Johnson, William
- Hägeli Lohaus, Stefan P. (2023) Experimental Study on the Thermodynamic Interactions of Phonons and Magnetism in Fe Systems; 10.7907/5sb5-fm96
- Corona, Sydney Lea (2022) Emerging Evidence of a Second Glass Phase in Strong to Ultra-Fragile Bulk Metallic Glass-Forming Liquids; 10.7907/9bvb-2d78
- Kennedy, Kathleen Marie (2021) Renewable Energy Generation and Storage: From Microwires to Macro-Energy Systems; 10.7907/nsmj-tq29
- Kuo, Claire Taijung (2021) Customized Porosity in Ceramic Composites via Freeze Casting; 10.7907/88p1-5v79
- Edwards, Bryce Walker (2021) Mechanical Investigations: Experimental Fracture Techniques and Frozen Small-Molecule Organics; 10.7907/8f8y-5h58
- Arai, Noriaki (2021) Freeze Casting of Ceramics: Pore Design from Solidification Principles; 10.7907/3rmr-cz93
- Herriman, Jane Elizabeth (2020) Phonon Thermodynamics and Elastic Behavior of GaN and GaAs at High Temperatures and Pressures; 10.7907/HJ36-P349
- Cheng, Wen-Hui (Sophia) (2020) Towards High Solar to Fuel Efficiency: From Photonic Design, Interface Study, to Device Integration; 10.7907/kd6a-xt88
- Citrin, Michael Andrew (2020) Nanomechanical Properties of Electrodeposited Li and Fabrication of 3D Architected Cathodes for Li-Based Batteries; 10.7907/YD18-8N08
- Kwong, Anthony Herman Fu-Hao (2020) Mechanical Properties of Small-Scale Sputtered Metallic Glasses; 10.7907/4nv1-1f26
- Yee, Daryl Wei Liang (2020) Additive Manufacturing of 3D Functional Materials: From Surface Chemistry to Combustion-Derived Materials; 10.7907/ya58-cn88
- Giwa, Adenike Monsurat (2019) Microstructure and Small-Scale Deformation of Al₀.₇CoCrFeNi High-Entropy Alloy; 10.7907/PSWX-RY20
- Yalamanchili, Sisir (2019) Light Management in Photovoltaics and Photoelectrochemical Cells using Tapered Micro and Nano Structures; 10.7907/RRYM-VK03
- Tertuliano, Ottman Aeman (2019) Small-Scale Deformation and Fracture of Hard Biomaterials; 10.7907/CAPE-5661
- Robbins, Andrew Beyer (2019) Exploring Microscopic Thermal Transport Properties of Molecular Crystals with Simulations and Experiments; 10.7907/ZZJ3-0K58
- Weadock, Nicholas Joseph (2019) Addressing Thermodynamic Inefficiencies of Hydrogen Storage in Transition Metal Hydrides; 10.7907/ANY4-VA70
- Lifson, Max Louis (2019) Electromechanical Properties of 3D Multifunctional Nano-Architected Materials; 10.7907/D0AD-4T88
- Xia, Xiaoxing (2019) Adaptive and Reconfigurable Architected Materials Driven by Electrochemistry; 10.7907/Q092-P711
- Omelchenko, Stefan Thomas (2019) Towards a Net-zero Carbon Energy System: High Efficiency Photovoltaics and Electrocatalysts; 10.7907/B6AS-EA22
- Paik, Haemin (2019) Development of Electrocatalysts in Solid Acid Fuel Cells; 10.7907/C96K-Z389
- Kim, Laura (2019) Novel Light Emitting Mechanisms Originating from Graphene Plasmons Near and Far from Equilibrium; 10.7907/1CDC-HV37
- Thompson, Jonathan Ross (2019) Unconventional Approaches to Structured Semiconductors; 10.7907/YW6M-H367
- Kucharczyk, Christopher James (2018) High-throughput Characterization of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Cathode Materials; 10.7907/Z094-9907
- Jiang, Jingjing (2018) Interfacial and Stability Studies of Photocathodes for Hydrogen Evolution; 10.7907/SBJ9-D062
- Zhou, Xinghao (2018) Performance and Stability Optimization of Solar Fuel Devices; 10.7907/SSNP-XW29
- Floyd, Michael Cameron Dawley (2018) Development of Ferromagnetic Metallic Glasses into Low Loss Power Transformer Cores; 10.7907/Z9QF8R27
