Marcus, Rudolph
Volkán-Kacsó, Sándor and Marcus, Rudolph A. (2021) Single Molecule Studies of a Biological Motor F₁-ATPase: Interplay of Experiment, Analytic Theory and Computation ; ISBN 978-3-030-18777-4; Computational Materials, Chemistry, and Biochemistry: From Bold Initiatives to the Last Mile; 927-933; 10.1007/978-3-030-18778-1_38
Volkán-Kacsó, Sándor and Marcus, Rudolph A. (2018) Theory of Single Molecule Experiments of F_1-ATpase: Predictions, Tests and Comparison with Experiments ; ISBN 9789813237162; Catalysis in Chemistry and Biology; 285-294; 10.1142/9789813237179_0041
Bisquert, Juan and Marcus, Rudolph A. (2013) Device Modeling of Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells ; ISBN 978-3-662-43873-2; Multiscale Modelling of Organic and Hybrid Photovoltaics; 325-395; 10.1007/128_2013_471
Marcus, Rudolph A. and Michel-Beyerle, Maria-Elisabeth (2012) Foreword ; ISBN 978-1-84973-034-1; Molecular Solar Fuels; 5-6; 10.1039/9781849733038-FP005
Marcus, Rudolph A. (2009) Beyond the Historical Perspective on Hydrogen and Electron Transfers ; ISBN 978-0-85404-122-0; Quantum Tunnelling in Enzyme-Catalysed Reactions; v-xiv; 10.1039/9781847559975-FP005
Marcus, R. A. (2008) Mass-Independent Oxygen Isotope Fractionation in Selected Systems. Mechanistic Considerations ; ISBN 9780123743350; Applications of Theoretical Methods to Atmospheric Science; 5-19; 10.1016/S0065-3276(07)00202-X
Young, Edward D. and Kuramoto, Kyoshi, el al. (2008) Mass-independent Oxygen Isotope Variation in the Solar Nebula ; ISBN 978-0-939950-80-5; Oxigen in the Solar System; 187-218; 10.2138/rmg.2008.68.9
Marcus, Rudolph A. (1999) Interaction of Theory and Experiment in Reaction Kinetics ; ISBN 978-0-444-50164-6; Applications of Kinetic Modelling; 1-33; 10.1016/S0069-8040(99)80006-5
Marcus, R. A. (1999) Electron Transfer Past and Future ; ISBN 9780471252924; Electron Transfer-From Isolated Molecules to Biomolecules; 1-6; 10.1002/9780470141656.ch1
Marcus, R. A. (1997) Solvent Dynamics and RRKM Theory of Clusters ; ISBN 9780471180487; Chemical reactions and their control on the femtosecond time scale; 391-408
Marcus, R. A. (1997) Transition State Theory and Experiments in Chemical Reactions ; ISBN 9781860940392; Femtochemistry and femtobiology : ultrafast reaction dynamics at atomic-scale resolution; 54-79
Marcus, Rudolph A. (1996) Electron transfer experiments since the late 1940s ; ISBN 9781859960400; Protein electron transfer; 249-272
Marcus, Rudolph A. (1992) Electron Transfer Reactions in Chemistry: Theory and Experiment
Marcus, R. A. and Siddarth, Prabha (1992) Theory of Electron Transfer Reactions and Comparison with Experiments ; ISBN 9780792319368; Photoprocesses in transition metal complexes, biosystems, and other molecules: experiment and theory; 49-88
Marcus, R. A. (1991) Epilogue ; 10.1021/ba-1991-0228.ch018
Marcus, Rudolph A. (1990) Theory and Experiment in Photosynthetic Electron Transfer ; ISBN 9780792305873; Current research in photosynthesis: Proceedings of the VIIIth International Conference on Photosynthesis Stockholm, Sweden, August 6-11, 1989; 1-10; 10.1007/978-94-009-0511-5_1
Wardlaw, David M. and Marcus, R. A. (1988) On the Statistical Theory of Unimolecular Processes ; ISBN 978-0-470-14179-3; Evolution of Size Effects in Chemical Dynamics; 231-263; 10.1002/9780470141199.ch7
Marcus, R. A. (1988) Early Steps in Bacterial Photosynthesis. Comparison of Three Mechanisms ; ISBN 978-1-4899-0817-9; The Photosynthetic Bacterial Reaction Center: Structure and Dynamics; 389-398; 10.1007/978-1-4899-0815-5_39
Marcus, R. A. (1987) Some Recent Developments in Electron Transfer: Charge Separation, Long Distances, Solvent Dynamics, and Free Energy Aspects ; ISBN 978-94-010-8265-5; Supramolecular Photochemistry; 45-52; 10.1007/978-94-009-3979-0_3
Marcus, R. A. (1987) Solvent Dynamical and Symmetrized Potential Aspects of Electron Transfer Rates ; ISBN 978-94-010-8182-5; Understanding Molecular Properties; 229-236; 10.1007/978-94-009-3781-9_13
Marcus, R. A. (1985) Aspects of Intramolecular Dynamics in Chemistry ; ISBN 978-1-4612-9485-6; Chaotic Behavior in Quantum Systems; 293-298; 10.1007/978-1-4613-2443-0_19
