Hassibi, Babak
Lale, Sahin and Renn, Peter I., el al. (2024) FALCON: Fourier Adaptive Learning and Control for Disturbance Rejection Under Extreme Turbulence ; npj Robotics; Vol. 2; No. 1; 6; 10.1038/s44182-024-00013-0
Goel, Gautam and Hassibi, Babak (2023) Regret-Optimal Estimation and Control ; IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control; Vol. 68; No. 5; 3041-3053; 10.1109/tac.2023.3253304
Azizan, Navid and Lale, Sahin, el al. (2022) Stochastic Mirror Descent on Overparameterized Nonlinear Models ; IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems; Vol. 33; No. 12; 7717 - 7727; 10.1109/TNNLS.2021.3087480
Lahouti, Farshad and Kostina, Victoria, el al. (2022) How to Query an Oracle? Efficient Strategies to Label Data ; IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence; Vol. 44; No. 11; 7597-7609; 10.1109/tpami.2021.3118644
Sabag, Oron and Hassibi, Babak (2022) Regret-Optimal Filtering for Prediction and Estimation ; IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing; Vol. 70; 5012-5024; 10.1109/tsp.2022.3212153
Lin, Chung-Yi and Kostina, Victoria, el al. (2022) Differentially Quantized Gradient Methods ; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory; Vol. 68; No. 9; 6078-6097; 10.1109/tit.2022.3171173
Kargin, Taylan and Lale, Sahin, el al. (2022) Thompson Sampling Achieves Õ(√T) Regret in Linear Quadratic Control ; Proceedings of Machine Learning Research; Vol. 178; 3235-3284; 10.48550/arXiv.2206.08520
Douik, Ahmed and Hassibi, Babak (2022) Low-Rank Riemannian Optimization for Graph-Based Clustering Applications ; IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence; Vol. 44; No. 9; 5133-5148; 10.1109/tpami.2021.3074467
Kostina, Victoria and Hassibi, Babak (2021) The CEO Problem With Inter-Block Memory ; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory; Vol. 67; No. 12; 7752-7768; 10.1109/tit.2021.3111658
AlSharif, Mohammed H. and Douik, Ahmed, el al. (2021) Manifold Optimization for High-Accuracy Spatial Location Estimation Using Ultrasound Waves ; IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing; Vol. 69; 5078-5093; 10.1109/TSP.2021.3109792
Goel, Gautam and Hassibi, Babak (2021) Regret-optimal measurement-feedback control ; Proceedings of Machine Learning Research; Vol. 144; 1270-1280; 10.48550/arXiv.2011.12785
Lale, Sahin and Teke, Oguzhan, el al. (2021) Stability and Identification of Random Asynchronous Linear Time-Invariant Systems ; Proceedings of Machine Learning Research; Vol. 144; 651-663; 10.48550/arXiv.2012.04160
Lale, Sahin and Azizzadenesheli, Kamyar, el al. (2021) Finite-time System Identification and Adaptive Control in Autoregressive Exogenous Systems ; Proceedings of Machine Learning Research; Vol. 144; 967-979
Sabag, Oron and Hassibi, Babak (2021) Regret-Optimal Filtering ; Proceedings of Machine Learning Research; Vol. 130; 2629-2637; 10.48550/arXiv.2101.10357
Walk, Philipp and Jung, Peter, el al. (2020) MOCZ for Blind Short-Packet Communication: Practical Aspects ; IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications; Vol. 19; No. 10; 6675-6692; 10.1109/TWC.2020.3004588
Yildiz, Hikmet and Hassibi, Babak (2020) Gabidulin Codes with Support Constrained Generator Matrices ; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory; Vol. 66; No. 6; 3638-3649; 10.1109/tit.2019.2955106
White, Alexander and Khial, Parham, el al. (2020) A Silicon Photonics Computational Lensless Active-Flat-Optics Imaging System ; Scientific Reports; Vol. 10; Art. No. 1689; PMCID PMC6997425; 10.1038/s41598-020-58027-1
Douik, Ahmed and Liu, Xing, el al. (2020) Precise 3-D GNSS Attitude Determination Based on Riemannian Manifold Optimization Algorithms ; IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing; Vol. 68; 284-299; 10.1109/tsp.2019.2959226
