Krishnan, Swaminathan
Veeraraghavan, Swetha and Hall, John F., el al. (2020) Modeling the Rocking and Sliding of Free-Standing Objects Using Rigid Body Dynamics ; Journal of Engineering Mechanics; Vol. 146; No. 6; Art. No. 04020041; 10.1061/(asce)em.1943-7889.0001739
Veeraraghavan, Swetha and Heaton, Thomas H., el al. (2019) Lower Bounds on Ground Motion at Point Reyes during the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake from Train Toppling Analysis ; Seismological Research Letters; Vol. 90; No. 2A; 683-691; 10.1785/0220180327
Mourhatch, Ramses and Krishnan, Swaminathan (2018) Probabilistic Estimates of Ground Motion in the Los Angeles Basin from Scenario Earthquakes on the San Andreas Fault ; Geosciences; Vol. 8; No. 4; Art. No. 126; 10.3390/geosciences8040126
Veeraraghavan, Swetha and Hudnut, Kenneth W., el al. (2017) Toppling Analysis of the Echo Cliffs Precariously Balanced Rock ; Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America; Vol. 107; No. 1; 72-84; 10.1785/0120160169
Siriki, Hemanth and Bhat, Harsha S., el al. (2015) A Laboratory Earthquake‐Based Stochastic Seismic Source Generation Algorithm for Strike‐Slip Faults and its Application to the Southern San Andreas Fault ; Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America; Vol. 105; No. 4; 2250-2273; 10.1785/0120140110
Bjornsson, Arnan B. and Krishnan, Swaminathan (2014) Low-Complexity Candidate for Benchmarking Collapse Prediction of Steel Braced Structures ; Journal of Structural Engineering; Vol. 140; No. 8; Art. No. A4014013; 10.1061/(ASCE)ST.1943-541X.0000938
Muto, M. and Krishnan, S. (2013) Response of tall steel buildings in southern California to the magnitude 7.8 shakeout scenario earthquake
Krishnan, Swaminathan and Muto, Matthew (2013) Sensitivity of the Earthquake Response of Tall Steel Moment Frame Buildings to Ground Motion Features ; Journal of Earthquake Engineering; Vol. 17; No. 5; 673-698; 10.1080/13632469.2013.771587
Krishnan, Swaminathan and Casarotti, Emanuele, el al. (2012) Rapid Estimation of Damage to Tall Buildings Using Near Real‐Time Earthquake and Archived Structural Simulations ; Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America; Vol. 102; No. 6; 2646-2666; 10.1785/0120110339
Krishnan, Swaminathan and Muto, Matthew M. (2012) Mechanism of Collapse of Tall Steel Moment-Frame Buildings under Earthquake Excitation ; Journal of Structural Engineering; Vol. 138; No. 11; 1361-1387; 10.1061/(ASCE)ST.1943-541X.0000573
Krishnan, S. and Ji, C., el al. (2012) Simulation of an 1857-like Mw 7.9 San Andreas Fault Earthquake and the Response of Tall Steel Moment Frame Buildings in Southern California – A Prototype Study
Krishnan, S. and Muto, M. (2012) Mechanism of Collapse of Tall Steel Moment Frame
Buildings Under Earthquake Excitation
Bjornsson, A. B. and Krishnan, S. (2012) A Retrofitting Framework for Pre-Northridge Steel
Moment-Frame Buildings
Veeraraghavan, S. and Krishnan, S. (2012) 3-D Dynamic Analysis of Precariously Balanced Rocks Under Earthquake Excitation
Mourhatch, R. and Krishnan, S. (2012) High Frequency Ground Motion High-Simulation Using a Source- and Site-Specific Empirical
Green's Function Approach
Siriki, H. and Rosakis, A. J., el al. (2012) A Recursive Division Stochastic Strike-Slip Seismic
Source Algorithm Using Insights from Laboratory
Krishnan, Swaminathan and Muto, Matthew M., el al. (2011) Rupture-to-Rafters Simulations: Unifying Science and Engineering for Earthquake Hazard Mitigation ; Computing in Science & Engineering; Vol. 13; No. 4; 28-43; 10.1109/MCSE.2011.23
