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- Neu, John Charles (1978) Nonlinear Oscillations in Discrete and Continuous Systems; 10.7907/tnnk-vh42
- Fischer, Elliot (1977) Exact Solutions and Transformation Properties of Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations from General Relativity; 10.7907/PXKA-1861
- Thyagaraja, Anantanarayanan (1972) Compressible Flows at Small Reynolds Numbers; 10.7907/VVKA-ZS09
- Casten, Richard Guy (1970) Methods for Deriving Conservation Laws; 10.7907/RMSA-DS35
- Williams, Richard R. (1966) Application of the Two Variable Expansion Procedure to the Commensurable Planar Restricted Three-Body Problem; 10.7907/PYNV-5723
- Shi, Yun-Yuan (1963) Low Reynolds Number Flow Past Finite Cylinders of Large Aspect Ratio; 10.7907/JA8T-4N67
- Kevorkian, Jirair Kevork (1961) The Uniformly Valid Asymptotic Approximations to the Solutions of Certain Non-Linear Ordinary Differential Equations; 10.7907/K8NE-5X16
- Childress, William Stephen (1961) Asymptotic Expansion of Navier-Stokes Solutions in Three Dimensions for Large Distances; 10.7907/A77G-P071
- Hunter, Herbert Erwin (1960) Application of Asymptotic Expansion Procedures to Low Reynolds Number Flows about Infinite Bodies; 10.7907/5PBX-0J36
- Chang, I-Dee (1959) Navier-Stokes Solutions at Large Distances from a Finite Object; 10.7907/SMPS-TA29
- Rodriguez, Alexander Martin (1956) Theorems Concerning the Reduction of Drag for Supersonic Aircraft; 10.7907/R1JD-WT10
- Seidman, Oscar (1955) A Theoretical Investigation of the Effect of Upwash and Camber on Drag Due to Lift for Rectangular Wings at Supersonic Speeds; 10.7907/AMQ1-JJ66
- Lal, Shankar (1955) Heat Transfer in Compressible Laminar Boundary-Layers; 10.7907/BRKX-WV81
- Skinner, George Tolmie (1955) A Time Correlator for Problems in Aerodynamics; 10.7907/6B8H-3139
- Kaplun, Saul (1954) The Role of Coordinate Systems in Boundary Layer Theory; 10.7907/9QZM-8W36
- Strand, Torstein (1954) Minimum Drag Due to Lift for a Delta Wing with Sonic Leading Edges; 10.7907/Y3KY-N097
- Wu, Theodore Yao-tsu (1952) On Problems of Heat Conduction in a Compressible Fluid; 10.7907/G8DW-K988
- Jensen, Arnold Axtell (1951) A Slender Cone Starting Impulsively; 10.7907/19KD-1M64
- Nielsen, Jack Norman (1951) Supersonic Wing-Body Interference; 10.7907/E6Z2-SM31
- Bleviss, Zegmund Oscar (1951) Interference Effects in Supersonic Flow; 10.7907/YDMK-MS28
- Peterson, Norman Charles (1949) Noncircular Fuselages in Supersonic Flow; 10.7907/JCZX-0749
- Morikawa, George Kiyoshi (1949) The Wing-Body Problem for Linearized Supersonic Flow; 10.7907/PJZP-YG35
- Cole, Julian David (1949) Problems in Transonic Flow; 10.7907/QS66-WA09
- Van Dyke, Milton Denman (1949) A Study of Second-Order Supersonic Flow; 10.7907/MMKH-KT11
- Trilling, Leon (1948) Investigation into the Flow of a Viscous Heat Conducting Compressible Fluid; 10.7907/14DR-5V68
- Gasich, Welko Elton (1948) Downwash Distribution Behind a Wing with an Angle of Attack Discontinuity at Supersonic Speeds; 10.7907/GGC8-CN80
- Lampert, Seymour (1948) Rolling Moment Due to Yaw of Flat Wings of Trapezoidal Planform at Supersonic Speeds; 10.7907/HDT1-PR91
- Pritchard, Ernest I. (1948) Upwash and Sidewash Induced by Certain Control Surfaces in a Supersonic Flow; 10.7907/HK5H-NH60
- Palmer, George Marshall (1947) The Downwash Distribution Behind a Delta Wing at Supersonic Speeds; 10.7907/3VWX-XE20