Yildiz, Hikmet and Hassibi, Babak (2019) Optimum Linear Codes with Support-Constrained Generator Matrices over Small Fields ; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory; Vol. 65; No. 12; 7868-7875; 10.1109/tit.2019.2932663
Douik, Ahmed and Hassibi, Babak (2019) Manifold Optimization Over the Set of Doubly Stochastic Matrices: A Second-Order Geometry ; IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing; Vol. 67; No. 22; 5761-5774; 10.1109/tsp.2019.2946024
Walk, Philipp and Jung, Peter, el al. (2019) MOCZ for Blind Short-Packet Communication: Basic Principles ; IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications; Vol. 18; No. 11; 5080-5097; 10.1109/TWC.2019.2932668
Kostina, Victoria and Hassibi, Babak (2019) Rate-Cost Tradeoffs in Control ; IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control; Vol. 64; No. 11; 4525-4540; 10.1109/TAC.2019.2912256
Khina, Anatoly and Riedel Gårding, Elias, el al. (2019) Control over Gaussian Channels With and Without Source-Channel Separation ; IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control; Vol. 64; No. 9; 3690-3705; 10.1109/TAC.2019.2912255
Azizan-Ruhi, Navid and Lahouti, Farshad, el al. (2019) Distributed Solution of Large-Scale Linear Systems via Accelerated Projection-Based Consensus ; IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing; Vol. 67; No. 14; 3806-3817; 10.1109/TSP.2019.2917855
Jaganathan, Kishore and Hassibi, Babak (2019) Reconstruction of signals from their autocorrelation and cross-correlation vectors, with applications to phase retrieval and blind channel estimation ; IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing; Vol. 67; No. 11; 2937-2946; 10.1109/TSP.2019.2911254
Khina, Anatoly and Kostina, Victoria, el al. (2019) Tracking and Control of Gauss-Markov Processes over Packet-Drop Channels with Acknowledgments ; IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems; Vol. 6; No. 2; 549-560; 10.1109/TCNS.2018.2850225
Halbawi, Wael and Liu, Zihan, el al. (2019) Sparse and Balanced Reed–Solomon and Tamo–Barg Codes ; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory; Vol. 65; No. 1; 118-130; 10.1109/tit.2018.2873128
Hassibi, Arjang and Manickam, Arun, el al. (2018) Multiplexed identification, quantification and genotyping of infectious agents using a semiconductor biochip ; Nature Biotechnology; Vol. 36; No. 8; 738-745; 10.1038/nbt.4179
Thrampoulidis, Christos and Abbasi, Ehsan, el al. (2018) Precise Error Analysis of Regularized M-estimators in High-dimensions ; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory; Vol. 64; No. 8; 5592-5628; 10.1109/TIT.2018.2840720
Thrampoulidis, Christos and Xu, Weiyu, el al. (2018) Symbol Error Rate Performance of Box-relaxation Decoders in Massive MIMO ; IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing; Vol. 66; No. 13; 3377-3392; 10.1109/TSP.2018.2831622
Douik, Ahmed and Hassibi, Babak (2018) Low-Rank Riemannian Optimization on Positive Semidefinite Stochastic Matrices with Applications to Graph Clustering ; Proceedings of Machine Learning Research; Vol. 80; 1299-1308
Mao, Wei and Hassibi, Babak (2017) Capacity Analysis of Discrete Energy Harvesting Channels ; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory; Vol. 63; No. 9; 5850-5885; 10.1109/TIT.2017.2726070
Thill, Matthew and Hassibi, Babak (2017) Low-Coherence Frames from Group Fourier Matrices ; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory; Vol. 63; No. 6; 3386-3404; 10.1109/TIT.2017.2686420
Jaganathan, Kishore and Oymak, Samet, el al. (2017) Sparse Phase Retrieval: Uniqueness Guarantees and Recovery Algorithms ; IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing; Vol. 65; No. 9; 2402-2410; 10.1109/TSP.2017.2656844