Marcus, R. A. and Sutin, N. (1985) Application of Electron-Transfer Theory to Several Systems of Biological Interest ; ISBN 978-3-642-82690-0; Antennas and Reaction Centers of Photosynthetic Bacteria: Structure, Interactions and Dynamics; 226-233; 10.1007/978-3-642-82688-7_32
Marcus, R. A. (1984) On the theory of electron, H-atom and proton transfers ; ISBN 9780835725910; The Chemistry and Physics of Electrocatalysis; 169-186
Marcus, R. A. (1983) Vibrational Motion in the Regular and Chaotic Regimes, Classical and Quantum Mechanics ; ISBN 978-1-4613-3669-3; Energy Storage and Redistribution in Molecules; 573-583; 10.1007/978-1-4613-3667-9_31
Marcus, R. A. and Siders, Paul (1982) Further Developments in Electron Transfer ; ISBN 9780841207349; Mechanistic Aspects of Inorganic Reactions; 235-253; 10.1021/bk-1982-0198.ch010
Marcus, R. A. (1982) Unimolecular Processes and Vibrational Energy Randomization ; ISBN 978-3-642-87866-4; Picosecond Phenomena III; 254-259; 10.1007/978-3-642-87864-0_63
Marcus, R. A. (1982) On Quantum, Classical and Semiclassical Calculations of Electron Transfer Rates ; ISBN 9780080244211; Oxidases and Related Redox Systems; 3-19; 10.1016/B978-0-08-024421-1.50005-7
Ramaswamy, Ramakrishna and Marcus, R. A. (1981) Dynamics of forced coupled oscillators: classical phenomenology of infrared multiphoton absorption ; ISBN 978-1-4613-3258-9; Quantum Mechanics in Mathematics, Chemistry, and Physics; 193-201; 10.1007/978-1-4613-3258-9_14
Noid, D. W. and Koszykowski, M. L., el al. (1981) Intramolecular Dynamics in the Quasiperiodic and Stochastic Regimes ; ISBN 978-1-4613-3260-2; Quantum Mechanics in Mathematics, Chemistry, and Physics; 133-166; 10.1007/978-1-4613-3258-9_10
Marcus, R. A. (1980) Similarities and Differences Between Electron and Proton Transfers at Electrodes and in Solution. Theory of a Hydrogen Evolution Reaction
Marcus, R. A. (1980) Intramolecular Dynamics: Regular and Stochastic Vibrational States of Molecules ; ISBN 9789027711052; Horizons of Quantum Chemistry; 107-121; 10.1007/978-94-009-9027-2_10
Joussot, J. and Albrecht, Rappoteur A. C., el al. (1979) Mechanisms of Charge Separation and Subsequent Processes Group Report ; ISBN 978-3527120017; Light-Induced Charge Separation in Biology and Chemistry; 129-149
Marcus, R. A. and Noid, D. W., el al. (1979) Semiclassical studies of bound states and molecular dynamics ; ISBN 978-3-540-09120-2; Stochastic Behavior in Classical and Quantum Hamiltonian Systems; 283-392; 10.1007/BFb0021751
Marcus, R. A. (1979) Electron Transfer and Tunneling in Chemical and Biological Systems ; ISBN 978-3527120017; Light-Induced Charge Separation in Biology and Chemistry; 15-43
Marcus, R. A. and Noid, D. W., el al. (1978) Energy Redistribution in Molecules in the Quasi-Periodic and Ergodic Regimes ; ISBN 978-3-642-67056-5; Advances in Laser Chemistry; 298-307; 10.1007/978-3-642-67054-1_29
Marcus, R. A. (1977) Theories of electrode kinetics ; ISBN 0-903012-40-5; Proceedings of the Conference on Physicochemical Hydrodynamics; 473-482
Marcus, R. A. (1977) Electrostatic Free Energy and Other Properties of States Having Nonequilibrium Polarization. II. Electrode Systems ; ISBN 978-0444416278; Special Topics in Electrochemistry; 210-224
Marcus, R. A. (1977) On the Theory of Overvoltage for Electrode Processes Possess ing Electron Transfer Mechanisms. I. ; ISBN 978-0444416278; Special Topics in Electrochemistry; 180-209
Marcus, R. A. (1977) Theory and Applications of Electron Transfer at Electrodes and in Solution ; ISBN 978-0444416278; Special Topics in Electrochemistry; 161-179
Marcus, R. A. (1975) Electron Transfer in Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Systems ; ISBN 978-3820012019; The Nature of Seawater; 477-504
Rapporteur, P. S. Liss and Bertine, K., el al. (1975) The Colloidal State and Surface Phenomena - Group Report ; ISBN 9783820012019; The Nature of Seawater; 453-475
Marcus, R. A. (1974) Activated-complex theory: current status, extensions, and applications ; ISBN 9780471930952; Investigation of rates and mechanisms of reactions, 3rd ed.; 13-46
Marcus, R. A. (1965) Theoretical Study of Electron Transfer Reactions of Solvated Electrons ; ISBN 9780841200517; Solvated Electron; 138-148; 10.1021/ba-1965-0050.ch011
Marcus, R. A. (1965) Theory of Electron-Transfer Reactions and of Related Phenomena
Marcus, R. A. (1961) A Theory of Electron Transfer Processes at Electrodes