Liepmann, Hans W.
- Taylor, Stephen (1986) The Effects of Large-Eddy Manipulator Devices on the Turbulent Spot and the Turbulent Boundary Layer; 10.7907/7520-qj30
- Robey, Harry Francis, III (1986) The Nature of Oblique Instability Waves in Boundary Layer Transition; 10.7907/7VG8-Y513
- Rösgen, Thomas (1985) Second Sound Scattering in Superfluid Helium; 10.7907/r8ge-j070
- Nosenchuck, Daniel Mark (1982) Passive and Active Control of Boundary Layer Transition; 10.7907/CKFA-E875
- Trebitz, Bernd Otto (1982) Acoustic Transmission Imaging for Flow Diagnostics; 10.7907/pnsp-rk30
- Turner, Timothy Neal (1980) Second Sound Shock Waves and Critical Velocities in Liquid Helium II; 10.7907/cg05-6436
- Breidenthal, Robert Edward (1979) A Chemically Reacting, Turbulent Shear Layer; 10.7907/hj67-9h91
- Wise, Jack LeRoy, III (1979) Experimental Investigation of First- and Second-Sound Shock Waves in liquid Helium II; 10.7907/c49w-bh82
- Rogers, Philip Louis (1979) Experimental Investigation of Second Sound Shock Waves in Liquid Helium II; 10.7907/y2bj-vw94
- Hesselink, Lambertus (1977) An Experimental Investigation on Propagation of Weak Shock Waves in a Random Medium; 10.7907/XKHF-VD55
- Bofah, Kwasi Kete (1976) A Study of the Trailing Vortices Behind a Ring Wing; 10.7907/050Z-4228
- Shea, John Richard, III (1976) A Chemical Reaction in a Turbulent Jet; 10.7907/BJQT-9A50
- Laguna, Glenn Alan (1975) Second Sound Attenuation in a Liquid Helium Counterflow Jet; 10.7907/7C0G-HK08
- Cummings, John Chester (1973) I. Development of a Cryogenic Shock Tube. II. Experimental Investigation of the Interaction of a Shock Wave with Liquid Helium and I and II; 10.7907/AM0F-DB64
- Dimotakis, Paul Emmanuel (1973) Investigation of Supercritical Heat Flow in Helium II; 10.7907/WMV3-FJ63
- Rupert, Viviane Claude (1973) Experimental Study of Shock Wave Strengthening by a Positive Density Gradient in a Cryogenic Shock Tube; 10.7907/ZXBM-7809
- Logan, Samuel Ernest (1972) Laser Velocimeter Measurement of Reynolds Stress and Turbulence in Dilute Polymer Solutions; 10.7907/BD39-BV19
- Lake, Bruce Meno (1969) Velocity Measurements Ahead of a Semi-Infinite Body in Magnetohydrodynamic Flow with Aligned Fields; 10.7907/PN2X-JB97
- Robinson, William McKinley, Jr. (1969) Mass Spectrometric Studies of Ionization Precursors Ahead of Strong Shock Waves; 10.7907/0QN4-MY03
- Hoffman, Alan Lowell (1967) Magnetohydrodynamic Shock Production and Current Sheet Diffusion; 10.7907/4WVH-W290
- Suzuki, Bob Hiro (1967) Magnetofluid-Dynamic Drag Measurements on Semi-Infinite Bodies in Aligned Fields; 10.7907/JWK4-BM31
- Klein, Alan Frank (1967) I. The Use of a Large Conventional Shock Tube as a Pre-Ionizer for an Inverse Pinch Shock Tube. II. The Application of Thin-Film Heat Transfer Gauges and Flush Electrostatic Probes to Partially Ionized Flows in Shock Tubes; 10.7907/G7GV-GX76
- Wang, Charles Chang-Ping (1967) Mass Spectrometric Studies of Ionization in Shock Heated Gas Mixtures; 10.7907/GN3Q-Y356
- Bowman, Robert Marcus (1966) Investigation of Shock Front Topography in Shock Tubes; 10.7907/XPM1-ZZ53
- Yonas, Gerold (1966) Aligned Fields Magneto-Fluid Dynamic Flow Past Bodies; 10.7907/XGWS-3X78
- Sorrell, Furman Yates, Jr. (1966) On the Generation of Shock Waves in an Inverse Pinch; 10.7907/ZCDM-SF32
