Marble, Frank E.
- Waitz, Ian Anton (1991) An Investigation of Contoured Wall Injectors for Hypervelocity Mixing Augmentation; 10.7907/MPJS-1Q71
- Sobota, Thomas Henry (1987) An Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Swirling Flows in a Rectangular Nozzle; 10.7907/dw4x-ex64
- Hendricks, Gavin Julian (1986) Two Mechanisms of Vorticity Generation in Combusting Flow Fields; 10.7907/kj79-eq14
- Norton, Olin Perry (1983) The Effects of a Vortex Field on Flames with Finite Reaction Rates; 10.7907/7vn8-4078
- Karagozian, Ann Renee (1982) An Analytical Study of Diffusion Flames in Vortex Structures; 10.7907/NE3D-T576
- Fleming, Graham Christopher (1982) Structure and Stability of Buoyant Diffusion Flames; 10.7907/DVY5-MD93
- Subbaiah, Malladi Venkata (1980) Non-Steady Behavior of a Flame Spreading from a Point in a Two-Dimensional Duct; 10.7907/se8q-9c70
- Symington, William Allan (1978) Analytical Studies of Steady and Non-Steady Motions of a Bubbly Liquid; 10.7907/0ENX-DE36
- Candel, Sebastien M. (1972) Analytical Studies of Some Acoustic Problems of Jet Engines; 10.7907/E5DD-ZC41
- Haas, Roger Allison (1969) Particle Kinetics of Gas-Solid Particle Mixtures; 10.7907/BT3R-BW68
- Shankar, Pattamadai Narasimhan (1968) I. The Effect of Droplet Solidification Upon Two-Phase Flow in a Rocket Nozzle. II. A Kinetic Theory Investigation of Some Condensation-Evaporation Phenomena by a Moment Method; 10.7907/X1YG-2K03
- McLaughlin, Michael Herbert (1968) An Experimental Study of Particle-Wall Collision Relating to Flow of Solid Particles in a Fluid; 10.7907/4FV5-JA03
- Flandro, Gary Arnold (1967) Rotating Flows in Acoustically Unstable Rocket Motors; 10.7907/BYWJ-5Q96
- Wooten, David Clark (1967) I. The Attenuation and Dispersion of Sound in a Condensing Medium. II. The Flow of a Gas-Particle Mixture Downstream of a Normal Shock in a Nozzle; 10.7907/T68P-M138
- Henderson, Arnold Herbert (1967) Construction and Testing of a Rarefied Gas Flow Facility; 10.7907/CCG6-QV79
- McGill, James Alexander (1967) Low-Density Gas Dynamic Facility; 10.7907/P04W-KX13
- Zung, Laurence Bei-Yu (1967) Particle Fluid Mechanics in Shear Flows, Acoustic Waves, and Shock Waves; 10.7907/4T4F-9359
- Rosen, Robert (1966) Equilibration of a Liquid Droplet-Vapor-Gas Mixture Downstream of a Shock Wave; 10.7907/ZGM7-0E94
- Kelly, Arnold James (1965) Atom-Atom Ionization Mechanisms and Cross Sections in Noble Gases and Noble Gas Mixtures; 10.7907/6CHH-Z732
- Argyropoulos, George S. (1965) Anisotropies and Interactions in Shear Flow of Macromolecular Suspensions; 10.7907/8KNM-5225
- Smisek, Richard Franklin (1965) Boundary Current Effects in Magnetohydrodynamics with Anisotropic Conductivity; 10.7907/ANC6-1M76
- Gibson, Edward George (1964) Ionization Phenomena in a Gas-Particle Plasma; 10.7907/B2A5-KH20
- Singleton, Robert Edmund (1964) Fluid Mechanics of Gas-Solid Particle Flow in Boundary Layers; 10.7907/X9TM-K912
- Liu, Joseph Tsu Chieh (1964) Problems in Particle-Fluid Mechanics; 10.7907/11Y4-2H39
- Liñán-Martínez, Amable (1963) On the Structure of Laminar Diffusion Flames; 10.7907/JHTK-CA51
- Marxman, Gerald Albert (1962) Heat Transfer in Reacting Gas Mixtures with Large Pressure Gradients.; 10.7907/61YR-1468
- Johnson, Grant Reed (1962) A Theoretical Investigation of Particle Trajectories Through a Prandtl-Meyer Expansion Fan; 10.7907/FTNK-N998
- Albini, Frank Addison (1962) I. Relaxation Time of One-Dimensional, Laminar Deflagration for First Order Reactions. II. Reflection and Transmission of Electromagnetic Waves at Electron Density Gradients; 10.7907/TYH3-ZQ11
- Kreisberg, Harvey N. (1961) Applications of Linearized Flow Theory to Axial Compressors with Asymmetric Inlet Flows; 10.7907/TV0R-NV88
- Smith, Homer Leroy (1959) The Study of a Lifting Air Breathing Boost for Satellite Launch; 10.7907/Q47F-X275
- Oates, Gordon Cedric (1959) Throughflow in Axial Turbomachines with Variable Wall Geometry; 10.7907/ZR3D-NR88
- Brownlee, Wilmot Grant (1959) An Experimental Investigation of Unstable Combustion in Solid Propellant Rocket Motors; 10.7907/84XQ-AA28
- Barker, Calvin LaRue (1958) Experiments Concerning the Occurrence and Mechanism of High-Frequency Combustion Instability; 10.7907/F39S-MP16
- Turcotte, Donald Lawson (1958) An Experimental Investigation of Flame Stabilization in a Heated Turbulent Boundary Layer; 10.7907/XT75-T174
