Fowler, William A.
- Fuller, George Michael (1981) Nuclear Weak Interaction Rates During Stellar Evolution and Collapse; 10.7907/Y2W8-MB57
- Bond, John Richard (1979) Neutrino Production and Transport during Gravitational Collapse; 10.7907/mty2-sm41
- Zyskind, John Lehrer (1979) Competition Effects in Charged Particle Induced Reactions; 10.7907/dtne-cd02
- Tarbell, Theodore Dean (1976) Semi convection in Halo Stars and the Primordial Helium Abundance; 10.7907/J7AW-9943
- Toevs, James Waldo (1970) The ¹⁶O(α,γ)²⁰Ne and ²⁸Si(α,γ)³²S Reactions at Low Energy; 10.7907/MHA9-5P97
- Michaud, Georges Joseph (1970) I. Diffusion Processes in A-PEC Stars. II. Nucleosynthesis in Si Burning; 10.7907/ZR0T-W227
- Dwarakanath, Mirmira Ramarao (1969) Total Cross Section Measurements for ³He (³He,2p) ⁴He at Low Energies; 10.7907/NX19-PN03
- Lyons, Peter Bruce (1969) Total Yield Measurements for the ²⁴Mg(α,γ)²⁸Si and ²⁷Al(ρ,γ)²⁸Si Reactions; 10.7907/7ESS-6977
- Davids, Cary Nathan (1967) An Experimental Study of a Stellar Neutron Source: ¹³C(α, n) ¹⁶O; 10.7907/1S8V-K872
- Bacher, Andrew Dow (1967) An Investigation of the Three-Body Reaction He³ (He³, 2p) He⁴; 10.7907/04XQ-B011
- Honsaker, John Leonard (1965) Investigation of the Li⁶(p,n)Be⁶ Reaction by the Neutron Threshold Technique; 10.7907/Y05B-ZT77
- Bardeen, James Maxwell (1965) Stability and Dynamics of Spherically Symmetric Masses in General Relativity; 10.7907/HQ2N-0J27
- Larson, James Daniel (1965) Gamma Radiation from the Alpha Particle Bombardment of C¹²; 10.7907/PG1J-B583
- Vogl, Joseph L. (1963) Radiative Capture of protons by C¹² and C¹³ below 700 KeV; 10.7907/PTTG-5G83
- Renken, James Howard (1963) The Elastic Scattering of Deuterons by Beryllium; 10.7907/Q4A4-ZP21
- Pearson, John Davie (1963) A Study of the Gamma Radiation Produced in the Alpha-Particle Bombardment of 0¹⁶; 10.7907/EYG1-JW84
- Clayton, Donald Delbert (1962) Studies of Certain Nuclear Processes in Stars. Part I. Neutron Capture Chains in Heavy Element Synthesis. Part II. A Search for Excited States in N¹⁴ Pertaining to the Synthesis of C¹³; 10.7907/8QPZ-5656
- Brown, Ronald Edmund (1962) A Study of the O¹⁷(p, α)N¹⁴ Reaction; 10.7907/ERAK-8Q61
- Bardin, Russell Keith (1961) A Measurement of the ft-Value of the Beta Decay of 0¹⁴; 10.7907/F97G-BY61
- Kohler, Donald Alvin (1959) Observations on the Lifetimes of the 3.37-Mev 2⁺ State of Be¹⁰ and of the 6.14-Mev 3⁻ State of O¹⁶; 10.7907/ERYR-RC89
- Cook, Charles William (1957) Alpha-Particles from B¹²: the Astrophysical Significance; 10.7907/6T39-X630
- Hagedorn, Fred Bassett (1957) A Study of the Elastic Scattering of Protons by N¹⁵; 10.7907/287P-VJ51
- Mozer, Forrest S. (1956) Experimental Determination and Theoretical Analysis of the Elastic Scattering of Protons by Beryllium; 10.7907/84KG-8D29
- Mills, William Raymond (1955) Absolute Measurements of Internal Conversion Coefficients; 10.7907/E32D-W195
- Webb, Theodore Stratton (1955) The Elastic Scattering of Protons by F¹⁹ and N¹⁴; 10.7907/7GKE-MN22
- Peterson, Robert Williams (1954) A Study of the Fluorine Plus Proton Reactions; 10.7907/HKJ0-PT95
- Kraus, Alfred Andrew (1953) Angular Correlation of Successive Nuclear Radiations; 10.7907/KYA8-V204
- Warters, William Dennis (1953) The Elastic Scattering of Protons by Li⁷; 10.7907/5XZA-X368
- Milne, Edmund Alexander (1953) Elastic Scattering of Protons by Carbon 12 and Carbon 13; 10.7907/1QPW-D623
- Duncan, Donal Baker (1951) A Study of the Transmutation of Nitrogen by Protons; 10.7907/Y021-RA24
- Li, Cheng-Wu (1951) Nuclear Reactions with a Proton Magnetic Spectrograph; 10.7907/4MG8-X426
- Seagrave, John Dorrington (1951) Radiative Capture of Photons by C¹² and C¹³; 10.7907/JZ3Y-NP46
- Day, Robert Briggs (1951) Angular Distributions of Some γ-rays Produced in Nuclear Reactions; 10.7907/mfsw-2m02
- Brown, Alfred Bruce (1950) Excited States of the Mirror Nuclei Be⁷ and Li⁷; 10.7907/5SND-CQ07
- Tollestrup, Alvin Virgil (1950) Precision Determination of the Energy Released in Nuclear Reactions in the Light Elements; 10.7907/EQ4P-QG81
- Becker, Robert Adolph (1941) The Short-Range Alpha Particles from the Disintegration of Fluorine by Protons; 10.7907/psch-p121
- Streib, John Fredrick (1941) The Disintegration of Fluorine by Protons; 10.7907/0d3y-e127
- McLean, William Burdette (1939) Short Range Alpha Particles from the Bombardment of Fluorine with Protons; 10.7907/NRK5-6402