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- Ma, Chi and Krot, Alexander N., el al. (2024) Louisfuchsite, Ca₂(Mg₄Ti₂)(Al₄Si₂)O₂₀, a new rhönite-type mineral from the NWA 4964 CK meteorite: A refractory phase from the solar nebula; American Mineralogist; 10.2138/am-2023-9283
- Kampf, Anthony R. and Smith, Jason B., el al. (2024) New Minerals from the Redmond Mine, North Carolina, USA: V. Finescreekite and Hayelasdiite, Two New Thiosulfate Minerals Containing Cubane-Like Pb₄O₄ Structural Units; Canadian Journal of Mineralogy and Petrology; Vol. 62; No. 2; 379–390; 10.3749/2300044
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- Kampf, Anthony R. and Mills, Stuart J., el al. (2022) Tombstoneite, a new mineral from Tombstone, Arizona, USA, with a pinwheel-like Te⁶⁺O₃(Te⁴⁺O₃)₃ cluster; Mineralogical Magazine; 10.1180/mgm.2022.98
- Kampf, Anthony R. and Hughes, John M., el al. (2022) Pomite and pseudopomite, two new carbonate-encapsulating mixed-valence polyoxovanadate minerals; American Mineralogist; Vol. 107; No. 11; 2143-2149; 10.2138/am-2022-8335
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- Kampf, Anthony R. and Ma, Chi, el al. (2022) Håleniusite-(Ce), CeOF, the Ce Analogue of Håleniusite-(La) from the Água de Pau Volcano, Sãn Miguel Island, Azores District, Portugal; Canadian Mineralogist; Vol. 60; No. 4; 713-717; 10.3749/canmin.2200002
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- Kampf, Anthony R. and Mills, Stuart J., el al. (2022) Flaggite, Pb₄Cu²⁺₄Te⁶⁺₂(SO₄)₂O₁₁(OH)₂(H₂O), a new mineral with stair-step-like HCP layers from Tombstone, Arizona, USA; Mineralogical Magazine; Vol. 86; No. 3; 397-404; 10.1180/mgm.2022.37
- Ma, Chi and Beckett, John R., el al. (2022) New minerals in type A inclusions from Allende and clues to processes in the early solar system: Paqueite, Ca₃TiSi₂(Al,Ti,Si)₃O₁₄, and burnettite, CaVAlSiO₆; Meteoritics and Planetary Science; Vol. 57; No. 6; 1300-1324; 10.1111/maps.13826
- Baziotis, I. P. and Ma, C., el al. (2022) Unique evidence of fluid alteration in the Kakowa (L6) ordinary chondrite; Scientific Reports; Vol. 12; Art. No. 5520; PMCID PMC9005539; 10.1038/s41598-022-09465-6
- Ma, Chi and Tschauner, Oliver, el al. (2022) A high-pressure, clinopyroxene-structured polymorph of albite in highly shocked terrestrial and meteoritic rocks; American Mineralogist; Vol. 107; No. 4; 625-630; 10.2138/am-2021-7925
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- Ma, Chi and Krot, Alexander N., el al. (2021) Beckettite, Ca₂V₆Al₆O₂₀, a new mineral in a Type A refractory inclusion from Allende and clues to processes in the early solar system; Meteoritics and Planetary Science; Vol. 56; No. 12; 2265-2272; 10.1111/maps.13771
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- Rubin, Alan and Ma, Chi (2021) Meteorite Mineralogy; ISBN 9781108613767; Meteorite Mineralogy; 10.1017/9781108613767
- Baziotis, I. B. and Xydous, S., el al. (2021) Discovery of high-pressure polymorphs in the recent fall of Viñales (L6 ordinary chondrite): implications for collisions on its parent body; Meteoritics and Planetary Science; Vol. 56; No. S1; Art. No. 17; 10.1111/maps.13727
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- Tschauner, Oliver and Ma, Chi, el al. (2020) Riesite, a New High Pressure Polymorph of TiO₂ from the Ries Impact Structure; Minerals; Vol. 10; No. 1; Art. No. 78; 10.3390/min10010078
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- Ma, Chi and Tschauner, Oliver, el al. (2019) Chenmingite, FeCr_2O_4 in the CaFe_2O_4-type structure, a shock-induced, high-pressure mineral in the Tissint martian meteorite; American Mineralogist; Vol. 104; No. 10; 1521-1525; 10.2138/am-2019-6999
- Förster, Hans-Jürgen and Ma, Chi, el al. (2019) Nickeltyrrellite, CuNi₂Se₄, a new member of the spinel supergroup from El DragÓn, Bolivia; The Canadian Mineralogist; Vol. 57; No. 5; 637-646; 10.3749/canmin.1900025
