Crosignani, Bruno
DelRe, E. and Di Sabatino, S., el al. (2014) Anomalous Fluctuations in the Motion of Partitioning Objects ; Journal of Statistical Physics; Vol. 156; No. 2; 291-300; 10.1007/s10955-014-1001-3
Di Porto, P. and Crosignani, B., el al. (2014) Intrinsic irreversibility of Markovian chains ; Physical Review E; Vol. 89; No. 5; Art. No. 052118; 10.1103/PhysRevE.89.052118
Di Porto, P. and Di Sabatino, S., el al. (2013) Power-Law Relaxation and Cumulative Information ; Journal of Statistical Physics; Vol. 153; No. 3; 479-485; 10.1007/s10955-013-0840-7
DelRe, Eugenio and Di Porto, Paolo, el al. (2011) Reduced statistical fluctuations of the position of an object partitioning in two its environment ; ISBN 978-0-7354-0985-9; Second Law of Thermodynamics: Status and Challenges; 7-26; 10.1063/1.3665228
DelRe, E. and Crosignani, B., el al. (2011) Built-in reduction of statistical fluctuations of partitioning objects ; Physical Review E; Vol. 84; No. 2; Art. No. 021112; 10.1103/PhysRevE.84.021112
Di Porto, P. and Crosignani, B., el al. (2011) Bertrand's paradox: a physical way out along the lines of Buffon's needle throwing experiment ; European Journal of Physics; Vol. 32; No. 3; 819-825; 10.1088/0143-0807/32/3/017
Crosignani, Bruno and Di Porto, Paolo, el al. (2009) An exact transverse Helmholtz equation ; Journal of the Optical Society of America A; Vol. 26; No. 9; 1977-1979
Crosignani, Bruno and Di Porto, Paolo (2007) Random Fluctuations of Diathermal and Adiabatic Pistons ; Foundations of Physics; Vol. 37; No. 12; 1707-1715; 10.1007/s10701-007-9165-1
Yariv, Amnon and Scheuer, Jacob, el al. (2007) The case of the oscillating party balloon: A simple toy experiment requiring a not-so-simple interpretation ; American Journal of Physics; Vol. 75; No. 8; 696-700; 10.1119/1.2733684
Ciattoni, Alesasandro and Crosignani, Bruno, el al. (2006) On the limits of validity of nonparaxial propagation equations in Kerr media ; Optics Express; Vol. 14; No. 12; 5517-5523
D'Ercole, Angelo and Palange, Elia, el al. (2006) Miniaturization and embedding of soliton-based electro-optically addressable photonic arrays ; ISBN 1‐55752‐813‐6; Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics 2006; Art. No. CTuD2
Ciattoni, Alessandro and Crosignani, Bruno, el al. (2005) Spatial Kerr Solitons as Exact Solutions of Maxwell's Equations ; Optics and Photonics News; Vol. 16; No. 12; 43; 10.1364/OPN.16.12.000043
Ciattoni, Alessandro and Crosignani, Bruno, el al. (2005) Perfect optical solitons: spatial Kerr solitons as exact solutions of Maxwell's equations ; Journal of the Optical Society of America B; Vol. 22; No. 7; 1384-1394; 10.1364/JOSAB.22.001384
Ciattoni, Alessandro and Crosignani, Bruno, el al. (2005) Nonparaxial dark solitons in optical Kerr media ; Optics Letters; Vol. 30; No. 5; 516-518
Ciattoni, Alessandro and Crosignani, Bruno, el al. (2005) Azimuthally Polarized Spatial Dark Solitons: Exact Solutions of Maxwell's Equations in a Kerr Medium ; Physical Review Letters; Vol. 94; No. 7; Art. No. 073902; 10.1103/physrevlett.94.073902
Crosignani, Bruno and Yariv, Amnon, el al. (2004) Nonparaxial spatial solitons and propagation-invariant pattern solutions in optical Kerr media ; Optics Letters; Vol. 29; No. 11; 1254-1256
Crosignani, Bruno and Di Porto, Paolo, el al. (2004) The adiabatic piston: a perpetuum mobile in the mesoscopic realm ; Entropy; Vol. 6; No. 1; 50-56; 10.3390/e6010050
DelRe, Eugenio and Crosignani, Bruno, el al. (2003) Electro-optic switching through photorefractive needles ; ISBN 1-55752-733-4; 2003 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics; Art. No. CThE4
DelRe, Eugenio and Crosignani, Bruno, el al. (2002) Electro-optic beam manipulation through photorefractive needles ; Optics Letters; Vol. 27; No. 24; 2188-2190; 10.1364/OL.27.002188
Crosignani, Bruno and Di Porto, Paolo, el al. (2002) The Adiabatic Piston and the Second Law of Thermodynamics ; ISBN 0-7354-0098-9; Quantum limits to the Second Law; 267-272; 10.1063/1.1523815
Ciattoni, A. and Conti, C., el al. (2002) Polarization and energy dynamics in ultrafocused optical Kerr propagation ; Optics Letters; Vol. 27; No. 9; 734-736
Crosignani, Bruno and Salamo, Greg (2002) Photorefractive Solitons ; Optics and Photonics News; Vol. 13; No. 2; 38-41; 10.1364/OPN.13.2.000038
Ciattoni, Alessandro and Crosignani, Bruno, el al. (2001) Vectorial theory of propagation in uniaxially anisotropic media ; Journal of the Optical Society of America A; Vol. 18; No. 7; 1656-1661; 10.1364/JOSAA.18.001656
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Marshall, W. K. and Crosignani, B., el al. (2000) Laser phase noise to intensity noise conversion by lowest-order group-velocity dispersion in optical fiber: exact theory ; Optics Letters; Vol. 25; No. 3; 165-167
Marshall, W. K. and Crosignani, B., el al. (1999) Spectral density of the intensity at the receiver in dispersive fiber links ; ISBN 1-55752-570-6; 1999 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics; Art. No. CWN4
Crosignani, B. and DelRe, E., el al. (1998) Self-focusing and self-trapping in unbiased centrosymmetric photorefractive media ; Optics Letters; Vol. 23; No. 12; 912-914; 10.1364/OL.23.000912
Crosignani, B. and Di Porto, P., el al. (1998) Nonlinear optical beam propagation and solitons in photorefractive media ; Rivista del Nuovo Cimento; Vol. 21; No. 6; 1-37; 10.1007/bf02874290
DelRe, Eugenio and Ciattoni, Alessandro, el al. (1998) Approach to space-charge field description in photorefractive crystals ; Journal of the Optical Society of America B; Vol. 15; No. 5; 1469-1475; 10.1364/JOSAB.15.001469
Del Re, Eugenio and Crosignani, Bruno, el al. (1998) One-dimensional steady-state photorefractive spatial solitons in centrosymmetric paraelectric KLTN ; ISBN 1-55752-540-4; 1998 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics; Art. No. CThV1
DelRe, Eugenio and Crosignani, Bruno, el al. (1998) One-dimensional steady-state photorefractive spatial solitons in centrosymmetric paraelectric potassium lithium tantalate niobate ; Optics Letters; Vol. 23; No. 6; 421-423; 10.1364/OL.23.000421
Crosignani, Bruno and Di Porto, Paolo, el al. (1997) Three-dimensional optical beam propagation and solitons in photorefractive crystals ; Journal of the Optical Society of America B; Vol. 14; No. 11; 3078-3090; 10.1364/JOSAB.14.003078
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