Soltanalian, Mojtaba and Naghsh, Mohammad Mahdi, el al. (2017) Training Signal Design for Correlated Massive MIMO Channel Estimation ; IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications; Vol. 16; No. 2; 1135-1143; 10.1109/TWC.2016.2639485
Mao, Wei and Thill, Matthew, el al. (2017) On the Ingleton-Violating Finite Groups ; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory; Vol. 63; No. 1; 183-200; 10.1109/TIT.2016.2627530
Sukhavasi, Ravi Teja and Hassibi, Babak (2016) Linear Time-Invariant Anytime Codes for Control Over Noisy Channels ; IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control; Vol. 61; No. 12; 3826-3841; 10.1109/TAC.2016.2529960
Oymak, Samet and Hassibi, Babak (2016) Sharp MSE Bounds for Proximal Denoising ; Foundations of Computational Mathematics; Vol. 16; No. 4; 965-1029; 10.1007/s10208-015-9278-4
Jaganathan, Kishore and Eldar, Yonina C., el al. (2016) STFT Phase Retrieval: Uniqueness Guarantees and Recovery Algorithms ; IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing; Vol. 10; No. 4; 770-781; 10.1109/JSTSP.2016.2549507
Thrampoulidis, Christos and Bose, Subhonmesh, el al. (2016) Optimal Placement of Distributed Energy Storage in Power Networks ; IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control; Vol. 61; No. 2; 416-429; 10.1109/TAC.2015.2437527
Al-Naffouri, Tareq Y. and Moinuddin, Muhammed, el al. (2016) On the Distribution of Indefinite Quadratic Forms in Gaussian Random Variables ; IEEE Transactions on Communications; Vol. 64; No. 1; 153-165; 10.1109/TCOMM.2015.2496592
Thill, Matthew and Hassibi, Babak (2015) Group Frames With Few Distinct Inner Products and Low Coherence ; IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing; Vol. 63; No. 19; 5222-5237; 10.1109/TSP.2015.2450195
Oggier, Frédérique and Hassibi, Babak (2015) A Perspective on the MIMO Wiretap Channel ; Proceedings of the IEEE; Vol. 103; No. 10; 1874-1882; 10.1109/JPROC.2015.2468077
Khajehnejad, M. Amin and Xu, Weiyu, el al. (2015) Improving the Thresholds of Sparse Recovery: An Analysis of a Two-Step Reweighted Basis Pursuit Algorithm ; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory; Vol. 61; No. 9; 5116-5128; 10.1109/TIT.2015.2448690
Thrampoulidis, Christos and Oymak, Samet, el al. (2015) Regularized Linear Regression: A Precise Analysis of the Estimation Error ; Proceedings of Machine Learning Research; Vol. 40; 1683-1709
Oymak, Samet and Jalali, Amin, el al. (2015) Simultaneously Structured Models with Application to Sparse and Low-rank Matrices ; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory; Vol. 61; No. 5; 2886-2908; 10.1109/TIT.2015.2401574
Bose, Subhonmesh and Low, Steven H., el al. (2015) Equivalent relaxations of optimal power flow ; IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control; Vol. 60; No. 3; 729-742; 10.1109/TAC.2014.2357112
Hassibi, Babak and Hansen, Morten, el al. (2014) Optimized Markov Chain Monte Carlo for Signal Detection in MIMO Systems: An Analysis of the Stationary Distribution and Mixing Time ; IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing; Vol. 62; No. 17; 4436-4450; 10.1109/TSP.2014.2334558
Sukhavasi, Ravi Teja and Hassibi, Babak (2013) The Kalman-Like Particle Filter: Optimal Estimation With
Quantized Innovations/Measurements ; IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing; Vol. 61; No. 1; 131-136; 10.1109/TSP.2012.2226164
Al Naffouri, Tareq Y. and Dahman, Ala A., el al. (2012) Low-Complexity Blind Equalization for OFDM Systems With General Constellations ; IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing; Vol. 60; No. 12; 6395-6407; 10.1109/TSP.2012.2218808
Khajehnejad, Amin and Dimakis, Alexandros G., el al. (2012) Reweighted LP Decoding for LDPC Codes ; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory; Vol. 58; No. 9; 5972-5984; 10.1109/TIT.2012.2202211