Muto, Matthew M. and Krishnan, Swaminathan (2011) Hope for the Best, Prepare for the Worst: Response of Tall Steel Buildings to the ShakeOut Scenario Earthquake ; Earthquake Spectra; Vol. 27; No. 2; 375-398; 10.1193/1.3563621
Krishnan, Swaminathan and Muto, Matthew (2011) Mechanism of Collapse, Sensitivity to Ground Motion Features, and Rapid Estimation of the Response of Tall Steel Moment Frame Buildings to Earthquake Excitation
Krishnan, Swaminathan (2010) Case study of the collapse of a water tank
Krishnan, Swaminathan (2010) Modified Elastofiber Element for Steel Slender Column and Brace Modeling ; Journal of Structural Engineering; Vol. 136; No. 11; 1350-1366; 10.1061/(ASCE)ST.1943-541X.0000238
Krishnan, Swaminathan (2009) FRAME3D V2.0 - A Program for the Three-Dimensional
Nonlinear Time-History Analysis of
Steel Structures: User Guide
Krishnan, Swaminathan (2009) On the Modeling of Elastic and Inelastic, Critical- and Post-Buckling Behavior of Slender Columns and Bracing Members
Krishnan, Swaminathan (2009) Preparing for the Big One
Muto, M. and Krishnan, S., el al. (2008) Seismic Loss Estimation Based on End-to-end Simulation ; ISBN 0415468574; Life-cycle civil engineering : proceedings of the first International Symposium on Life-Cycle Civil Engineering, Varenna, Lake Como, Italy, June 10-14, 2008
Krishnan, Swaminathan and Muto, Matthew M. (2008) SHAKEOUT 2008: Tall Steel Moment Frame Building Response
Krishnan, S. (2008) Modeling steel moment frame and braced frame buildings in three dimensions using FRAME3D
Krishnan, Swaminathan (2007) Case studies of damage to 19-storey irregular steel moment-frame buildings under near-source ground motion ; Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics; Vol. 36; No. 7; 861-885; 10.1002/eqe.657
Krishnan, Swaminathan and Komatitsch, Dimitri, el al. (2006) Performance of Two 18-Story Steel Moment-Frame Buildings in Southern California During Two Large Simulated San Andreas Earthquakes ; Earthquake Spectra; Vol. 22; No. 4; 1035-1061; 10.1193/1.2360698
Porter, Keith A. and Krishnan, Swaminathan, el al. (2006) Analysis of Simultaneous Operational Failure of Critical Facilities due to Earthquake, for a California Utlity
Krishnan, Swaminathan and Ji, Chen, el al. (2006) Case Studies of Damage to Tall Steel Moment-Frame Buildings in Southern California during Large San Andreas Earthquakes ; Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America; Vol. 96; No. 4; 1523-1537; 10.1785/0120050145
Krishnan, Swaminathan and Ji, Chen, el al. (2006) Impact of a Large San Andreas Fault Earthquake on Tall Buildings in Southern California
Krishnan, Swaminathan and Hall, John F. (2006) Modeling Steel Frame Buildings in Three Dimensions. I: Panel Zone and Plastic Hinge Beam Elements ; Journal of Engineering Mechanics; Vol. 132; No. 4; 345-358; 10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9399(2006)132:4(345)
Krishnan, Swaminathan and Ji, Chen, el al. (2005) Performance of 18-Story Steel Momentframe Buildings during a large San Andreas Earthquake - A Southern California-Wide End-to-End Simulation
Krishnan, Swaminathan (2003) Three-Dimensional Nonlinear Analysis of Tall Irregular Steel Buildings Subject to Strong Ground Motion
Krishnan, Swaminathan (2003) FRAME3D - A Program for Three-Dimensional Nonlinear Time- History Analysis of Steel Buildings: User Guide
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Unmeasured Random Excitations ; ISBN 9780784400838; Engineering mechanics: proceedings of the 10th conference; 1296-1299