Golwala, Sunil
- Wandui, Albert Kamau (2025) Thermal Kinetic Inductance Detectors (TKIDs) for Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) Polarimetry; 10.7907/hw92-qd36
- Wen, Osmond (2025) Strategic Planning and Sensitivity-Enhancing Tactics for Detecting Low-Mass Particle Dark Matter with Phonon-Mediated Detectors; 10.7907/g23k-c067
- Aralis, Taylor Benjamin (2024) SuperCDMS SNOLAB, HVeV Run 3, and Development of KIPM Detectors; 10.7907/gxjp-0863
- Wang, Christina Wenlu (2024) Search for New Physics with the Compact Muon Solenoid Experiment and QIS-enabled Technology; 10.7907/ta74-mz22
- Minutolo, Lorenzo (2024) Thermal Kinetic Inductance Detector (TKIDs) Camera: A Pathfinder mm-Wave Polarimeter; 10.7907/pmh8-gy97
- Feder, Richard Moses (2024) Dissecting and Reconstructing the Cosmic Infrared Background with Spaceborne Experiments; 10.7907/52md-wx74
- Kefeli, Sinan (2023) Constraints on the Polarized Dust and the Cosmic Microwave Background Using BICEP / Keck Array Series of Telescopes; 10.7907/7a55-p606
- Sun, Guochao (2023) Understanding the Cosmological Evolution of Galaxies with Intensity Mapping; 10.7907/fzqw-2m61
- Chang, Yen-Yung (2023) SuperCDMS HVeV Run 2 Low-Mass Dark Matter Search, Highly Multiplexed Phonon-Mediated Particle Detector with Kinetic Inductance Detector, and the Blackbody Radiation in Cryogenic Experiments; 10.7907/jswx-ad33
- Mohamed Soliman, Ahmed Mohamed (2023) BICEP Array Detectors and Instrumentation at 30/40 GHz: Design, Performance, and Deployment to the South Pole for Constraining Primordial Gravitational Waves; 10.7907/srdx-w019
- Shen, Xuejian (2023) Explore the Nature of Dark Matter in the Context of Galaxy Formation; 10.7907/zccb-sr51
- Macioce, Theodore Kenneth (2023) Mock Observations of the Sunyaev-Zel’dovich Effect in Massive Galaxy Clusters and a Six-Layer Integral Antireflective Structure for Silicon Optics; 10.7907/w1ds-j507
- Mao, Jiajing (2023) Search for Supersymmetry Using Higgs Boson to Diphoton Decays and Search for Long-Lived Particles Using Out-of-Time Trackless Jets at √s = 13 TeV; 10.7907/pwpe-ef70
- Gupta, Anchal (2023) Next-Generation Technologies for Gravitational Wave Detectors; 10.7907/cg5p-kr27
- Zhang, Cheng (2023) The Development and Performance of the First BICEP Array Receiver at 30 and 40 GHz for Measuring the Polarized Synchrotron Foreground; 10.7907/bfsb-6438
- Trickle, Tanner David (2022) Direct Detection of Light Dark Matter with Electrons, Phonons, and Magnons; 10.7907/n4j3-1b24
- Nguyen, Thong Quang (2022) Searches for Nonresonant Higgs Boson Pair Production and Long-Lived Particles at the LHC and Machine-Learning Solutions for the High-Luminosity LHC Era; 10.7907/knfz-q495
- Klimovich, Nikita Sergeevich (2022) Traveling Wave Parametric Amplifiers and Other Nonlinear Kinetic Inductance Devices; 10.7907/w980-rs97
- Ballew, Conner Kiley (2022) Multifunctional Volumetric Metaoptics; 10.7907/dn7h-6r72
- Fries, Eric Michael (2022) Precision Measurement of the Neutron Lifetime; 10.7907/qr2k-7b09
- Rice, Frank Randolph, III (2021) A Very Wide Bandwidth SIS Heterodyne Receiver Design for Millimeter and Submillimeter Astronomy; 10.7907/357d-6535
- Callister, Thomas Alfred, III (2020) Searching for the Astrophysical Gravitational-Wave Background and Prompt Radio Emission from Compact Binaries; 10.7907/xthf-1p70
