DuMond, Jesse William Monroe
DuMond, Jesse W. M. (1965) Pilgrims' progress in search of the fundamental constants ; Physics Today; Vol. 18; No. 10; 26-43; 10.1063/1.3046944
DuMond, Jesse W. M. (1961) Absence of Dispersive Properties of Space for Electromagnetic Radiation Tested to ± 14 x 10^-5; Comments on a Proposal of Softky and Squire ; Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America; Vol. 47; No. 3; 347-348
DuMond, Jesse W. M. (1959) A survey of our present sources of information on the conversion constant, Λ(=λg/λs) and the absolute wavelengths of x-ray emission lines ; Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America; Vol. 45; No. 7; 1052-1080
Cohen, E. R. and Crowe, K. M., el al. (1959) Fundamental Constants of Physics [Book Review] ; American Journal of Physics; Vol. 27; No. 1; 63-64; 10.1119/1.1934755
Chupp, E. L. and DuMond, J. W. M., el al. (1958) Measurement of High-Energy Gamma-Rays with a Photographic Bent Crystal Spectrograph ; Review of Scientific Instruments; Vol. 29; No. 12; 1153-1154; 10.1063/1.1716110
DuMond, Jesse W. M. (1958) Present Status of Precise Information on the Universal Physical Constants. Has the Time Arrived for Their Adoption to Replace Our Present Arbitrary Conventional Standards? ; IRE Transactions on Instrumentation; Vol. I-7; No. 3; 136-175; 10.1109/IRE-I.1958.5006783
DuMond, Jesse W. M. (1958) Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy by Direct Crystal Diffraction ; Annual Review of Nuclear Science; Vol. 8; 163-180; 10.1146/annurev.ns.08.120158.001115
Cohen, E. Richard and Crowe, Kenneth M., el al. (1958) The Fundamental Constants of Physics, Vol. 1 of Interscience Monographs in
Physics & Astronomy [book review] ; Physics Today; Vol. 11; No. 9; 46-48; 10.1063/1.3062746
Hatch, E. N. and Boehm, F., el al. (1956) Rotational and intrinsic levels in Tm169 and Lu175 ; Physical Review; Vol. 104; No. 3; 745-752; 10.1103/PhysRev.104.745
Baggerly, L. L. and Marmier, P., el al. (1955) Decay of Ir192 ; Physical Review; Vol. 100; No. 5; 1364-1367; 10.1103/PhysRev.100.1364
Henke, Burton L. and DuMond, Jesse W. M. (1955) Submicroscopic Structure Determination by Long Wavelength X‐Ray Diffraction ; Journal of Applied Physics; Vol. 26; No. 7; 903-917; 10.1063/1.1722117
Murray, J. J. and Boehm, F., el al. (1955) Decays of Ta182 and Ta183 ; Physical Review; Vol. 97; No. 4; 1007-1016; 10.1103/PhysRev.97.1007
Berreman, Dwight W. and DuMond, Jesse W. M., el al. (1954) New Point-Focusing Monochromator ; Review of Scientific Instruments; Vol. 25; No. 12; 1219-1220; 10.1063/1.1770990
Boehm, F. and Marmier, P., el al. (1954) Gamma Transitions in W182 ; Physical Review; Vol. 95; No. 3; 864-865; 10.1103/PhysRev.95.864
DuMond, Jesse W. M. (1953) An Introduction to Scientific Research [Book Review] ; American Journal of Physics; Vol. 21; No. 5; 392-394; 10.1119/1.1933468
DuMond, Jesse W. M. (1952) Improvements in the precision of beta-ray spectroscopy ; Physics Today; Vol. 5; No. 12; 10-13; 10.1063/1.3067417
DuMond, Jesse W. M. (1952) Higher precision in nuclear spectroscopy ; Physics Today; Vol. 5; No. 11; 13-20; 10.1063/1.3067390
Danielson, Warren E. and Shenfil, Leon, el al. (1952) Latex Particle Size Determination Using Diffraction Peaks Obtained with the Point Focusing X-Ray Monochromator ; Journal of Applied Physics; Vol. 23; No. 8; 860-865; 10.1063/1.1702320
Shenfil, Leon and Danielson, Warren E., el al. (1952) A Point Focusing X-Ray Monochromator for the Study of Low Angle Diffraction ; Journal of Applied Physics; Vol. 23; No. 8; 854-859; 10.1063/1.1702319
