Harstad, Kenneth Gunder
- Kourdis, Panagiotis D. and Bellan, Josette, el al. (2015) Towards direct simulations of counterflow flames with consistent differential-algebraic boundary conditions; ISBN 9781624103438; AIAA SciTech : 53rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting; Art. No. 2015-1383; 10.2514/6.2015-1383
- Kourdis, Panagiotis D. and Bellan, Josette, el al. (2014) Dimensionality Reduction Using a Dominant Dynamic Variable, Self Similarity and Data Tabulation: Application to Hydrocarbon Oxidation; ISBN 978-1-62410-256-1; 52nd Aerospace Sciences Meeting; Art. No. 2014-0819; 10.2514/6.2014-0819
- Harstad, Kenneth and Bellan, Josette (2013) Prediction of premixed, n-heptane and iso-octane unopposed jet flames using a reduced kinetic model based on constituents and light species; Combustion and Flame; Vol. 160; No. 11; 2404-2421; 10.1016/j.combustflame.2013.06.005
- Masi, Enrica and Bellan, Josette, el al. (2013) Multi-species turbulent mixing under supercritical-pressure conditions: modelling, direct numerical simulation and analysis revealing species spinodal decomposition; Journal of Fluid Mechanics; Vol. 721; 578-626; 10.1017/jfm.2013.70
- Masi, Enrica and Bellan, Josette, el al. (2013) Pressure Effects from Direct Numerical Simulation of High-Pressure Multispecies Mixing; ISBN 9781624101816; 51st AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition; Art. No. 2013-0711; 10.2514/6.2013-711
- Harstad, Kenneth G. and Bellan, Josette (2013) Modeling of Steady High-Pressure Laminar Premixed Flames of n-Heptane and Iso-Octane; ISBN 9781624101816; 51st AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition; Art. No. 2013-1168; 10.2514/6.2013-1168
- Harstad, Kenneth G. and Bellan, Josette (2012) Modeling of Steady Laminar Flames for One-dimensional Premixed Jets of Heptane/Air and Octane/Air Mixtures; ISBN 9781600869365; 50th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition; Art. No. 2012-0340; 10.2514/6.2012-340
- Masi, Enrica and Bellan, Josette, el al. (2012) Direct Numerical Simulation of High-Pressure Multispecies Turbulent Mixing in the Cold Ignition Regime; ISBN 9781600869365; 50th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition; Art. No. 2012-0351; 10.2514/6.2012-351
- Harstad, Kenneth G. and Bellan, Josette (2011) Computation of Laminar Premixed Flames Using Reduced Kinetics Based on Constituents and Species; ISBN 9781600869501; 49th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition; Art. No. 2011-415; 10.2514/6.2011-415
- Harstad, Kenneth and Bellan, Josette (2010) A model of reduced oxidation kinetics using constituents and species: Iso-octane and its mixtures with n-pentane, iso-hexane and n-heptane; Combustion and Flame; Vol. 157; No. 11; 2184-2197; 10.1016/j.combustflame.2010.06.010
- Harstad, Kenneth and Bellan, Josette (2010) A model of reduced kinetics for alkane oxidation using constituents and species: Proof of concept for n-heptane; Combustion and Flame; Vol. 157; No. 8; 1594-1609; 10.1016/j.combustflame.2010.02.013
- Harstad, Kenneth G. and Bellan, Josette (2010) Alkane Kinetics Reduction Consistent with Turbulence Modeling using Large Eddy Simulation; ISBN 978-1-60086-959-4; 48th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting Including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition; Art. No. 2010-1514; 10.2514/6.2010-1514
- Harstad, Kenneth G. and Bellan, Josette (2009) Modeling of Alkane Oxidation using Constituents and Species; ISBN 978-1-60086-973-0; 47th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting including The New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition; Art. No. 2009-1368; 10.2514/6.2009-1368
- Harstad, Kenneth G. and Bellan, Josette (2008) A Simplified Model of Alkane Oxidation; ISBN 978-1-62410-128-1; 46th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit; Art. No. 2008-975; 10.2514/6.2008-975
- Selle, L. C. and Bellan, J., el al. (2008) Modeling of the Energy Equation for LES of Flows at Supercritical Pressure; ISBN 978-1-62410-128-1; 46th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit; Art. No. 2008-948; 10.2514/6.2008-948