- Ni, Xiaoyue (2018) Probing Microplastic Deformation in Metallic Materials; 10.7907/F38W-6N47
- Tozier, Dylan Douglas (2018) Cathode Design for High Energy Molten Salt Lithium-Oxygen Batteries; 10.7907/TG0K-8776
- Hoff, Andrew Taylor (2018) Understanding the Origin of Glass Forming Ability in Metallic Glasses; 10.7907/Z7Y5-0B62
- Liontas, Rachel (2017) Controlling Deformability in Metallic Glass Nanopillars and Nanolattices; 10.7907/Z9028PHX
- Ji, Ho-Il (2017) Redox Kinetics of Nonstoichiometric Oxides; 10.7907/Z98913W2
- Ohno, Saneyuki (2017) Phase Boundary Mapping for Exploring New Thermoelectric Zintl Compounds; 10.7907/Z9H70CWG
- Wang, Mu (2017) Constant Stress and Pressure Rheology of Dense Colloidal Suspensions; 10.7907/Z9BC3WHQ
- Darbe, Sunita (2017) Optics for High-Efficiency Full Spectrum Photovoltaics; 10.7907/Z96W9833
- Murialdo, Maxwell Robert (2017) Anomalous Thermodynamics of Nonideal Gas Physisorption on Nanostructured Carbons; 10.7907/Z9GH9FXM
- Chen, Christopher Tien (2016) Heteroepitaxy of Group IV and Group III-V semiconductor alloys for photovoltaic applications; 10.7907/Z9KW5CX0
- Tolstova, Yulia (2016) Cu₂O Heterojunction Photovoltaics; 10.7907/Z92V2D22
- Kim, Hyun-Sik (2016) Thermoelectric Properties of Bismuth Antimony Telluride Alloys; 10.7907/Z9RN35V0
- Chen, David Zhaoyue (2016) Atomic-Level Structure and Deformation in Metallic Glasses; 10.7907/Z95Q4T2B
- Tang, Yinglu (2016) Thermoelectric Skutterudites: Why and How High zT Can Be Achieved; 10.7907/Z9TD9VB1
- Emmer, Hal S. (2016) Paths Towards High Efficiency Silicon Photovoltaics; 10.7907/Z9RV0KN6
- Tracy, Sally June (2016) Polaron Hopping in Olivine Phosphates Studied by Nuclear Resonant Scattering; 10.7907/Z95H7D67
- Bajaj, Saurabh (2016) Phase Diagrams and Defect Thermodynamics to Devise Doping Strategies in Lead Chalcogenide Thermoelectric Materials and its Alloys; 10.7907/Z9DF6P6N
- Kaltenboeck, Georg (2016) Investigation of Capacitive Discharge Heating of Metallic Glasses; 10.7907/Z9251G5Z
- Lydon, Joseph John II (2015) Nonlinear Effects in Granular Crystals with Broken Periodicity; 10.7907/Z93J39XM
- Balaji Gopal, Chirranjeevi (2015) Ab-Initio and Experimental Techniques for Studying Non-Stoichiometry and Oxygen Transport in Mixed Conducting Oxides; 10.7907/Z9TT4NWZ
- Wilson, Samantha Stricklin (2015) Zn-VI/Cu2O Heterojunctions for Earth-Abundant Photovoltaics; 10.7907/Z9N58J9H
- Mauger, Lisa Mary (2015) The Phonon Thermodynamics of Iron and Cementite; 10.7907/Z9TQ5ZH3
- Kozachkov, Henry (2015) Modifying Bulk Metallic Glasses: Composites and Configurational States; 10.7907/Z9JQ0XZ4
- Brown, David Ross (2015) Enhanced Thermoelectric Performance at the Superionic Phase Transitions of Mixed Ion-Electron Conducting Materials; 10.7907/Z9B56GNM
- Ji, Chenguang (2015) Design of Antenna-Coupled Lumped-Element Titanium Nitride KIDs for LongWavelength Multi-Band Continuum Imaging; 10.7907/Z9W66HQ7
- Fakonas, James Spencer (2015) Quantum Interference and Entanglement of Surface Plasmons; 10.7907/Z9MG7MD3
- Tsai, Ho-Cheng (2015) Quantum Mechanics Studies of Fuel Cell Catalysts and Proton Conducting Ceramics with Validation by Experiment; 10.7907/Z9P55KFW
- Smith, Hillary Leigh (2014) Phase Transformations and Entropy of Non-Equilibrium Materials; 10.7907/Z9FB50W7
- Heinz, Nicholas A. (2014) Microstructure Control and Iodine Doping of Bismuth Telluride; 10.7907/HKX2-QG08
