Kanamori, Hiroo
Ye, Lingling and Lay, Thorne, el al. (2016) Joint Inversion of High-Rate GPS and Teleseismic Observations for Rupture Process of the 23 June 2014 (M_w 7.9) Rat Islands Archipelago, Alaska, Intermediate Depth Earthquake ; ISBN 9781119053972; Plate Boundaries and Natural Hazards; 149-166; 10.1002/9781119054146.ch7
Julian, Bruce R. and Asimow, Paul, el al. (2015) Don L. Anderson and the Caltech Seismo Lab ; 10.1130/2015.2514(ix)
Kanamori, Hiroo and Rivera, Luis (2015) Near-vertical multiple ScS phases and vertically averaged mantle properties ; 10.1130/2015.2514(02)
Beroza, G. C. and Kanamori, H. (2015) Earthquake Seismology: An Introduction and Overview ; ISBN 978-0-12-409548-9; Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences; 1-50; 10.1016/B978-0-444-53802-4.00069-5
Polet, Jascha and Kanamori, H. (2009) Tsunami Earthquakes ; ISBN 978-0-387-75888-6; Encyclopedia of Complexity and Systems Science; 9577-9592
Rosakis, A. J. and Xia, K., el al. (2007) Dynamic Shear Rupture in Frictional Interfaces: Speeds, Directionality, and Modes ; ISBN 978-0-12-409548-9; Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences; 183-213; 10.1016/B978-0-444-53802-4.00072-5
Kanamori, Hiroo (2007) Real-time Earthquake Damage Mitigation Measures ; ISBN 9783540722403; Earthquake Early Warning Systems; 1-8; 10.1007/978-3-540-72241-0_1
Abercrombie, Rachel E. and McGarr, Art, el al. (2006) Earthquakes: Radiated Energy and the Physics of Faulting - Introduction ; ISBN 9780875904351; Earthquakes: Radiated Energy and the Physics of Faulting; 1-2; 10.1029/170GM02
Kanamori, Hiroo and Rivera, Luis (2006) Energy partitioning during an earthquake ; ISBN 978-0-87590-435-1; Earthquakes: Radiated Energy and the Physics of Faulting; 3-13
Kanamori, Hiroo (2006) The Radiated Energy of the 2004 Sumatra-Andaman Earthquake ; ISBN 978-0-87590-435-1; Earthquakes: Radiated Energy and the Physics of Faulting; 59-68
Kanamori, Hiroo (2003) Earthquake Prediction: An Overview ; ISBN 978-0-12-440658-2; International Handbook of Earthquake and Engineering Seismology; 1205-1216; 10.1016/S0074-6142(03)80186-9
Kanamori, Hiroo (2001) Energy Budget of Earthquakes and Seismic Efficiency ; ISBN 9780080530659; Earthquake Thermodynamics and Phase Transformations in the Earth's Interior; 293-305
Kanamori, Hiroo and Heaton, Thomas H. (2000) Microscopic and macroscopic physics of earthquakes ; ISBN 9780875909783; Geocomplexity and the Physics of Earthquakes; 147-163; 10.1029/GM120p0147
Kanamori, Hiroo and Mori, Jim (2000) Microscopic processes on a fault plane and their implications for earthquake dynamics ; ISBN 887794255X; Problems in Geophysics for the New Millennium; 73-88
Kanamori, Hiroo (1996) A seismologist's view of VAN ; ISBN 9789810225421; A Critical review of VAN: earthquake prediction from seismic electrical signals; 339-346
Kanamori, Hiroo and Satake, Kenji (1996) Broadband Study of the Source Characteristics of the Earthquake
Heaton, Thomas and Clayton, Robert, el al. (1996) The TriNet Project ; ISBN 9780080428222; Eleventh World Conference on Earthquake Engineering : Acapulco, Mexico, June 23-28, 1996 : 11WCEE; Paper No. 2136
Ingersoll, Andrew P. and Kanamori, Hiroo (1996) Waves from the Shoemaker-Levy 9 impacts ; ISBN 9780521561921; The Collision of Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 and Jupiter; 329-345
Ma, Kuo-Fong and Satake, Kenji, el al. (1994) The Origin of the Tsunami Excited by the Earthquake – Faulting or Slumping
Huang, Weishi and Silver, Leon T., el al. (1993) Non-SAF type focal mechanisms adjacent to the SAF, Mojave Segment: Implications for Blind Thrust Beneath the San Gabriel Mountains, Southern California
Huilan, Zhou and Kanamori, Hiroo, el al. (1991) Analysis of complex earthquakes and source processes of Longling ; ISBN 7-80003-016-4; Advances in geophysical research; 119-129
Kisslinger, Carl and Mikumo, Takeshi, el al. (1990) Seventh U.S.-Japan Earthquake Prediction Research Seminar: Use of Real-Time Earthquake Information for Hazard Warning
Kanamori, Hiroo (1990) Pasadena Very-Broad-Band System and Its Use for Real-time Seismology
Kanamori, Hiroo and Magistrale, Harold (1989) State of stress in seismic gaps along the San Jacinto Fault ; ISBN 9780520065826; Observatory seismology : an anniversary symposium on the occasion of the centennial of the University of California at Berkeley seismographic stations; 179-186
Kanamori, Hiroo (1988) Importance of Historical Seismograms for Geophysical Research ; ISBN 9780124408708; Historical seismograms and earthquakes of the world; 16-33
Kanamori, Hiroo and Allen, Clarence R. (1986) Earthquake repeat time and average stress drop ; ISBN 9780875904054; Earthquake Source Mechanics; 227-235; 10.1029/GM037p0227
Kanamori, Hiroo (1985) A Numerical Experiment on Seismic Tsunami Warning Network for Alaska and the Aleutians
Kanamori, Hiroo and Astiz, Luciana (1985) The 1983 Akita-Oki earthquake (M_w=7.8) and its implications for systematics of subduction ; ISBN 978-90-481-8421-7; Practical Approaches to Earthquake Prediction and Warning; 305-317; 10.1007/978-94-017-2738-9_6
Kanamori, H. (1983) Global Seismicity ; ISBN 9780444866790; Earthquakes: observation, theory, and interpretation; 596-608
Kanamori, Hiroo and Given, Jeffrey W. (1983) Use of Long-Period Seismic Waves for Rapid Evaluation of Tsunami Potential of Large Earthquakes ; ISBN 9789027716118; Tsunamis: their science and engineering; 37-49
Kanamori, Hiroo and Regan, Janice (1982) Long-Period Surface Waves
Lay, Thorne and Kanamori, Hiroo (1981) An asperity model of large earthquake sequences ; ISBN 9780875904030; Earthquake Prediction; 579-592; 10.1029/ME004p0579
Kanamori, Hiroo (1981) The Nature of Seismicity Patterns Before Large Earthquakes ; ISBN 9780875904030; Earthquake Prediction; 1-19; 10.1029/ME004p0001
Kanamori, H. (1980) The State of Stress in the Earth's Lithosphere
Kanamori, Hiroo (1978) Nature of Seismic Gaps and Foreshocks
Kanamori, Hiroo (1977) Seismic and aseismic slip along subduction zones and their tectonic implications ; ISBN 9780875904009; Island arcs, deep sea trenches, and back-arc basins; 163-174; 10.1029/ME001p0163
Kanamori, H. and Mizutani, H., el al. (1971) Elastic wave velocities of Apollo 12 rocks at high pressures
Kanamori, Hiroo and Nur, Amos, el al. (1970) Elastic wave velocities of lunar samples at high pressures and their geophysical implications