Ingersoll, Andrew
Spencer, J. R. and Nimmo, F., el al. (2018) Plume Origins and Plumbing: From Ocean to Surface ; ISBN 9780816537075; Enceladus and the Icy Moons of Saturn; 163-174; 10.2458/azu_uapress_9780816537075-ch008
Pankine, Alexey A. and Aaron, Kim M., el al. (2004) Mars Exploration with Directed Aerial Robot Explorers ; ISBN 0-7354-0171-3; Space Technology and Applications International Forum--STAIF 2004; 1019-1026; 10.1063/1.1649668
Pankine, Alexey A. and Aaron, Kim M., el al. (2004) Exploring Planets with Directed Aerial Robot Explorers ; ISBN 0-7354-0171-3; Space Technology and Applications International Forum, STAIF 2004; 883-892; 10.1063/1.1649653
Ingersoll, Andrew P. and Dowling, Timothy E., el al. (2004) Dynamics of Jupiter's atmosphere ; ISBN 9780521818087; Jupiter: the planet, satellites, and magnetosphere; 105-128
Ingersoll, Andrew P. (2002) Atmospheric dynamics of the outer planets ; ISBN 0-12-548035-0; Meteorology at the millennium; 306-315
Ingersoll, Andrew P. (1999) Atmospheres of the giant planets ; ISBN 9780933346864; The New Solar System; 201-220
Ingersoll, A. P. and Vasavada, A. R., el al. (1998) Dynamics of Jupiter's Atmosphere ; ISBN 0-7923-5556-3; Highlights of Astronomy; 1042-1049; 10.1007/978-94-011-4778-1_134
Ingersoll, A. P. and Vasavada, A. R., el al. (1998) Dynamics of Jupiter's Atmosphere ; ISBN 978-0-7923-5556-4; Highlights of Astronomy; 1042-1049; 10.1007/978-94-011-4778-1_134
Banfield, D. B. and Bell, M., el al. (1997) The dynamics of Jupiter's atmosphere from the Galileo orbiter imaging system ; ISBN 9780792348610; The three Galileos: the man, the spacecraft, the telescope; 271-278; 10.1007/978-94-015-8790-7_23
Ingersoll, Andrew (1996) Atmospheres, Planetary ; ISBN 9780028830001; Macmillan Encyclopedia of earth sciences; 31-36
Ingersoll, Andrew P. and Kanamori, Hiroo (1996) Waves from the Shoemaker-Levy 9 impacts ; ISBN 9780521561921; The Collision of Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 and Jupiter; 329-345
Rennó, Nilton O. and Ingersoll, Andrew P. (1995) Natural Convection as a Heat Engine: A Theory for CAPE
Hammel, H. B. and Beebe, R. F., el al. (1995) Hubble space telescope visible imaging of Jupiter during the Comet crash
Ingersoll, Andrew P. and Barnet, Christopher D., el al. (1995) Dynamic Meteorology of Neptune ; ISBN 9780816515257; Neptune and Triton; 613-682
Allison, Michael and Beebe, Reta F., el al. (1991) Uranus atmospheric dynamics and circulation ; ISBN 9780816512089; Uranus; 253-295
Crisp, D. and Ingersoll, A. P., el al. (1990) VEGA Balloon meteorological measurements ; ISBN 0-08-040160-0; Venus Atmosphere: proceedings of Workshop IX of the COSPAR 27th plenary meeting; 109-124; 10.1016/0273-1177(90)90172-V
Ingersoll, Andrew P. (1984) Atmospheric dynamics of Uranus and Neptune: Theoretical considerations
Ingersoll, Andrew P. and Beebe, Reta F., el al. (1984) Structure and dynamics of Saturn's atmosphere ; ISBN 9780816508297; Saturn; 195-238
Ingersoll, Andrew P. (1984) The weather of other planets ; ISBN 9780852294109; 1984 Yearbook of Science and the Future; 144-159
Orton, Glenn S. and Ingersoll, Andrew P. (1980) Saturn's Atmospheric Temperature Structure and Heat Budget ; ISBN 9781118786284; Pioneer Saturn; 5871-5881; 10.1002/9781118782101.ch21
Ingersoll, A. P. (1977) Internal heat flow and its effect on the meteorology of Jupiter ; ISBN 9780920064092; Symposium on Planetary Atmospheres; 97-101
Ingersoll, A. P. and Münch, G., el al. (1976) Results of the infrared radiometer experiment on Pioneers 10 and 11 ; ISBN 9780816505302; Jupiter: studies of the interior, atmosphere, magnetosphere, and satellites; 197-205
Orton, G. S. and Ingersoll, A. P. (1976) Pioneer 10 and 11 and ground-based infrared data on Jupiter: The thermal structure and He-H_2 ratio ; ISBN 9780816505302; Jupiter: studies of the interior, atmosphere, magnetosphere, and satellites; 206-215
Ingersoll, A. (1972) Comments on "Evidence for the distribution of angular velocity inside the sun and stars."