Sezgin, Aydin and Avestimehr, A. Salman, el al. (2012) Divide-and-Conquer: Approaching the Capacity of the Two-Pair Bidirectional Gaussian Relay Network ; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory; Vol. 58; No. 4; 2434-2454; 10.1109/TIT.2011.2177773
Xu, Weiyu and Hassibi, Babak (2011) Precise Stability Phase Transitions for ℓ_1 Minimization: A Unified Geometric Framework ; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory; Vol. 57; No. 10; 6894-6919; 10.1109/TIT.2011.2165825
Oggier, Frédérique and Hassibi, Babak (2011) The Secrecy Capacity of the MIMO Wiretap Channel ; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory; Vol. 57; No. 8; 4961-4972; 10.1109/TIT.2011.2158487
Khajehnejad, M. Amin and Xu, Weiyu, el al. (2011) Analyzing Weighted ℓ_1 Minimization for Sparse Recovery With Nonuniform Sparse Models ; IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing; Vol. 59; No. 5; 1985-2001; 10.1109/TSP.2011.2107904
Recht, Benjamin and Xu, Weiyu, el al. (2011) Null space conditions and thresholds for rank minimization ; Mathematical Programming; Vol. 127; No. 1; 175-202; 10.1007/s10107-010-0422-2
Khajehnejad, M. Amin and Dimakis, Alexandros G., el al. (2011) Sparse Recovery of Nonnegative Signals With Minimal Expansion ; IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing; Vol. 59; No. 1; 196-208; 10.1109/TSP.2010.2082536
Bodine-Baron, Elizabeth and Hassibi, Babak, el al. (2010) Distance-Dependent Kronecker Graphs for Modeling Social Networks ; IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing; Vol. 4; No. 4; 718-731; 10.1109/JSTSP.2010.2049412
Vikalo, Haris and Hassibi, Babak, el al. (2010) Limits of Performance of Quantitative Polymerase
Chain Reaction Systems ; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory; Vol. 56; No. 2; 688-695; 10.1109/TIT.2009.2037088
Oggier, Frédérique and Hassibi, Babak (2010) Cyclic Distributed Space–Time Codes for Wireless Relay Networks With No Channel Information ; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory; Vol. 56; No. 1; 250-265; 10.1109/TIT.2009.2034801
Fakhereddin, Maralle J. and Sharif, Masoud, el al. (2009) Reduced feedback and random beamforming for OFDM MIMO broadcast channels ; IEEE Transactions on Communications; Vol. 57; No. 12; 3827-3835; 10.1109/TCOMM.2009.12.060236
El-Khamy, Mostafa and Vikalo, Haris, el al. (2009) Performance of sphere decoding of block codes ; IEEE Transactions on Communications; Vol. 57; No. 10; 2940-2950; 10.1109/TCOMM.2009.10.080402
Gowaikar, Radhika and Hassibi, Babak (2009) Achievable Throughput in Two-Scale Wireless Networks ; IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications; Vol. 27; No. 7; 1169-1179; 10.1109/JSAC.2009.090913
Jafarpour, Sina and Xu, Weiyu, el al. (2009) Efficient and Robust Compressed Sensing Using Optimized Expander Graphs ; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory; Vol. 55; No. 9; 4299-4308; 10.1109/TIT.2009.2025528
Stojnic, Mihailo and Parvaresh, Farzad, el al. (2009) On the Reconstruction of Block-Sparse Signals With an Optimal Number of Measurements ; IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing; Vol. 57; No. 8; 3075-3085; 10.1109/TSP.2009.2020754
Gupta, Vijay and Dana, Amir F., el al. (2009) Data Transmission Over Networks for Estimation and Control ; IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control; Vol. 54; No. 8; 1807-1819; 10.1109/TAC.2009.2024567
Sharif, Masoud and Tarokh, Vahid, el al. (2009) Peak Power Reduction of OFDM Signals with Sign Adjustment ; IEEE Transactions on Communications; Vol. 57; No. 7; 2160-2166; 10.1109/TCOMM.2009.07.080012
