Knauss, Wolfgang
Knauss, Wolfgang G. (2015) A review of fracture in viscoelastic materials ; International Journal of Fracture; Vol. 196; No. 1-2; 99-146; 10.1007/s10704-015-0058-6
Knauss, W. G. (2015) In Memoriam Max Lea Williams (February 22, 1922-September 18, 2013) ; International Journal of Fracture; Vol. 191; No. 1-2; 9-11; 10.1007/s10704-015-0008-3
Alkhader, Maen and Knauss, Wolfgang, el al. (2013) Experimental Investigation of Failure in Viscoelastic Elastomers Under Combined Shear and Pressure ; ISBN 978-1-4614-4240-0; Challenges in Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials and Processes in Conventional and Multifunctional Materials; 55-62; 10.1007/978-1-4614-4241-7_8
Alkhader, M. and Knauss, W. G., el al. (2012) A New Shear-Compression Test for Determining the Pressure
Influence on the Shear Response of Elastomers ; Experimental Mechanics; Vol. 52; No. 8; 1151-1161; 10.1007/s11340-011-9572-2
Knauss, W. G. (2012) On the importance of the dilatational component of the stress state in the uniaxial yield-like behavior of rate-dependent polymers: C. Bauwens-Crowet revisited ; Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials; Vol. 16; No. 2; 223-240; 10.1007/s11043-011-9149-6
Knauss, W. G. (2011) A note on the role of dilatation in the fracture of viscoelastic elastomer ; International Journal of Fracture; Vol. 171; No. 2; 99-104; 10.1007/s10704-011-9629-3
Alkhader, Maen and Knauss, Wolfgang, el al. (2011) Experimental arrangement for measuring the high-strain-rate response of polymers under pressures ; ISBN 978-1-4614-0212-1; Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials and Processes in Conventional and Multifunctional Materials; 139-144; 10.1007/978-1-4614-0213-8_20
Alkhader, Maen and Knauss, W. G., el al. (2011) The influence of pressure on the large deformation shear response of a Polyurea ; ISBN 978-1-4419-9498-1; Time Dependent Constitutive Behavior and Fracture/Failure Processes; 287-295; 10.1007/978-1-4419-9794-4_40
Zhao, J. and Knauss, W. G., el al. (2009) A new shear-compression-specimen for determining quasistatic and dynamic polymer properties ; Experimental Mechanics; Vol. 49; No. 3; 427-436; 10.1007/s11340-008-9171-z
Zhao, J. and Knauss, W. G., el al. (2007) Applicability of the time–temperature superposition principle in modeling dynamic response of a polyurea ; Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials; Vol. 11; No. 3-4; 289-308; 10.1007/s11043-008-9048-7
Knauss, Wolfgang G. and Sundaram, Sairam (2004) Pressure-sensitive dissipation in elastomers and its implications for the detonation of plastic explosives ; Journal of Applied Physics; Vol. 96; No. 12; 7254-7266; 10.1063/1.1818349
Chasiotis, Ioannis and Knauss, Wolfgang G. (2003) The mechanical strength of polysilicon films: Part 1. The influence of fabrication governed surface conditions ; Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids; Vol. 51; No. 8; 1533-1550; 10.1016/S0022-5096(03)00051-6
Chasiotis, Ioannis and Knauss, Wolfgang G. (2003) The mechanical strength of polysilicon films: Part 2. Size effects associated with elliptical and circular perforations ; Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids; Vol. 51; No. 8; 1551-1572; 10.1016/S0022-5096(03)00050-4
Knauss, W. G. and Zhu, W. (2002) Nonlinearly Viscoelastic Behavior of Polycarbonate. II. The Role of Volumetric Strain ; Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials; Vol. 6; No. 4; 301-322; 10.1023/a:1021296110580
Gonzáles, Luis and Knauss, Wolfgang G. (2002) Scaling global fracture behavior of structures-sized laminated composites ; International Journal of Fracture; Vol. 118; No. 4; 363-394; 10.1023/a:1023351115322
Chasiotis, Ioannis and Knauss, Wolfgang G. (2002) A New Microtensile Tester for the Study of MEMS Materials with the Aid of Atomic Force Microscopy ; Experimental Mechanics; Vol. 42; No. 1; 51-57; 10.1007/BF02411051
Tschoegl, N. W. and Knauss, Wolfgang G., el al. (2002) The Effect of Temperature and Pressure on the Mechanical Properties of Thermo- and/or Piezorheologically Simple Polymeric Materials in Thermodynamic Equilibrium – A Critical Review ; Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials; Vol. 6; No. 1; 53-99; 10.1023/a:1014421519100
Tschoegl, N. W. and Knauss, Wolfgang G., el al. (2002) Poisson's Ratio in Linear Viscoelasticity – A Critical Review ; Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials; Vol. 6; No. 1; 3-51; 10.1023/a:1014411503170
Sane, S. B. and Knauss, W. G. (2001) On Interconversion of Various Material Functions of PMMA ; Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials; Vol. 5; No. 4; 325-343; 10.1023/a:1012586719210
