Djorgovski, Stanislav
Das Bhattacharjee, Sreyasee and Tolone, William J., el al. (2019) Multi-View, Generative, Transfer Learning for Distributed Time Series Classification ; ISBN 9781728108582; 2019 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data); 5585-5594; 10.1109/bigdata47090.2019.9005452
Lombeyda, Santiago and Mahabal, Ashish, el al. (2019) OVS+Tumor: a tool for enhanced lung tumor annotation in VR for machine learning training and analysis ; ISBN 9781450363204; ACM SIGGRAPH 2019 Virtual, Augmented, and Mixed Reality; Art. No. 26; 10.1145/3306449.3328825
Das Bhattacharjee, Sreyasee and Tolone, William J., el al. (2019) View-Adaptive Weighted Deep Transfer Learning for Distributed Time-Series Classification ; ISBN 9781728126074; 2019 IEEE 43rd Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC); 373-381; 10.1109/compsac.2019.00061
Das Bhattacharjee, Sreyasee and Tolone, William J., el al. (2018) Context-Aware Deep Sequence Learning with Multi-View Factor Pooling for Time Series Classification ; ISBN 9781538650356; 2018 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data); 959-966; 10.1109/bigdata.2018.8622253
Mahabal, A. and Sheth, K., el al. (2017) Deep-learnt classification of light curves ; ISBN 978-1-5386-2727-3; 2017 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI); 1-8; 10.1109/SSCI.2017.8280984
Crichton, Daniel and Mahabal, Ashish, el al. (2017) The EDRN knowledge environment: an open source, scalable informatics platform for biological sciences research ; ISBN 9781510608894; Micro- and Nanotechnology Sensors, Systems, and Applications IX; Art. No. 101942A; 10.1117/12.2263842
Rampazzo, Roberto and D'Onofrio, Mauro, el al. (2016) In Pursuit of High Redshift Galaxies ; ISBN 978-3-319-31004-6; From the Realm of the Nebulae to Populations of Galaxies: Dialogues on a Century of Research; 479-508; 10.1007/978-3-319-31006-0_6
D'Onofrio, Mauro and Rampazzo, Roberto, el al. (2016) The Anatomy of Galaxies ; ISBN 978-3-319-31004-6; From the Realm of the Nebulae to Populations of Galaxies: Dialogues on a Century of Research; 243-379; 10.1007/978-3-319-31006-0_4
Rampazzo, Roberto and D'Onofrio, Mauro, el al. (2016) Extragalactic Astronomy: From Pioneers to Big Science ; ISBN 978-3-319-31004-6; From the Realm of the Nebulae to Populations of Galaxies: Dialogues on a Century of Research; 1-92; 10.1007/978-3-319-31006-0_1
Djorgovski, S. G. and Mahabal, A. A., el al. (2015) From stars to patients: Lessons from space science and astrophysics for health care informatics ; ISBN 978-1-4799-9925-5; 2015 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data); 2957-2959; 10.1109/BigData.2015.7364135
Donalek, Ciro and Djorgovski, S. G., el al. (2014) Immersive and Collaborative Data Visualization Using Virtual Reality Platforms ; 10.1109/BigData.2014.7004282
Djorgovski, S. G. and Mahabal, A. A., el al. (2014) Automated Real-Time Classification and Decision Making in Massive Data Streams from Synoptic Sky Surveys ; ISBN 978-1-4799-4288-6; 2014 IEEE 10th International Conference on e-Science; 204-211; 10.1109/eScience.2014.7
Djorgovski, George (2013) Astrophysics in the Era of Massive Time-Domain Surveys
Donalek, Ciro and Djorgovski, S. G., el al. (2013) Feature Selection Strategies for Classifying High Dimensional Astronomical Data Sets ; ISBN 978-1-4799-1292-6; Big Data, 2013 IEEE International Conference; 35-45; 10.1109/BigData.2013.6691731
