Mahabal, Ashish
- Djorgovski, George (2013) Astrophysics in the Era of Massive Time-Domain Surveys
- Lazio, Joseph (2013) The Radio Transient Sky
- Mahabal, Ashish (2013) Novel Measures for Rare Transients
- Bellm, Eric (2013) The Zwicky Transient Facility; 10.48550/arXiv.1410.8185
- Drake, Andrew (2013) The Catalina Real-Time Transient Survey (CRTS)
- Nissanke, Samaya (2013) Hearing & Seeing the Violent Universe
- Singer, Leo (2013) The Needle in the Hundred-Square-Degree Haystack: from Fermi GRBs to LIGO Discoveries
- Perley, Daniel (2013) Burst of the Century? A Case Study of the Afterglow of Nearby Ultra-Bright GRB 130427A
- Williams, Roy (2013) Follow-up of LIGO-Virgo Observations of Gravitational Waves
- Graham, Matthew (2013) How to Really Describe the Variable Sky