Lees, Lester
- Cass, Glen Rowan (1978) Methods for Sulfate Air Quality Management with Applications to Los Angeles; 10.7907/WWJR-PJ15
- Su, Tsung-Chow Joe (1973) Viscous-Inviscid Flow Interaction in Stratified Flow Over a Barrier; 10.7907/XNJM-ES87
- Shollenberger, Carl Alvin (1971) An Investigation of a Two-Dimensional Propulsive Lifting System; 10.7907/GZNT-1X61
- Ramaswamy, Mathagondapally A. (1971) Experimental Investigation of the Effect of Cooling on Near Wake of Circular Cylinder at Mach Number Six; 10.7907/8ZZ8-PC49
- Sigal, Asher (1971) An Experimental Investigation of the Turbulent Boundary Layer Over a Wavy Wall; 10.7907/VK9A-XA44
- Cassady, Phillip Earl (1970) An Investigation of Non-Equilibrium Effects in an Argon Free-Jet Plasma; 10.7907/WHYP-RZ81
- Blumenthal, Donald Lawrence (1970) Experimental Study of Satellite Wakes in a Simulated Ionospheric Plasma; 10.7907/PYM3-H107
- Bell, Karl Ammon (1970) Theory of Particle Deposition by Inertial Forces at Bifurcations in the Human Respiratory Tract; 10.7907/XVNX-TN65
- Fernandez, Fernando Lawrence (1969) Two-Dimensional Viscous Flows with Large Distributed Surface Injection. Part I. Boundary Layer Flows with Large Injection and Heat Transfer. Part II. Experiments in Supersonic Turbulent Flow with Large Distributed Surface Injection. Part III. The Effect of Finite Plate Length; 10.7907/TCCK-HT69
- Brinker, Gary Duane (1969) A Kinetic Theory Description for External Spherical Flows with Arbitrary Knudsen Number by a Moment Method; 10.7907/B115-B274
- Victoria, Keith Jordis (1969) The Hypersonic Laminar Boundary Layer Near a Sharp Expansion Corner; 10.7907/EZX3-M918
- Ko, Denny Ru-sue (1969) I. Supersonic Laminar Boundary Layer Along a Two-Dimensional Adiabatic Curved Ramp. II. Non-Linear Stability Theory for a Laminar, Incompressible Wake; 10.7907/DM2V-N712
- Collins, Donald James (1969) The Near Wake of a Two-Dimensional Hypersonic Blunt Body with Mass Addition; 10.7907/ZHBC-A772
- Dirling, Raymond Benedict (1968) Superorbital Entry Heat Transfer Including Atomic Line Radiation and Massive Blowing; 10.7907/C3KT-S738
- Klineberg, John Michael (1968) Theory of Laminar Viscous-Inviscid Interactions in Supersonic Flow; 10.7907/P246-JJ81
- Chao, Chia-Chun (1968) Constant-Pressure Laminar Mixing of a Shear Layer with a Quiescent Fluid; 10.7907/8FYR-SB25
- Tyson, Thomas Janney (1967) Laminar Boundary Layers in the Neighborhood of Abrupt Spatial Disturbances; 10.7907/S72R-AM75
- Batt, Richard George (1967) Experimental Investigation of Wakes Behind Two-Dimensional Slender Bodies at Mach Number Six; 10.7907/3WW3-B746
- Lewis, John Eldon (1967) Experimental Investigation of Supersonic, Laminar, Two-Dimensional, Boundary Layer Separation in a Compression Corner with and without Cooling; 10.7907/R0FB-DD20
- Alber, Irwin Emanuel (1967) Integral Theory for Turbulent Base Flows at Subsonic and Supersonic Speeds; 10.7907/0YEZ-H062
- Puhl, Andreas (1966) Hypersonic Boundary Layer Flow Around a Sharp Corner; 10.7907/2TPX-DD83
- Behrens, Hermann Wilhelm (1966) Flow Field and Stability of the Far Wake Behind Cylinders at Hypersonic Speeds; 10.7907/K0KH-9W58
- Grange, Jean-Marie François (1966) Laminar Boundary Layer Separation and Near Wake Flow for a Smooth Blunt Body at Supersonic and Hypersonic Speeds; 10.7907/3ZN7-BC18
- Tracy, Richard Ripley (1964) Hypersonic Flow Over a Yawed Circular Cone; 10.7907/RMWT-TH67
- Herzog, Robert Theodore (1964) Nitrogen Injection into the Base Region of a Hypersonic Wake; 10.7907/J4XP-F867
- Gold, Harris (1963) Stability of Laminar Wakes; 10.7907/X1TJ-MG72
- Wu, Ying-Chu Lin Susan (1963) Flow Generated by Suddenly Heated Flat Plate; 10.7907/CPQD-RQ29
- Thompson, Thomas Ross (1963) The Gray Gas in Hypersonic Flow; 10.7907/9865-C310
- Dewey, Clarence Forbes (1963) Measurements in Highly Dissipative Regions of Hypersonic Flows. Part I. Hot-Wire Measurements in Low Reynolds Number Hypersonic Flows. Part II. The Near Wake of a Blunt Body at Hypers0nic Speeds; 10.7907/XG0Q-ZA42
- McCarthy, John Francis (1962) Hypersonic Wakes; 10.7907/63NK-AG38
