Filippone, Bradley
- Wen, Osmond (2025) Strategic Planning and Sensitivity-Enhancing Tactics for Detecting Low-Mass Particle Dark Matter with Phonon-Mediated Detectors; 10.7907/g23k-c067
- Blatnik, Marie Ann (2024) Creating the Electric and Magnetic Fields for the nEDM@SNS Experiment; 10.7907/7a0n-va47
- Wang, Christina Wenlu (2024) Search for New Physics with the Compact Muon Solenoid Experiment and QIS-enabled Technology; 10.7907/ta74-mz22
- Zeng, Yi (2024) Progress Toward Precision Measurements Using Polyatomic Molecules; 10.7907/39gs-s382
- Jadbabaie, Arian (2023) Measuring Fundamental Symmetry Violation in Polyatomic Molecules; 10.7907/2jry-1s28
- Pilgram, Nickolas Hovanec (2023) Production and Characterization of Ytterbium Monohydroxide (YbOH) for Next-Generation Parity and Time-Reversal Violating Physics Searches; 10.7907/05m0-4g74
- Dutta, Irene (2023) Rare Higgs Processes at CMS and Precision Timing Detector Studies for HL-LHC CMS Upgrade; 10.7907/tmt4-nq20
- Taylor, Kelsie (2023) A Deep Dive into the Connections Between the Renormalization Group and Deep Learning in the Ising Model; 10.7907/ztpg-z092
- Sun, Xuan (2022) Measurements of Beyond Standard Model Interactions with the UCNA and nEDM@SNS Experiments; 10.7907/n87j-gh29
- Agrawal, Shubh (2022) Direct Imaging of Exoplanets Closer to Stars; 10.7907/17sv-vf40
- Fries, Eric Michael (2022) Precision Measurement of the Neutron Lifetime; 10.7907/qr2k-7b09
- Zhang, Zhicai (2021) First Observation of the Production of Three Massive Vector Bosons and Search for Long-Lived Particles using Delayed Photons in pp Collisions at √s = 13 TeV; 10.7907/vnec-zj29
- Lippuner, Jonas (2018) r-Process Nucleosynthesis in Neutron Star Mergers with the New Nuclear Reaction Network SkyNet; 10.7907/Z9V40SCS
- Richers, Sherwood Andrew, III (2018) Neutrino Radiation Transport and Other Topics in High Energy Density Astrophysics; 10.7907/Z9PC30JH
- Pershey, Daniel Stephen (2018) A Measurement of νe Appearance and νμ Disappearance Neutrino Oscillations with the NOvA Experiment; 10.7907/rc0w-zg32
- Peña Herrera, Cristián (2017) Searches for New Physics at the Compact Muon Solenoid Experiment and Precision Timing Calorimetry; 10.7907/Z9MK69Z6
- Li, Jarvis (2014) Nanoelectromechanical Membranes for Multimode Mass Spectrometry; 10.7907/R6T2-MP04
- Clark, Benjamin Mathias (2014) Magnetic Trapping of Atomic Tritium for Neutrino Mass Measurement; 10.7907/N1FG-5H27
- Lambert, Valere Regis Westbrooke (2014) Multi-Model Inference Ranking and Applications to Physics at the Large Hadron Collider; 10.7907/43RG-P928
- Mendenhall, Michael Praetorius (2014) Measurement of the Neutron Beta Decay Asymmetry using Ultracold Neutrons; 10.7907/9TS2-SG08
- Schmid, Riccardo (2014) New Search for the Neutron Electric Dipole Moment Using Ultracold Neutrons at the Spallation Neutron Source
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- Aikin, Randol Wallace (2013) Testing Inflationary Cosmology with the BICEP1 and BICEP2 Experiments; 10.7907/z9vx0df2
- Wernis, Rebecca Ann (2013) Characterizing a Resonator Bolometer Array; 10.7907/XPSC-WR14
- Timciuc, Vladlen (2013) Search for Heavy Neutral Resonances in the Dielectron Channel with the CMS Detector at the LHC; 10.7907/79XY-2H30
- Hickerson, Kevin Peter (2013) The Physics of Ultracold Neutrons and Fierz Interference in Beta Decay; 10.7907/K8CK-MQ14
- Tsang, Raymond Hei Man (2013) Discovery of Non-Zero Neutrino Mixing Angle θ₁₃ Using Daya Bay Antineutrino Detectors; 10.7907/CE4Y-BX48
- Ahmed, Zeeshan (2012) A Dark-Matter Search Using the Final CDMS II Dataset and a Novel Detector of Surface Radiocontamination; 10.7907/W7TT-1E07
