journal of Geometric Mechanics; Vol. 1; No. 1; 87-158; 10.3934/jgm.2009.1.87
Gawlik, Evan S. and Marsden, Jerrold E., el al. (2009) Lagrangian coherent structures in the planar elliptic restricted three-body problem ; Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy; Vol. 103; No. 3; 227-249; 10.1007/s10569-008-9180-3
Yavari, Arash and Marsden, Jerrold E. (2009) Covariant balance laws in continua with microstructure ; Reports on Mathematical Physics; Vol. 63; No. 1; 1-42; 10.1016/S0034-4877(09)00007-X
Shadden, Shawn C. and Lekien, Francois, el al. (2009) The correlation between surface drifters and coherent structures based on high-frequency radar data in Monterey Bay ; Deep-Sea Research. Part II, Topical Studies in Oceanography; Vol. 56; No. 3-5; 161-172; 10.1016/j.dsr2.2008.08.008
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Castrillón López, Marco and Marsden, Jerrold E. (2008) Covariant and dynamical reduction for principal bundle
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Leyendecker, Sigrid and Marsden, Jerrold E., el al. (2008) Variational integrators for constrained dynamical systems ; Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik; Vol. 88; No. 9; 677-708; 10.1002/zamm.200700173
Marsden, Jerrold E. and Ratiu, Tudor S. (2008) Geometry and analysis in physical systems; papers presented in honour of Darryl D Holm's 60th birthday ; Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical; Vol. 41; No. 34; Art. No. 340301; 10.1088/1751-8121/41/34/340301
Bloch, Anthony M. and Crouch, Peter E., el al. (2008) Optimal Control and Geodesics on Quadratic Matrix Lie Groups ; Foundations of Computational Mathematics; Vol. 8; No. 4; 469-500; 10.1007/s10208-008-9025-1
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Bou-Rabee, Nawaf M. and Marsden, Jerrold E., el al. (2008) Dissipation-Induced Heteroclinic Orbits in Tippe Tops ; SIAM Review; Vol. 50; No. 2; 325-344; 10.1137/080716177
Brezhneva, Olga A. and Tret'yakov, Alexey A., el al. (2008) Higher order implicit function theorems and degenerate nonlinear boundary-value problems ; Communications Pure and Applied Analysis; Vol. 7; No. 2; 293-315; 10.3934/cpaa.2008.7.293
Shashikanth, Banavara N. and Sheshmani, Artan, el al. (2008) Hamiltonian structure for a neutrally buoyant rigid body interacting with N vortex rings of arbitrary shape: the case of arbitrary smooth body shape ; Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics; Vol. 22; No. 1; 37-64; 10.1007/s00162-007-0065-y
Castrillón López, Marco and Gotay, Mark J., el al. (2008) Parametrization and stress–energy–momentum tensors in metric field theories ; Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical; Vol. 41; No. 34; 344002; 10.1088/1751-8113/41/34/344002
Shadden, S. C. and Katija, K., el al. (2007) Transport and stirring induced by vortex formation ; Journal of Fluid Mechanics; Vol. 593; 315-331; 10.1017/S0022112007008865
Yoshimura, Hiroaki and Marsden, Jerrold E. (2007) Reduction of Dirac Structures and the Hamilton-Pontryagin Principle ; Reports on Mathematical Physics; Vol. 60; No. 3; 381-426; 10.1016/S0034-4877(08)00004-9
Bloch, Anthony M. and Leok, Melvin, el al. (2007) Matching and stabilization of discrete mechanical systems ; Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics; Vol. 7; No. 1; 1030603-1030604; 10.1002/pamm.200700390
Yanao, Tomohiro and Koon, Wang S., el al. (2007) Collective coordinates and the mechanism for conformational transitions of complex molecules ; Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics; Vol. 7; No. 1; 1080503-1080504; 10.1002/pamm.200700486
Coulliette, Chad and Lekien, Francois, el al. (2007) Optimal Pollution Mitigation in Monterey Bay Based on Coastal Radar Data and Nonlinear Dynamics ; Environmental Science and Technology; Vol. 41; No. 18; 6562-6572; 10.1021/es0630691
Kanso, Eva and Arroyo, Marino, el al. (2007) On the geometric character of stress in continuum mechanics ; Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematick und Physik; Vol. 58; No. 5; 843-856; 10.1007/s00033-007-6141-8
Lekien, Francois and Shadden, Shawn C., el al. (2007) Lagrangian coherent structures in n-dimensional systems ; Journal of Mathematical Physics; Vol. 48; No. 6; Art. No. 065404; 10.1063/1.2740025
Krechetnikov, R. and Marsden, J. E. (2007) Dissipation-induced instabilities in finite dimensions ; Reviews of Modern Physics; Vol. 79; No. 2; 519-553; 10.1103/RevModPhys.79.519
Yanao, Tomohiro and Koon, Wang S., el al. (2007) Gyration-radius dynamics in structural transitions of atomic clusters ; Journal of Chemical Physics; Vol. 126; No. 12; Art. No. 124102; 10.1063/1.2710272
Yoshimura, Hiroaki and Marsden, Jerrold E. (2006) Dirac structures in Lagrangian mechanics. Part II: Variational structures ; Journal of Geometry and Physics; Vol. 57; No. 1; 209-250; 10.1016/j.geomphys.2006.02.012
Yoshimura, Hiroaki and Marsden, Jerrold E. (2006) Dirac Structures in Lagrangian Mechanics.