Djorgovski, S. George and Mahabal, Ashish, el al. (2013) Sky Surveys ; ISBN 978-94-007-5617-5; Planets, Stars and Stellar Systems; 223-281; 10.1007/978-94-007-5618-2_5
Djorgovski, S. G. and Mahabal, A. A., el al. (2012) Flashes in a star stream: Automated classification of astronomical transient events ; ISBN 978-1-4673-4467-8; 2012 IEEE 8th International Conference on E-Science; 1-8; 10.1109/eScience.2012.6404437
Graham, Matthew J. and Djorgovski, S. G., el al. (2012) Connecting the time domain community with the Virtual Astronomical Observatory ; ISBN 9780819491497; Observatory Operations: Strategies, Processes, and Systems IV; Art. No. 84480P; 10.1117/12.926577
Brescia, Massimo and Cavuoti, Stefano, el al. (2012) Extracting Knowledge from Massive Astronomical Data Sets ; ISBN 978-1-4614-3322-4; Astrostatistics and Data Mining; 31-45; 10.1007/978-1-4614-3323-1_3
Graham, Matthew J. and Djorgovski, S. G., el al. (2012) The VAO Transient Facility ; ISBN 978-1-107-01985-0; New Horizons in Time-Domain Astronomy; 318-320; 10.1017/S1743921312000920
Djorgovski, S. G. and Mahabal, A. A., el al. (2012) Exploring the Time Domain with Synoptic Sky Surveys ; ISBN 978-1-107-01985-0; New Horizons in Time-Domain Astronomy; 141-146; 10.1017/S1743921312000488
Drake, A. J. and Djorgovski, S. G., el al. (2012) The Catalina Real-time Transient Survey ; ISBN 978-1-107-01985-0; New Horizons in Time-Domain Astronomy; 306-308; 10.1017/S1743921312000889
Mahabal, Ashish A. and Donalek, C., el al. (2011) Real-Time Classification of Transient Events in Synoptic Sky Surveys ; ISBN 978-1-107-01985-0; New Horizons in Time-Domain Astronomy; 355-357; 10.1017/S1743921312001056
Mahabal, A. A. and Djorgovski, S. G., el al. (2011) Classification of Optical Transients: Experiences from PQ and CRTS Surveys ; ISBN 978-2-7598-0608-9; GAIA: At the Frontiers of Astrometry; 173-178; 10.1051/eas/1045030
Djorgovski, S. G. and Hut, P., el al. (2010) Exploring the Use of Virtual Worlds as a Scientific Research Platform: The Meta-Institute for Computational Astrophysics (MICA) ; ISBN 978-3-642-11742-8; Facets of Virtual Environments; 29-43; 10.1007/978-3-642-11743-5_3
Williams, R. D. and Donalek, C., el al. (2010) US VAO Facility for Rapid Transients ; ISBN 978-1-58381-748-3; Astronomical data analysis software and systems XIX; 123-126
Mahabal, Ashish and Djorgovski, S. G., el al. (2010) Mixing Bayesian Techniques for Effective Real-time Classification of Astronomical Transients ; ISBN 978-1-58381-748-3; Astronomical data analysis software and systems XIX; 115-118
Williams, R. D. and Djorgovski, S. G., el al. (2009) Skyalert: Real-time Astronomy for You and Your Robots ; ISBN 978-1-58381-702-5; Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XVIII; 115-119
Mahabal, A. and Djorgovski, S. G., el al. (2008) Towards real-time classification of astronomical transients ; ISBN 9780735406131; International Conference on Classification and Discovery in Large Astronomical Surveys, Ringberg Castle, Germany, 14–17 October 2008; 287-293; 10.1063/1.3059064
Donalek, C. and Mahabal, A., el al. (2008) New approaches to object classification in synoptic sky surveys ; ISBN 9780735406131; Classification and discovery in large astronomical surveys : proceedings of the International Conference "Classification and Discovery in Large Astronomical Surveys", Ringberg Castle, Germany, 14–17 October 2008; 252-256; 10.1063/1.3059057