- Wei, Wei (2014) Microfluidics-Based Single-Cell Functional Proteomics Microchip for Portraying Protein Signal Transduction Networks within the Framework of Physicochemical Principles, with Applications in Fundamental and Translational Cancer Research; 10.7907/Z9WS8R7G
- Wang, Heng (2014) High Temperature Transport Properties of Lead Chalcogenides and Their Alloys; 10.7907/BBQ6-8X60
- Lan, Tian (2014) Studies of Phonon Anharmonicity in Solids; 10.7907/AB7A-FP25
- Liu, Xiao (2014) A Study on Iron-Based Amorphous Alloys: Alloy Development, Thermodynamics and Soft Magnetism; 10.7907/X2WM-RA54
- Roberts, Scott Nolan (2014) Developing and Characterizing Bulk Metallic Glasses for Extreme Applications; 10.7907/FPNT-FT46
- Stadie, Nicholas P. (2013) Synthesis and Thermodynamic Studies of Physisorptive Energy Storage Materials; 10.7907/ZK3P-CV60
- Ikeda, Ayako (2013) Superprotonic Solid Acids: Thermochemistry, Structure, and Conductivity; 10.7907/R1SG-VY83
- Muñoz, Jorge Alberto (2013) Electronic Structure and Phonon Thermodynamics of Iron Alloys; 10.7907/7EJD-RP70
- Oh, Tae-Sik (2013) Electrical, Electrochemical, and Optical Characterization of Ceria Films; 10.7907/139F-KV81
- Mishra, Himanshu (2013) Proton Transfers at the Air-Water Interface; 10.7907/A9HR-PN89
- Varga, Aron (2013) Advancing Electrocatalysis in Solid Acid Fuel Cells; 10.7907/Z9RX992C
- Darvish, Davis Solomon (2013) Cu₂O Substrates and Epitaxial Cu₂O/ZnO Thin Film Heterostructures for Solar Energy Conversion; 10.7907/0KEM-KG56
- Garrett, Glenn Robert (2013) Study of the Origins of Toughness in Amorphous Metals; 10.7907/Z9JD4TRM
- Pomrehn, Gregory Schoelerman (2013) Phase Stability and Defect Behavior in Complex Thermoelectric Zinc-Antimonides; 10.7907/0AWH-4P69
- Panithipongwut, Chatr (2013) Phase Behavior of Complex Superprotonic Solid Acids; 10.7907/NXG8-TY79
- Leenheer, Andrew Jay (2013) Light to Electrons to Bonds: Imaging Water Splitting and Collecting Photoexcited Electrons; 10.7907/A8ZZ-Z189
- An, Qi (2012) Atomistic Simulations of Material Properties under Extreme Conditions; 10.7907/E3Z0-1A27
- Tiwary, Pratyush (2012) Atomistic Simulations of Materials: Methods for Accurate Potentials and Realistic Time-Scales; 10.7907/J8W9-XS70
- Yu, Ted H. (2012) Degradations and Improvements in PEM Fuel Cell Materials: A Computational Study
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- Tan, Hongjin (2012) A Study of the Thermodynamics and Kinetics of LiₓFePO₄ as a Cathode Material for Li Batteries; 10.7907/NQC1-J605
- Raney, Jordan Robert (2012) Hierarchical Structures of Aligned Carbon Nanotubes as Low-Density Energy-Dissipative Materials; 10.7907/25R0-JT92
- Jennings, Andrew Tynes (2012) Deformation Mechanisms in Nanoscale Single Crystalline Electroplated Copper Pillars; 10.7907/6128-HG61
- Mendoza-Cortes, Jose Luis (2012) Design of Molecules and Materials for Applications in Clean Energy, Catalysis and Molecular Machines Through Quantum Mechanics, Molecular Dynamics and Monte Carlo Simulations; 10.7907/PQ74-HK88
- Li, Chen W. (2012) Phonon Anharmonicity of Ionic Compounds and Metals; 10.7907/7VS5-0F52
- Han, Si-ping (2011) DNA Directed Self-Assembly of Carbon Nanotube Structures; 10.7907/3ZN9-T618
- Chueh, William C. (2011) Electrochemical and Thermochemical Behavior of CeO₂-δ; 10.7907/EBKT-ET32
- Winterrose, Michael Lon (2011) Quantum Mechanical Simulation and X-Ray Scattering Applied to Pressure-Induced Invar Anomaly in Magnetic Iron Alloy; 10.7907/2CBN-7H49
- Wiest, Aaron (2010) Thermoplastic Forming and Related Studies of the Supercooled Liquid Region of Metallic Glasses ; 10.7907/W2G5-1S16
