Mahabal, Ashish
Das Bhattacharjee, Sreyasee and Tolone, William J., el al. (2019) Multi-View, Generative, Transfer Learning for Distributed Time Series Classification ; ISBN 9781728108582; 2019 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data); 5585-5594; 10.1109/bigdata47090.2019.9005452
Lombeyda, Santiago and Mahabal, Ashish, el al. (2019) OVS+Tumor: a tool for enhanced lung tumor annotation in VR for machine learning training and analysis ; ISBN 9781450363204; ACM SIGGRAPH 2019 Virtual, Augmented, and Mixed Reality; Art. No. 26; 10.1145/3306449.3328825
Das Bhattacharjee, Sreyasee and Tolone, William J., el al. (2019) View-Adaptive Weighted Deep Transfer Learning for Distributed Time-Series Classification ; ISBN 9781728126074; 2019 IEEE 43rd Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC); 373-381; 10.1109/compsac.2019.00061
Gieseke, Fabian and Oancea, Cosmin Eugen, el al. (2019) Bigger Buffer k-d Trees on Multi-Many-Core Systems ; 10.1007/978-3-030-15996-2_15
Das Bhattacharjee, Sreyasee and Tolone, William J., el al. (2018) Context-Aware Deep Sequence Learning with Multi-View Factor Pooling for Time Series Classification ; ISBN 9781538650356; 2018 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data); 959-966; 10.1109/bigdata.2018.8622253
Gieseke, Fabian and Polsterer, Kai Lars, el al. (2017) Massively-parallel best subset selection for ordinary least-squares regression ; ISBN 978-1-5386-2726-6; 2017 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI); 1-8; 10.1109/SSCI.2017.8285225
Mahabal, A. and Sheth, K., el al. (2017) Deep-learnt classification of light curves ; ISBN 978-1-5386-2727-3; 2017 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI); 1-8; 10.1109/SSCI.2017.8280984
Vilalta, R. and Ishida, E. E. O., el al. (2017) Photometric redshift estimation: An active learning approach ; ISBN 978-1-5386-2727-3; 2017 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI); 1-8; 10.1109/SSCI.2017.8285192
Crichton, Daniel and Mahabal, Ashish, el al. (2017) The EDRN knowledge environment: an open source, scalable informatics platform for biological sciences research ; ISBN 9781510608894; Micro- and Nanotechnology Sensors, Systems, and Applications IX; Art. No. 101942A; 10.1117/12.2263842
Djorgovski, S. G. and Mahabal, A. A., el al. (2015) From stars to patients: Lessons from space science and astrophysics for health care informatics ; ISBN 978-1-4799-9925-5; 2015 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data); 2957-2959; 10.1109/BigData.2015.7364135
Vilalta, Ricardo and Gupta, Kinjal Dhar, el al. (2015) Star Classification Under Data Variability: An Emerging Challenge in Astroinformatics ; ISBN 978-3-319-23460-1; Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases; 241-244; 10.1007/978-3-319-23461-8_22
Donalek, Ciro and Djorgovski, S. G., el al. (2014) Immersive and Collaborative Data Visualization Using Virtual Reality Platforms ; 10.1109/BigData.2014.7004282
Djorgovski, S. G. and Mahabal, A. A., el al. (2014) Automated Real-Time Classification and Decision Making in Massive Data Streams from Synoptic Sky Surveys ; ISBN 978-1-4799-4288-6; 2014 IEEE 10th International Conference on e-Science; 204-211; 10.1109/eScience.2014.7
Mahabal, Ashish (2013) Novel Measures for Rare Transients
Donalek, Ciro and Djorgovski, S. G., el al. (2013) Feature Selection Strategies for Classifying High Dimensional Astronomical Data Sets ; ISBN 978-1-4799-1292-6; Big Data, 2013 IEEE International Conference; 35-45; 10.1109/BigData.2013.6691731
Djorgovski, S. George and Mahabal, Ashish, el al. (2013) Sky Surveys ; ISBN 978-94-007-5617-5; Planets, Stars and Stellar Systems; 223-281; 10.1007/978-94-007-5618-2_5
Bhatnagar, Vasudha and Dobariyal, Rashmi, el al. (2012) Data Understanding using Semi-Supervised Clustering ; ISBN 978-1-4673-4627-6; 2012 Conference on Intelligent Data Understanding; 118-123; 10.1109/CIDU.2012.6382192
Djorgovski, S. G. and Mahabal, A. A., el al. (2012) Flashes in a star stream: Automated classification of astronomical transient events ; ISBN 978-1-4673-4467-8; 2012 IEEE 8th International Conference on E-Science; 1-8; 10.1109/eScience.2012.6404437
Graham, Matthew J. and Djorgovski, S. G., el al. (2012) Connecting the time domain community with the Virtual Astronomical Observatory ; ISBN 9780819491497; Observatory Operations: Strategies, Processes, and Systems IV; Art. No. 84480P; 10.1117/12.926577