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Marsden, Jerrold E. (2006) The Influence of G&H on Nonlinear Dynamics ; Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics; Vol. 1; No. 4; 275-276; 10.1115/1.2338665
Yanao, T. and Koon, W. S., el al. (2006) Mass-Related Dynamical Barriers in Triatomic Reactions ; Few-Body Systems; Vol. 38; No. 2-4; 161-166; 10.1007/s00601-005-0138-7
Gabern, F. and Koon, W. S., el al. (2006) Application of Tube Dynamics to Non-Statistical Reaction Processes ; Few-Body Systems; Vol. 38; No. 2-4; 167-172; 10.1007/s00601-005-0136-9
Jalnapurkar, Sameer M. and Leok, Melvin, el al. (2006) Discrete Routh reduction ; Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General; Vol. 39; No. 19; 5521-5544; 10.1088/0305-4470/39/19/S12
Yanao, Tomohiro and Koon, Wang S., el al. (2006) Mass effects and internal space geometry in triatomic reaction dynamics ; Physical Review A; Vol. 73; No. 5; Art. No. 052704; 10.1103/PhysRevA.73.052704
Gabern, Frederic and Koon, Wang S., el al. (2006) Parking a Spacecraft near an Asteroid Pair ; Journal of Guidance Control and Dynamics; Vol. 29; No. 3; 544-553
Yavari, Arash and Marsden, Jerrold E., el al. (2006) On spatial and material covariant balance laws in elasticity ; Journal of Mathematical Physics; Vol. 47; No. 4; Art. No. 042903; 10.1063/1.2190827
Shadden, Shawn C. and Dabiri, John O., el al. (2006) Lagrangian analysis of fluid transport in empirical vortex ring flows ; Physics of Fluids; Vol. 18; No. 4; Art. No. 047105; 10.1063/1.2189885
Afshari, E. and Bhat, H. S., el al. (2006) Extremely wideband signal shaping using one- and two-dimensional nonuniform nonlinear transmission lines ; Journal of Applied Physics; Vol. 99; No. 5; Art. No. 054901; 10.1063/1.2174126
Krechetnikov, R. and Marsden, J. E. (2006) On destabilizing effects of two fundamental non-conservative forces ; Physica D; Vol. 214; No. 1; 25-32; 10.1016/j.physd.2005.12.003
Gabern, F. and Koon, W. S., el al. (2006) Binary Asteroid Observation Orbits from a Global Dynamical Perspective ; SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems; Vol. 5; No. 2; 252-279; 10.1137/050641843
Marsden, Jerrold E. and Ross, Shane D. (2006) New methods in celestial mechanics and mission design ; Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society; Vol. 43; No. 1; 43-73
Shadden, Shawn C. and Lekien, Francois, el al. (2005) Definition and properties of Lagrangian coherent structures from finite-time Lyapunov exponents in two-dimensional aperiodic flows ; Physica D; Vol. 212; No. 3-4; 271-304; 10.1016/j.physd.2005.10.007
Gabern, Frederic and Koon, Wang S., el al. (2005) Theory and computation of non-RRKM lifetime distributions and rates in chemical systems with three or more degrees of freedom ; Physica D; Vol. 211; No. 3-4; 391-406; 10.1016/j.physd.2005.09.008
Lekien, Francois and Coulliette, Chad, el al. (2005) Pollution release tied to invariant manifolds: A case study for the coast of Florida ; Physica D; Vol. 210; No. 1-2; 1-20; 10.1016/j.physd.2005.06.023
Bou-Rabee, Nawaf M. and Marsden, Jerrold E., el al. (2005) A geometric treatment of Jellett's egg ; ZAMM - Journal of Applied Mathematics; Vol. 85; No. 9; 618-642; 10.1002/zamm.200410207
Kanso, E. and Marsden, J. E., el al. (2005) Locomotion of Articulated Bodies in a Perfect Fluid ; Journal of Nonlinear Science; Vol. 15; No. 4; 255-289; 10.1007/s00332-004-0650-9
Dellnitz, Michael and Junge, Oliver, el al. (2005) Transport of Mars-Crossing Asteroids from the Quasi-Hilda Region ; Physical Review Letters; Vol. 94; No. 23; Art. No. 231102; 10.1103/PhysRevLett.94.231102
Desbrun, Mathieu and Leok, Melvin, el al. (2005) Discrete Poincaré Lemma ; Applied Numerical Mathematics; Vol. 53; No. 2-4; 231-248; 10.1016/j.apnum.2004.09.035
Lekien, F. and Marsden, J. (2005) Tricubic interpolation in three dimensions ; International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering; Vol. 63; No. 3; 455-471; 10.1002/nme.1296
Hernández-Garduño, Antonio and Marsden, J. E. (2005) Regularization of the Amended Potential and the Bifurcation of Relative Equilibria ; Journal of Nonlinear Science; Vol. 15; No. 2; 93-132; 10.1007/s00332-004-0544-x
Bhat, H. S. and Fetecau, R. C., el al. (2005) Lagrangian Averaging for Compressible Fluids ; Multiscale Modeling and Simulation; Vol. 3; No. 4; 818-837; 10.1137/030601739
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Bloch, Anthony M. and Marsden, Jerrold E., el al. (2005) Nonholonomic Dynamics ; Notices of the American Mathematical Society; Vol. 52; No. 3; 320-329
Dellnitz, Michael and Junge, Oliver, el al. (2005) Transport in dynamical astronomy and multibody problems ; International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering; Vol. 15; No. 3; 699-727; 10.1142/S0218127405012545
Cendra, Hernán and Marsden, Jerrold E. (2005) Geometric Mechanics and the Dynamics of Asteroid Pairs ; Dynamical Systems; Vol. 20; No. 1; 3-21; 10.1080/1468936042000269578
Gabern, F. and Koon, W. S., el al. (2005) Spacecraft dynamics near a binary asteroid ; Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems; Vol. 2005; No. Supple; 297-306
Dellnitz, M. and Grubits, K. A., el al. (2005) Set oriented computation of transport rates in 3-degree of freedom systems: the Rydberg atom in crossed fields ; Regular and Chaotic Dynamics; Vol. 10; No. 2; 173-192; 10.1070/RD2005v010n02ABEH000310
Vasylkevych, Sergiy and Marsden, Jerrold E. (2005) The Lie-Poisson Structure of the Euler Equations of an Ideal Fluid ; Dynamics of Partial Differential Equations; Vol. 2; No. 4; 281-300
Lekien, F. and Coulliette, C., el al. (2004) Open-boundary modal analysis: Interpolation, extrapolation, and filtering ; Journal of Geophysical Research C; Vol. 109; No. C12; Art. No. C12004; 10.1029/2004JC002323
Gomez, G. and Koon, W. S., el al. (2004) Connecting orbits and invariant manifolds in the spatial restricted three-body problem ; Nonlinearity; Vol. 17; No. 5; 1571-1606; 10.1088/0951-7715/17/5/002
Chang, Dong Eui and Marsden, Jerrold E. (2004) Reduction of Controlled Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Systems with Symmetry ; SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization; Vol. 43; No. 1; 277-300; 10.1137/S0363012902412951
Lew, A. and Marsden, J. E., el al. (2004) Variational time integrators ; International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering; Vol. 60; No. 1; 153-212; 10.1002/nme.958
Vela-Arevalo, Luz V. and Marsden, Jerrold E. (2004) Time-frequency analysis of the restricted three-body problem: transport and resonance transitions ; Classical and Quantum Gravity; Vol. 21; No. 3; S351-S375; 10.1088/0264-9381/21/3/022
