Israel, Martin Henry
- Binns, W. R. and Israel, M. H., el al. (2019) Elemental Source Composition Measurements and the Origin of Galactic Cosmic Rays
- Labrador, A. W. and Binns, W. R., el al. (2019) Galactic Cosmic Ray Energy Spectra for Heavy Elements (Ne to Zn) from ∼0.8 to ∼10 GeV/nuc with the SuperTIGER Instrument
- Walsh, N. E. and Binns, W. R., el al. (2019) SuperTIGER Abundances of Galactic Cosmic-Rays for the Charge Interval Z=41-56
- Labrador, A. W. and Binns, W. R., el al. (2017) Galactic Cosmic Ray Energy Spectrum for Fe from ~0.8 to ~10 GeV/nuc with the SuperTIGER Instrument; 10.22323/1.301.0167
- Walsh, N. E. and Binns, W. R., el al. (2017) Preliminary SuperTIGER Abundances of Galactic Cosmic-Rays for the Charge Interval Z=41-56 and Prospects for SuperTIGER-2; 10.22323/1.301.0201
- Wiedenbeck, M. E. and Binns, W. R., el al. (2017) Recent Results from the Cosmic Ray Isotope Spectrometer on NASA's Advanced Composition Explorer; 10.22323/1.301.1089
- Labrador, A. W. and Binns, W. R., el al. (2015) Galactic Cosmic-Ray Composition and Spectra for Ne through Cu from 0.8 to 10 GeV/nuc with the SuperTIGER Instrument; 10.22323/1.236.0341
- Murphy, R. P. and Binns, W. R., el al. (2015) Abundances of Ultra-Heavy Galactic Cosmic Rays from the SuperTIGER Instrument; 10.22323/1.236.0438
- Hams, T. and Binns, W. R., el al. (2015) Elemental Abundances of Ultra-Heavy GCRs measured by SuperTIGER and ACE-CRIS and the Origin of Galactic Cosmic Rays; 10.22323/1.236.0038
- Hams, T. and Binns, W. R., el al. (2015) SuperTIGER and the Origin of Galactic Cosmic-Rays; 10.22323/1.236.0435
- Wiedenbeck, M. E. and Binns, W. R., el al. (2015) Analysis of GCR Spectra and Composition Using Penetrating Particle Data from the CRIS Instrument on ACE; 10.22323/1.236.0340
- Israel, M. H. and Binns, W. R., el al. (2015) Observation of ^(60)Fe in the Galactic Cosmic Rays; 10.22323/1.236.0275
- Lavé, J. and Binns, W. R., el al. (2009) A Comparison of ACE Measurements of Galactic Cosmic-Ray Abundances and Energy Spectra for Two Successive Solar Minima
- Lave, K. A. and Binns, W. R., el al. (2009) A Comparison of ACE/CRIS Measurements of Galactic
Cosmic-Ray Abundances and Energy Spectra for Two
Successive Solar Minima
- Adams, J. H., Jr. and Adams, R., el al. (2009) The Orbiting Astrophysical Spectrometer In Space (OASIS)
- Wiedenbeck, M. E. and Davis, A. J., el al. (2009) Time Dependence of Solar Modulation throughout Solar Cycle 23 as Inferred from ACE Measurements of Cosmic-Ray Energy Spectra
- Binns, W. R. and Cummings, A. C., el al. (2007) Can ^(59)Ni Synthesized in OB Associations Decay to ^(59)Co Before Being Accelerated to Cosmic-ray Energies?
