Liu, Yang
- Beery, Sara and Liu, Yang, el al. (2020) Synthetic Examples Improve Generalization for Rare Classes; ISBN 978-1-7281-6553-0; 2020 IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV); 852-862; 10.1109/WACV45572.2020.9093570
- Cook, Colin A. and Liu, Yang, el al. (2017) Gas perfusable microfabricated membranes for high-density cell culture; ISBN 978-1-5090-5078-9; IEEE 30th International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems; 472-475; 10.1109/MEMSYS.2017.7863445
- Fraeman, Abigail A. and Ehlmann, Bethany L., el al. (2016) Using VSWIR Microimaging Spectroscopy to Explore the Mineralogical Diversity of HED Meteorites; ISBN 9781538605905; 2016 8th Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing: Evolution in Remote Sensing (WHISPERS); 1-5; 10.1109/WHISPERS.2016.8071804
- Shapero, Aubrey and Liu, Yang, el al. (2016) Parylene-on-oil packaging for implantable pressure sensors; ISBN 978-1-5090-1973-1; 29th International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS), 2016; 403-406; 10.1109/MEMSYS.2016.7421646
- Luo, Y. and Zhang, Xiaoxiao, el al. (2016) In-vivo intravascular intervention with parylene micro-electrode to diagnose rupture-prone atherosclerotic plaque using electrical impedance spectroscopy; ISBN 978-1-5090-1973-1; 29th International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS), 2016; 307-310; 10.1109/MEMSYS.2016.7421621
- Liu, Y. and Shapero, A., el al. (2015) MEMS for single-islet electroisletogram; ISBN 978-1-4799-8955-3; 18th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (TRANSDUCERS); 77-80; 10.1109/TRANSDUCERS.2015.7180865
- Zhang, Xiaoxiao and Xu, Lei, el al. (2015) Flexible micro sensor for intravascular vulnerable plaque diagnostic with electrical impedance spectroscopy; 10.1109/NEMS.2015.7147419
- Kang, Dongyang and Murali, Karthik, el al. (2015) MEMS oxygen transporter to treat retinal ischemia; ISBN 978-1-4799-7955-4; 28th IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS 2015); 154-157; 10.1109/MEMSYS.2015.7050909
- Liu, Yang and Park, Jungwook, el al. (2015) Magnesium-embedded live cell filter for CTC isolation; ISBN 978-1-4799-7955-4; 28th IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS 2015); 340-343; 10.1109/MEMSYS.2015.7050958
- Zhang, Xiaoxiao and Beebe, Tyler, el al. (2015) Wearable flexible micro electrode for adult zebrafish long term ecgmonitoring; ISBN 978-1-4799-7955-4; 28th IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS 2015); 690-693; 10.1109/MEMSYS.2015.7051051
- Chang, Jay Han-Chieh and Liu, Yang, el al. (2014) Long term glass-encapsulated packaging for implant electronics; ISBN 978-1-4799-3508-6; IEEE 27th International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS), 2014; 1127-1130; 10.1109/MEMSYS.2014.6765844
- Liu, Yang and Park, Jungwook, el al. (2014) Thin-film magnesium as a sacrificial and biodegradable material; 10.1109/MEMSYS.2014.6765726
- Liu, Yang and Park, Jungwook, el al. (2013) Parylene origami structure for intraocular implantation; ISBN 9781467359818; 2013 Transducers & Eurosensors XXVII; 1549-1552; 10.1109/Transducers.2013.6627077
- Chang, Jay Han-Chieh and Liu, Yang, el al. (2013) Reliable packaging for parylene-based flexible retinal implant; ISBN 9781467359818; 2013 Transducers & Eurosensors XXVII; 2612-2615; 10.1109/Transducers.2013.6627341
- Chang, Jay Han-Chieh and Liu, Yang, el al. (2013) A low-temperature parylene-C-to-silicon bonding using photo-patternable adhesives and its applications; ISBN 9781467359818; 2013 Transducers & Eurosensors XXVII; 2217-2220; 10.1109/Transducers.2013.6627244
- Kang, Dongyang and Standley, Andrew, el al. (2013) Effects of deposition temperature on Parylene-C properties; ISBN 978-1-4673-5654-1; IEEE 26th International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS); 389-392; 10.1109/MEMSYS.2013.6474260
- Chang, Jay Han-Chieh and Liu, Yang, el al. (2013) Packaging study for a 512-channel intraocular epiretinal implant; ISBN 978-1-4673-5654-1; IEEE 26th International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS); 1045-1048; 10.1109/MEMSYS.2013.6474428