Woolsey, Craig and Reddy, Chevva Konda, el al. (2004) Controlled Lagrangian systems with gyroscopic forcing and dissipation ; European Journal of Control; Vol. 10; No. 5; 478-496
Bou-Rabee, Nawaf M. and Marsden, Jerrold E., el al. (2004) Tippe Top Inversion as a Dissipation-Induced Instability ; SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems; Vol. 3; No. 3; 352-377; 10.1137/030601351
Tret'yakov, Alexey and Marsden, Jerrold E. (2003) Factor-Analysis of nonlinear mappings: p-regularity theory ; Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis; Vol. 2; No. 4; 425-445; 10.3934/cpaa.2003.2.425
Shashikanth, Banavara N. and Marsden, Jerrold E. (2003) Leapfrogging vortexrings: Hamiltonian structure, geometric
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Castrillón López, Marco and Marsden, Jerrold E. (2003) Some remarks on Lagrangian and Poisson reduction for field theories ; Journal of Geometry and Physics; Vol. 48; No. 1; 52-83; 10.1016/S0393-0440(03)00025-1
Lall, Sanjay and Krysl, Petr, el al. (2003) Structure-preserving model reduction for mechanical systems ; Physica D; Vol. 184; No. 1-4; 304-318; 10.1016/S0167-2789(03)00227-6
Cendra, Hernán and Marsden, Jerrold E., el al. (2003) Variational Principles for Lie—Poisson and Hamilton—Poincaré
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Hernán, Cendra and Marsden, Jerrold E., el al. (2003) Variational principles for Lie-Poisson and Hamilton-Poincaré equations ; Moscow Mathematical Journal; Vol. 3; No. 3; 833-867
Chang, Dong Eui and Marsden, Jerrold E. (2003) Geometric Derivation of the Delaunay Variables and Geometric Phases ; Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy; Vol. 86; No. 2; 185-208; 10.1023/A:1024174702036
Lew, A. and Marsden, J. E., el al. (2003) Asynchronous Variational Integrators ; Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis; Vol. 167; No. 2; 85-146; 10.1007/s00205-002-0212-y
Mohseni, Kamran and Kosovic, Branko, el al. (2003) Numerical simulations of the Lagrangian averaged Navier–Stokes equations for homogeneous isotropic turbulence ; Physics of Fluids; Vol. 15; No. 2; 524-544; 10.1063/1.1533069
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Marsden, Jerrold E. and Shkoller, Steve (2003) The Anisotropic Lagrangian Averaged Euler
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Fetecau, R. C. and Marsden, J. E., el al. (2003) Nonsmooth Lagrangian mechanics and variational collision integrators ; SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems; Vol. 2; No. 3; 381-416; 10.1137/S1111111102406038
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Lall, Sanjay and Marsden, Jerrold E., el al. (2002) A subspace approach to balanced truncation for model reduction of nonlinear control systems ; International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control; Vol. 12; No. 6; 519-535; 10.1002/rnc.657
Zenkov, Dmitry V. and Bloch, Anthony M., el al. (2002) The Lyapunov-Malkin Theorem and Stabilization of the Unicycle with Rider ; Systems and Control Letters; Vol. 45; No. 4; 293-302; 10.1016/S0167-6911(01)00187-6
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Shashikanth, Banavara N. and Marsden, Jerrold E., el al. (2002) The Hamiltonian structure of a two-dimensional rigid circular cylinder interacting dynamically with N point vortices ; Physics of Fluids; Vol. 14; No. 3; 1214-1227; 10.1063/1.1445183
Chang, Dong Eui and Chichka, David F., el al. (2002) Lyapunov-based transfer between elliptic Keplerian orbits ; Discreet and Continuous Dynamical Systems Series B; Vol. 2; No. 1; 57-67; 10.3934/dcdsb.2002.2.57
Clerc, Marcel G. and Marsden, Jerrold E. (2001) Dissipation-induced instabilities in an optical cavity laser: A mechanical analog near the 1:1 resonance ; Physical Review E; Vol. 64; No. 6; Art. No. 067603; 10.1103/PhysRevE.64.067603
Bloch, Anthony M. and Chang, Dong Eui, el al. (2001) Controlled Lagrangians and the stabilization of mechanical systems. II. Potential shaping ; IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control; Vol. 46; No. 10; 1556-1571; 10.1109/9.956051
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Koon, W. S. and Lo, M. W., el al. (2001) Resonance and Capture of Jupiter Comets ; Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy; Vol. 81; No. 1-2; 27-38; 10.1023/A:1013398801813
Marsden, Jerrold E. and Shkoller, Steve (2001) Global well-posedness for the Lagrangian averaged Navier-Stokes (LANS-α) equations on bounded domains ; Philosophical Transactions A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences; Vol. 359; No. 1784; 1449-1468; 10.1098/rsta.2001.0852
Marsden, Jerrold E. and Shkoller, Steve (2001) Global well–posedness for the Lagrangian averaged Navier–Stokes (LANS–α) equations on bounded domains ; Philosophical Transactions A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences; Vol. 359; No. 1784; 1449-1468; 10.1098/rsta.2001.0852
Alber, Mark S. and Camassa, Roberto, el al. (2001) The Complex Geometry of Weak Piecewise Smooth Solutions of Integrable Nonlinear PDE's of Shallow Water and Dym Type ; Communications in Mathematical Physics; Vol. 221; No. 1; 197-227; 10.1007/PL00005573
Cendra, Hernán and Marsden, Jerrold E., el al. (2001) Lagrangian Reduction by Stages ; Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society; Vol. 152; No. 722; 1-108
Krysl, P. and Lall, S., el al. (2001) Dimensional model reduction in non-linear finite element
dynamics of solids and structures ; International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering; Vol. 51; No. 4; 479-504; 10.1002/nme.167
Marsden, Jerrold E. and Pekarsky, Sergey, el al. (2001) Variational methods, multisymplectic geometry and continuum mechanics ; Journal of Geometry and Physics; Vol. 38; No. 3-4; 253-284; 10.1016/S0393-0440(00)00066-8
Marsden, J. E. and West, M. (2001) Discrete mechanics and variational integrators ; Act Numerica; Vol. 10; No. 5; 357-514; 10.1017/S096249290100006X
Bloch, Anthony M. and Leonard, Naomi Ehrich, el al. (2001) Controlled Lagrangians and the stabilization of Euler-Poincaré mechanical systems ; International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control; Vol. 11; No. 3; 191-214; 10.1002/rnc.572
Pekarsky, Sergey and Marsden, Jerrold E. (2001) Abstract mechanical connection and Abelian
reconstruction for almost Kähler manifolds ; Journal of Applied Mathematics; Vol. 1; No. 1; 1-28
Koon, Wang S. and Lo, Martin W., el al. (2001) Constructing a Low Energy Transfer
Between Jovian Moons ; Contemporary Mathematics; Vol. 292; 129-146
