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- Zhang, Jiajun (1988) Determination of Source Finiteness and Depth of Large Earthquakes; 10.7907/jnbk-0b27
- Ojakangas, Gregory Wayne (1988) I. Episodic Volcanism of Tidally Heated Satellites with an Application to Io. II. Thermal State of an Ice Shell on Europa. III. Polar Wander of a Synchronously Rotating Satellite with Application to Europa; 10.7907/RMD6-XM66
- Scott, David Russell (1987) Magmons: Solitary Waves Arising in the Buoyant Ascent of Magma by Porous Flow through a Viscously Deformable Matrix; 10.7907/mvdj-ty73
- Vidale, John Emilio (1987) Application of Two-Dimensional Finite-Difference Wave Simulation to Earthquakes, Earth Structure, and Seismic Hazard; 10.7907/7TQ9-X746
- Astiz Delgado, Luciana Maria de Los Angeles (1987) I. Source Analysis of Large Earthquakes in Mexico. II. Study of Intermediate-Depth Earthquakes and Interplate Seismic Coupling; 10.7907/278K-HZ75
- Louie, John Nikolai (1987) Seismic Reflection Experiments Imaging the Physical Nature of Crustal Structures in Southern California; 10.7907/e3d2-8b93
- Richards, Mark Alan (1986) Dynamical Models for the Earth's Geoid; 10.7907/ncf0-0c06
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- Richards, Mark Alan (1986) Dynamical Models for the Earth's Geoid; 10.7907/ncf0-0c06
- Humphreys, Eugene Drake (1985) Studies of the Crust-Mantle System Beneath Southern California; 10.7907/j2xf-gq29
- Hearn, Thomas Martin (1985) Crustal Structure in Southern California from Array Data; 10.7907/B6HA-4P68
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- Cohn, Stephen Norfleet (1983) Holographic In-Situ Stress Measurement in Geophysics; 10.7907/6vsd-wa54
- Lay, Thorne (1983) Analysis of Upper and Lower Mantle Structure Using Shear Waves; 10.7907/65TN-KN39
- Echelmeyer, Keith Alan (1983) Response of Blue Glacier to a Perturbation in Ice Thickness: Theory and Observation; 10.7907/ZQHK-NA29
- Ruff, Larry John (1982) I. Great Earthquakes and Seismic Coupling at Subduction Zones. II. The Structure of the Lowermost Mantle Determined by Short Period P-Wave Amplitudes; 10.7907/YW3Y-AZ37
- Passey, Quinn R. (1982) Viscosity Structure of the Lithospheres of Ganymede, Callisto, and Enceladus, and of the Earth's Upper Mantle; 10.7907/A31H-FJ81