Hitchcock, Christopher
Easwaran, Kenny and Fenton-Glynn, Luke, el al. (2016) Updating on the Credences of Others: Disagreement, Agreement, and Synergy ; Philosophers' Imprint; Vol. 16; No. 11; 1-39
Hitchcock, Christopher (2016) Conditioning, intervening, and decision ; Synthese; Vol. 193; No. 4; 1157-1176; 10.1007/s11229-015-0710-8
Halpern, Joseph Y. and Hitchcock, Christopher (2015) Graded Causation and Defaults ; British Journal for the Philosophy of Science; Vol. 66; No. 2; 413-457; 10.1093/bjps/axt050
Hitchcock, Christopher (2014) Lewis on Causation ; ISBN 978111838818-1; A Companion to David Lewis
Hitchcock, Christopher (2014) Probabilistic Causation
Hitchcock, Christopher and Velasco, Joel D. (2014) Evolutionary and Newtonian Forces ; Ergo; Vol. 1; No. 2; 39; 10.3998/ergo.12405314.0001.002
Hitchcock, Christopher (2013) What is the 'Cause' in Causal Decision Theory? ; Erkenntnis; Vol. 78; No. S1; 129-146; 10.1007/s10670-013-9440-9
Halpern, Joseph Y. and Hitchcock, Christopher (2013) Compact Representations of Extended Causal Models ; Cognitive Science; Vol. 37; No. 6; 986-1010; 10.1111/cogs.12059
Hitchcock, Christopher (2012) Portable Causal Dependence: A Tale of Consilience ; Philosophy of Science; Vol. 79; No. 5; 942-951; 10.1086/667899
Hitchcock, Christopher (2012) Events and times: a case study in means-ends metaphysics ; Philosophical Studies; Vol. 160; No. 1; 79-96; 10.1007/s11098-012-9909-4
Hitchcock, Christopher (2012) Thought Experiments, Real Experiments, and the Expertise Objection ; European Journal for Philosophy of Science; Vol. 2; No. 2; 205-218; 10.1007/s13194-012-0051-0
Hitchcock, Christopher (2012) Theories of Causation and the Causal Exclusion Argument ; Journal of Consciousness Studies; Vol. 19; No. 5-6; 40-56
Hitchcock, Christopher (2012) Contrastive Explanation ; ISBN 978-0-415-87860-9; Contrastivism in Philosophy; 11-34
Hitchcock, Christopher (2011) Trumping and contrastive causation ; Synthese; Vol. 181; No. 2; 227-240; 10.1007/s11229-010-9799-y
Hitchcock, Christopher (2011) Counterfactual Availability and Causal Judgment ; ISBN 9780199695133; Understanding counterfactuals, understanding causation: issues in philosophy and psychology; 171-185
Fitelson, Branden and Hitchcock, Christopher (2011) Probabilistic Measures of Causal Strength ; ISBN 978-0-19-957413-1; Causality in the Sciences; 600-627
Hitchcock, Christopher (2011) The Metaphysical Bases of Liability: Commentary on Michael Moore's "Causation and Responsibility" ; Rutgers Law Journal; Vol. 42; No. 2; 377-404
Halpern, Joseph Y. and Hitchcock, Christopher (2010) Actual Causation and the Art of Modeling ; ISBN 9781904987666; Heuristics, Probability, and Causality: a Tribute to Judea Pearl; 383-406; 10.48550/arXiv.1106.2652
Hitchcock, Christopher and Knobe, Joshua (2009) Cause and Norm ; Journal of Philosophy; Vol. 106; No. 11; 587-612
Hitchcock, Christopher (2009) Structural Equations and Causation: Six Counterexamples ; Philosophical Studies; Vol. 144; No. 3; 391-401; 10.1007/s11098-008-9216-2
Hitchcock, Christopher (2009) Problems for the Conserved Quantity Theory: Counterexamples, Circularity, and Redundancy ; Monist; Vol. 92; No. 1; 72-93; 10.5840/monist20099214
Hitchcock, Christopher (2009) Causal Modelling ; ISBN 9780199279739; The Oxford handbook of causation; 299-314; 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199279739.003.0015
Beebee, Helen and Hitchcock, Christopher, el al. (2009) Introduction ; ISBN 9780199279739; The Oxford handbook of causation; 1-18; 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199279739.003.0001
Hitchcock, Christopher (2008) Causation ; ISBN 9780415354035; The Routledge companion to philosophy of science; 317-326
Hitchcock, Christopher (2007) Prevention, Preemption, and the Principle of Sufficient Reason ; Philosophical Review; Vol. 116; No. 4; 495-532; 10.1215/00318108-2007-012