Kane, C. and Marsden, J. E., el al. (2000) Variational Integrators and the Newmark Algorithm for Conservative and Dissipative Mechanical Systems ; International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering; Vol. 49; No. 10; 1295-1325; 10.1002/1097-0207(20001210)49:10<1295::AID-NME993>3.0.CO;2-W
Bloch, Anthony M. and Leonard, Naomi Ehrich, el al. (2000) Controlled Lagrangians and the stabilization of mechanical systems. I. The first matching theorem ; IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control; Vol. 45; No. 12; 2253-2270; 10.1109/9.895562
Marsden, Jerrold E. and Pekarsky, Sergey, el al. (2000) Symmetry reduction of discrete Lagrangian mechanics on Lie groups ; Journal of Geometry and Physics; Vol. 36; No. 1-2; 140-151; 10.1016/S0393-0440(00)00018-8
Jalnapurkar, Sameer M. and Marsden, Jerrold E. (2000) Reduction of Hamilton's variational principle ; Dynamics and Stability of Systems; Vol. 15; No. 3; 287-318; 10.1080/713603744
Rowley, Clarence W. and Marsden, Jerrold E. (2000) Reconstruction Equations and the Karhunen-Loève
Expansion for Systems with Symmetry ; Physica D; Vol. 142; No. 1-2; 1-19; 10.1016/S0167-2789(00)00042-7
Jalnapurkar, Sameer M. and Marsden, Jerrold E. (2000) Stabilization of relative equilibria ; IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control; Vol. 45; No. 8; 1483-1491; 10.1109/9.871756
Rowley, Clarence W. and Marsden, Jerrold E. (2000) Reconstruction equations and the Karhunen–Loève expansion for systems with symmetry ; Physica D; Vol. 142; No. 1-2; 1-19; 10.1016/S0167-2789(00)00042-7
Koon, Wang Sang and Lo, Martin W., el al. (2000) Heteroclinic connections between periodic orbits and resonance transitions in celestial mechanics ; Chaos; Vol. 10; No. 2; 427-469; 10.1063/1.166509
Marsden, Jerrold E. and Ratiu, Tudor S., el al. (2000) Reduction theory and the Lagrange–Routh equations ; Journal of Mathematical Physics; Vol. 41; No. 6; 3379-3429; 10.1063/1.533317
Luther, G. G. and Alber, M. S., el al. (2000) Geometric analysis of optical frequency conversion and its control in quadratic nonlinear media ; Journal of the Optical Society of America B; Vol. 17; No. 6; 932-941
Koon, Wang Sang and Lo, Martin W., el al. (2000) Heteroclinic Connections Between Periodic Orbits and Resonance Transitions in Celestial Mechanics ; Chaos; Vol. 10; No. 2; 427-469; 10.1063/1.166509
Marsden, J. E. and Ratiu, T. S., el al. (2000) The geometry and analysis of the averaged Euler equations and a new diffeomorphism group ; Geometric and Functional Analysis; Vol. 10; No. 3; 582-599; 10.1007/PL00001631
Marsden, Jerrold E. and Perlmutter, Matthew (2000) The Orbit Bundle Picture of Cotangent Bundle
Reduction ; Comptes Rendus Mathématiques de l'Académie des Sciences. La Société Royale du Canada; Vol. 22; No. 1; 33-54
Alber, Mark S. and Camassa, Roberto, el al. (1999) On Billiard Solutions of Nonlinear PDE's ; Physics Letters A; Vol. 264; No. 2-3; 171-178; 10.1016/S0375-9601(99)00784-7
Kane, C. and Repetto, E. A., el al. (1999) Finite element analysis of nonsmooth contact ; Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering; Vol. 180; No. 1-2; 1-26; 10.1016/S0045-7825(99)00034-1
Marsden, Jerrold E. and Pekarsky, Sergey, el al. (1999) Discrete Euler-Poincaré and Lie-Poisson equations ; Nonlinearity; Vol. 12; No. 6; 1647-1662; 10.1088/0951-7715/12/6/314
Marsden, J. E. and Pekarsky, S., el al. (1999) Stability of Relative Equilibria of Point Vortices on a Sphere and Symplectic Integrators ; Nuovo cimento della Società italiana di fisica. C; Vol. 22C; No. 6; 793-802
Kane, C. and Marsden, J. E., el al. (1999) Symplectic-energy-momentum preserving variational integrators ; Journal of Mathematical Physics; Vol. 40; No. 7; 3353-3371; 10.1063/1.532892
Kruse, Hans Peter and Mahalov, Alex, el al. (1999) On the Hamiltonian structure and three-dimensional instabilities of rotating liquid bridges ; Fluid Dynamics Research; Vol. 24; No. 1; 37-59; 10.1016/S0169-5983(98)00005-7
Marsden, Jerrold E. and Shkoller, Steve (1999) Multisymplectic geometry, covariant Hamiltonians, and water waves ; Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society; Vol. 125; No. 3; 553-575; 10.1017/S0305004198002953
Marsden, Jerrold E. and Patrick, George W., el al. (1998) Multisymplectic Geometry, Variational Integrators, and
Nonlinear PDEs ; Communications in Mathematical Physics; Vol. 199; No. 2; 351-395; 10.1007/s002200050505
Pekarsky, Sergey and Marsden, Jerrold E. (1998) Point vortices on a sphere: Stability of relative equilibria ; Journal of Mathematical Physics; Vol. 39; No. 11; 5894-5907; 10.1063/1.532602
Marsden, Jerrold E. and Misiołek, Gerard, el al. (1998) Symplectic Reduction for Semidirect Products and Central Extensions ; Differential Geometry and its Applications; Vol. 9; No. 1-2; 173-212; 10.1016/S0926-2245(98)00021-7
Holm, Darryl D. and Marsden, Jerrold E., el al. (1998) The Euler–Poincaré Equations and Semidirect Products with Applications to Continuum Theories ; Advances in Mathematics; Vol. 137; No. 1; 1-81; 10.1006/aima.1998.1721
Cendra, Hernán and Holm, Darryl D., el al. (1998) The Maxwell–Vlasov equations in Euler–Poincaré form ; Journal of Mathematical Physics; Vol. 39; No. 6; 3138-3157; 10.1063/1.532244
Holm, Darryl D. and Marsden, Jerrold E., el al. (1998) Euler-Poincaré Models of Ideal Fluids with Nonlinear Dispersion ; Physical Review Letters; Vol. 80; No. 19; 4173-4176; 10.1103/PhysRevLett.80.4173
Zenkov, Dmitry V. and Bloch, Anthony M., el al. (1998) The energy-momentum method for the stability of non-holonomic systems ; Dynamics and Stability of Systems; Vol. 13; No. 3; 123-165; 10.1080/02681119808806257
Jalnapurkar, Sameer M. and Marsden, Jerrold E. (1998) Stabilization of Relative Equilibria II ; Regular & Chaotic Dynamics; Vol. 3; No. 3; 161-179; 10.1070/RD1998v003n03ABEH000087
Cendra, Hernán and Holm, Darryl D., el al. (1998) Lagrangian Reduction, the Euler-Poincaré Equations,
and Semidirect Products ; American Mathematical Society Translations; Vol. 186; No. 1; 1-25
Koon, Wang Sang and Marsden, Jerrold E. (1998) Poisson reduction for nonholonomic mechanical systems with symmetry ; Reports on Mathematical Physics; Vol. 42; 101-134
Zenkov, Dmitry V. and Bloch, Anthony M., el al. (1998) The energy–momentum method for the stability of non-holonomic systems ; Dynamics and Stability of Systems; Vol. 13; No. 2; 123-166; 10.1080/02681119808806257
Wendlandt, Jeffrey M. and Marsden, Jerrold E. (1997) Mechanical Integrators Derived from a Discrete Variational Principle ; Physica D; Vol. 106; No. 3-4; 223-246; 10.1016/S0167-2789(97)00051-1
Koon, Wang Sang and Marsden, Jerrold E. (1997) The Hamiltonian and Lagrangian Approaches to the Dynamics of