- Selle, Laurant C. and Okong'o, Nora A., el al. (2007) Modelling of subgrid-scale phenomena in supercritical transitional mixing layers: an a priori study; Journal of Fluid Mechanics; Vol. 593; 57-91; 10.1017/S0022112007008075
- Selle, Laurent C. and Bellan, Josette, el al. (2007) Novel Subgrid Modeling of the LES Equations Under Supercritical Pressure; ISBN 978-1-62410-012-3; 45th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit; Art. No. 2007-568; 10.2514/6.2007-568
- Harstad, Kenneth G. and Bellan, Josette (2007) A New Method in Modeling and Simulations of Complex Oxidation Chemistry; ISBN 978-1-62410-012-3; 45th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit; Art. No. 2007-1433; 10.2514/6.2007-1433
- Harstad, Kenneth and Bellan, Josette (2006) On possible release of microbe-containing particulates from a Mars lander spacecraft; Planetary and Space Science; Vol. 54; No. 3; 273-286; 10.1016/j.pss.2005.12.007
- Harstad, Kenneth and Bellan, Josette (2006) Global analysis and parametric dependencies for potential unintended hydrogen-fuel releases; Combustion and Flame; Vol. 144; No. 1-2; 89-102; 10.1016/j.combustflame.2005.07.005
- Harstad, Kenneth and Bellan, Josette (2004) Modeling of multicomponent homogeneous nucleation using continuous thermodynamics; Combustion and Flame; Vol. 139; No. 3; 252-262; 10.1016/j.combustflame.2004.08.012
- Harstad, Kenneth and Bellan, Josette (2004) Modeling evaporation of Jet A, JP-7, and RP-1 drops at 1 to 15 bars; Combustion and Flame; Vol. 137; No. 1-2; 163-177; 10.1016/j.combustflame.2004.01.012
- Harstad, K. G. and Bellan, J. (2004) Mixing rules for multicomponent mixture mass diffusion coefficients and thermal diffusion factors; Journal of Chemical Physics; Vol. 120; No. 12; 5664-5673; 10.1063/1.1650296
- Harstad, Kenneth and Bellan, Josette (2004) High-Pressure Binary Mass Diffusion Coefficients for Combustion Applications; Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research; Vol. 43; No. 2; 645-654; 10.1021/ie0304558
- Harstad, K. G. and Le Clercq, P. C., el al. (2003) Statistical Model of Multicomponent-Fuel Drop Evaporation for Many-Drop Flow Simulations; AIAA Journal; Vol. 41; No. 10; 1858-1874; 10.2514/2.1894
- Okong'o, Nora and Harstad, Kenneth, el al. (2002) Direct Numerical Simulations of O_2/H_2 Temporal Mixing Layers Under Supercritical Conditions; AIAA Journal; Vol. 40; No. 5; 914-926; 10.2514/2.1728
- Harstad, K. and Bellan, J. (2001) Evaluation of commonly used assumptions for isolated and cluster heptane drops in nitrogen at all pressures; Combustion and Flame; Vol. 127; No. 1-2; 1861-1879; 10.1016/S0010-2180(01)00292-9
- Miller, Richard S. and Harstad, Kenneth G., el al. (2001) Direct numerical simulations of supercritical fluid mixing layers applied to heptane–nitrogen; Journal of Fluid Mechanics; Vol. 436; 1-39; 10.1017/S0022112001003895
- Harstad, K. and Bellan, J. (2001) The D^2 variation for isolated LOX drops and polydisperse clusters in hydrogen at high temperature and pressures; Combustion and Flame; Vol. 124; No. 4; 535-550; 10.1016/S0010-2180(00)00217-0
- Harstad, K. and Bellan, J. (2000) An all-pressure fluid drop model applied to a binary mixture: heptane in nitrogen; International Journal of Multiphase Flow; Vol. 26; No. 10; 1675-1706; 10.1016/S0301-9322(99)00108-1
- Harstad, K. and Bellan, J. (1999) The Lewis number under supercritical conditions; International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer; Vol. 42; No. 6; 961-970; 10.1016/S0017-9310(98)00230-0
- Bellan, Josette and Harstad, K. (1999) High-Energy-Density Fuel Blending Strategies and Drop Dispersion for Fuel Cost Reduction and Soot Propensity Control; Atomization and Sprays; Vol. 9; No. 4; 371-383; 10.1615/AtomizSpr.v9.i4.40
- Harstad, K. and Bellan, J. (1998) Interactions of fluid oxygen drops in fluid hydrogen at rocket chamber pressures; International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer; Vol. 41; No. 22; 3551-3558; 10.1016/S0017-9310(98)00048-9
- Harstad, K. and Bellan, J. (1998) Isolated fluid oxygen drop behavior in fluid hydrogen at rocket chamber pressures; International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer; Vol. 41; No. 22; 3537-3550; 10.1016/S0017-9310(98)00049-0