- Katz, Robert (1958) Performance of Axial Compressors with Asymmetric Inlet Flows; 10.7907/5214-1S06
- Savage, Glenn Allen (1957) An Analytical Investigation of the Ducted Propeller for Hydrodynamic Propulsion; 10.7907/EBDR-SN58
- Kerrebrock, Jack Leo (1956) The Interaction of Flow Discontinuities with Small Disturbances in a Compressible Fluid; 10.7907/9EN8-WZ61
- Lindley, Charles Alexander (1956) Secondary Flow in Compressor Cascades; 10.7907/2RYC-QB23
- Dooley, Donald Allen (1956) Combustion in Laminar Mixing Regions and Boundary Layers; 10.7907/MGTH-TS83
- Burggraf, Odus Roy (1955) A Theory of Stall Propagation in Axial Compressors on the Basis of Airfoil Characteristics; 10.7907/HQV0-7S12
- Serdengecti, Sedat (1955) Analysis of Optimalizing Control Systems witb Special Reference to Noise Interference Effects; 10.7907/TMXZ-AJ80
- Rogers, Don Easterday (1954) An Experimental Investigation of High Frequency Combustion Instability in a Fuel-Air Combustor; 10.7907/65NM-7Q10
- Mertz, Charles (1954) A Study of the Effect of Boundary Layer Control on an Axial Flow Compressor Stage; 10.7907/AG0W-5T14
- Zukoski, Edward Edom (1954) Flame Stabilization on Bluff Bodies at Low and Intermediate Reynolds Numbers; 10.7907/E9V0-GM76
- Adamson, Thomas Charles, Jr. (1954) Ignition and Combustion in a Laminar Mixing Zone; 10.7907/Q9A7-T088
- Charles, John Morrison (1954) Variation of Burning Velocity of Laminar Flames with Pressure by the Burner-Area Method; 10.7907/PVFG-9X18
- von Gerichten, Robert Louis (1954) An Experimental Investigation of the Recirculation Zone of Laminar Flames Stabilized on Bluff Bodies at Low Reynolds Numbers; 10.7907/HHVW-Z921
- Holmquist, Carl Oreal (1953) An Approximate Method of Calculating Three-Dimensional Compressible Flow in Axial Turbomachines; 10.7907/3FB2-G132
- Fernández, Raymond Caesar (1953) Use of a Sampling Feedback System for Stabilization of Low Frequency Oscillations in Liquid Monopropellant Rocket Motors; 10.7907/PZEC-N445
- Curran, Donald Charles (1953) An Experimental Study of the Stability of Laminar Flame; 10.7907/6W88-7713
- Mager, Artur (1953) Laminar Boundary Layer Problems Associated with Flow Through Turbomachines; 10.7907/49CS-2731
- Pardee, William McKnight (1953) Variation of Burning Velocity with Pressure; 10.7907/C95P-BV39
- Saxon, John Solon (1953) Feedback Servo-Stabilization of a Rocket During Take-Off; 10.7907/BV8Y-QT45
- Cox, Dale William (1952) Stabilization of a Bipropellant Liquid Rocket Motor; 10.7907/4SBW-M406
- Weinberg, Warren E. (1952) Initial Motion of a Rocket Moving on a Stretched Cable; 10.7907/NY23-GR26
- Becker, Jack Lincoln (1952) An Experimental Investigation of Ignition and Flame Stabilization in a Turbulent Mixing Zone; 10.7907/BFQK-V510
- Arbo, Paul Edward (1952) Burning Rate for a Solid Propellant Ramjet Developing Constant Tthrust; 10.7907/31B3-3W28
- Eriksen, George August (1952) Investigation of Flame Velocities at Low Pressures; 10.7907/NGNK-YA29
- Hughes, Richard Frank (1951) Analytical Performance Study of Turbojet Cycle with Nearly Ideal Component Efficiencies; 10.7907/Q2CP-J309
- Holmquist, Carl Oreal (1951) Effect of Small Variations of Parameters in the Turboprop Cycle; 10.7907/B34Z-JX85
- Norris, James Caspar (1951) An Analysis of a Compound Pendulum Rocket Suspension; 10.7907/YDS1-JW02
- Michelson, Irving (1951) I. On the Dust Devils. II. Linearized Theory of Conical Turbomachines; 10.7907/PZKM-9280
- Monroe, Gerald Morgan (1951) A Study of Compressible Perfect Fluid Motion in Turbomachines with Infinitely Many Blades; 10.7907/HQD3-G406
- Lobdell, John Henry (1951) Determination of Temperature in a Low Pressure Flame; 10.7907/MTQ1-K461
- Barker, William Cyrus (1950) A Formulation of the Problem of Distributed Vorticity in the Shock Wave Boundary Layer Interaction process; 10.7907/H3PW-QF74
- Welch, Frank (1950) Analysis of an Inclined Thrust Axis as Applied to a Ramjet Propelled Aircraft; 10.7907/T1QH-QJ51
- Rowney, James Victor (1950) Application of the Ram Jet to Vertical Ascent; 10.7907/DRA1-DS60
- Gompf, George Edward (1949) Supersonic Nozzle Design for Viscous Fluids; 10.7907/R422-S076
- Monroe, Gerald Morgan (1949) Higher Order Approximate Solutions for the Flow in Axial Turbomachines; 10.7907/8BJW-AE38
- Mandelbrot, Benoit B. (1949) Some Potential Problems Arising in the Theory of Axial Turbomachines; 10.7907/QGD5-YD25