Nonholonomic Systems ; Reports on Mathematical Physics; Vol. 40; No. 1; 21-62; 10.1016/S0034-4877(97)85617-0
Leonard, Naomi Ehrich and Marsden, Jerrold E. (1997) Stability and drift of underwater vehicle dynamics: Mechanical systems with rigid motion symmetry ; Physica D; Vol. 105; No. 1-3; 130-162; 10.1016/S0167-2789(97)83390-8
Getz, N. H. and Marsden, Jerrold E. (1997) Dynamical methods for polar decomposition and inversion of matrices ; Linear Algebra and its Applications; Vol. 258; No. June; 311-343; 10.1016/S0024-3795(96)00235-2
Koon, Wang-Sang and Marsden, Jerrold E. (1997) Optimal Control for Holonomic and Nonholonomic Mechanical
Systems with Symmetry and Lagrangian Reduction ; SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization; Vol. 35; No. 3; 901-929; 10.1137/S0363012995290367
Alber, Mark S. and Luther, Gregory G., el al. (1997) Energy dependent Schrödinger operators and complex Hamiltonian systems on Riemann surfaces ; Nonlinearity; Vol. 10; No. 1; 223-241; 10.1088/0951-7715/10/1/015
Bloch, Anthony M. and Krishnaprasad, P. S., el al. (1996) Nonholonomic Mechanical Systems with Symmetry ; Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis; Vol. 136; No. 1; 21-99; 10.1007/BF02199365
Xu, Chong-Ye and Marsden, Jerrold E. (1996) Asymptotic Stability for Equilibria of Nonlinear Semiflows with Applications to Rotating Viscoelastic Rods, Part I ; Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis; Vol. 7; No. 2; 271-297
Bloch, Anthony and Krishnaprasad, P. S., el al. (1996) The Euler-Poincare Equations and Double Bracket Dissipation ; Communications in Mathematical Physics; Vol. 175; No. 1; 1-42; 10.1007/BF02101622
Ge, Zhong and Kruse, Hans Peter, el al. (1996) The limits of Hamiltonian structures in three-dimensional elasticity, shells, and rods ; Journal of Nonlinear Science; Vol. 6; No. 1; 19-57; 10.1007/BF02433809
Kirk, Vivien and Marsden, Jerrold E., el al. (1996) Branches of stable three-tori using Hamiltonian methods in hopf bifurcation on a rhombic lattice ; Dynamics and Stability of Systems; Vol. 11; No. 4; 267-302; 10.1080/02681119608806228
Alber, Mark S. and Camassa, Roberto, el al. (1995) On the Link between Umbilic Geodesics and Soliton Solutions of Nonlinear PDEs ; Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, physical, and engineering sciences; Vol. 450; No. 1940; 677-692; 10.1098/rspa.1995.0107
Marsden, Jerrold E. and Ratiu, Tudor S., el al. (1995) Équations d'Euler dans une coque sphérique mince = Euler equations in a thin spherical shell ; Comptes rendus de l'Académie des sciences. Série I, Mathématique; Vol. 321; No. 9; 1201-1206
Marsden, Jerrold E. and Scheurle, Jürgen (1995) Pattern evocation and geometric phases in
mechanical systems with symmetry ; Dynamics and Stability of Systems; Vol. 10; No. 4; 315-338; 10.1080/02681119508806210
Golubitsky, Martin and Marsden, Jerrold E., el al. (1995) The constrained Liapunov-Schmidt procedure and periodic orbits ; Fields Institute Communications; Vol. 4; 81-127
Ge, Zhong and Kruse, Hans Peter, el al. (1995) The convergence of Hamiltonian structure in the shallow water approximation ; Canadian Applied Mathematics Quarterly; Vol. 3; No. 3; 277-302
Alber, M. S. and Marsden, J. E. (1994) Complex geometric asymptotics for nonlinear systems on complex varieties ; Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis; Vol. 4; No. 2; 237-251
Alber, Mark S. and Camassa, Roberto, el al. (1994) The geometry of peaked solitons and billiard solutions of a class of integrable PDE's ; Letters in Mathematical Physics; Vol. 32; No. 2; 137-151; 10.1007/BF00739423
Knobloch, Edgar and Mahalov, Alex, el al. (1994) Normal Forms for Three–dimensional Parametric Instabilities in Ideal Hydrodynamics ; Physica D; Vol. 73; No. 1-2; 49-81; 10.1016/0167-2789(94)90225-9
Bloch, Anthony and Krishnaprasad, P. S., el al. (1994) Dissipation Induced Instabilities ; Analyse Nonlineaire, Annales Institute H. Poincaré; Vol. 11; No. 1; 37-90
Marsden, Jerrold E. and Scheurle, Jürgen (1993) Lagrangian Reduction and the Double Spherical
Pendulum ; Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematick und Physik; Vol. 44; No. 1; 17-43; 10.1007/BF00914351
Alber, M. S. and Marsden, J. E. (1992) On geometric phases for soliton equations ; Communications in Mathematical Physics; Vol. 149; No. 2; 217-240; 10.1007/BF02097623
Bloch, A. M. and Krishnaprasad, P. S., el al. (1992) Stabilization of Rigid Body Dynamics by Internal and External Torques ; Automatica; Vol. 28; No. 4; 745-756; 10.1016/0005-1098(92)90034-D
Dellnitz, Michael and Melbourne, Ian, el al. (1992) Generic bifurcation of Hamiltonian vector fields with symmetry ; Nonlinearity; Vol. 5; No. 4; 979-996; 10.1088/0951-7715/5/4/008
Lin, F. J. and Marsden, J. E. (1992) Symplectic reduction and topology for applications in classical molecular dynamics ; Journal of Mathematical Physics; Vol. 33; No. 4; 1281-1294; 10.1063/1.529705
Lewis, D. and Ratiu, T., el al. (1992) The heavy top: a geometric treatment ; Nonlinearity; Vol. 5; No. 1; 1-48; 10.1088/0951-7715/5/1/001
Simo, J. C. and Posbergh, T. A., el al. (1991) Stability of Relative Equilibria. Part II: Application to Nonlinear Elasticity ; Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis; Vol. 115; No. 1; 61-100; 10.1007/BF01881679
Simo, J. C. and Lewis, D., el al. (1991) Stability of relative equilibria. Part I: The reduced energy-momentum method ; Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis; Vol. 115; No. 1; 15-59; 10.1007/BF01881678
Marsden, J. E. and Ratiu, T., el al. (1991) Symplectic connections and the linearisation of Hamiltonian systems ; Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Section A Mathematics; Vol. 117; No. 3-4; 329-380
Marsden, J. E. and O'Reilly, O. M., el al. (1991) Symmetry, Stability, Geometric Phases, and Mechanical
Integrators ; Nonlinear Science Today; Vol. 1; No. 1; 4-11
Simo, J. C. and Posbergh, T. A., el al. (1990) Stability of coupled rigid body and geometrically exact rods, block diagonalization and the energy, momentum method ; Physics Reports; Vol. 193; No. 6; 279-360; 10.1016/0370-1573(90)90125-L
Bloch, Anthony M. and Marsden, Jerrold E. (1990) Stabilization of rigid body dynamics by the Energy-Casimir method ; Systems and Control Letters; Vol. 14; No. 4; 341-346; 10.1016/0167-6911(90)90055-Y
Marsden, J. E. and Montgomery, R., el al. (1990) Reduction, Symmetry and Phases in Mechanics ; ISBN 0821824988; Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society; Vol. 88; No. 436