- Baganoff, Donald (1964) Experiments on the Wall-Pressure History in Shock Reflection Processes; 10.7907/XK5D-HZ55
- Slachmuylders, Erik Jaak (1963) Measurements of the Acceleration of Reflected Shock Waves by Means of a New Heat Transfer Gauge; 10.7907/5G88-B054
- Rupert, Viviane Claude (1963) Influence of Radiative Dissipation on the Shock Wave Structure; 10.7907/41E3-T691
- Vlases, George Charpentier (1963) Experiments in a Cylindrical Magnetic Shock Tube; 10.7907/1EHZ-AZ30
- Ahlstrom, Harlow Garth (1963) Experiments on the Upstream Wake in Magneto-Fluid Dynamics; 10.7907/NAR6-M485
- Johnson, Douglas Stoddard (1962) I. Design and Application of Piezoceramic Transducers to Transient Pressure Measurements. II. Some Measurements of Curvature and Thickness of Reflecting Normal Shocks at Low Initial Pressures; 10.7907/BJ82-FM97
- Preukschat, A. Werner (1962) Measurements of Drag Coefficients for Falling and Rising Spheres in Free Motion; 10.7907/94MG-ZS76
- Hoult, David Parks (1962) Magnetohydrodynamic Surface Waves; 10.7907/RVM0-1T80
- Narasimha, Roddam (1961) Some Flow Problems in Rarefied Gas Dynamics; 10.7907/1S8T-QA38
- Chen, William S. (1961) Measurements of Aerodynamic Noise on a Flat Plate in Supersonic Flow; 10.7907/SEEW-5974
- Gorecki, Jacek Piotr (1960) An Investigation of Temperature Fluctuations on Bluff Bodies; 10.7907/KV3S-CJ64
- Sturtevant, Bradford (1960) The Effusion of Charged Particles from a Shock Heated Gas; 10.7907/PCNN-DW03
- Stockmair, Wilfried (1959) Problems in Effusion; 10.7907/KH55-XN11
- Weyers, Paul Frederik Robert (1959) The Vibration and Acoustic Radiation of Thin-Walled Cylinders Caused by Internal Turbulent Flow; 10.7907/QTM4-9Z19
- Goddard, Frank Eber (1957) The Effect of Uniformly Distributed Roughness on Turbulent Skin Friction Drag at Supersonic Speeds; 10.7907/BA5G-7H43
- Lamson, Philip (1956) Measurements of Lift Fluctuations Due to Turbulence; 10.7907/2ZDV-9T79
- Sibulkin, Merwin (1956) Boundary Layer Measurements at Supersonic Nozzle Throats; 10.7907/1JZK-HZ46
- Campbell, George Stuart (1956) Turbulence in the Wake of a Thin Airfoil at Low Speeds; 10.7907/T35K-QF86
- Karamcheti, Krishnamurty (1956) Sound Radiation from Surface Cutouts in High Speed Flow; 10.7907/1CRR-9Y28
- Magnus, Richard Jeffrey (1955) An Experimental Investigation of the Transfer of Heat from Small Wires to a Viscous Compressible Fluid; 10.7907/4ZYH-PF56
- Williamson, William Jeffris (1955) An Experimental Investigation of Heat Transfer from Fine Wires to Still Air at Low Density; 10.7907/J54H-9F64
- Skinner, George Tolmie (1955) A Time Correlator for Problems in Aerodynamics; 10.7907/6B8H-3139
- Willmarth, William Walter (1954) The Lift of Thin Airfoils at High-Subsonic Speeds; 10.7907/DFFC-8041
- Vrebalovich, Thomas (1954) The Development of Direct and Alternating Current Glow Discharge Anemometers for the Study of Turbulence Phenomena in Supersonic Flow; 10.7907/95XT-RN93
- Hakkinen, Raimo Jaakko (1954) Measurements of Skin Friction in Turbulent Boundary Layers at Transonic Speeds; 10.7907/WAX3-QV41
- Dailey, Charles Lee (1954) Supersonic Diffuser Instability; 10.7907/V9XM-W683
- Solomon, George Edward (1953) Transonic Flow Past Cone-Cylinders; 10.7907/DE4W-ZJ43
- Coles, Donald Earl (1953) Measurements in the Boundary Layer on a Smooth Flat Plate in Supersonic Flow; 10.7907/0DDW-9S38