Al-Naffouri, T. Y. and Sharif, M., el al. (2009) How much does transmit correlation affect the sum-rate scaling of MIMO Gaussian broadcast channels? ; IEEE Transactions on Communications; Vol. 57; No. 2; 562-572; 10.1109/TCOMM.2009.02.060065
Hassibi, Arjang and Vikalo, Haris, el al. (2009) Real-time DNA microarray analysis ; Nucleic Acids Research; Vol. 37; No. 20; e132; 10.1093/nar/gkp675
Al-Naffouri, Tareq Y. and Dana, Antir F., el al. (2008) Scaling laws of multiple antenna group-broadcast channels ; IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications; Vol. 7; No. 12, Pa; 5030-5038; 10.1109/T-WC.2008.070902
Dana, Amir F. and Sharif, Masoud, el al. (2008) Differentiated rate scheduling for the down-link of cellular systems ; IEEE Transactions on Communications; Vol. 56; No. 10; 1683-1693; 10.1109/TCOMM.2008.4641899
Oggier, Frédérique and Hassibi, Babak (2008) An Algebraic Coding Scheme for Wireless Relay Networks With Multiple-Antenna Nodes ; IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing; Vol. 56; No. 7; 2957-2966; 10.1109/TSP.2008.917410
Parvaresh, Farzad and Vikalo, Haris, el al. (2008) Recovering Sparse Signals Using Sparse Measurement Matrices in Compressed DNA Microarrays ; IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing; Vol. 2; No. 3; 275-285; 10.1109/JSTSP.2008.924384
Vikalo, Haris and Hassibi, Babak, el al. (2008) Modeling and Estimation for Real-Time Microarrays ; IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing; Vol. 2; No. 3; 286-296; 10.1109/JSTSP.2008.924383
Stojnic, Mihailo and Vikalo, Haris, el al. (2008) Speeding up the Sphere Decoder With ℋ∞ and SDP Inspired Lower Bounds ; IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing; Vol. 56; No. 2; 712-726; 10.1109/TSP.2007.906697
Oggier, Frédérique and Hassibi, Babak (2008) Code Design for Multihop Wireless Relay Networks ; EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing; Vol. 2008; No. Specia; Art. ID 457307; 10.1155/2008/457307
Jing, Yindi and Hassibi, Babak (2007) Diversity Analysis of Distributed Space-Time Codes in Relay Networks with Multiple Transmit/Receive Antennas ; EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing; Vol. 2008; No. Specia; Art. ID 254573; 10.1155/2008/254573
Hassibi, Babak and Sharif, Masoud (2007) Fundamental Limits in MIMO Broadcast Channels ; IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications; Vol. 25; No. 7; 1333-1344; 10.1109/JSAC.2007.070907
Sharif, Masoud and Hassibi, Babak (2007) Delay Considerations for Opportunistic Scheduling in Broadcast Fading Channels ; IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications; Vol. 6; No. 9; 3353-3363; 10.1109/TWC.2007.06067
Gowaikar, Radhika and Hassibi, Babak (2007) Statistical Pruning for Near-Maximum Likelihood Decoding ; IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing; Vol. 55; No. 6, Pt.; 2661-2675; 10.1109/TSP.2006.890912
Gupta, Vijay and Hassibi, Babak, el al. (2007) Optimal LQG control across packet-dropping links ; Systems & Control Letters; Vol. 56; No. 6; 439-446; 10.1016/j.sysconle.2006.11.003
Oggier, Frédérique and Hassibi, Babak (2007) Algebraic Cayley Differential Space–Time Codes ; IEEE Transactions on Information Technology; Vol. 53; No. 5; 1911-1919; 10.1109/TIT.2007.894681
Gowaikar, Radhika and Dana, Amir F., el al. (2007) A Practical Scheme for Wireless Network Operation ; IEEE Transactions on Communications; Vol. 55; No. 3; 463-476; 10.1109/TCOMM.2007.892448
Sharif, Masoud and Hassibi, Babak (2007) A Comparison of Time-Sharing, DPC, and Beamforming for MIMO Broadcast Channels With Many Users ; IEEE Transactions on Communications; Vol. 55; No. 1; 11-15; 10.1109/TCOMM.2006.887480
Yeh, Hen-Geul and Chang, Yuan-Kwei, el al. (2007) A scheme for cancelling intercarrier interference using conjugate transmission in multicarrier communication systems ; IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications; Vol. 6; No. 1; 3-7; 10.1109/TWC.2007.04541
