Cornell, Bradford
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- Cornell, Bradford (2018) What Is the Alternative Hypothesis to Market Efficiency?; Journal of Portfolio Management; Vol. 44; No. 7; 3-6; 10.3905/jpm.2018.44.7.003
- Cornell, Bradford (2018) Taking Stationarity Seriously; Journal of Portfolio Management; Vol. 44; No. 3; 1-4; 10.3905/jpm.2018.44.3.001
- Cornell, Bradford (2017) Information flow and expected inflation: An empirical analysis; Journal of Investing; Vol. 26; No. 4; 8-15; 10.3905/joi.2017.26.4.008
- Cornell, Bradford and Hsu, Jason, el al. (2017) Does Past Performance Matter in Investment Manager Selection?; Journal of Portfolio Management; Vol. 43; No. 4; 33-43; 10.3905/jpm.2017.43.4.033
- Cornell, Bradford (2016) The Tesla Run-Up: A Follow-Up with Investment Implications; Journal of Portfolio Management; Vol. 43; No. 1; 1-4; 10.3905/jpm.2016.43.1.001
- Cornell, Bradford (2015) Information Flow and Expected Inflation: An Empirical Analysis; 10.7907/arqb7-jjw44
- Cornell, Bradford and Gokhale, Rajiv (2015) An "Enhanced" Corporate Valuation Model: Theory and Empirical Tests; 10.7907/a836f-dae61
- Cornell, Bradford (2015) Information Arrival and the Oil Price Collapse; Journal of Portfolio Management; Vol. 42; No. 1; 1-4; 10.3905/jpm.2015.42.1.001
- Asparouhova, Elena and Bossaerts, Peter, el al. (2015) Competition in Portfolio Management: Theory and Experiment; Management Science; Vol. 61; No. 8; 1868-1888; 10.1287/mnsc.2014.1935
- Montes Núñez, Bárbara Rosario and Cornell, Brett, el al. (2014) Hands on XENON100 Dark Matter (DM) direct detection experiment: studying and modeling background and signal in a frequentist analysis framework; 10.22323/1.229.0017
- Cornell, Bradford and Damodaran, Aswath (2014) Tesla: Anatomy of a Run-Up; Journal of Portfolio Management; Vol. 41; No. 1; 139-151; 10.3905/jpm.2014.41.1.139
- Cornell, Bradford (2013) What Moves Stock Prices: Another Look; Journal of Portfolio Management; Vol. 39; No. 3; 32-38; 10.3905/jpm.2013.39.3.032
- Moore, D. C. and Golwala, S., el al. (2012) Phonon mediated microwave kinetic inductance detectors; Journal of Low Temperature Physics; Vol. 167; No. 3-4; 329-334; 10.1007/s10909-011-0434-1
- Cornell, Bradford (2012) Demographics, GDP, and Future Stock Returns: The Implications of Some Basic Principles; Journal of Portfolio Management; 96-99; 10.2139/ssrn.2080637
- Cornell, Bradford and Cvitanić, Jakša, el al. (2010) Beliefs regarding fundamental value and optimal investing; Annals of Finance; Vol. 6; 83-105; 10.1007/s10436-009-0133-y
- Cornell, Bradford and Roll, Richard (2005) A Delegated-Agent Asset-Pricing Model; Financial Analysts Journal; Vol. 61; No. 1; 57-69; 10.2469/faj.v61.n1.2684