- Liu, Chung-Yen (1962) Part I. Kinetic Theory Description of Plane, Compressible Couette Flow. Part II. Kinetic Theory Description of Conductive Heat Transfer from a Fine Wire; 10.7907/Q16R-JR92
- Savage, Stuart Blackton (1962) The Effect of Heat Transfer on Separation of Laminar Compressible Boundary Layers; 10.7907/XCR8-Y474
- Marlotte, Gary Lynn (1962) An Experimental Investigation of the Effect of a Transverse Hypersonic Flow Velocity upon a Low-Density D.C. Electrical Discharge in Air; 10.7907/3BR3-ZT02
- Kingsland, Louis (1961) Experimental Study of Helium and Argon Diffusion in the Wake of a Circular Cylinder at M = 5.8; 10.7907/1FDZ-JX04
- Ai, Daniel Kwoh-i (1961) Part I. Cylindrical Couette Flow in a Rarefied Gas According to Grad's Equation. Part II. Small Perturbations in the Unsteady Flow of a Rarefied Gas Based on Grad's Thirteen Moment Approximation; 10.7907/9P2N-HF23
- Anderson, David Ellsworth (1960) Investigation of Ablation of Ice Bodies in Hypersonic Flows; 10.7907/CD24-6081
- Glick, Herbert Seymour (1960) Modified Crocco-Lees Mixing Theory for Supersonic Separated and Reattaching Flows; 10.7907/0V7K-QS61
- Reshotko, Eli (1960) Stability of the Compressible Laminar Boundary Layer; 10.7907/M6HG-WW29
- Mohlenhoff, William (1960) Experimental Study of Helium Diffusion in the Wake of a Circular Cylinder at M=5.8; 10.7907/QH2Z-TC50
- Monroe, Louis L. (1959) Investigation of the Transmission of a Shock Wave Through an Orifice; 10.7907/Y42Q-9F44
- Chapkis, Robert Lynn (1959) Hypersonic Flow Over an Elliptic Cone: Theory and Experiment; 10.7907/35S5-3H33
- Wood, Richard Donald (1959) An Experimental Investigation of Hypersonic Stagnation Temperature Probes; 10.7907/KXK1-JQ18
- Demetriades, Anthony (1958) An Experimental Investigation of the Stability of the Hypersonic Laminar Boundary Layer; 10.7907/7SR9-9M59
- McMahon, Howard Martin (1958) An Experimental Study of the Effect of Mass Injection at the Stagnation Point of a Blunt Body; 10.7907/PWSC-6787
- Nicholson, Kenneth F. (1958) The Effects of Blunt Leading Edges on Delta Wings at Mach 5.8; 10.7907/ZSFZ-MN41
- Matthews, Malcolm LeRoy (1958) An Experimental Investigation of Viscous Effects on Static and Impact Pressure Probes in Hypersonic Flow; 10.7907/MQPD-A933
- Fraasa, Donald Gordon (1957) An Experimental Investigation of Hypersonic Flow over Blunt-Nosed Bodies at a Mach Number 5.8; 10.7907/G6D1-N841
- Kubota, Toshi (1957) Investigation of Flow Around Simple Bodies in Hypersonic Flow; 10.7907/ZVPP-FK96
- Wisenbaker, Eugene Morgan (1957) An Experimental Investigation of Flow over Simple Blunt Bodies at Mach Number of 5.8; 10.7907/0KC4-4827
- Richards, Homer Keener (1957) An Experimental Investigation of Heat Transfer Rates on a Blunt Body in Hypersonic Flow; 10.7907/C7F5-2G95
- Rabinowicz, Josef (1957) Aerodynamic Studies in the Shock Tube; 10.7907/MXH9-5H80
- Hartwig, Frederic William (1957) Development and Application of a Technique for Steady State Aerodynamic Heat Transfer Measurements; 10.7907/Y2JY-A341
- Machell, Reginald Montague (1956) An Experimental Investigation of Hypersonic Flow over Blunt Nosed Cones at a Mach Number of 5.8; 10.7907/SJ75-6W93
- Munson, Albert Gallatin (1956) A Preliminary Experimental Investigation of the Flow over Simple Bodies of Revolution at M = 18.4 in Helium; 10.7907/X3HZ-BN39
- Kendall, James Madison (1956) An Experimental Investigation of Leading Edge Shock Wave-Boundary Layer Interaction at Hypersonic Speeds; 10.7907/6XVK-B331
- O'Bryant, William Theral (1956) An Experimental Investigation of Hypersonic Flow over Blunt Nosed Cones at a Mach Number of 5.8; 10.7907/923A-XB12
- Berndt, Sune Bertil (1955) On the Influence of Wall Boundary Layers in Closed Transonic Test Sections; 10.7907/T014-DR86
- Yang, Hsun-Tiao (1955) Rayleigh's Problem at Lo\w Mach Number According to the Kinetic Theory of Gases; 10.7907/2VK2-FC14
- Baldwin, Lawrence Cloyd (1955) Viscous Effects on Static Pressure Distribution for a Slender Cone at a Nominal Mach Number of 5.8; 10.7907/XNB2-P865