Hitchcock, Christopher (2007) Three Concepts of Causation ; Philosophy Compass; Vol. 2; No. 3; 508-516; 10.1111/j.1747-9991.2007.00084.x
Hitchcock, Christopher (2007) The Lovely and the Probable ; Philosophy and Phenomenological Research; Vol. 74; No. 2; 433-440
Hitchcock, Christopher (2007) What Russell Got Right ; ISBN 978-0-19-927819-0; Causation, physics, and the constitution of reality: Russell's republic revisited; 45-65
Hitchcock, Christopher (2007) On the Importance of Causal Taxonomy ; ISBN 9780195176803; Causal Learning: Psychology, Philosophy and Computation; 101-114
Hitchcock, Christopher (2007) What's Wrong with Neuron Diagrams? ; ISBN 9780262269766; Causation and Explanation; 69-92; 10.7551/mitpress/1753.003.0006
Hitchcock, Christopher (2007) How to be a Causal Pluralist ; ISBN 9780822943099; Thinking About Causes: From Greek Philosophy to Modern Physics; 200-221
Hitchcock, Christopher (2006) Conceptual Analysis Naturalized: A Metaphilosophical Case Study ; Journal of Philosophy; Vol. 103; No. 9; 427-451
Hitchcock, Christopher Read (2006) Causation: Philosophy of Science ; ISBN 9780028660721; Encyclopedia of Philosophy; 103-109
Hitchcock, Christopher (2005) ... And Away from a Theory of Explanation Itself ; Synthese; Vol. 143; No. 1-2; 109-124; 10.1007/s11229-005-3116-1
Hitchcock, Christopher (2004) Causal processes and interactions: What are they and what are they good for? ; Philosophy of Science; Vol. 71; No. 5; 932-941
Hitchcock, Christopher (2004) Beauty and the Bets ; Synthese; Vol. 139; No. 3; 405-420; 10.1023/B:SYNT.0000024889.29125.c0
Hitchcock, Christopher and Sober, Elliot (2004) Prediction Versus Accommodation and the Risk of Overfitting ; British Journal for the Philisophy of Science; Vol. 55; No. 1; 1-34; 10.1093/bjps/55.1.1
Hitchcock, Christopher R. (2004) Introduction: What is the Philosophy of Science ; ISBN 9781405101523; Contemporary Debates in Philosophy of Science; 1-19
Hitchcock, Christopher (2004) Do All and Only Causes Raise the Probabilities of Effects? ; ISBN 9780262270663; Causation and Counterfactuals; 403-417
Hitchcock, Christopher (2004) Routes, Processes, and Chance Lowering Causes ; ISBN 9780203494660; Cause and chance: causation in an indeterministic world; 138-151
Hitchcock, Christopher and Woodward, James (2003) Explanatory Generalizations, Part II: Plumbing
Explanatory Depth ; Noûs; Vol. 37; No. 2; 181-199; 10.1111/1468-0068.00435
Hitchcock, Christopher (2003) Of Humean Bondage ; British Journal for the Philosophy of Science; Vol. 54; No. 1; 1-25; 10.1093/bjps/54.1.1
Woodward, James and Hitchcock, Christopher (2003) Explanatory Generalizations, Part I: A Counterfactual Account ; Noûs; Vol. 37; No. 1; 1-24; 10.1111/1468-0068.00426
Hitchcock, Christopher (2003) Unity and Plurality in the Concept of Causation ; ISBN 9780306482144; The Vienna circle and logical empiricism: re-evaluation and future perspectives; 217-224
Hitchcock, Christopher (2003) Causal Generalizations and Good Advice ; ISBN 9780812695137; Probability is the very guide of life: the philosophical uses of chance; 205-232
Hitchcock, Christopher (2002) Statistics 101 and the Detection of Linguistic Relationships ; ISBN 9783895864261; The linguist's linguist: a collection of papers in honour of Alexis Manaster Ramer; 205-218
Hitchcock, Christopher (2002) Probabilistic Causation
Hitchcock, Christopher (2001) A Tale of Two Effects ; Philosophical Review; Vol. 110; No. 3; 361-396; 10.1215/00318108-110-3-361
Hitchcock, Christopher (2001) The Intransitivity of Causation Revealed in Equations and Graphs ; Journal of Philosophy; Vol. 98; No. 6; 273-299; 10.2307/2678432
Hitchcock, Christopher (2001) Causal Generalizations and Good Advice ; Monist; Vol. 84; No. 2; 218-241
Hitchcock, C. (2001) Probability and Chance: Philosophical Aspects ; ISBN 978-0-08-043076-8; International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences; 12089-12095; 10.1016/B0-08-043076-7/01016-0