Chern, Shuh-Jye and Marsden, Jerrold E. (1990) A note on symmetry and stability for fluid flows ; Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Mechanics; Vol. 51; No. 1-4; 19-26; 10.1080/03091929008219848
Oh, Y.-G and Sreenath, N., el al. (1989) The dynamics of coupled planar rigid bodies. II. Bifurcations, periodic solutions, and chaos ; Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations; Vol. 1; No. 3; 269-298; 10.1007/BF01053929
Bloch, A. M. and Marsden, J. E. (1989) Controlling Homoclinic Orbits ; Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics; Vol. 1; No. 3; 179-190; 10.1007/BF00417919
Zhong, Ge and Marsden, Jerrold E. (1988) Lie-Poisson Hamilton-Jacobi theory and Lie-Poisson integrators ; Physics Letters A; Vol. 133; No. 3; 134-139; 10.1016/0375-9601(88)90773-6
Simo, Juan C. and Marsden, Jerrold E., el al. (1988) The Hamiltonian Structure of Nonlinear Elasticity: The
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and Plates ; Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis; Vol. 104; No. 2; 125-183; 10.1007/BF00251673
Sreenath, N. and Oh, Y. G., el al. (1988) The dynamics of coupled planar rigid bodies. Part I: Reduction, equilibria and stability ; Dynamics and Stability of Systems; Vol. 3; No. 1-2; 25-49; 10.1080/02681118808806044
Lewis, D. and Marsden, J., el al. (1987) Stability and bifurcation of a rotating planar liquid drop ; Journal of Mathematical Physics; Vol. 28; No. 10; 2508-2515; 10.1063/1.527740
Marsden, Jerrold and Scheurle, Jürgen (1987) The Construction and Smoothness of Invariant Manifolds by the Deformation Method ; SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis; Vol. 18; No. 5; 1261-1274; 10.1137/0518092
Cendra, Hernan and Marsden, Jerrold E. (1987) Lin constraints, Clebsch potentials and variational principles ; Physica D; Vol. 27; No. 1-2; 63-89; 10.1016/0167-2789(87)90005-4
Krishnaprasad, P. S. and Marsden, J. E. (1987) Hamiltonian structures and stability for rigid bodies with flexible attachments ; Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis; Vol. 98; No. 1; 71-93; 10.1007/BF00279963
Golubitsky, Martin and Stewart, Ian, el al. (1987) Generic bifurcation of Hamiltonian systems with symmetry ; Physica D; Vol. 24; No. 1-3; 391-405; 10.1016/0167-2789(87)90087-X
Cendra, Hernan and Ibort, Alberto, el al. (1987) Variational principles on principal fiber bundles: A geometry theory of Clebsch potentials and Lin constraints ; Journal of Geometry and Physics; Vol. 4; No. 2; 183-205; 10.1016/0393-0440(87)90026-X
Abarbanel, H. D. I. and Holm, D. D., el al. (1986) Nonlinear Stability Analysis of Stratified Fluid Equilibria ; Philosophical Transactions A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences; Vol. 318; No. 1543; 349-409; 10.1098/rsta.1986.0078
Marsden, J. E. and Montgomery, R., el al. (1986) Covariant Poisson Brackets for Classical Fields ; Annals of Physics; Vol. 169; No. 1; 29-47; 10.1016/0003-4916(86)90157-0
Eardley, D. and Isenberg, J., el al. (1986) Homothetic and Conformal Symmetries of Solutions to
Einstein's Equations ; Communications in Mathematical Physics; Vol. 106; No. 1; 137-158; 10.1007/BF01210929
Marsden, Jerrold E. and Ratiu, Tudor (1986) Reduction of Poisson manifolds ; Letters in Mathematical Physics; Vol. 11; No. 2; 161-169; 10.1007/BF00398428
Lewis, D. and Marsden, J., el al. (1986) The Hamiltonian structure for dynamic free boundary problems ; Physica D; Vol. 18; No. 1-3; 391-404; 10.1016/0167-2789(86)90207-1
Bao, David and Marsden, Jerrold, el al. (1985) The Hamiltonian Structure of General Relativistic
Perfect Fluids ; Communications in Mathematical Physics; Vol. 99; No. 3; 319-345; 10.1007/BF01240351
Holm, Darryl D. and Marsden, Jerrold E., el al. (1985) Nonlinear stability of fluid and plasma equilibria ; Physics Reports; Vol. 123; No. 1-2; 1-116; 10.1016/0370-1573(85)90028-6
Slemrod, M. and Marsden, J. E. (1985) Temporal and Spatial Chaos in a van der Waals Fluid Due to Periodic Thermal Fluctuations ; Advances in Applied Mathematics; Vol. 6; No. 2; 135-158; 10.1016/0196-8858(85)90008-9
Scheurle, Jürgen and Marsden, Jerrold (1984) Bifurcation to Quasi-Periodic Tori in the Interaction of Steady State and Hopf Bifurcations ; SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis; Vol. 15; No. 6; 1055-1074; 10.1137/0515082
Simo, Juan C. and Marsden, Jerrold E. (1984) On the rotated stress tensor and the material version of the Doyle-Ericksen formula ; Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis; Vol. 86; No. 3; 213-231; 10.1007/BF00281556
Ball, J. M. and Marsden, J. E. (1984) Quasiconvexity at the Boundary, Positivity of the
Second Variation and Elastic Stability ; Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis; Vol. 86; No. 3; 251-277; 10.1007/BF00281558
Salam, Fathi M. A. and Marsden, Jerrold E., el al. (1984) Arnold diffusion in the swing equations of a power system ; IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems; Vol. 31; No. 8; 673-688
Abarbanel, Henry D. I. and Holm, Darryl D., el al. (1984) Richardson Number Criterion for the Nonlinear Stability of Three-Dimensional Stratified Flow ; Physical Review Letters; Vol. 52; No. 26; 2352-2355; 10.1103/PhysRevLett.52.2352
Marsden, Jerrold E. and Ratiu, Tudor, el al. (1984) Semidirect products and reduction in mechanics ; Transactions of the American Mathematical Society; Vol. 281; No. 1; 147-177
Isenberg, James and Marsden, Jerrold E. (1984) The York map is a canonical transformation ; Journal of Geometry and Physics; Vol. 1; No. 1; 85-105; 10.1016/0393-0440(84)90015-9
Marsden, Jerrold E. (1983) Chaotic orbits by Melnikov's method: A survey of applications ; IEEE Conference on Decision and Control; Vol. 22; 356-359; 10.1109/CDC.1983.269859
Golubitsky, Martin and Marsden, Jerrold (1983) The Morse Lemma in Infinite Dimensions via Singularity Theory ; SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis; Vol. 14; No. 6; 1037-1044; 10.1137/0514083
Buchner, Michael and Marsden, Jerrold E., el al. (1983) Examples for the Infinite Dimensional Morse Lemma ; SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis; Vol. 14; No. 6; 1045-1055; 10.1137/0514084
Holm, Darryl D. and Marsden, Jerrold E., el al. (1983) Nonlinear stability conditions and a priori estimates for barotropic hydrodynamics ; Physics Letters A; Vol. 98; No. 1-2; 15-21; 10.1016/0375-9601(83)90534-0
Salam, Fathi M. A. and Marsden, Jerrold E., el al. (1983) Chaos and Arnold diffusion in dynamical systems ; IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems; Vol. 30; No. 9; 697-708
Wan, Y. H. and Marsden, J. E. (1983) Symmetry and Bifurcation in Three-Dimensional Elasticity. Part III: Stressed Reference Configurations ; Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis; Vol. 84; No. 3; 203-233; 10.1007/BF00281519