- Hui, Howard (2018) Measuring the Polarization of the Cosmic Microwave Background with BICEP3; 10.7907/G8ET-FD62
- Cornell, Brett Durcan (2018) A Dark Matter Search Using the Final SuperCDMS Soudan Dataset and the Development of a Large-Format, Highly-Multiplexed, Athermal-Phonon-Mediated Particle Detector; 10.7907/M297-J716
- Lanz, Alicia Elaine (2018) Studying the Extragalactic Background Light with the Second Cosmic Infrared Background ExpeRiment, CIBER-2; 10.7907/CN9Y-MB61
- Anderson, Dustin James (2018) Inclusive Searches for Supersymmetry at √s = 13 TeV Using Razor Kinematic Variables, and Data Scouting Using the CMS Trigger System; 10.7907/BHGN-VY70
- Hall, Evan Drew (2017) Long-Baseline Laser Interferometry for the Detection of Binary Black-Hole Mergers; 10.7907/Z9PG1PQ9
- Peña Herrera, Cristián (2017) Searches for New Physics at the Compact Muon Solenoid Experiment and Precision Timing Calorimetry; 10.7907/Z9MK69Z6
- Duarte, Javier Mauricio Gonzalez (2017) Naturalness Confronts Nature: Searches for Supersymmetry with the CMS Detector in pp Collisions at √s = 8 and 13 TeV; 10.7907/Z9GX48JV
- Teply, Grant Paul (2015) Measurement of the Polarization of the Cosmic Microwave Background with the BICEP2 and Keck Array Telescopes; 10.7907/Z9XP72WM
- Tucker, Rebecca Suzanne (2014) Characterization of Detectors and Instrument Systematics for the SPIDER CMB Polarimeter; 10.7907/HNHF-HA43
- Mendenhall, Michael Praetorius (2014) Measurement of the Neutron Beta Decay Asymmetry using Ultracold Neutrons; 10.7907/9TS2-SG08
- Stevenson, Matthew Alan (2014) Observational and Theoretical Advances in Cosmological Foreground Emission
- Hodge, Kari Alison (2014) The Search for Gravitational Waves from the Coalescence of Black Hole Binary Systems in Data from the LIGO and Virgo Detectors. Or: A Dark Walk through a Random Forest; 10.7907/HY26-2059
- Gluščević, Vera (2013) CMB as a Probe of New Physics and Old Times; 10.7907/VZ0P-XD08
- Yang, Yong (2013) Search for a Standard Model Higgs Boson Decaying to Two Photons in CMS at the LHC; 10.7907/MTVR-9R70
- Hickerson, Kevin Peter (2013) The Physics of Ultracold Neutrons and Fierz Interference in Beta Decay; 10.7907/K8CK-MQ14
- Tseng, Chien-Yao (2013) Deviation from Standard Inflationary Cosmology and the Problems in Ekpyrosis; 10.7907/KAHC-PK38
- Czakon, Nicole Gisela (2013) Sunyaev-Zel’dovich Observations Using Large-Format Millimeter Arrays; 10.7907/SRVP-D536
- Aikin, Randol Wallace (2013) Testing Inflationary Cosmology with the BICEP1 and BICEP2 Experiments; 10.7907/z9vx0df2
- Brevik, Justus Albert (2012) Searching for Primordial Gravitational Waves at Degree Scales from the South Pole; 10.7907/E6Z2-CV94
- Lee, Samuel Kuhnman (2012) Three Paths to Particle Dark Matter; 10.7907/Q603-SH04
- Trangsrud, Amy Ruth (2012) The SPIDER CMB Polarimeter; 10.7907/83YV-A258
- Pullen, Anthony Robert (2011) A Survey of Results in Modern Precision Cosmology; 10.7907/VJ9N-0J70
- Gresham, Moira I. (2010) Lorentz Symmetry Breaking in a Cosmological Context; 10.7907/9G69-3Z95
- Jones, William Claude (2005) A Measurement of the Temperature and Polarization Anisotropies in the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation; 10.7907/88BF-1W23