DuMond, Jesse W. M. and Cohen, E. Richard (1951) Least-squares adjusted values of the atomic constants as of December, 1950 ; Physical Review; Vol. 82; No. 4; 555-556; 10.1103/PhysRev.82.555.3
DuMond, Jesse W. M. (1950) Crystals and X-Rays [Book Review] ; American Journal of Physics; Vol. 18; No. 5; 325-327; 10.1119/1.1932583
DuMond, Jesse W. M. (1950) Point-Focus X-Ray Monochromators for Low Angle Diffraction ; Review of Scientific Instruments; Vol. 21; No. 2; 188-189; 10.1063/1.1745527
Lind, David A. and Brown, J. R., el al. (1949) Precision wave-length measurements of the 1.1- and 1.3-Mev lines of CO60 with the two-meter focusing curved-crystal spectrometer ; Physical Review; Vol. 76; No. 12; 1838-1843; 10.1103/PhysRev.76.1838
DuMond, Jesse W. M. (1949) Conditions for Optimum Luminosity and Energy Resolution in an Axial β‐Ray Spectrometer with Homogeneous Magnetic Field ; Review of Scientific Instruments; Vol. 20; No. 3; 160-169; 10.1063/1.1741480
DuMond, Jesse W. M. and Lind, David A., el al. (1948) Precision wave-length and energy measurement of gamma-rays from Au198 with a focusing quartz crystal spectrometer ; Physical Review; Vol. 73; No. 11; 1392-1394; 10.1103/PhysRev.73.1392
DuMond, Jesse W. M. and Cohen, E. Richard (1948) Our Knowledge of the Atomic Constants F, N, m, and h in 1947, and of Other Constants Derivable Therefrom ; Reviews of Modern Physics; Vol. 20; No. 1; 82-108; 10.1103/RevModPhys.20.82
DuMond, Jesse W. M. (1947) A High Resolving Power, Curved‐Crystal Focusing Spectrometer for Short Wave‐Length X-Rays and Gamma‐Rays ; Review of Scientific Instruments; Vol. 18; No. 9; 626-638; 10.1063/1.1741017
DuMond, Jesse W. M. and Lind, David A., el al. (1947) A Precision Method of Generating Circular Cylindrical Surfaces of Large Radius of Curvature for Use in the Curved-Crystal Spectrometer ; Review of Scientific Instruments; Vol. 18; No. 9; 617-626; 10.1063/1.1741016
DuMond, Jesse W. M. and Cohen, E. Richard, el al. (1946) A Determination of the Wave Forms and Laws of Propagation and Dissipation of Ballistic Shock Waves ; Journal of the Acoustical Society of America; Vol. 18; No. 1; 97-118; 10.1121/1.1916347
DuMond, Jesse W. M. (1941) Construction of Thermodynamic Models for Elementary Teaching ; American Journal of Physics; Vol. 9; No. 4; 234-237; 10.1119/1.1991687
DuMond, Jesse and Youtz, J. Paul (1940) An X-Ray Method of Determining Rates of Diffusion in the Solid State ; Journal of Applied Physics; Vol. 11; No. 5; 357-365; 10.1063/1.1712784
DuMond, Jesse W. M. (1938) An Approximate Method of Cutting Short Circular Cylindrical Arcs with Very Large Radii of Curvature in the Milling Machine ; Review of Scientific Instruments; Vol. 9; No. 10; 329; 10.1063/1.1752357
DuMond, Jesse W. M. (1938) The "Palace of Discovery" at the Paris Exposition of 1937 ; Journal of Applied Physics; Vol. 9; No. 5; 289-294; 10.1063/1.1710418
DuMond, Jesse W. M. and Youtz, J. Paul (1937) The Thirty Kilowatt Continuous Input X‐Ray Equipment and High Constant Voltage Generating Plant of the Watters Memorial Research Laboratory at the California Institute of Technology ; Review of Scientific Instruments; Vol. 8; No. 8; 291-307; 10.1063/1.1752317
DuMond, Jesse W. M. and Marlow, Douglas (1937) A precision two crystal x-ray spectrometer of wide applicability with worm wheel drive; An improved precise method of equalizing the spacing of worm wheel teeth ; Review of Scientific Instruments; Vol. 8; No. 4; 112-121; 10.1063/1.1752253
