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- Pandey, Ayush (2024) Modeling Frameworks for Modular and Scalable Biological Circuit Design; 10.7907/qacp-dw76
- Ho, Dimitar Mi (2024) Control of Unknown Dynamical Systems: Robustness and Online Learning of Feedback Control; 10.7907/fb64-vk24
- Li, Jing Shuang (Lisa) (2024) Distributed Control Theory for Biological and Cyberphysical Systems; 10.7907/p3k0-rv78
- Amo Alonso, Carmen (2023) Distributed and Localized Model Predictive Control; 10.7907/6pje-yd82
- Han, SooJean (2023) Control and State-Estimation of Jump Stochastic Systems by Learning Recurrent Spatiotemporal Patterns; 10.7907/gyae-jv94
- Tsukamoto, Hiroyasu (2023) Contraction Theory for Robust Learning-Based Control: Toward Aerospace and Robotic Autonomy; 10.7907/rznp-g568
- Sarma, Anish Anandsai (2023) Multicellular Control; 10.7907/kf54-fr89
- Xiao, Fangzhou (2022) Biocontrol of Biomolecular Systems: Polyhedral Constraints on Binding's Regulation of Catalysis from Biocircuits to Metabolism; 10.7907/rtwq-v497
- Zhou, Fengyu (2022) Optimization of Distribution Power Networks: from Single-Phase to Multi-Phase; 10.7907/tg26-9857
- Zhou, Fengyu (2022) Optimization of Distribution Power Networks: from Single-Phase to Multi-Phase; 10.7907/tg26-9857
- Ren, Xinying (Cindy) (2021) Principles for Designing Robust and Stable Synthetic Microbial Consortia; 10.7907/hc8x-3280
- Phan-Minh, Tung (2021) Contract-Based Design: Theories and Applications; 10.7907/8vp7-kd82
- Taeb, Armeen (2020) Latent-Variable Modeling: Algorithms, Inference, and Applications; 10.7907/YRF1-7W29
- Guo, Linqi (2019) Impact of Transmission Network Topology on Electrical Power Systems; 10.7907/EN8K-W872
- Olsman, Noah Andrew (2019) Architecture, Design, and Tradeoffs in Biomolecular Feedback Systems; 10.7907/DGPY-1679
- Khazaei, Tahmineh (2019) Metabolic Bi-Stability and Hysteresis in a Model Microbiome Community; 10.7907/Z588-5H60
- Nakahira, Yorie (2019) Connecting the Speed-Accuracy Trade-Offs in Sensorimotor Control and Neurophysiology Reveals Diversity Sweet Spots in Layered Control Architectures; 10.7907/VYQY-DF47
- Leong, Yoke Peng (2018) Optimal Controller Synthesis for Nonlinear Systems; 10.7907/Z9TX3CK8
- Baetica, Ania-Ariadna (2018) Design, Analysis, And Computational Methods For Engineering Synthetic Biological Networks; 10.7907/98qt-zv92
- Wang, Yuh-Shyang (2017) A System Level Approach to Optimal Controller Design for Large-Scale Distributed Systems; 10.7907/Z95M63PF
- Cai, Wuhan Desmond (2016) Electricity Markets for the Smart Grid: Networks, Timescales, and Integration with Control; 10.7907/Z9BG2KZG
- Peng, Qiuyu (2016) Distributed Control and Optimization for Communication and Power Systems; 10.7907/Z99C6VBW
- Matni, Nikolai (2016) Distributed Optimal Control of Cyber-Physical Systems: Controller Synthesis, Architecture Design and System Identification; 10.7907/Z99884Z0
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- You, Seungil (2016) A Direct Approach to Robustness Optimization; 10.7907/Z9X34VDV
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- Li, Na (Lina) (2013) Distributed Optimization in Power Networks and General Multi-agent Systems; 10.7907/NHVJ-FX37
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- Buzi, Gentian (2010) Control Theoretic Analysis of Autocatalytic Networks in Biology with Applications to Glycolysis ; 10.7907/MHMV-9M59
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- Gayme, Dennice F. Maynard (2010) A Robust Control Approach to Understanding Nonlinear Mechanisms in Shear Flow Turbulence; 10.7907/P1DS-Q379
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