Grotzinger, John
Stack, Kathryn M. and Grotzinger, John P., el al. (2014) Global Distribution of Stratified Deposits on Mars ; ISBN 978-3-319-04363-0; STRATI 2013; 361-364; 10.1007/978-3-319-04364-7_70
Grotzinger, J. P. and Hayes, A. G., el al. (2013) Sedimentary Processes on Earth, Mars, Titan, and Venus ; ISBN 9780816530595; Comparative Climatology of Terrestrial Planets; 439-472; 10.2458/azu_uapress_9780816530595-ch18
Butterfield, Nicholas J. and Grotzinger, John P. (2012) Palynology of the Huqf Supergroup, Oman ; ISBN 9781862393462; Geology and Hydrocarbon Potential of Neoproterozoic–Cambrian Basins in Asia; 251-263; 10.1144/SP366.10
Fralick, Philip and Grotzinger, John, el al. (2012) Potential Recognition of Accretionary Lapilli in Distal Impact Deposits on Mars: A Facies Analog Provided by the 1.85 Ga Sudbury Impact Deposit ; ISBN 9781565763135; Sedimentary Geology of Mars; 211-227; 10.2110/pec.12.102.0211
Edgar, Lauren A. and Grotzinger, John P., el al. (2012) Stratigraphic Architecture of Bedrock Reference Section, Victoria Crater, Meridiani Planum, Mars ; ISBN 9781565763135; Sedimentary Geology of Mars; 195-209; 10.2110/pec.12.102.0195
Beyer, Ross A. and Stack, Kathryn Marie Morgan, el al. (2012) An Atlas of Mars Sedimentary Rocks as seen by HIRISE ; ISBN 9781565763128; Sedimentary Geology of Mars; 49-95; 10.2110/pec.12.102.0049
Grotzinger, John P. and Milliken, Ralph E. (2012) The Sedimentary Rock Record of Mars: Distribution, Origins, and Global Stratigraphy ; ISBN 9781565763128; Sedimentary Geology of Mars; 1-48; 10.2110/pec.12.102.0001
Lamb, Michael P. and Grotzinger, John P., el al. (2012) Were Aqueous Ripples on Mars Formed by Flowing Brines? ; ISBN 978-1-56576-312-8; Sedimentary Geology of Mars; 139-150
Gaines, Daniel and Belluta, Paolo, el al. (2009) Strategic analysis for the MER Cape Verde approach ; ISBN 978-1-4244-2621-8; 2009 IEEE Aerospace conference; 3922-3933; 10.1109/AERO.2009.4839698