Jing, Yindi and Hassibi, Babak (2006) Distributed Space-Time Coding in Wireless Relay Networks ; IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications; Vol. 5; No. 12; 3524-3536; 10.1109/TWC.2006.256975
Stojnic, Mihailo and Vikalo, Haris, el al. (2006) Rate maximization in multi-antenna broadcast channels with linear preprocessing ; IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications; Vol. 5; No. 9; 2338-2342; 10.1109/TWC.2006.04475
Vikalo, Haris and Hassibi, Babak (2006) On joint detection and decoding of linear block codes on Gaussian vector channels ; IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing; Vol. 54; No. 9; 3330-3342; 10.1109/TSP.2006.877675
Gowaikar, Radhika and Hochwald, Bertrand, el al. (2006) Communication Over a Wireless Network With Random Connections ; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory; Vol. 52; No. 7; 2857-2871; 10.1109/TIT.2006.876254
Sharif, Masoud and Hassibi, Babak (2006) High-rate codes with bounded PMEPR for BPSK and other symmetric constellations ; IEEE Transactions on Communications; Vol. 54; No. 7; 1160-1163; 10.1109/TCOMM.2006.877964
Vikalo, Haris and Hassibi, Babak, el al. (2006) Efficient joint maximum-likelihood channel estimation and signal detection ; IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications; Vol. 5; No. 7; 1838-1845
Dana, Amir F. and Hassibi, Babak (2006) On the Power Efficiency of Sensory and Ad Hoc Wireless Networks ; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory; Vol. 52; No. 7; 2890-2914; 10.1109/TIT.2006.876245
Vikalo, H. and Hassibi, B., el al. (2006) Sphere-constrained ML detection for frequency-selective channels ; IEEE Transactions on Communications; Vol. 54; No. 7; 1179-1183; 10.1109/TCOMM.2006.877946
Vikalo, Haris and Hassibi, Babak, el al. (2006) A statistical model for microarrays, optimal estimation algorithms, and limits of performance ; IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing; Vol. 54; No. 6, pt.; 2444-2455; 10.1109/TSP.2006.873716
Kivinen, Jyrki and Warmuth, Manfred K., el al. (2006) The p-norm generalization of the LMS algorithm for adaptive filtering ; IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing; Vol. 54; No. 5; 1782-1793; 10.1109/TSP.2006.872551
Dana, Amir F. and Gowaikar, Radhika, el al. (2006) Capacity of wireless erasure networks ; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory; Vol. 52; No. 3; 789-804; 10.1109/TIT.2005.864424
Hassibi, Babak and Erdogan, Alper T., el al. (2006) MIMO linear equalization with an H∞ criterion ; IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing; Vol. 54; No. 2; 499-511; 10.1109/TSP.2005.861888
Gupta, Vijay and Chung, Timothy H., el al. (2006) On a stochastic sensor selection algorithm with applications in sensor scheduling and sensor coverage ; Automatica; Vol. 42; No. 2; 251-260; 10.1016/j.automatica.2005.09.016
Jing, Yindi and Hassibi, Babak (2005) Three-transmit-antenna space-time codes based on SU(3) ; IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing; Vol. 53; No. 10; 3688-3702; 10.1109/TSP.2005.855092
Sharif, Masoud and Florens, Cedric, el al. (2005) Amplitude and Sign Adjustment for Peak-to-Average-Power Reduction ; IEEE Transactions on Communications; Vol. 53; No. 8; 1243-1247; 10.1109/TCOMM.2005.852830
Hassibi, Babak and Vikalo, Haris (2005) On the sphere-decoding algorithm I. Expected complexity ; IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing; Vol. 53; No. 8; 2806-2818; 10.1109/TSP.2005.850352
Vikalo, Haris and Hassibi, Babak (2005) On the sphere-decoding algorithm II. Generalizations, second-order statistics, and applications to communications ; IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing; Vol. 53; No. 8; 2819-2834; 10.1109/TSP.2005.850350