- Ma, Chi and Rubin, Alan E. (2019) Edscottite, Fe_5C_2, a new iron carbide mineral from the Ni-rich Wedderburn IAB iron meteorite; American Mineralogist; Vol. 104; No. 9; 1351-1355; 10.2138/am-2019-7102
- Palke, Aaron C. and Sun, Ziyin, el al. (2019) Johnkoivulaite: A New Gem Mineral; Gems and Gemology; Vol. 55; No. 3; 454-455
- Ma, Chi and Tschauner, Oliver, el al. (2019) A vacancy‐rich, partially inverted spinelloid silicate, (Mg,Fe,Si)_2(Si,□)O_4, as a major matrix phase in shock melt veins of the Tenham and Suizhou L6 chondrites; Meteoritics and Planetary Science; Vol. 54; No. 9; 1907-1918; 10.1111/maps.13349
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- Ma, Chi (2019) Discovery of Kaitianite, Ti^(3+)_2Ti^(4+)O_5, in Allende: A New Refractory Mineral from the Solar Nebula; Meteoritics and Planetary Science; Vol. 54; No. S2; 6098; 10.1111/maps.13346
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- Ma, Chi and Liu, Yang (2019) Discovery of a zinc-rich mineral on the surface of lunar orange pyroclastic beads; American Mineralogist; Vol. 104; No. 3; 447-452; 10.2138/am-2019-6896
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- Ma, Chi and Beckett, John R. (2018) Nuwaite (Ni_6GeS_2) and butianite (Ni_6SnS_2), two new minerals from the Allende meteorite: Alteration products in the early solar system; American Mineralogist; Vol. 103; No. 12; 1918-1924; 10.2138/am-2018-6599
- Ma, Chi (2018) A closer look at shocked meteorites: Discovery of new high-pressure minerals; American Mineralogist; Vol. 103; No. 10; 1521-1522; 10.2138/am-2018-6710
- Kampf, Anthony R. and Rossman, George R., el al. (2018) Ramazzoite, [Mg_8Cu_(12)(PO_4)(CO_3)4(OH)(24)(H_2O)(20)][(H(0.33)SO_4)3(H_2O)(36)], the first mineral with a polyoxometalate cation; European Journal of Mineralogy; Vol. 30; No. 4; 827-834; 10.1127/ejm/2018/0030-2748
- Ma, Chi and Krot, Alexander N. (2018) Adrianite, Ca₁₂(Al₄Mg₃Si₇)O₃₂Cl₆, a new Cl-rich silicate mineral from the Allende meteorite: An alteration phase in a Ca-Al-rich inclusion; American Mineralogist; Vol. 103; No. 8; 1329-1334; PMCID PMC6448150; 10.2138/am-2018-6505
- Ma, Chi (2018) Discovery of meteoritic baghdadite, Ca_3(Zr,Ti)Si_2O_9, in Allende: The first solar silicate with structurally essential zirconium?; Meteoritics and Planetary Science; Vol. 53; No. S1; 6358; 10.1111/maps.13146
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- Ma, Chi and Tschauner, Oliver, el al. (2015) Tissintite, (Ca,Na,□)AlSi_2O_6, a highly-defective, shock-induced, high-pressure clinopyroxene in the Tissint martian meteorite; Earth and Planetary Science Letters; Vol. 422; 194-205; 10.1016/j.epsl.2015.03.057
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- Tschauner, Oliver and Ma, Chi, el al. (2014) Discovery of bridgmanite, the most abundant mineral in Earth, in a shocked meteorite; Science; Vol. 346; No. 6213; 1100-1102; 10.1126/science.1259369
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- Ma, Chi and Krot, Alexander N. (2014) Discovery of a New Cl-Rich Silicate Mineral, Ca_(12)(Al_2Mg_3Si_7)O_(32)Cl_6: An Alteration Phase in Allende; Meteoritics and Planetary Science; Vol. 49; No. S1; A248; 10.1111/maps.12359
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- Ma, Chi and Tschauner, Oliver, el al. (2012) Panguite, (Ti^(4+),Sc,Al,Mg,Zr,Ca)_(1.8)O_3, a new ultra-refractory titania mineral from the Allende meteorite: Synchrotron micro-diffraction and EBSD; American Mineralogist; Vol. 97; No. 7; 1219-1225
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- Ma, Chi and Beckett, John R., el al. (2011) Thortveitite (Sc_2Si_2O_7), the First Solar Silicate?; Meteoritics and Planetary Science; Vol. 46; No. S1; A144-A144; 10.1111/j.1945-5100.2011.01221.x
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