Kreiss, Heinz-Otto
- Leong, Harrison Mon Fook (1986) Frequency Dependent Electromagnetic Fields: Models Appropriate for the Brain; 10.7907/TNQ6-P071
- Chesshire, Geoffrey Samuel (1986) Composite Grid Construction and Applications; 10.7907/K5KS-4N46
- Naughton, Michael John (1986) On Numerical Boundary Conditions for the Navier-Stokes Equations; 10.7907/3QDE-CB55
- Stanley, Elizabeth Ann (1985) Diffusion in Glassy Polymers; 10.7907/pjzx-hb67
- Henderson, Michael Edwin (1985) Complex Bifurcation; 10.7907/JF82-1T64
- Henshaw, William Douglas (1985) Part I. The Numerical Solution of Hyperbolic Systems of Conservation Laws. Part II. Composite Overlapping Grid Techniques; 10.7907/kz0y-2j77
- Smyth, Noel Frederick (1984) Part I: Soliton on a Beach and Related Problems. Part II: Modulated Capillary Waves; 10.7907/VXDD-1M21
- Yang, Vigor (1984) Pressure Oscillations in Liquid-Fueled Ramjet Engines; 10.7907/rfpg-es59
- Tatoian, James Zareh (1983) An Analytical Study of Electromagnetic Vector Field Propagation in a Nonlinear Electron Plasma; 10.7907/hzt3-s585
- Reyna, Luis Guillermo Maria (1983) I. Stability of Tchebyshev Collocation. II. Interpolation for Surfaces with 1-D Discontinuities. III. On Composite Meshes; 10.7907/AAG6-MW97
- Scheid, Robert Elmer, Jr (1982) The Accurate Numerical Solution of Highly Oscillatory Ordinary Differential Equations; 10.7907/4JVY-JB67
- Brown, David Leslie (1982) Solution Adaptive Mesh Procedures for the Numerical Solution of Singular Perturbation Problems; 10.7907/4DVY-AH34
- Barker, John Wilson (1982) I. Interactions of Fast and Slow Waves in Problems with Two Time Scales. II. A Numerical Experiment on the Structure of Two-Dimensional Turbulent Flow; 10.7907/ynsy-nh46
- Romero, Louis Anthony (1982) I. Similarity Solutions of the Equations of Three Phase Flow through Porous Media. II. The Fingering Problem in a Hele-Shaw Cell; 10.7907/MR6S-7C08
- Kath, William Lawrence (1981) I. Propagating and Waiting Fronts in Nonlinear Diffusion. II. Sustained Reentry Roll Resonance; 10.7907/bpk3-rt60
- McRae, Gregory John (1981) Mathematical Modeling of Photochemical Air Pollution; 10.7907/n8p7-f149