Buchner, Michael and Marsden, Jerrold, el al. (1983) Applications of the blowing-up construction and algebraic geometry to bifurcation problems ; Journal of Differential Equations; Vol. 48; No. 3; 404-433; 10.1016/0022-0396(83)90102-X
Marsden, Jerrold E. and Weinstein, Alan J. (1983) Coadjoint orbits, vortices, and Clebsch variables for incompressible fluids ; Physica D; Vol. 7; No. 1-3; 305-323; 10.1016/0167-2789(83)90134-3
Holmes, Philip J. and Marsden, Jerrold E. (1983) Horseshoes and Arnold Diffusion for Hamiltonian Systems on Lie Groups ; Indiana University Mathematics Journal; Vol. 32; No. 2; 273-309
Marsden, J. E. and Wan, Y. H. (1983) Linearization stability and Signorini series for the traction problems in elastostatics ; Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Section A Mathematics; Vol. 95; No. 1-2; 171-180
Chillingworth, D. R. J. and Marsden, J. E., el al. (1983) Symmetry and bifurcation in three-dimensional elasticity. Part II ; Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis; Vol. 83; No. 4; 363-395; 10.1007/BF00963840
Marsden, Jerrold E. and Ratiu, T., el al. (1983) Hamiltonian systems with symmetry, coadjoint orbits and plasma physics ; Atti della Accademia delle scienze di Torino; Vol. 117; No. 1; 289-340
Chillingworth, D. R. J. and Marsden, J. E., el al. (1982) Symmetry and bifurcation in three-dimensional elasticity, part I ; Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis; Vol. 80; No. 4; 295-331; 10.1007/BF00253119
Arms, Judith M. and Marsden, Jerrold E., el al. (1982) The Structure of the Space of Solutions of Einstein's Equations II: Several Killing Fields and the Einstein-Yang-Mills Equations ; Annals of Physics; Vol. 144; No. 1; 81-106; 10.1016/0003-4916(82)90105-1
Isenberg, James and Marsden, Jerrold E. (1982) A slice theorem for the space of solutions of Einstein's equations ; Physics Reports; Vol. 89; No. 2; 179-222; 10.1016/0370-1573(82)90066-7
Ball, J. M. and Marsden, J. E., el al. (1982) Controllability for Distributed Bilinear Systems ; SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization; Vol. 20; No. 4; 575-597; 10.1137/0320042
Holmes, Philip J. and Marsden, Jerrold E. (1982) Melnikov's method and Arnold diffusion for perturbations of integrable Hamiltonian systems ; Journal of Mathematical Physics; Vol. 23; No. 4; 669-675; 10.1063/1.525415
Marsden, Jerrold E. and Weinstein, Alan J. (1982) The Hamiltonian structure of the Maxwell-Vlasov equations ; Physica D; Vol. 4; No. 3; 394-406; 10.1016/0167-2789(82)90043-4
Holmes, Philip J. and Marsden, Jerrold E. (1982) Horseshoes in Perturbations of Hamiltonian Systems with Two Degrees of Freedom ; Communications in Mathematical Physics; Vol. 82; No. 4; 523-544; 10.1007/BF01961239
Marsden, Jerrold E. (1982) A group theoretic approach to the equations of plasma physics ; Canadian Mathematical Bulletin; Vol. 25; No. 2; 129-142
Holmes, Philip and Marsden, Jerrold E. (1981) A partial differential equation with infinitely many periodic orbits: Chaotic oscillations of a forced beam ; Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis; Vol. 76; No. 1; 135-165; 10.1007/BF00251249
Arms, Judith M. and Marsden, Jerrold E., el al. (1981) Symmetry and Bifurcations of Momentum Mappings ; Communications in Mathematical Physics; Vol. 78; No. 4; 455-478; 10.1007/BF02046759
Marsden, Jerrold E. and Tipler, Frank J. (1980) Maximal hypersurfaces and foliations of constant mean curvature in general relativity ; Physics Reports; Vol. 66; No. 3; 109-139; 10.1016/0370-1573(80)90154-4
Marsden, Jerrold E. and Holmes, Philip J. (1980) A horseshoe in the dynamics of a forced beam ; Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences; Vol. 357; No. 1; 313-321; 10.1111/j.1749-6632.1980.tb29697.x
Fischer, Arthur E. and Marsden, Jerrold E., el al. (1980) The structure of the space of solutions of Einstein's equations. I. One Killing field. ; Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré. Section A, Physique théorique; Vol. 33; No. 2; 147-194
Holmes, Philip and Marsden, Jerrold E. (1979) Qualitative Techniques for Bifurcation Analysis of Complex Systems ; Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences; Vol. 316; No. 1; 608-622; 10.1111/j.1749-6632.1979.tb29502.x
Arms, Judith M. and Marsden, Jerrold E. (1979) The Absence of Killing Fields is Necessary for Linearization Stability of Einstein's Equations ; Indiana University Mathematics Journal; Vol. 28; No. 1; 119-125
Marsden, Jerrold E. (1978) Qualitative methods in bifurcation theory ; Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society; Vol. 84; No. 6; 1125-1148; 10.1090/S0002-9904-1978-14549-2
Holmes, Philip and Marsden, Jerrold (1978) Bifurcation to Divergence and Flutter in Flow-induced Oscillations: An Infinite Dimensional Analysis ; Automatica; Vol. 14; No. 4; 367-384; 10.1016/0005-1098(78)90036-5
Chorin, Alexandre J. and Hughes, Thomas J. R., el al. (1978) Product formulas and numerical algorithms ; Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics; Vol. 31; No. 2; 205-256; 10.1002/cpa.3160310205
Hughes, Thomas J. R. and Marsden, Jerrold E. (1978) Classical elastodynamics as a linear symmetric hyperbolic system ; Journal of Elasticity; Vol. 8; No. 1; 97-110; 10.1007/BF00044512
Hughes, Thomas J. R. and Kato, Tosio, el al. (1977) Well-posed quasi-linear second-order hyperbolic systems with applications to nonlinear elastodynamics and general relativity ; Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis; Vol. 63; No. 3; 273-294; 10.1007/BF00251584
Hughes, Thomas J. R. and Marsden, Jerrold E. (1977) Some applications of geometry is continuum mechanics^(*1) ; Reports on Mathematical Physics; Vol. 12; No. 1; 35-44; 10.1016/0034-4877(77)90044-1
Fischer, Arthur E. and Marsden, Jerrold E. (1977) The manifold of conformally equivalent metrics ; Canadian Journal of Mathematics; Vol. 29; No. 1; 193-209
Choquet-Bruhat, Yvonne and Marsden, Jerrold E. (1976) Solution of the Local Mass Problem in General Relativity ; Communications in Mathematical Physics; Vol. 51; No. 3; 283-296; 10.1007/BF01617923
Cantor, M. and Fischer, A., el al. (1976) The Existence of Maximal Slicings in Asymptotically
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Choquet-Bruhat, Yvonne and Fisher, Arthur, el al. (1976) Equations des contraintes sur une variété non compacte ; Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l'Académie des sciences. Séries A et B, Sciences mathématiques et Sciences physiques; Vol. 284; 975-978