- Hofmann, Carrie Elizabeth (2010) Optics at the Nanoscale: Light Emission in Plasmonic Nanocavities; 10.7907/B774-EW86
- Sasaki, Kenji Alexander (2010) Electrochemical Characterization of Solid Acid Fuel Cell Electrodes; 10.7907/BN8H-3F41
- Purewal, Justin (2010) Hydrogen Adsorption by Alkali Metal Graphite Intercalation Compounds; 10.7907/20CE-T553
- Schramm, Joseph Paul (2010) Mechanical Performance of Amorphous Metallic Cellular Structures; 10.7907/H56A-SA70
- Roumi, Farshid (2010) Shape Changing Transformations: Interactions with Plasticity and Electrochemical Processes; 10.7907/P94H-4B23
- May, Andrew Friedrich (2010) High-Temperature Transport in Lanthanum Telluride and Other Modern Thermoelectric Materials; 10.7907/W5AZ-JF32
- Matsuda, Yuki (2009) Ab Initio Quantum Mechanical Studies in Electronic and Structural Properties of Carbon Nanotubes and Silicon Nanowires; 10.7907/7FXD-ZQ68
- Kogan, Oleg Boris (2009) Stochastic and Collective Properties of Nonlinear Oscillators; 10.7907/93R8-TJ70
- Li, John Jian-Zhong (2009) Study of Liquid Metals by Electrostatic Levitation; 10.7907/JY7J-Q837
- Kislitsyn, Mikhail N. (2009) Materials Chemistry of Superprotonic Solid Acids; 10.7907/4JCZ-BE49
- Lucas, Matthew Steven (2009) Cluster Expansion Applied to Inelastic Scattering Experiments; 10.7907/8SX7-KG02
- Hofmann, Douglas Clayton (2009) Designing Bulk Metallic Glass Matrix Composites with High Toughness and Tensile Ductility; 10.7907/CJZ7-VV41
- Suh, Jin-Yoo (2009) Fracture Toughness Study on Bulk Metallic Glasses and Novel Joining Method Using Bulk Metallic Glass Solder; 10.7907/EQ77-D286
- Kresch, Max G. (2009) Temperature Dependence of Phonons in Elemental Cubic Metals Studied by Inelastic Scattering of Neutrons and X-Rays; 10.7907/5FYM-3M24
- Duan, Gang (2008) Simulations, Modeling, and Designs of Bulk Metallic Glasses; 10.7907/ZH3G-JF43
- Lind, Mary Laura (2008) Ultrasonic Investigation of the Elastic Properties and Liquid Fragility of Bulk Metallic Glasses in the Supercooled Liquid Region; 10.7907/3B4B-ZV48
- Ayalasomayajula, Meher Kiran Prakash (2008) Theoretical Studies of Single Molecule Biophysical Systems and Photochemical Ensembles; 10.7907/5D2K-7H81
- Motahari, Seyed-Maziar (2007) Study of Constitutive Behavior of Ferroelectrics via Self-Consistent Modeling and Neutron Diffraction; 10.7907/55PX-GT55
- Veazey, Christopher Thomas (2007) Amorphous Metallic Foam: Synthesis and Mechanical Properties; 10.7907/JXDW-9224
- Brown, Michal Amaris (2007) Measuring Stress in Thin-Film - Substrate Systems Featuring Spatial Nonuniformities of Film Thickness and/or Misfit Strain; 10.7907/9GD9-A088
- Babilo, Peter (2007) Processing and Characterization of Proton Conducting Yttrium Doped Barium Zirconate for Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Applications; 10.7907/WE3X-GD14
- Lohwongwatana, Boonrat (2007) Development, Characterization, and Applications of Gold and Platinum Bulk Metallic Glasses; 10.7907/F215-BD47
- Dodd, Joanna Lynn (2007) Phase Composition and Dynamical Studies of Lithium Iron Phosphate; 10.7907/0B7N-ZF63
- Harmon, John Shelby, III (2007) Experimental Studies of Elasticity, Plastic Flow, and Anelasticity in Metallic-Glass-Forming-Liquids; 10.7907/53AD-3G15
- Swan-Wood, Tabitha Liana (2006) Vibrational Entropy Contributions to the Phase Stability of Iron- and Aluminum-Based Binary Alloys; 10.7907/3PTA-J395
- Tao, Min (2006) High Temperature Deformation of Vitreloy Bulk Metallic Glasses and Their Composite; 10.7907/27SN-R187