- Zhang, Chao (2011) Precision Measurement of Neutrino Oscillation Parameters and Investigation of Nuclear Georeactor Hypothesis with KamLAND; 10.7907/ME5M-F406
- Doll, David Andrew (2011) Measurement of the Rare Transition b→sγ Using the Complete BABAR Data Set; 10.7907/E6S9-4D28
- Tam, Heywood (2010) An Investigation of Spontaneous Lorentz Violation and Cosmic Inflation; 10.7907/8BH2-F266
- Chen, Chi Ming Hubert (2008) Development of Hard X-ray Imaging Detectors for the High Energy Focusing Telescope; 10.7907/A2DS-N675
- Cook, Paul Langabi Hogan (2008) Aspects of Topological String Theory; 10.7907/X29T-G794
- Wang, Peng (2007) Neutrina Mass Implications for Physics Beyond the Standard Model; 10.7907/4AGY-DF85
- Erwin, Rebecca Joan (2007) Neutrino Mass Constraints on Electroweak Parameters; 10.7907/E3FG-2H43
- O'Connell, Dónal (2007) Unusual Signs in Quantum Field Theory; 10.7907/FEFB-JZ53
- Yuan, Junhua (2006) Progress Towards a High Precision Measurement of the Neutron Spin–Electron Angular Correlation in Polarized Neutron ß Decay with Ultra-Cold Neutrons; 10.7907/NT8M-7059
- Gataullin, Marat I. (2006) Studies of Electroweak Interactions and Searches for New Physics Using Photonic Events with Missing Energy at the Large Electron-Positron Collider; 10.7907/V4BM-7H20
- Covrig, Silviu Doru (2005) A Measurement of Parity-Violating Asymmetries in the G0 Experiment in Forward Mode; 10.7907/K48K-KB02
- Lee, Christopher (2005) Probing Physics and the Standard Model and Beyond with Electroweak Baryogenesis and Effective Theories of the Strong Interactions; 10.7907/GJPE-HN05
- Lipeles, Elliot (2004) A Study of the Fully Differential Inclusive Semileptonic B Meson Decay Rate; 10.7907/W3Q5-5B34
- Xia, Lei (2003) Search for Scalar Leptons at LEP with the L3 Detector; 10.7907/V8BF-3611
- Jensen, John Steffen (2001) Measurement of the Neutron (³He) Spin Structure Function at Low Q²: A Connection between the Bjorken and Drell-Hearn-Gerasimov Sum Rules; 10.7907/wmxe-ge51
- Jensen, John Steffen (2001) Measurement of the Neutron (³He) Spin Structure Function at Low Q²: A Connection between the Bjorken and Drell-Hearn-Gerasimov Sum Rules; 10.7907/wmxe-ge51
- Carter, Paul Whitton (1999) The HERMES Experiment. I. Analyzing Powers in Pion Electroproduction. II. The Aerogel Radiator of the HERMES RICH; 10.7907/ragp-vn42
- Lu, Wenwen (1998) A Study of Bhabha Scattering at the Z Resonance; 10.7907/kyrx-3v72
- Arrington, John R. (1998) Inclusive Electron Scattering from Nuclei at x > 1 and High Q²; 10.7907/wkge-my02
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- Carraro, Carlo (1990) A Path Integral Monte Carlo Method for the Quasielastic Response; 10.7907/mkyz-4067
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- Fujikawa, Brian Kurt (1990) A Search for νₑ Appearance from Stopped π⁺ and µ⁺ Decay at LAMPF; 10.7907/9e8k-2p03
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- Walker, Robert Christian David (1989) A Measurement of the Proton Elastic Form Factors for 1 ≤ Q² ≤ 3 (GeV/c)²; 10.7907/1j3p-xf48
- Christian, Eric Richard (1989) Evidence for Anomalous Cosmic Ray Hydrogen; 10.7907/AQ34-AJ87
- Butler, Malcolm Nicholas (1988) Scaling Violations in Quasielastic Electron Scattering; 10.7907/pp3m-h071
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- Stone, Howard D. (1988) Experimental Tests of QCD and Fragmentation Models in Electron-Positron Annihilation; 10.7907/2ezn-qk36
- Fisher, Peter Harrison (1988) A Search for Double Beta Decay in ⁷⁶Ge; 10.7907/fmvr-y629
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