Daly, Ruth A. and Djorgovski, S. G. (2007) The Acceleration History of the Universe and the Properties of the Dark Energy ; ISBN 978-0-7354-0448-9; Supernova 1987A: 20 Years after Supernovae and Gamma-Ray Bursters, Aspen, CO, 19-23 February 2007; 298-302; 10.1063/1.2803581
Djorgovski, S. G. and Donalek, C., el al. (2006) Some Pattern Recognition Challenges in Data-Intensive Astronomy ; ISBN 0-7695-2521-0; The18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition; 856-863; 10.1109/ICPR.2006.1064
Djorgovski, S. G. (2005) Virtual Astronomy, Information Technology, and the New Scientific Methodology ; ISBN 0-7695-2255-6; Seventh International Workshop on Computer Architecture for Machine Perception (CAMP'05); 125-132; 10.1109/CAMP.2005.53
Jacob, Joseph C. and Katz, Daniel S., el al. (2005) Grist: Grid-based Data Mining for Astronomy
Mahabal, Ashish A. and Djorgovski, S. G., el al. (2005) Time Domain Explorations With Digital Sky Surveys
Mahabal, Ashish A. and Djorgovski, S. G., el al. (2005) Time Domain Explorations with Digital Sky Surveys ; ISBN 1-58381-215-6; Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XIV; 604-608
Djorgovski, S. G. and Williams, R. (2005) Virtual Observatory: From Concept to Implementation ; ISBN 1-58381-213-X; From Clark Lake to the Long Wavelength Array: Bill Erickson's Radio Science; 517-530
Graham, Matthew J. and Djorgovski, S. G., el al. (2005) VOStat: A Distributed Statistical Toolkit for the Virtual Observatory ; ISBN 1-58381-215-6; Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XIV; 394-398
Skidmore, Warren and Schöck, Matthias, el al. (2004) Thirty Meter Telescope site testing system ; ISBN 9780819454218; Ground-based Telescopes; 154-164; 10.1117/12.549384
Skidmore, Warren and Schöck, Matthias, el al. (2004) The Thirty Meter Telescope site testing system ; ISBN 0819454397; Ground-based Telescopes; 154-164; 10.1117/12.549384
Djorgovski, Stan G. and Kulkarni, Shrinivas R., el al. (2003) The cosmic gamma-ray bursts and their host galaxies in a cosmological context ; ISBN 0-8194-4613-0; Discoveries and Research Prospects from 6- to 10-Meter-Class Telescopes II; 238-247; 10.1117/12.457700
Schöck, Matthias and Erasmus, D. André, el al. (2003) CELT site testing program ; ISBN 081944619X; Future Giant Telescopes; 541-552; 10.1117/12.459124
Djorgovski, S. G. (2003) The Roles of Small Telescopes in a Virtual Observatory Environment ; ISBN 978-1-4020-0951-8; The Future of Small Telescopes in the New Millennium; 85-95; 10.1007/978-94-010-0253-0_9
Djorgovski, S. G. and Brunner, R., el al. (2003) Challenges for Cluster Analysis in a Virtual Observatory ; ISBN 978-0-387-95546-9; Statistical Challenges in Astronomy; 127-141; 10.1007/0-387-21529-8_9
Mahabal, Ashish and Djorgovski, S. G., el al. (2002) Topic maps for custom viewing of data ; ISBN 0819446254; Virtual Observatories; 65-76; 10.1117/12.461516
Jacob, Joseph C. and Brunner, Robert, el al. (2002) yourSky: rapid desktop access to custom astronomical image mosaics ; ISBN 0819446254; Virtual Observatories; 53-64; 10.1117/12.461514
Brunner, Robert J. and Djorgovski, S. George, el al. (2002) Massive Datasets in Astronomy ; ISBN 978-1-4613-4882-5; Handbook of Massive Data Sets; 931-979; 10.1007/978-1-4615-0005-6_27
Mahabal, Ashish and Djorgovski, S. G., el al. (2001) Topic maps as a virtual observatory tool ; ISBN 9780819441911; Astronomical Data Analysis; 161-172; 10.1117/12.447170
Djorgovski, S. G. and Mahabal, A., el al. (2001) Exploration of parameter spaces in a virtual observatory ; ISBN 9780819441911; Astronomical Data Analysis; 43-52; 10.1117/12.447189