- Chuan, Raymond Lu-Po (1953) The Development and Utilization of Some Equipment for Low Reynolds Number Supersonic Flow Research; 10.7907/B6T3-QB91
- Robinson, Martin Samuel (1952) A Ten Channel Statistical Analyzer for Use in Turbulence Research; 10.7907/3BGC-7N43
- Roshko, Anatol (1952) On the Development of Turbulent Wakes from Vortex Streets; 10.7907/4WDN-9807
- Dhawan, Satish (1951) Direct Measurements of Skin Friction; 10.7907/1S03-8631
- Skinner, George Tolmie (1951) Mean-Speed Measurements in Two-Dimensional, Incompressible, Fully-Developed Turbulent Channel Flow; 10.7907/CGEH-Q720
- Morgan, Antony John Andrew (1951) A General Similarity Theory of Partial Differential Equations and its Use in the Solution of Problems in Aeronautics; 10.7907/9142-KZ49
- Stuart, Jay William (1951) Spectra of the Velocity Fluctuations in the Wake of Stalled Airfoils; 10.7907/0DKR-ZG89
- Bryson, Arthur Earl (1951) An Experimental Investigation of Transonic Flow Past Two-Dimensional Wedge and Circular Arc Sections Using a Mach-Zehnder Interferometer; 10.7907/S45R-FG17
- Ashkenas, Harry Israel (1950) The Design and Construction of a Mach-Zehnder Interferometer for Use with the GALCIT Transonic Wind Tunnel; 10.7907/D0V1-MJ80
- Chuang, Feng-Kan (1950) On the Statistical Theory of Turbulence; 10.7907/2TJM-BK44
- Barish, David Theodore (1950) Acoustical Airspeed Indicators; 10.7907/FR7P-K372
- Head, Richard Moore (1949) Investigations of Spontaneous Condensation Phenomena; 10.7907/06R8-C778
- Mettler, Ruben Fred (1949) The Anemometric Application of an Electrical Glow Discharge in Transverse Air Streams; 10.7907/RTBA-4692
- Dhawan, Satish (1949) On the Design and Use of a Flexible Nozzle for the GALCIT Transonic Wind Tunnel; 10.7907/ESYY-5P20
- Marble, Frank Earl (1948) Some Problems Concerning the Rotational Motion of a Perfect Fluid; 10.7907/2JGF-0Z67
- Chapman, Dean Roden (1948) Base Pressure at Supersonic Velocities; 10.7907/F2ZC-4B47
- Laufer, John (1948) Investigation of Turbulent Flow in a Two-Dimensional Channel; 10.7907/6ZYC-HJ88
- Srinivasan, Natesan (1948) Higher Order Approximations for Transonic Flow Over Slender Bodies; 10.7907/8HMA-7V02
- Cole, Julian David (1947) On the Transonic Flow Past Thin Airfoils; 10.7907/7YQN-9C32
- Corrsin, Stanley (1947) I. Extended Applications of the Hotwire Anemometer. II. Investigations of the Flow in Round, Turbulent Jets; 10.7907/NB53-K411
- Marble, Frank Earl (1947) The Rotational Motion of an Ideal Fluid and Application to the Three-Dimensional Flow Through Axial Turbomachinery; 10.7907/CJJR-H730
- Parker, James Frederick and Anderson, John Berwick, el al. (1946) An Investigation of the Effects of the Sudden Extension of a Dive-Recovery Flap on the Aerodynamic Characteristics of a Symmetrical Airfoil in Two Dimensional Flow; 10.7907/DJD3-KV06
- Weitzenfeld, Daniel Kehr and Trauger, Robert James, el al. (1946) The Effect of Dive Recovery Flaps on the Lift of a Two Dimensional Symmetrical Airfoil with Changes in Chordwise Location of the Flaps; 10.7907/CV3E-KC83
- Leydon, John Koebig and Miller, Walter Bernard (1945) An Investigation of Wind Tunnel Wall Effects at High Mach Numbers; 10.7907/HNBB-CK44
- Zebb, George Keirn (1943) Technique of Measuring Transverse Components of Velocity Fluctuations in Turbulent Flow; 10.7907/H56H-BX29
- Corrsin, Stanley (1942) Decay of Turbulence Behind Three Similar Grids; 10.7907/GXRW-6609