Djorgovski, S. G. and Mahabal, A. A., el al. (2012) Exploring the Time Domain with Synoptic Sky Surveys ; ISBN 978-1-107-01985-0; New Horizons in Time-Domain Astronomy; 141-146; 10.1017/S1743921312000488
Drake, A. J. and Djorgovski, S. G., el al. (2012) The Catalina Real-time Transient Survey ; ISBN 978-1-107-01985-0; New Horizons in Time-Domain Astronomy; 306-308; 10.1017/S1743921312000889
Graham, Matthew J. and Djorgovski, S. G., el al. (2012) The VAO Transient Facility ; ISBN 978-1-107-01985-0; New Horizons in Time-Domain Astronomy; 318-320; 10.1017/S1743921312000920
Mahabal, Ashish A. and Donalek, C., el al. (2011) Real-Time Classification of Transient Events in Synoptic Sky Surveys ; ISBN 978-1-107-01985-0; New Horizons in Time-Domain Astronomy; 355-357; 10.1017/S1743921312001056
Mahabal, A. A. and Djorgovski, S. G., el al. (2011) Classification of Optical Transients: Experiences from PQ and CRTS Surveys ; ISBN 978-2-7598-0608-9; GAIA: At the Frontiers of Astrometry; 173-178; 10.1051/eas/1045030
Mahabal, Ashish and Djorgovski, S. G., el al. (2010) Mixing Bayesian Techniques for Effective Real-time Classification of Astronomical Transients ; ISBN 978-1-58381-748-3; Astronomical data analysis software and systems XIX; 115-118
Williams, R. D. and Donalek, C., el al. (2010) US VAO Facility for Rapid Transients ; ISBN 978-1-58381-748-3; Astronomical data analysis software and systems XIX; 123-126
Williams, R. D. and Djorgovski, S. G., el al. (2009) Skyalert: Real-time Astronomy for You and Your Robots ; ISBN 978-1-58381-702-5; Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XVIII; 115-119
Donalek, C. and Mahabal, A., el al. (2008) New approaches to object classification in synoptic sky surveys ; ISBN 9780735406131; Classification and discovery in large astronomical surveys : proceedings of the International Conference "Classification and Discovery in Large Astronomical Surveys", Ringberg Castle, Germany, 14–17 October 2008; 252-256; 10.1063/1.3059057
Mahabal, A. and Djorgovski, S. G., el al. (2008) Towards real-time classification of astronomical transients ; ISBN 9780735406131; International Conference on Classification and Discovery in Large Astronomical Surveys, Ringberg Castle, Germany, 14–17 October 2008; 287-293; 10.1063/1.3059064
Djorgovski, S. G. and Donalek, C., el al. (2006) Some Pattern Recognition Challenges in Data-Intensive Astronomy ; ISBN 0-7695-2521-0; The18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition; 856-863; 10.1109/ICPR.2006.1064
Mahabal, Ashish A. and Djorgovski, S. G., el al. (2005) Time Domain Explorations With Digital Sky Surveys
Jacob, Joseph C. and Katz, Daniel S., el al. (2005) Grist: Grid-based Data Mining for Astronomy
Graham, Matthew J. and Djorgovski, S. G., el al. (2005) VOStat: A Distributed Statistical Toolkit for the Virtual Observatory ; ISBN 1-58381-215-6; Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XIV; 394-398
Mahabal, Ashish A. and Djorgovski, S. G., el al. (2005) Time Domain Explorations with Digital Sky Surveys ; ISBN 1-58381-215-6; Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XIV; 604-608
Djorgovski, Stan G. and Kulkarni, Shrinivas R., el al. (2003) The cosmic gamma-ray bursts and their host galaxies in a cosmological context ; ISBN 0-8194-4613-0; Discoveries and Research Prospects from 6- to 10-Meter-Class Telescopes II; 238-247; 10.1117/12.457700
Djorgovski, S. G. and Brunner, R., el al. (2003) Challenges for Cluster Analysis in a Virtual Observatory ; ISBN 978-0-387-95546-9; Statistical Challenges in Astronomy; 127-141; 10.1007/0-387-21529-8_9
Jacob, Joseph C. and Brunner, Robert, el al. (2002) yourSky: rapid desktop access to custom astronomical image mosaics ; ISBN 0819446254; Virtual Observatories; 53-64; 10.1117/12.461514
Mahabal, Ashish and Djorgovski, S. G., el al. (2002) Topic maps for custom viewing of data ; ISBN 0819446254; Virtual Observatories; 65-76; 10.1117/12.461516
Mahabal, Ashish and Djorgovski, S. G., el al. (2001) Topic maps as a virtual observatory tool ; ISBN 9780819441911; Astronomical Data Analysis; 161-172; 10.1117/12.447170
Djorgovski, S. G. and Mahabal, A., el al. (2001) Exploration of parameter spaces in a virtual observatory ; ISBN 9780819441911; Astronomical Data Analysis; 43-52; 10.1117/12.447189
Djorgovski, S. G. and Brunner, R. J., el al. (2001) Exploration of Large Digital Sky Surveys ; ISBN 978-3-540-42468-0; Mining the Sky; 305-322; 10.1007/10849171_37