Kulkarni, S. R. and Berger, E., el al. (2001) The afterglows of gamma-ray bursts ; ISBN 1563969874; Explosive Phenomena in Astrophysical Objects: First KIAS Astrophysics Workshop, Seoul, Korea, 24-27 May 2000; 240-260; 10.1063/1.1368281
Djorgovski, S. G. and Brunner, R. J., el al. (2001) Exploration of Large Digital Sky Surveys ; ISBN 978-3-540-42468-0; Mining the Sky; 305-322; 10.1007/10849171_37
Gal, Roy R. and de Carvalho, Reinaldo R., el al. (2001) The Northern Sky Optical Cluster Survey ; ISBN 978-3-540-42468-0; Mining the Sky; 160-167; 10.1007/10849171_12
Testa, Vincenzo and Sabatini, Sabina, el al. (2001) Automated Search of LSB Galaxies in DPOSS (CRoNaRio Project): Method and First Results from Follow-Ups ; ISBN 978-3-540-42468-0; Mining the Sky; 557-563; 10.1007/10849171_72
Brunner, R. J. and Prince, T., el al. (2001) The Digital Sky Project: Prototyping Virtual Observatory Technologies ; ISBN 1-58381-057-9; Virtual Observatories of the Future; 135-141
Djorgovski, S. G. and Kulkarni, S. R., el al. (2001) The GRB Host Galaxies and Redshifts ; ISBN 978-3-540-42771-1; Gamma-Ray Bursts in the Afterglow Era; 218-225; 10.1007/10853853_60
Kulkarni, S. R. and Berger, E., el al. (2000) The afterglows of gamma-ray bursts ; ISBN 1-56396-947-5; Gamma Ray Bursts: 5th Huntsville Symposium, Huntsville, AL, 18-22 October 1999; 277-297; 10.1063/1.1361549
Kulkarni, S. R. and Berger, E., el al. (2000) Afterglows of gamma-ray bursts ; ISBN 0819436305; Discoveries and Research Prospects from 8- to 10-Meter-Class Telescopes; 9-21; 10.1117/12.390135
Kulkarni, S. R. and Berger, E., el al. (2000) The afterglows of gamma-ray bursts ; ISBN 1-56396-943-2; Cosmic Explosions: Tenth Astrophysics Conference, College Park, MD, 11-13 October 1999; 191-212; 10.1063/1.1291715
Djorgovski, S. G. and de Carvalho, R. R., el al. (1998) Cataloging of the Digitized Poss-II: Initial Scientific Results ; ISBN 9780792348023; New Horizons from Multi-Wavelength Sky Surveys; 424-430; 10.48550/arXiv.9612108
Djorgovski, S. G. and de Carvalho, R. R., el al. (1997) Data mining a large digital sky survey: from the challenges to the scientific results ; ISBN 9780819425867; Applications of Digital Image Processing XX; 98-109; 10.1117/12.292750
de Carvalho, R. R. and Djorgovski, S. G., el al. (1997) Towards an Objectively Defined Catalog of Galaxy Clusters from the Digitized POSS-II ; ISBN 978-94-010-6413-2; Wide-Field Spectroscopy; 285-286; 10.1007/978-94-011-5722-3_51
Pahre, M. A. and Djorgovski, S. G., el al. (1997) Near-Infrared Fundamental Plane of Elliptical Galaxies and Its Evolution ; ISBN 978-3-662-21934-8; Galaxy Scaling Relations: Origins, Evolution and Applications; 197-202; 10.1007/978-3-540-69654-4_24
Kennefick, J. D. and Djorgovski, S., el al. (1997) Space Density of Z > 4 Quasars from the Second Palomar Sky Survey ; ISBN 978-94-010-6413-2; Wide-Field Spectroscopy; 381-382; 10.1007/978-94-011-5722-3_67
Maxfield, L. and Djorgovski, S. G., el al. (1996) Optical and IR Properties of Radio Galaxies as a Function of Their Radio Power ; ISBN 978-0-7923-3976-2; New Light on Galaxy Evolution; 414-414; 10.1007/978-94-009-0229-9_126
Vigotti, M. and Djorgovski, S. G., el al. (1996) The B3-VLA Sample ; ISBN 978-0-7923-4122-2; Extragalactic Radio Sources; 519-521; 10.1007/978-94-009-0295-4_187
Myers, Steven T. and Fassnacht, C. D., el al. (1996) 1608+656: A Quadruple Lens System Found in the Class Gravitational Lens Survey ; ISBN 978-0-7923-3955-7; Astrophysical Applications of Gravitational Lensing; 317-322; 10.1007/978-94-009-0221-3_90
