Housner, George W.
- Rutenberg, Avigdor and Jennings, Paul C., el al. (1980) The response of Veteran's Hospital building 41 in the San Fernando earthquake
- Lee, David M. and Jennings, Paul C., el al. (1980) A Selection of important strong motion earthquake records
- Housner, George W. and Jennings, Paul C. (1977) Earthquake design criteria for structures
- Abdel-Ghaffar, Ahmed Mansour and Housner, George W. (1977) An analysis of the dynamic characteristics of a suspension bridge by ambient vibration measurements
- Foutch, Douglas Allen and Housner, George W., el al. (1975) Dynamic responses of six multistory buildings during the San Fernando earthquake
- Housner, George W. (1973) Earthquake-resistant design of high-rise buildings
- Jennings, Paul C. and Housner, George W., el al. (1968) Simulated earthquake motions
- Housner, George W. (1966) The Momentum-Balance Method in Earthquake Engineering
- Alford, Jack L. and Housner, George W., el al. (1964) Spectrum analyses of strong-motion earthquakes
- Keightley, W. O. and Housner, George W., el al. (1961) Vibration tests of the Encino Dam intake tower
- Converse, Frederick J. and Housner, George W., el al. (1954) Vibration Compaction of Cohesive Soils
- Hudson, Donald E. and Housner, George W. (1954) Vibration tests of a steel-frame building
- Housner, George W. (1954) Earthquake pressures on fluid containers
- Housner, George W. (1953) Analysis of the Taft accelerogram of the earthquake of 21 July 1952
- Housner, George W. (1953) A Dislocation theory of earthquakes
- Housner, George W. (1952) Intensity of ground motion during strong earthquakes
- Hudson, Donald E. and Alford, Jack L., el al. (1952) Response of a structure to an explosive-generated ground shock
- Alford, J. L. and Housner, G. W., el al. (1951) Spectrum analysis of strong motion earthquakes