Sane, Sandeep B. and Çağin, Tahir, el al. (2001) Molecular dynamics simulations to compute the bulk response of amorphous PMMA ; Journal of Computer-Aided Materials Design; Vol. 8; No. 2/3; 87-106; 10.1023/a:1020042716635
Chasiotis, Ioannis and Knauss, Wolfgang G. (2000) Microtensile tests with the aid of probe microscopy for the study of MEMS materials ; ISBN 9780819438317; Materials and Device Characterization in Micromachining III; 96-103; 10.1117/12.395616
Lee, S. and Knauss, W. G. (2000) A Note on the Determination of Relaxation and Creep Data from Ramp Tests ; Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials; Vol. 4; No. 1; 1-7; 10.1023/a:1009827622426
Chasiotis, Ioannis and Knauss, Wolfgang G. (1998) Mechanical properties of thin polysilicon films by means of probe microscopy ; ISBN 9780819429711; Materials and Device Characterization in Micromachining; 66-75; 10.1117/12.324072
Sharpe, W. N. and Brown, S., el al. (1998) Round-Robin Tests of Modulus and Strength of Polysilicon ; ISBN 9781558994249; Microelectromechanical Structures for Materials Research; Art. No. 57; 10.1557/PROC-518-57
Knauss, W. G. (1998) Volume/Shear Interaction in Glassy Polymers ; ISBN 978-3-642-51064-9; Progress and Trends in Rheology V; 21; 10.1007/978-3-642-51062-5_7
Vendroux, G. and Knauss, W. G. (1994) Deformation Measurements at the Sub-Micron Size Scale: II. Refinements in the Algorithm for Digital Image Correction ; 10.7907/pedw-pd07
Vendroux, G. and Knauss, W. G. (1994) Submicron Deformation Field Measurements II: Improved Digital Image Correlation ; 10.7907/zvy1-mb79
Waas, A. M. and Babcock, C. D., Jr., el al. (1990) A Mechanical Model for Elastic Fiber Microbuckling ; Journal of Applied Mechanics; Vol. 57; No. 1; 138-147
Ravichandran, G. and Knauss, W. G. (1989) A Finite Elastostatic Analysis of Bimaterial Interface Cracks ; International Journal of Fracture; Vol. 39; No. 1-3; 235-253; 10.1007/BF00047452
Knauss, W. G. (1989) Time dependent fracture of polymers ; ISBN 0080343430; Advances in fracture research : proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Fracture (ICF-7), Houston, Tex., 20-24 March 1989; 2683-2711
Chai, H. and Knauss, W. G., el al. (1983) Observation of Damage Growth in Compressively Loaded Laminates ; Experimental Mechanics; Vol. 23; No. 3; 329-337
Chai, Herzl and Babcock, Charles D., el al. (1981) One dimensional modelling of failure in laminated plates by delamination buckling ; International Journal of Solids and Structures; Vol. 17; No. 11; 1069-1083; 10.1016/0020-7683(81)90014-7
Knauss, W. G. and Kenner, V. H. (1980) On the hygrothermomechanical characterization of polyvinyl acetate ; Journal of Applied Physics; Vol. 51; No. 10; 5131-5136; 10.1063/1.327458
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Chai, H. and Babcock, C. D., el al. (1979) The Incorporation of Bending into the Buckling Delamination Analysis: Informal Progress Report No. 3 ; 10.7907/jvgn-3580
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Mueller, H. K. and Knauss, W. G. (1971) The Fracture Energy and Some Mechanical Properties of a Polyurethane Elastomer ; Transactions of the Society of Rheology; Vol. 15; No. 2; 217-233; 10.1122/1.549209
Mueller, H. K. and Knauss, W. G. (1971) Crack propagation in a linearly viscoelastic strip ; Journal of Applied Mechanics; Vol. 38; No. 2; 483-488; 10.1115/1.3408801
Knauss, W. G. (1970) Delayed Failure - The Griffith Problem for Linearly Viscoelastic Materials ; International Journal of Fracture; Vol. 6; No. 1; 7-20; 10.1007/BF00183655
Knauss, W. G. (1969) Stable and Unstable Crack Growth in Viscoelastic Media ; Transactions of the Society of Rheology; Vol. 13; No. 3; 291-313; 10.1122/1.549134
Clauser, John F. and Knauss, Wolfgang G. (1968) On the Numerical Determination of Relaxation and Retardation Spectra for Linearly Viscoelastic Materials ; Transactions of the Society of Rheology; Vol. 12; No. 1; 143-153; 10.1122/1.549103
Williams, M. L. and Knauss, W. G., el al. (1966) Fatigue Failure in Linearly Viscoelastic Masterials
Knauss, W. G. (1966) Time-Dependent Failure of Viscoelastic Materials Under Cyclic Loads
Knauss, Wolfgang G. (1963) On the mechanical properties of an H-C rubber
Blatz, P. J. and Knauss, W. G., el al. (1960) Fundamental Studies Relating to Systems Analysis of Solid Propellants, January 1, 1960-May 31, 1960 ; 10.7907/6wsw-zw77
Blatz, P. J. and Knauss, W. G., el al. (1960) Fundamental Studies Relating to Systems Analysis of Solid Propellants, October l, 1959-December 31, 1959 ; 10.7907/0sxn-1k84