Sharif, Masoud and Hassibi, Babak (2005) On the capacity of MIMO broadcast channels with partial side information ; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory; Vol. 51; No. 2; 506-522; 10.1109/TIT.2004.840897
Vikalo, Haris and Hassibi, Babak, el al. (2005) On robust signal reconstruction in noisy filter banks ; Signal Processing; Vol. 85; No. 1; 1-14; 10.1016/j.sigpro.2004.08.011
Jing, Yindi and Hassibi, Babak (2004) Design of fully diverse multiple-antenna codes based on Sp(2) ; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory; Vol. 50; No. 11; 2639-2656; 10.1109/TIT.2004.836701
Vikalo, H. and Hassibi, B., el al. (2004) Iterative decoding for MIMO channels via modified sphere decoding ; IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications; Vol. 3; No. 6; 2299-2311; 10.1109/TWC.2004.837271
Sharif, Masoud and Hassibi, Babak (2004) Existence of codes with constant PMEPR and related design ; IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing; Vol. 52; No. 10; 2836-2846; 10.1109/TSP.2004.834343
Vikalo, Haris and Hassibi, Babak, el al. (2004) On the capacity of frequency-selective channels in training-based transmission schemes ; IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing; Vol. 52; No. 9; 2572-2583; 10.1109/TSP.2004.832020
Rao, Chaitanya and Hassibi, Babak (2004) Analysis of multiple-antenna wireless links at low SNR ; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory; Vol. 50; No. 9; 2123-2130; 10.1109/TIT.2004.833369
Eldar, Yonina C. and Stojnic, Mihailo, el al. (2004) Optimal quantum detectors for unambiguous detection of mixed states ; Physical Review A; Vol. 69; Art. No 062318; 10.1103/PhysRevA.69.062318
Sharif, Masoud and Hassibi, Babak (2004) On multicarrier signals where the PMEPR of a random codeword is asymptotically log n ; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory; Vol. 50; No. 5; 895-903; 10.1109/TIT.2004.826681
Erdogan, Alper Tunga and Hassibi, Babak, el al. (2004) MIMO decision feedback equalization from an H∞ perspective ; IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing; Vol. 52; No. 3; 734-745; 10.1109/TSP.2003.822289
Sharif, Masoud and Hassibi, Babak (2004) On the achievable average power reduction of MSM optical signals ; IEEE Communications Letters; Vol. 8; No. 2; 84-86; 10.1109/LCOMM.2004.823418
Jing, Yindi and Hassibi, Babak (2003) Unitary space-time modulation via Cayley transform ; IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing; Vol. 51; No. 11; 2891-2904; 10.1109/TSP.2003.818202
Hochwald, Bertrand M. and Caire, Giuseppe, el al. (2003) The academic and industrial embrace of space-time methods ; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory; Vol. 49; No. 10; 2329-2321; 10.1109/TIT.2003.817832
Hassibi, Babak and Hochwald, Bertrand M. (2003) How much training is needed in multiple-antenna wireless links? ; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory; Vol. 49; No. 4; 951-963; 10.1109/TIT.2003.809594
Hassibi, Babak and Hochwald, Bertrand M. (2002) High-rate codes that are linear in space and time ; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory; Vol. 48; No. 7; 1804-1824; 10.1109/TIT.2002.1013127
Hassibi, Babak and Marzetta, Thomas L. (2002) Multiple-antennas and isotropically random unitary inputs: the received signal density in closed form ; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory; Vol. 48; No. 6; 1473-1484; 10.1109/TIT.2002.1003835
Hassibi, Babak and Hochwald, Bertrand M. (2002) Cayley differential unitary space-time codes ; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory; Vol. 48; No. 6; 1485-1503; 10.1109/TIT.2002.1003836
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