Harrison, Fiona
- Yao, Yuhan (2023) High Energy Transients Powered by Black Holes; 10.7907/amfw-4150
- Pike, Sean Nicholas (2023) Exploring the Mass Accretion Rates of Neutron Star X-Ray Binaries and the Properties of Cadmium Zinc Telluride for Hard X-Ray Astronomy; 10.7907/ctjf-2768
- Kamraj, Nikita (2022) Probing the Corona in Active Galactic Nuclei Using Broadband X-Ray Spectroscopy; 10.7907/cag4-k322
- Burdge, Kevin Brian (2021) Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Stars: Shedding Light on the Population of Galactic Gravitational Wave Sources; 10.7907/69gf-ex79
- Xu, Yanjun (2021) Probing the Inner Accretion Flow Properties Around Black Holes with X-ray Observations; 10.7907/9kkg-4b58
- Pearlman, Aaron Benjamin (2021) Hunting for Fast Radio Transients in the Local Universe and Pulsars Toward the Center of the Milky Way Galaxy; 10.7907/ts6a-c751
- Marshall, Ryan Scott (2020) Developing Plasma Spectroscopy and Imaging Diagnostics to Understand Astrophysically-Relevant Plasma Experiments: Megameters, Femtometers, and Everything in Between; 10.7907/gfcd-4q50
- Lanz, Alicia Elaine (2018) Studying the Extragalactic Background Light with the Second Cosmic Infrared Background ExpeRiment, CIBER-2; 10.7907/CN9Y-MB61
- Balokovic, Mislav (2017) Unveiling the Structure of Active Galactic Nuclei with Hard X-ray Spectroscopy; 10.7907/Z9WM1BG8
- Balokovic, Mislav (2017) Unveiling the Structure of Active Galactic Nuclei with Hard X-ray Spectroscopy; 10.7907/Z9WM1BG8
- O'Connor, Evan Patrick (2012) Topics in Core-Collapse Supernova Theory: The Formation of Black Holes and the Transport of Neutrinos; 10.7907/RAAR-4C77
- Trangsrud, Amy Ruth (2012) The SPIDER CMB Polarimeter; 10.7907/83YV-A258
- Ahmed, Zeeshan (2012) A Dark-Matter Search Using the Final CDMS II Dataset and a Novel Detector of Surface Radiocontamination; 10.7907/W7TT-1E07
- Matuszewski, Mateusz Konrad (2012) The Faint Intergalactic Redshifted Emission Balloon and the Cosmic Web Imager: Two Integral Field Spectrographs Designed to Study Emission from the Intergalactic Medium; 10.7907/AGDX-5C14
- Matuszewski, Mateusz Konrad (2012) The Faint Intergalactic Redshifted Emission Balloon and the Cosmic Web Imager: Two Integral Field Spectrographs Designed to Study Emission from the Intergalactic Medium; 10.7907/AGDX-5C14
- Richards, Joseph Lee (2012) The Radio Variability of Gamma-Ray Blazars; 10.7907/N69P-KG16
- Richards, Joseph Lee (2012) The Radio Variability of Gamma-Ray Blazars; 10.7907/N69P-KG16
- Bhalerao, Varun B. (2012) Neutron Stars and NuSTAR: A Systematic Survey of Neutron Star Masses in High Mass X-ray Binaries & Characterization of CdZnTe Detectors for NuSTAR; 10.7907/CVT1-VR08
- Kasliwal, Mansi Manoj (2011) Bridging the Gap: Elusive Explosions in the Local Universe; 10.7907/EA7Q-WX87
- Kasliwal, Mansi Manoj (2011) Bridging the Gap: Elusive Explosions in the Local Universe; 10.7907/EA7Q-WX87
- Cenko, Stephen Bradley (2009) The Energetics and Environments of Swift Gamma-Ray Bursts; 10.7907/SNRD-BR66
- Brobeck, Elina (2009) Measurement of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays with CHICOS; 10.7907/9YH6-N064
- Stark, Daniel Paul (2009) Observing Galaxy Formation in the First Two Billion Years; 10.7907/Y1AH-J489
- Reichardt, Christian L. (2008) A High Resolution Measurement of Temperature Anisotropies in the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation with the Complete ACBAR Data Set; 10.7907/A0NQ-TD75
- Chen, Chi Ming Hubert (2008) Development of Hard X-ray Imaging Detectors for the High Energy Focusing Telescope; 10.7907/A2DS-N675
- Eckart, Megan Elizabeth (2007) Measurements of X-Ray Selected AGN and Novel Superconducting X-Ray Detectors; 10.7907/SZAB-0Y07
- Soderberg, Alicia Margarita (2007) The Many Facets of Cosmic Explosions; 10.7907/5f1t-7f27
- Kellogg, Melinda Jane (2005) Evidence for Excitonic Superfluidity in a Bilayer Two-Dimensional Electron System; 10.7907/7ZKQ-QD67
- Yost, Sarah Anne (2004) Gamma-Ray Burst Afterglows: Constraining Physical Parameters and Fireball Model Assumptions; 10.7907/FHCW-2P04
- Berger, Edo (2004) Cosmic Explosions: The Beasts and Their Lair; 10.7907/QV7S-4S81
- Kaplan, David Lior Ariel (2004) The Diversity of Neutron Stars: Nearby Thermally Emitting Neutron Stars and the Compact Central Objects in Supernova Remnants; 10.7907/2890-AB41
- Edgington, Samantha Faye (2004) A Galaxy Cluster Survey Using the Sunyaev Zel’dovich Effect; 10.7907/DVS1-3590
- Mao, Peter Hsih-Jen (2002) Hard X-Ray Observations of the Extragalactic Sky: The High Energy Focusing Telescope and the Serendipitous Extragalactic X-ray Source Identification Survey; 10.7907/R5E3-RQ86
- Kern, Brian Daniel (2002) Optical Pulse-Phased Observations of Faint Pulsars with a Phase-Binning CCD Camera; 10.7907/XP9W-WM62
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- Wong, Ah-San (2002) Photochemical Studies of Jupiter and Titan; 10.7907/s8qh-5v68
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- Jenet, Fredrick August (2001) High Time Resolution Observations of Radio Pulsars: The First Detection of Coherent Emission; 10.7907/frka-dh94