- Delaire, Olivier (2006) The Phonon Entropy of Transition Metals and Alloys: Effects of Impurities and of a Martensitic Phase Transition; 10.7907/SDJF-E025
- Papandrew, Alexander Blair (2006) The Effects of High Pressure on the Vibrational and Magnetic Properties of Iron-Based Materials; 10.7907/6VG5-GH55
- Wu, Jian (2005) Defect Chemistry and Proton Conductivity in Ba-based Perovskites; 10.7907/VTCG-T978
- Lee, Seung-Yub (2005) Deformation Mechanisms of Bulk Metallic Glass Matrix Composites; 10.7907/X74S-3H47
- Xu, Donghua (2005) Development of Novel Binary and Multi-Component Bulk Metallic Glasses; 10.7907/XD2M-WW51
- Staneff, Geoffrey D. (2005) High-Pressure Synthesis of Thermoelectric Materials; 10.7907/HWWN-NS80
- Mukherjee, Sundeep (2005) Study of Crystallization Behavior, Kinetics and Thermodynamics of Bulk Metallic Glasses Using Noncontact Electrostatic Levitation Technique; 10.7907/33FY-8482
- Boysen, Dane Andrew (2004) Superprotonic Solid Acids: Structure, Properties, and Applications; 10.7907/41BQ-3R07
- Waniuk, Theodore Andrew (2004) Viscosity and Crystallization in a Series of Zr-based Bulk Amorphous Alloys; 10.7907/8z8r-yw55
- Aydiner, Cahit Can (2004) Investigation of Thermal Tempering in Bulk Metallic Glasses; 10.7907/ZC9Z-5Y06
- Oldham, Neal Curtis (2004) Investigation of Spintronic Materials Systems: Deposition and Characterization; 10.7907/ZAV0-8X28
- Lin, Jiao (2004) Mössbauer Diffractometry: Principles, Practice, and an Application to a Study of Chemical Order in ⁵⁷Fe₃Al; 10.7907/JSZ7-BC77
- Yang, Qiang (2004) Thermomechanical Variational Principles for Dissipative Materials with Application to Strain Localization in Bulk Metallic Glasses; 10.7907/6FV2-KV63
- Chisholm, Calum Ronald Inneas (2003) Superprotonic Phase Transitions in Solid Acids: Parameters Affecting the Presence and Stability of Superprotonic Transitions in the MHₙXO₄ Family of Compounds (X=S,Se,P,As; M=Li,Na,K,NH₄,Rb,Cs); 10.7907/FYTW-7G64
- Lee, Hyon-Jee (2003) Molecular Dynamics Studies of Metallic Glasses; 10.7907/ZE5V-VZ33
- Graetz, Jason Allan (2003) Electronic Environments and Electrochemical Properties in Lithium Storage Materials; 10.7907/CS3R-RW08
- Hanan, Jay Clarke (2003) Damage Evolution in Uniaxial SiC Fiber Reinforced Ti Matrix Composites; 10.7907/C5GW-WV41
- Halverson, Nils William (2002) A Measurement of the Cosmic Microwave Background Angular Power Spectrum with DASI; 10.7907/BEJN-HQ49
- Bogdanoff, Peter David (2002) The Phonon Entropy of Metals and Alloys: The Effects of Thermal and Chemical Disorder; 10.7907/045G-6426
- Lu, Jun (2002) Mechanical Behavior of a Bulk Metallic Glass and Its Composite Over a Wide Range of Strain Rates and Temperatures; 10.7907/3SZ8-Y947
- Wang, Guofeng (2002) First Principles Based Multiscale Modeling of Single Crystal Plasticity: Application to BCC Tantalum; 10.7907/5nyn-ct36
- Ragan, Regina (2002) Direct Energy Bandgap Group IV Alloys and Nanostructures; 10.7907/1WKJ-RZ66
- Xu, Luoyu Roy (2002) Dynamic Failure Characteristics in Layered Materials and Structures; 10.7907/wver-8342
- Bossuyt, Sven Cecile Rene (2001) Microstructure and Crystallization Behavior in Bulk Glass Forming Alloys; 10.7907/MHKM-QR74
- Qi, Yue (2001) Molecular dynamics (MD) studies on phase transformation and deformation behaviors in FCC metals and alloys; 10.7907/9NXP-E603
- Manley, Michael Edward (2001) From Elementary Excitations to Microstructures: the Thermodynamics of Metals and Alloys Across Length Scales; 10.7907/WECC-4662