Djorgovski, S. G. (1996) The Quest for Protogalaxies ; ISBN 978-0-7923-3976-2; New Light on Galaxy Evolution; 277-286; 10.1007/978-94-009-0229-9_41
Djorgovski, S. G. (1995) Observational Cosmology With Faint Galaxies and a (9±1)-meter Telescope ; ISBN 978-3-662-22397-0; Science with the VLT; 351-360; 10.1007/978-3-540-49215-3_44
Pahre, M. A. and Djorgovski, S., el al. (1995) Near-IR Imaging of Elliptical Galaxies ; ISBN 9780792335382; Stellar Populations; 443-443; 10.1007/978-94-011-0125-7_112
Djorgovski, S. (1994) Structural and dynamical forms of elliptical and dwarf galaxies ; ISBN 978-3-540-57929-8; Ergodic Concepts in Stellar Dynamics; 3-21; 10.1007/BFb0058086
Weir, N. and Djorgovski, S., el al. (1994) Cataloging the Northern Sky Using a new Generation of Software Technology ; ISBN 978-0-7923-2879-7; Astronomy from Wide-Field Imaging; 205-212; 10.1007/978-94-011-1146-1_43
Cacciari, C. and Federici, L., el al. (1994) Globular Clusters in M31 with the Hubble Space Telescope ; ISBN 978-94-010-4341-0; Frontiers of Space And Ground-Based Astronomy; 661-661; 10.1007/978-94-011-0794-5_104
Fayyad, Usama M. and Weir, Nicholas, el al. (1993) Automated cataloging and analysis of sky survey image databases: the SKICAT system ; ISBN 0-89791-626-3; CIKM '93 Proceedings of the second international conference on Information and knowledge management; 527-536; 10.1145/170088.170414
Djorgovski, S. and Piotto, G. (1992) Stellar Population Changes in Post-Core-Collapse Globular Clusters ; ISBN 978-0-7923-1699-2; The Stellar Populations of Galaxies; 413; 10.1007/978-94-011-2434-8_80
Djorgovski, S. and Bendinelli, O., el al. (1992) NGC 205 and the Nature of Compact Nuclei in Dwarf Galaxies ; ISBN 978-94-010-5113-2; Morphological and Physical Classification of Galaxies; 439-440; 10.1007/978-94-011-2522-2_59
Djorgovski, S. and Meylan, G., el al. (1992) A search for the optical counterpart of the Einstein ring PKS 1830-211 ; ISBN 978-3-540-55797-5; Gravitational Lenses; 367; 10.1007/3-540-55797-0_129
Djorgovski, S. and de Carvalho, R. (1992) Properties of Dwarf Spheroidals ; ISBN 978-94-010-5113-2; Morphological and Physical Classification of Galaxies; 379-380; 10.1007/978-94-011-2522-2_31
Djorgovski, S. and Thompson, D. J. (1992) Searches for Primeval Galaxies ; ISBN 978-0-7923-1699-2; The Stellar Populations of Galaxies; 337-347; 10.1007/978-94-011-2434-8_44
Djorgovski, S. (1992) Galaxy Manifolds and Galaxy Formation ; ISBN 978-94-010-5113-2; Morphological and Physical Classification of Galaxies; 337-356; 10.1007/978-94-011-2522-2_27
Meylan, G. and Djorgovski, S., el al. (1992) A search for gravitational lenses using sky survey plate scans ; ISBN 978-3-540-55797-5; Gravitational Lenses; 323-327; 10.1007/3-540-55797-0_118
Djorgovski, S. and de Carvalho, R., el al. (1992) Properties of Brightest Cluster Members ; ISBN 978-94-010-5113-2; Morphological and Physical Classification of Galaxies; 427-428; 10.1007/978-94-011-2522-2_53
de Carvalho, R. R. and Djorgovski, S. (1992) Systematic Differences Between the Field and Cluster Ellipticals ; ISBN 978-0-7923-1699-2; The Stellar Populations of Galaxies; 400; 10.1007/978-94-011-2434-8_67
Weir, N. and Djorgovski, S. (1991) A Subpixel Deconvolution Method for Astronomical Images ; ISBN 978-94-010-5531-4; Maximum Entropy and Bayesian Methods; 275-283; 10.1007/978-94-011-3460-6_26