Hitchcock, Christopher Read and Salmon, Wesley C. (2000) Statistical Explanation ; ISBN 978-0-631-17024-2; A Companion to the Philosophy of Science; 470-479
Hitchcock, Christopher (1999) Contrastive Explanation and the Demons of Determinism ; British Journal for the Philosophy of Science; Vol. 50; No. 4; 585-612; 10.1093/bjps/50.4.585
Hitchcock, Christopher (1999) Exactness and Pseudoexactness in Historical Linguistics ; Topoi; Vol. 18; No. 2; 127-139; 10.1023/A:1006242221210
Bartha, Paul and Hitchcock, Christopher (1999) No One Knows the Date or the Hour: An Unorthodox Application of Rev. Bayes's Theorem ; Philosophy of Science; Vol. 66; No. S; S339-S353
Bartha, Paul and Hitchcock, Christopher (1999) The Shooting-Room Paradox and Conditionalizing on Measurably Challenged Sets ; Synthese; Vol. 118; No. 3; 403-437; 10.1023/A:1005100407551
Hitchcock, Christopher (1998) The Common Cause Principle in Historical Linguistics ; Philosophy of Science; Vol. 65; No. 3; 425-447; 10.1086/392655
Hitchcock, Christopher Read (1998) Causal Knowledge: That Great Guide of Human Life ; Communication and Cognition; Vol. 31; No. 4; 271-296
Hitchcock, Christopher Read (1997) Discussion: Screening-off and Visibility to Selection ; Biology and Philosophy; Vol. 12; No. 4; 521-529; 10.1023/a:1006524528746
Hitchcock, Christopher Read (1996) Causal Decision Theory and Decision-theoretic Causation ; Noûs; Vol. 30; No. 4; 508-526; 10.2307/2216116
Hitchcock, Christopher Read (1996) The Mechanist and the Snail ; Philosophical Studies; Vol. 84; No. 1; 91-105; 10.1007/BF00364675
Hitchcock, Christopher Read (1996) The Role of Contrast in Causal and Explanatory Claims ; Synthese; Vol. 107; No. 3; 395-419; 10.1007/BF00413843
Hitchcock, Christopher Read (1996) Farewell to Binary Causation ; Canadian Journal of Philosophy; Vol. 26; No. 2; 267-282
Hitchcock, Christopher (1996) A Probabilistic Theory of Second Order Causation ; Erkenntnis; Vol. 44; No. 3; 369-377
Ramer, Alexis Manaster and Hitchcock, Christopher (1996) Glass Houses: Greenberg, Ringe, and the Mathematics of Comparative Linguistics ; Anthropological Linguistics; Vol. 38; No. 4; 601-619
Hitchcock, Christopher Read (1995) Permutation or Translation: Will the Real Indeterminacy Thesis Please Stand Up? ; Southwest Philosophy Review; Vol. 11; No. 2; 187-205; 10.5840/swphilreview199511231
Hitchcock, Christopher Read (1995) Discussion: Salmon on Explanatory Relevance ; Philosophy of Science; Vol. 62; No. 2; 304-320; 10.1086/289858
Hitchcock, Christopher Read (1995) The Mishap of Reichenbach Fall: Singular vs. General Causation ; Philosophical Studies; Vol. 78; No. 3; 257-291
Hitchcock, Christopher Read (1995) The Mishap at Reichenbach Fall: Singular vs. General Causation ; Philosophical Studies; Vol. 78; No. 3; 257-291; 10.1007/bf00990114
Hitchcock, Christopher Read (1994) Wittgenstein on private language: Exorcising the ghost from the machine ; Philosophia; Vol. 24; No. 1-2; 127-147
Green, Mitchell S. and Hitchcock, Christopher R. (1994) Reflections on Reflection: van Fraassen on Belief ; Synthese; Vol. 98; No. 2; 297-324; 10.1007/BF01063945
Hitchcock, Christopher Read (1993) A Generalized Probabilistic Theory of Causal Relevance ; Synthese; Vol. 97; No. 3; 335-364; 10.1007/BF01064073
Hitchcock, Christopher Read (1992) Causal Explanation and Scientific Realism ; Erkenntnis; Vol. 37; No. 2; 151-178
Hitchcock, Christopher (1992) Urbach on the Laws of Nature ; Analysis; Vol. 52; No. 2; 61-64; 10.2307/3328271
Hitchcock, Christopher (1992) Asymmetry and Overdetermination in Swain's Counterfactual Theory of Causation ; Auslegung; Vol. 18; No. 1; 17-25
Hitchcock, Christopher R. (1992) Discussion: Massey and Kirk on the Indeterminacy of Translation ; Journal of Philosophical Research; Vol. 17; 215-223; 10.5840/jpr_1992_20