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- Smithson, Robert Carroll (1972) A Videomagnetograph Study of Diffusion of Solar Magnetic Fields in Weak Plage Regions; 10.7907/QGBD-XQ45
- Roberts, Phillip Howard, Jr. (1970) Velocity Fields in Magnetically Disturbed Regions of the Hα Chromosphere; 10.7907/BVQF-BY60
- Title, Alan Morton (1966) A Study of Velocity Fields in the Hα Chromosphere by Means of Time-Lapse Doppler Movies; 10.7907/7FCG-0448
- Sheeley, Neil Rolfson, Jr. (1965) Measurements of Solar Magnetic Fields; 10.7907/MFD2-WY70
- Noyes, Robert Wilson (1963) Observations of Oscillatory Motions in the Solar Atmosphere; 10.7907/31J4-0X44
- Simon, George Warren (1963) Correlations Between Large-Scale Solar Photospheric and Chromospheric Motions, Ca II (K) Emission, and Magnetic Fields; 10.7907/MH5M-9152
- Moffet, Alan Theodore (1961) Interferometric Measurement of Brightness Distributions in Discrete Radio Sources; 10.7907/QCM3-7524
- Pickrell, Don H. Jr. (1956) A Study of Distortions in a Cloud Chamber; 10.7907/24TZ-SW47
- Sorrels, John David (1956) I. A Λᵒ-Fragment Decay in a Cloud Chamber. II. Example of the Associated Production of a Ξ⁻ and Two θᵒ Particles. III. A Study of Multiple V-Events; 10.7907/72KQ-XZ56
- Strassenburg, Arnold Adolph (1955) The Lifetimes of the Neutral Λ° and θ° Particles; 10.7907/VBNF-MG96
- Björnerud, Egil Kristoffer (1955) I. Photometric Determination of Ionization of Cloud Chamber Tracks. II. Cloud Chamber Study of Charged V-Particles; 10.7907/JZH8-0240
- Trilling, George Henry (1955) A Cloud-Chamber Investigation of Charged V Particles; 10.7907/1AF7-4Y96
- van Lint, Victor Anton Jacobus (1954) Observations of Neutral V-Particle Decays with the 48" Magnet Cloud Chambers; 10.7907/1GTW-1274
- Shelton, Frank Harvey (1953) V-Particle Production; 10.7907/79GV-BM08
- Alford, William Lumpkin (1953) The Mean Lifetime of V-Particles; 10.7907/7EDY-K211
- Wanlass, Sylvan Dean (1953) The Decay of the Neutral V-Particle; 10.7907/5291-D817