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Tollestrup, A. V. and Fowler, W. A., el al. (1949) Energy Release in Beryllium and Lithium Reactions with Protons ; Physical Review; Vol. 76; No. 3; 428-430; 10.1103/PhysRev.76.428.2
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Lauritsen, T. and Fowler, W. A., el al. (1948) Excited States of B10 ; Physical Review; Vol. 73; No. 6; 636-637; 10.1103/PhysRev.73.636.3
Fowler, W. A. and Lauritsen, C. C., el al. (1948) Gamma-radiation from light nuclei under proton bombardment ; Physical Review; Vol. 73; No. 2; 181-182; 10.1103/PhysRev.73.181.2
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Fowler, W. A. and Lauritsen, C. C., el al. (1947) Electrostatic Analyzer for 1.5-Mev Protons ; Review of Scientific Instruments; Vol. 18; No. 11; 818-820; 10.1063/1.1740854
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Becker, R. A. and Fowler, W. A., el al. (1942) Short Range Alpha-Particles from Fluorine Bombarded with Protons ; Physical Review; Vol. 62; No. 5-6; 186-197; 10.1103/PhysRev.62.186
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Lauritsen, Tom and Lauritsen, C. C., el al. (1941) Application of a Pressure Electrostatic Generator to the Transmutation of Light Elements by Protons ; Physical Review; Vol. 59; No. 3; 241-252; 10.1103/PhysRev.59.241
Sheppard, C. W. and Fowler, W. A. (1940) Multiple scattering of fast electrons ; Physical Review; Vol. 57; No. 4; 273-280; 10.1103/PhysRev.57.273
Fowler, W. A. and Lauritsen, C. C. (1939) Low energy gamma-radiation from lithium bombarded with protons ; Physical Review; Vol. 56; No. 8; 841; 10.1103/PhysRev.56.841
Fowler, W. A. and Lauritsen, C. C. (1939) Pair emission from fluorine bombarded with protons ; Physical Review; Vol. 56; No. 8; 840-841; 10.1103/PhysRev.56.840
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Gaerttner, E. R. and Fowler, W. A., el al. (1939) The gamma-radiation from boron bombarded by deuterons ; Physical Review; Vol. 55; No. 1; 27-30; 10.1103/PhysRev.55.27
Fowler, W. A. (1938) Scattering of fast electrons ; Physical Review; Vol. 54; No. 9; 773; 10.1103/PhysRev.54.773
Fowler, W. A. and Oppenheimer, Jacquenette (1938) Scattering and loss of energy of fast electrons and positrons in lead ; Physical Review; Vol. 54; No. 5; 320-324; 10.1103/PhysRev.54.320
Fowler, W. A. and Gaerttner, E. R., el al. (1938) The Gamma-Radiation from Boron Bombarded by Protons ; Physical Review; Vol. 53; No. 8; 628-636; 10.1103/PhysRev.53.628
Fowler, W. A. and Lauritsen, C. C. (1937) Radioactive alpha-particles from Li7+H2 ; Physical Review; Vol. 51; No. 12; 1103; 10.1103/PhysRev.51.1103
Delsasso, L. A. and Fowler, W. A., el al. (1937) Gamma-radiation from fluorine bombarded with protons ; Physical Review; Vol. 51; No. 6; 527; 10.1103/PhysRev.51.527
Delsasso, L. A. and Fowler, W. A., el al. (1937) Energy and absorption of the gamma-radiation from Li7 + H1 ; Physical Review; Vol. 51; No. 6; 391-399; 10.1103/PhysRev.51.391
Fowler, W. A. and Delsasso, L. A., el al. (1936) Radioactive Elements of Low Atomic Number ; Physical Review; Vol. 49; No. 8; 561-576; 10.1103/PhysRev.49.561
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