Djorgovski, S. and Piotto, G., el al. (1991) Color and population gradients in globular clusters ; ISBN 0-937707-32-5; The Formation and Evolution of Star Clusters; 262-264
Djorgovski, S. and de Carvalho, R. (1990) Optical and X-Ray Properties of Elliptical Galaxies ; ISBN 978-94-010-6731-7; Windows on Galaxies; 307-310; 10.1007/978-94-009-0543-6_40
Djorgovski, S. and Weir, W. N. (1990) The cosmic submillimeter background - A signature of the initial burst of galaxy formation? ; ISBN 0-937707-28-7; Evolution of the Universe of Galaxies: Edwin Hubble Centennial Symposium; 228-230
Weir, W. N. and Djorgovski, S., el al. (1990) Evolutionary model uncertainties in the K-band Hubble diagram ; ISBN 0-937707-28-7; Evolution of the Universe of Galaxies: Edwin Hubble Centennial Symposium; 356-358
Djorgovski, S. and Weir, N., el al. (1990) Application of image processing techniques in a search for gravitational lenses and quasar pairs ; 10.1007/BFb0009242
Meylan, G. and Djorgovski, S., el al. (1990) A search for gravitational lenses and quasar pairs and the discovery of a new multiple QSO system ; 10.1007/BFb0009243
de Carvalho, R. and Djorgovski, S. (1990) The mass-metallicity - Luminosity density relation for elliptical galaxies ; ISBN 0-937707-28-7; Evolution of the Universe of Galaxies: Edwin Hubble Centennial Symposium; 106-108
Eisenhardt, P. and Chokshi, A., el al. (1990) Infrared Images of Distant 3C Radio Galaxies ; ISBN 0-937707-28-7; Evolution of the Universe of Galaxies: Edwin Hubble Centennial Symposium; 371-372
Djorgovski, S. and de Carvalho, R. (1990) Optical Properties of Early-Type Galaxies ; ISBN 978-94-010-6731-7; Windows on Galaxies; 9-21; 10.1007/978-94-009-0543-6_3
Djorgovski, S. and Meylan, G. (1989) An Optical Imaging Search for Gravitational Lenses ; ISBN 9780792302568; Active Galactic Nuclei; 269-270; 10.1017/S0074180900141038
Djorgovski, S. and Meylan, G. (1989) An optical imaging survey for gravitational lenses and the discovery of a new lens candidate ; ISBN 978-3-540-51061-1; Gravitational Lenses; 173-178; 10.1007/3-540-51061-3_51
Djorgovski, S. and Dickinson, M. (1989) CCD Data Taking Modes and Flatfielding Problems ; ISBN 978-0-7923-0281-0; Highlights of Astronomy; 645-650; 10.1007/978-94-009-0977-9_115
Meylan, G. and Djorgovski, S. (1989) Discovery of a Probable Gravitational Lens ; ISBN 9780792302568; Active Galactic Nuclei; 271-272; 10.1017/S007418090014104X
Djorgovski, S. and de Carvalho, R., el al. (1988) The universality(?) of distance-indicator relations ; ISBN 0-937707-21-X; The Extragalactic Distance Scale: Proceedings of the ASP 100th Anniversary Symposium; 329-343
Weedman, D. W. and Djorgovski, S. (1988) Limits on the Number of Close Optical Quasar Pairs ; ISBN 0-937707-19-8; Proceedings of a Workshop on Optical Surveys for Quasars; 226-232
Djorgovski, S. (1988) Surface Photometry of Globular Clusters ; ISBN 978-90-277-2665-0; The Harlow-Shapley Symposium on Globular Cluster Systems in Galaxies; 333-345; 10.1007/978-94-015-1104-9_47
McCarthy, Patrick J. and Spinrad, Hyron, el al. (1988) Extended Emission-Line Gas in Distant 3CR Radio Galaxies ; ISBN 978-94-010-7828-3; Cooling Flows in Clusters and Galaxies; 325-329; 10.1007/978-94-009-2953-1_40
Djorgovski, S. (1988) A Search for Obscured Globular Clusters ; ISBN 978-90-277-2665-0; The Harlow-Shapley Symposium on Globular Cluster Systems in Galaxies; 527-528; 10.1007/978-94-015-1104-9_93
Djorgovski, S. (1988) Lyman-Alpha Galaxies at Large Redshifts ; ISBN 978-94-010-7814-6; Towards Understanding Galaxies at Large Redshift; 259-274; 10.1007/978-94-009-2919-7_32