- Chen, Claudine Minnie (2001) Polycrystalline Silicon Thin Films for Photovoltaics; 10.7907/fgh9-ze28
- Glade, Stephen Clarke (2001) The Cu47Ti34Zr11Ni8 glass-forming alloy : thermophysical properties, crystallization, and the effect of small alloying additions on the thermal stability; 10.7907/4ZJQ-RP66
- Lu, Daqi (2000) Theoretical Studies of the Nonlinear Optical Properties of Organic Materials; 10.7907/myx9-7278
- Min, Kyu Sung (2000) Synthesis and properties of light-emitting Si-based nanostructures; 10.7907/tjep-v350
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- Taylor, Maggie Elizabeth (1998) Pulsed laser deposition : energetic growth effects in group iv semiconductor materials; 10.7907/1vfn-ax53
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- Musgrave, Charles Bruce (1995) Molecular Mechanics and Ab Initio Simulations of Silicon (111) Surface Reconstructions, Semiconductors and Semiconductor Superlattices, H Abstraction for Nanotechnology, Polysilane, and Growth of CVD Diamond; 10.7907/7khv-pb17
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- Jones, Todd Jarrott (1989) Radiation-Induced Conductivity in Amorphous Carbon; 10.7907/5A5K-T270
- Miles, Richard Henry (1989) Structural and Optical Properties of Strained-Layer Superlattices; 10.7907/042y-d234
- Levendis, Yiannis Angelo (1988) A Fundamental Study of Char Oxidation Kinetics Using Model Materials; 10.7907/FQBH-BT69
- Wengler, Michael James (1988) Heterodyne Detection with Superconducting Tunnel Diodes; 10.7907/TYQQ-RZ71
- Meng, Wen Jin (1988) Solid State Amorphization Reactions in thin Film Diffusion Couples; 10.7907/E13T-CN40
- Woodward, Ted Kirk (1988) Experimental Studies of Heterostructure Devices: Resonant Tunneling Transistors and GaAs/AlAs/GaAs Capacitors; 10.7907/cwz8-my71
- Kim, Sung Joon (1988) I. Ion-Solid Interactions with Markers. II. Oxidation Phenomena in Silicides and Aluminides; 10.7907/av5j-xe20
- Anlage, Steven Mark (1988) Icosahedral Order in Metastable Metallic Alloys; 10.7907/mjqp-qr45
- Cheng, Yang-Tse (1987) Ion-Beam Mixing and the Formation of Amorphous Alloys; 10.7907/W1Y4-0347
- Bonnefoi, Alice Renée (1987) Electronic Properties and Device Applications of GaAs/AlₓGa₁₋ₓAs Quantum Barrier and Quantum Well Heterostructures; 10.7907/c4q6-2176
- Lindsey, Christopher Paul (1987) High Power Phased Array and Tailored Gain Semiconductor Lasers; 10.7907/9mh8-wv40
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- Hauenstein, Robert Joseph (1987) Investigations of Single-Crystal Silicide/Silicon Structures; 10.7907/8hdm-m814
- Wu, Jin Jwang (1987) Powder Synthesis in Aerosol Reactors; 10.7907/njvw-jn75
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- Faust, Bruce Charles (1985) Photo-Induced Reductive Dissolution of Hematite (α-Fe₂O₃) by S(IV) Oxyanions; 10.7907/cj3r-5x15
- Hazelton, Lowell Eugene (1985) A Study of Hydrogen Mobility in a Glassy Zr₂Pd Using Internal Friction; 10.7907/t60e-ft46
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- Hopkins, Stuart Thomas (1983) Low Temperature Specific Heat Studies of Molybdenum-Ruthenium Based Superconducting Metallic Glasses; 10.7907/TJRF-S955
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- Clemens, Bruce Montgomery (1983) Superconductivity as a Structural Characterization Tool in Amorphous Materials; 10.7907/GTS1-9E08
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- Williams, Arthur Ray (1981) Atomic Structure of Transition Metal Based Metallic Glasses; 10.7907/sb90-n460
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