- Binns, W. R. and Cummings, A. C., el al. (2007) Can ^(59)Ni Synthesized in OB Associations Decay to ^(59)Co Before Being Accelerated to Cosmic-ray Energies
- de Nolfo, G. A. and Barbier, L. M., el al. (2007) Co/Ni Ratio Between 0.8 - 5.0 GeV/nucleon from the TIGER-2001 Flight
- Rauch, B. F. and Israel, M. H., el al. (2007) Measurement of the Relative Abundances of the Ultra-Heavy Galactic Cosmic Rays (30 ≤ Z ≤ 40) with TIGER
- Wiedenbeck, M. E. and Binns, W. R., el al. (2007) Primary and secondary contributions to arriving abundances of cosmic-ray nuclides
- Ogliore, R. C. and Stone, E. C., el al. (2007) The P, S, Ar, and Ca isotopic composition of the galactic cosmic ray source
- Wiedenbeck, M. E. and Binns, W. R., el al. (2007) Primary and secondary contributions to arriving abundances of cosmic x-ray nuclides
- de Nolfo, G. A. and Binns, W. R., el al. (2007) Cosmic-ray helium intensities over the solar cycle from ACE
- Mewaldt, R. A. and Davis, A. J., el al. (2005) The Cosmic Ray Radiation Dose in Interplanetary Space - Present Day and Worst-Case Evaluations
- Geier, S. and Rauch, B. F., el al. (2005) Observations of the Ultra-Heavy Galactic Cosmic-Ray Abundances (30 ≤ Z ≤ 40) with TIGER
- Wiedenbeck, M. E. and Davis, Mark E., el al. (2005) The Level of Solar Modulation of Galactic Cosmic Rays from 1997 to 2005 as Derived from ACE Measurements of Elemental Energy Spectra
- Mewaldt, R. A. and Wiedenbeck, M. E., el al. (2004) Cosmic-Ray Spectra in Interstellar Space; ISBN 0-7354-0199-3; Physics of the outer heliosphere; 127-132; 10.1063/1.1809509
- Geier, S. and Barbier, L. M., el al. (2003) Possible Detection of Large Solar Particle Event at Balloon Altitudes during the 2001-2002 TIGER Flight
- Link, J. T. and Barbier, L. M., el al. (2003) Measurements of the Ultra-Heavy Galactic Cosmic-Ray Abundances between Z=30 and Z=40 with the TIGER Instrument
- Scott, L. M. and Davis, A. J., el al. (2003) Direct Evidence of Energy-Loss in Electron-Capture-Decay Secondary Isotopes in the Heliosphere
- Labrador, A. W. and Yanasak, N. E., el al. (2003) Extended Energy Spectrum Measurement of Elements With the Cosmic Ray Isotope Spectrometer (CRIS)
- de Nolfo, G. A. and Yanasak, N. E., el al. (2003) New Measurement of the Li, Be, an B Isotopes as a Test of Cosmic Ray Transport Models
- de Nolfo, G. A. and Yanasak, N. E., el al. (2001) Measurements of the isotopes of lithium, beryllium, and boron from ACE/CRIS; ISBN 0-7354-0042-3; Solar and Galactic Composition: A Joint SOHO/ACE Workshop; 251-255; 10.1063/1.1434007
- Wiedenbeck, M. E. and Binns, W. R., el al. (2001) Constraints on the nucleosynthesis of refractory nuclides in galactic cosmic rays; ISBN 0-7354-0042-3; Solar and Galactic Composition: A Joint SOHO/ACE Worshop; 269-274; 10.1063/1.1434010
- Binns, W. R. and Wiedenbeck, M. E., el al. (2001) GCR Neon Isotopic Abundances: Comparison with Wolf-Rayet Star Models and Meteoritic Abundances; ISBN 0-7354-0042-3; Solar and Galatic Composition; 257-262; 10.1063/1.1434008
- Yanasak, N. E. and de Nolfo, G. A., el al. (2001) The cosmic-ray contribution to galactic abundances of the light elements: Interpretation of GCR LiBeB abundance measurements from ACE/CRIS; ISBN 0-7354-0042-3; Solar and Galactic Composition; 245-250; 10.1063/1.1434006
- Westphal, A. J. and Weaver, B. A., el al. (2001) ECCO: Th/U/Pu/Cm Dating of Galactic Cosmic Ray Nuclei
- Wiedenbeck, M. E. and George, J. S., el al. (2001) CRIS Measurements of Electron-Capture-Decay Isotopes: ^(37)Ar, ^(44)Ti, ^(49)V, ^(51)Cr, ^(55)Fe, and ^(57)Co
- Wiedenbeck, M. E. and George, J. S., el al. (2001) The Isotopic Composition of Cosmic-Ray Calcium
- Israel, M. H. and Adams, J. H., Jr., el al. (2001) The Energetic Trans-Iron Composition Experiment (ENTICE) on the Heavy Nuclei Explorer (HNX) Mission
- Binns, W. R. and Adams, J. H., Jr., el al. (2001) The Heavy Nuclei eXplorer (HNX) Mission
- de Nolfo, G. A. and Yanasak, N. E., el al. (2001) Measurements of the Isotopes of Lithium, Beryllium, and Boron from ACE/CRIS
- Wiedenbeck, M. E. and Yanasak, N. E., el al. (2001) The Origin of Primary Cosmic Rays: Constraints from ACE Elemental and Isotopic Composition Observations; ISBN 9789048158621; The Astrophysics of Galactic Cosmic Rays; 15-26; 10.1007/978-94-017-3239-0_2
- Niebur, S. M. and Binns, W. R., el al. (2000) Secondary Electron-Capture-Decay Isotopes and Implications for the Propagation of Galactic Cosmic rays; ISBN 1-56396-951-3; Acceleration and Transport of Energetic Particles Observed in the Heliosphere; 406-409; 10.1063/1.1324347
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