Djorgovski, S. (1987) Galaxies at Very High Redshifts (z > 1) ; ISBN 978-1-4612-9145-9; Nearly Normal Galaxies - From the Planck Time to the Present; 290-299; 10.1007/978-1-4612-4762-3_34
Djorgovski, S. (1987) Morphological Properties of Elliptical Galaxies ; ISBN 978-90-277-2586-8; Structure and Dynamics of Elliptical Galaxies; 377-378; 10.1007/978-94-009-3971-4_31
Djorgovski, S. (1987) Coherent Orientation Effects of Galaxies and Clusters ; ISBN 978-1-4612-9145-9; Nearly Normal Galaxies - From the Planck Time to the Present; 227-233; 10.1007/978-1-4612-4762-3_28
Djorgovski, S. (1987) The Manifold of Elliptical Galaxies ; ISBN 978-90-277-2586-8; Structure and Dynamics of Elliptical Galaxies; 79-88; 10.1007/978-94-009-3971-4_6
Spinrad, Hyron and Djorgovski, S. (1987) The Status of the Hubble Diagram In 1986 ; ISBN 978-90-277-2476-2; Observational Cosmology; 129-141; 10.1007/978-94-009-3853-3_11
Djorgovski, S. (1986) Enhancement Of Features In Galaxy Images ; ISBN 9780892526628; Instrumentation in Astronomy VI; 674-679; 10.1117/12.968146
Djorgovski, S. and Davis, Marc (1986) Galaxy Surface Brightness and Clustering: A Test for Biased Galaxy Formation Scenarios? ; ISBN 978-94-010-8591-5; Galaxy Distances and Deviations from Universal Expansion; 291-294; 10.1007/978-94-009-4702-3_49
Djorgovski, S. and Ebneter, K. (1986) A Search for Features in Early-Type Galaxies ; ISBN 978-90-277-2325-3; Instrumentation and Research Programmes for Small Telescopes; 277-279; 10.1007/978-94-010-9433-7_52
Djorgovski, S. (1986) Surface Photometry Surveys of Galaxies with Small Telescopes ; ISBN 978-90-277-2325-3; Instrumentation and Research Programmes for Small Telescopes; 243-245; 10.1007/978-94-010-9433-7_41
Djorgovski, S. and Davis, Marc (1986) An Improved Distance Indicator for Elliptical Galaxies ; ISBN 978-94-010-8591-5; Galaxy Distances and Deviations from Universal Expansion; 135-138; 10.1007/978-94-009-4702-3_24
Djorgovski, S. and King, I. R., el al. (1986) The Structure of Globular Clusters ; ISBN 978-90-277-2325-3; Instrumentation and Research Programmes for Small Telescopes; 281-282; 10.1007/978-94-010-9433-7_53
Djorgovski, S. and King, I. R., el al. (1986) The Structure of Globular Clusters ; ISBN 978-90-277-2325-3; Instrumentation and Research Programmes for Small Telescopes; 281-282; 10.1007/978-94-010-9433-7_53
Djorgovski, S. (1986) Surface Photometry Surveys of Galaxies with Small Telescopes ; ISBN 978-90-277-2325-3; Instrumentation and Research Programmes for Small Telescopes; 243-245; 10.1007/978-94-010-9433-7_41
Djorgovski, S. and Ebneter, K. (1986) A Search for Features in Early-Type Galaxies ; ISBN 978-90-277-2325-3; Instrumentation and Research Programmes for Small Telescopes; 277-279; 10.1007/978-94-010-9433-7_52
Djorgovski, S. and Penner, H. (1985) A Search for Post-Collapse Cores ; ISBN 978-90-277-1965-2; Dynamics of Star Clusters; 73-76; 10.1007/978-94-009-5335-2_8
Djorgovski, S. and Penner, H. (1985) A Search for Post-Collapse Cores ; ISBN 978-90-277-1965-2; Dynamics of Star Clusters; 73-76; 10.1007/978-94-009-5335-2_8
Djorgovski, S. and Spinrad, H., el al. (1985) Observing the galaxy evolution at high redshifts ; ISBN 978-3-540-15657-4; New Aspects of Galaxy Photometry; 193-198; 10.1007/BFb0030942
Djorgovski, S. and Davis, M., el al. (1985) Morphological investigation of elliptical galaxies ; ISBN 978-3-540-15657-4; New Aspects of Galaxy Photometry; 257-262; 10.1007/bfb0030953