DuMond, Jesse W. M. and Pickels, W. M., Jr. (1935) Superiority of a Knudsen type vacuum gauge for large metal systems with organic vapor pumps; Its design and operation ; Review of Scientific Instruments; Vol. 6; No. 11; 362-370; 10.1063/1.1751900
DuMond, Jesse W. M. (1935) Two applications of the sylphon bellows in high vacuum plumbing ; Review of Scientific Instruments; Vol. 6; No. 9; 285-286; 10.1063/1.1752008
DuMond, Jesse W. M. and Watson, Bernard B., el al. (1935) Temperatures of continuously operated mobile x-ray focal spots ; Review of Scientific Instruments; Vol. 6; No. 7; 183-193; 10.1063/1.1751970
DuMond, Jesse W. M. and Kirkpatrick, Harry A., el al. (1932) A search for preferentially directed electron velocities in crystalline graphite with the multicrystal spectrograph ; Physical Review; Vol. 40; No. 2; 165-177; 10.1103/PhysRev.40.165
DuMond, Jesse W. M. (1932) Possible narrowing of Compton line breadth by preferentially directed electron momenta in Ceylon graphite ; Physical Review; Vol. 39; No. 1; 166-168; 10.1103/PhysRev.39.166
DuMond, Jesse W. M. and Kirkpatrick, Harry A. (1931) Dependence of Compton line breadth on primary wave-length with the multi-crystal spectrograph ; Physical Review; Vol. 38; No. 6; 1094-1108; 10.1103/PhysRev.38.1094
DuMond, Jesse W. M. and Hoyt, Archer (1931) A new K-Series x-ray line due to Fermi-Sommerfeld electrons ; Physical Review; Vol. 38; No. 4; 839-841; 10.1103/PhysRev.38.839
Hoyt, Archer and DuMond, Jesse (1931) Breadth of the Compton modified line with the double crystal spectrometer ; Physical Review; Vol. 37; No. 11; 1443-1451; 10.1103/PhysRev.37.1443
DuMond, Jesse W. M. and Kirkpatrick, Harry A. (1931) Experimental evidence for electron velocities as the cause of Compton line breadth with the multicrystal spectrograph ; Physical Review; Vol. 37; No. 2; 136-159; 10.1103/PhysRev.37.136
DuMond, Jesse W. M. and Hoyt, Archer (1930) Design and technique of operation of a double crystal spectrometer ; Physical Review; Vol. 36; No. 12; 1702-1720; 10.1103/PhysRev.36.1702
DuMond, Jesse W. M. (1930) Multiple scattering in the Compton effect ; Physical Review; Vol. 36; No. 12; 1685-1701; 10.1103/PhysRev.36.1685
DuMond, Jesse W. M. and Hoyt, Archer (1930) Energy of Kappa alpha(3) of copper as a function of applied voltage with the double crystal spectrometer ; Physical Review; Vol. 36; No. 5; 799-809; 10.1103/PhysRev.36.799
DuMond, Jesse W. M. (1930) Evidence for the Richtmyer double jump hypothesis of x-ray satellites ; Physical Review; Vol. 36; No. 5; 1015-1017; 10.1103/PhysRev.36.1015
DuMond, J. W. M. (1930) Breadth of Compton modified line ; Physical Review; Vol. 36; No. 1; 146-147; 10.1103/PhysRev.36.146
DuMond, Jesse W. M. (1930) A new Parallel Plate Comparator ; Review of Scientific Instruments; Vol. 1; No. 2; 84-87; 10.1063/1.1748676
DuMond, Jesse W. M. and Kirkpatrick, Harry A. (1930) The multiple crystal x-ray spectrograph ; Review of Scientific Instruments; Vol. 1; No. 2; 88-105; 10.1063/1.1748677
Du Mond, Jesse W. M. (1929) Compton modified line structure and its relation to the electron theory of solid bodies ; Physical Review; Vol. 33; No. 5; 643-658; 10.1103/PhysRev.33.643
DuMond, Jesse W. M. (1928) The structure of the Compton shifted line ; Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America; Vol. 14; No. 11; 875-878
DuMond, Jesse W. M. (1925) A complex quantity slide rule ; Journal of the A.I.E.E.; Vol. 44; No. 2; 133-139; 10.1109/JAIEE.1925.6536164