- Miller, R. S. and Harstad, K., el al. (1998) Evaluation of equilibrium and non-equilibrium evaporation models for many-droplet gas-liquid flow simulations; International Journal of Multiphase Flow; Vol. 24; No. 6; 1025-1055; 10.1016/S0301-9322(98)00028-7
- Bellan, Josette and Harstad, K. (1998) Dispersion (Electrostatic/Mechanical) and Fuel Properties Effects on Soot Propensity in Clusters of Drops; Atomization and Sprays; Vol. 8; No. 6; 601-624; 10.1615/AtomizSpr.v8.i6.10
- Harstad, K. and Bellan, J. (1997) Behavior of a polydisperse cluster of interacting drops evaporating in an inviscid vortex; International Journal of Multiphase Flow; Vol. 23; No. 5; 899-925; 10.1016/S0301-9322(97)00011-6
- Harstad, Kenneth G. and Miller, Richard S., el al. (1997) Efficient high-pressure state equations; AIChE Journal; Vol. 43; No. 6; 1605-1610; 10.1002/aic.690430624
- Bellan, J. and Harstad, K. (1996) Electrostatic dispersions and evaporation of clusters of drops of high-energy fuel for soot control; Symposium (International) on Combustion; Vol. 26; No. 1; 1713-1722; 10.1016/S0082-0784(96)80396-1
- Bellan, Josette and Harstad, K. (1995) Steady injection of identical clusters of evaporating drops embedded in jet vortices; Atomization and Sprays; Vol. 5; No. 1; 1-16; 10.1615/AtomizSpr.v5.i1.10
- Bellan, Josette and Harstad, K. (1995) Unsteady injection of sequences of drop clusters in vortices depicting portions of a spray; Atomization and Sprays; Vol. 5; No. 1; 17-44; 10.1615/AtomizSpr.v5.i1.20
- Bellan, J. and Harstad, K. (1995) Ignition of a Binary-fuel (Solvent-Solute) Cluster of Drops; Combustion Science and Technology; Vol. 110-111; No. 1; 531-548; 10.1080/00102209508951939
- Fichot, F. and Harstad, K., el al. (1994) Unsteady evaporation and combustion of a drop cluster inside a vortex; Combustion and Flame; Vol. 98; No. 1-2; 5-19; 10.1016/0010-2180(94)90194-5
- Fichot, F. and Bellan, J., el al. (1994) Entrainment and Evaporation of Drops in the Laminar Part of a Two-Dimensional Developing Mixing Layer; Proceedings of the Combustion Institute; Vol. 25; No. 1; 397-405; 10.1016/S0082-0784(06)80667-3
- Harstad, K. and Bellan, Josette (1991) A Model of the Evaporation of Binary-Fuel Clusters of Drops; Atomization and Sprays; Vol. 1; No. 4; 367-388; 10.1615/AtomizSpr.v1.i4.20
- Bellan, J. and Harstad, K. (1991) The dynamics of dense and dilute clusters of drops evaporating in large, coherent vortices; Proceedings of the Combustion Institute; Vol. 23; No. 1; 1375-1381; 10.1016/S0082-0784(06)80403-0
- Bellan, J. and Harstad, K. (1990) Evaporation, ignition, and combustion of nondilute clusters of drops; Combustion and Flame; Vol. 79; No. 3-4; 272-286; 10.1016/0010-2180(90)90139-I
- Bellan, J. and Harstad, K. (1989) Transport-related phenomena for clusters of drops; International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer; Vol. 32; No. 10; 2000-2002; 10.1016/0017-9310(89)90253-6
- Harstad, K. and Bellan, J. (1989) Electrostatic Dispersion of Drops in Clusters; Combustion Science and Technology; Vol. 63; No. 4-6; 169-181; 10.1080/00102208908947125
- Bellan, J. and Harstad, K. (1988) Turbulence effects during evaporation of drops in clusters; International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer; Vol. 31; No. 8; 1655-1668; 10.1016/0017-9310(88)90278-5
- Bellan, J. and Harstad, K. (1987) The details of the convective evaporation of dense and dilute clusters of drops; International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer; Vol. 30; No. 6; 1083-1093; 10.1016/0017-9310(87)90038-X
- Bellan, J. and Harstad, K. (1987) Analysis of the convective evaporation of nondilute clusters of drops; International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer; Vol. 30; No. 1; 125-136; 10.1016/0017-9310(87)90065-2
- Bellan, J. and Harstad, K. (1987) Ignition of Non Dilute Clusters of Drops in Convective Flows; Combustion Science and Technology; Vol. 53; No. 2-3; 75-87; 10.1080/00102208708947021
- Bellan, J. and Harstad, K. (1986) Evaluation of the importance of the relative velocity during evaporation of drops in sprays; International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer; Vol. 29; No. 4; 647-651; 10.1016/0017-9310(86)90099-2