Fischer, Arthur E. and Marsden, Jerrold E. (1976) A new Hamiltonian structure for the dynamics of general relativity ; General Relativity and Gravitation; Vol. 7; No. 12; 915-920; 10.1007/BF00766416
Bourguignon, J. P. and Ebin, David G., el al. (1976) Sur le noyau des opérateurs pseudo-differentiels á symbole surjectif et non injectif ; Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l'Académie des sciences. Séries A et B, Sciences mathématiques et Sciences physiques; Vol. 282; 867-870
Marsden, Jerrold E. (1976) Well-posedness of the equations of a non-homogeneous perfect fluid ; Communications in Partial Differential Equation; Vol. 1; No. 3; 215-230
Choquet-Bruhat, Yvonne and Marsden, Jerrold E. (1976) Sur la positivité de la masse ; Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l'Académie des sciences. Séries A et B, Sciences mathématiques et Sciences physiques; Vol. 282; 609-612
Arms, Judith Meryl and Fischer, Arthur Eliot, el al. (1975) Géometrie différentielle : une approche symplectique pour des théorémes de décomposition en géométrie ou relativité générale ; Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l'Académie des sciences. Séries A et B, Sciences mathématiques et Sciences physiques; Vol. 281; 517-520
Fischer, Arthur E. and Marsden, Jerrold E. (1975) Deformations of the scalar curvature ; Duke Mathematical Journal; Vol. 42; No. 3; 519-547; 10.1215/S0012-7094-75-04249-0
Fischer, Arthur E. and Marsden, Jerrold E. (1975) Linearization stability of nonlinear partial differential equations ; Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics; Vol. 27; No. 2; 219-263
Fischer, Arthur E. and Marsden, Jerrold E. (1974) Manifolds of Riemannian metrics with prescribed scalar curvature ; Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society; Vol. 80; No. 3; 479-484; 10.1090/S0002-9904-1974-13457-9
Marsden, J. (1974) A formula for the solution of the Navier-Stokes equation based on a method of Chorin ; Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society; Vol. 80; No. 1; 154-158
Fischer, Arthur E. and Marsden, Jerrold E. (1974) Global analysis and general relativity ; General Relativity and Gravitation; Vol. 5; No. 1; 73-77; 10.1007/BF00758076
Marsden, Jerrold E. and Weinstein, Alan J. (1974) Reduction of symplectic manifolds with symmetry ; Reports on Mathematical Physics; Vol. 5; No. 1; 121-130; 10.1016/0034-4877(74)90021-4
Marsden, Jerrold E. and Fischer, Arthur E. (1974) General relativity as a Hamiltonian system ; Symposia Mathematica; Vol. 14; 193-205
Marsden, J. E. (1973) On completeness of homogeneous Pseudo-Riemannian manifolds ; Indiana University Mathematics Journal; Vol. 22; No. 11; 1065-1066
Fischer, Arthur E. and Marsden, Jerrold E. (1973) Linearization stability of the Einstein equations ; Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society; Vol. 79; No. 5; 997-1003; 10.1090/S0002-9904-1973-13299-9
Fischer, Arthur E. and Marsden, Jerrold E. (1973) New theoretical techniques in the study of gravity ; General Relativity and Gravitation; Vol. 4; No. 4; 309-317; 10.1007/BF00759850
Marsden, J. (1973) The Hopf bifurcation for nonlinear semigroups ; Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society; Vol. 79; No. 3; 537-541; 10.1090/S0002-9904-1973-13191-X
Marsden, J. (1973) A proof of the Calderon extension theorem ; Canadian Mathematical Bulletin; Vol. 16; No. 1; 133-136
Marsden, J. E. (1973) On product formulas for nonlinear semigroups ; Journal of Functional Analysis; Vol. 13; No. 1; 51-72; 10.1016/0022-1236(73)90066-9
Marsden, J. E. (1973) On Global Solutions for Non-Linear
Hamiltonian Evolution Equations ; Communications in Mathematical Physics; Vol. 30; No. 1; 79-81
Fischer, Arthur E. and Marsden, Jerrold E. (1972) The Einstein Evolution Equations as a First-Order
Quasi-Linear Symmetric Hyperbolic System, I ; Communications in Mathematical Physics; Vol. 28; No. 1; 1-38; 10.1007/BF02099369
Fischer, A. E. and Marsden, Jerrold E. (1972) The Einstein Equations of Evolution - A Geometric Approach ; Journal of Mathematical Physics; Vol. 13; No. 4; 546-568; 10.1063/1.1666014
Fischer, Arthur E. and Marsden, Jerrold E. (1972) The Einstein Equations of Evolution -- A Geometric Approach ; Journal of Mathematical Physics; Vol. 13; No. 4; 546-568; 10.1063/1.1666014
Marsden, J. E. (1972) Darboux's Theorem Fails for Weak Symplectic Forms ; Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society; Vol. 32; No. 2; 590-592
Weinstein, Alan J. and Marsden, Jerrold E. (1970) A comparison theorem for Hamiltonian vector fields ; Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society; Vol. 26; No. 4; 629-631; 10.1090/S0002-9939-1970-0273648-6
Chernoff, P. and Marsden, J. (1970) On continuity and smoothness of group actions ; Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society; Vol. 76; No. 5; 1044-1049; 10.1090/S0002-9904-1970-12552-6
Ebin, David G. and Marsden, Jerrold (1970) Groups of diffeomorphisms and the motion of an incompressible fluid ; Annals of Mathematics; Vol. 92; No. 1; 102-163
Ebin, David G. and Marsden, Jerrold E. (1969) Groups of diffeomorphisms and the solution of the classical Euler equations for a perfect fluid. ; Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society; Vol. 75; No. 5; 962-967; 10.1090/S0002-9904-1969-12315-3
Marsden, J. E. (1969) Hamiltonian systems with spin ; Canadian Mathematical Bulletin; Vol. 1969; No. n/g; 203-208
Marsden, Jerrold E. (1969) Non smooth geodesic flows and classical mechanics ; Canadian Mathematical Bulletin; Vol. 12; 209-212
Marsden, J. E. (1968) Countable and net convergence ; American Mathematical Monthly; Vol. 75; No. 4
Marsden, J. (1968) A Banach space of analytic functions for constant coefficient equations of evolution ; Canadian Mathematical Bulletin; Vol. 11; No. 4; 599-601
Marsden, J. E. (1968) Hamiltonian one parameter groups ; Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis; Vol. 28; No. 5; 362-396; 10.1007/BF00251662
Marsden, J. E. (1968) Generalized Hamiltonian mechanics ; Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis; Vol. 28; No. 5; 323-361; 10.1007/BF00251661
Marsden, J. E. (1967) A correspondence principle for momentum operators ; Canadian Mathematical Bulletin; Vol. 10; No. 2; 247-250
Beattie, Mary and Marsden, J. E., el al. (1966) Order in finite affine planes ; Canadian Mathematical Bulletin; Vol. 66; No. 4; 407-411
Sharpe, R. and Beattie, M., el al. (1966) A universal factorization theorem in topology ; Canadian Mathematical Bulletin; Vol. 9; No. 2; 201-207
Marsden, J. E. (1965) A theorem on harmonic homologies ; Canadian Mathematical Bulletin; Vol. 8; No. 1; 375-377