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- Chang, Karl Kho-Chung (1985) Calcium-Ion Exchange of Coal for Retention of Sulfur During Combustion; 10.7907/X4W7-D106
- Stevenson, John Cary (1982) The Rheology of a Bituminous Coal; 10.7907/06Q1-DZ20
- Kralik, James Gregory (1982) An Investigation of the Applied Chemistry of the Reactions of Coal and Nitrogen Dioxide with a Particular Emphasis on Oxidative Desulfurization; 10.7907/r7z7-6s05
- Whatley, Gary Eugene (1982) An Experimental Study of Eddy Diffusivities and Eddy Viscosities for Cases of Anisotropic and Non-Homogeneous Turbulence in Suspension Flow; 10.7907/entr-8p75
- Bone, Russell Leslie (1981) Kinetics and Mechanism of the Co-Oxidation of Aldehydes and Model Organic Sulfur Compounds in Studies Related to the Oxo-Desulfurization of Fuel Oil and Coal; 10.7907/68ap-3w86
- Vasilakos, Nikolaos Petrou (1981) Coal Desulfurization by Selective Chlorinolysis; 10.7907/05PE-T991
- Chung, Ernest Ying-Chee (1980) Experimental Investigations of the Transport Properties of Flow Suspensions: l. Measurement of Velocity Distributions of Suspension Flows in a Rectangular Channel. II. Experimental Study of the Effective Thermal Conductivity in Shear Flow of a Suspension. III. The Use of Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy to Measure Molecular Diffusion and Velocity Distributions; 10.7907/k2rw-rc28
- Yoganathan, Ajit Prithiviraj (1978) Cardiovascular Fluid Mechanics: I. Fluid Dynamics of Prosthetic Aortic Valves. II. Use of the Fast Fourier Transform in the Analysis of Cardiovascular Sounds; 10.7907/TVP6-ZY22
- Ward, Gerald Wayne (1977) Strain Induced Changes in the Permeability of Water Swollen Segmented Polyurethane Elastomers; 10.7907/8SMH-RQ14
- Miller, John Wayne (1976) I. A Study of the Effects of Dislocations in Silver on the Rate of Oxidation of Carbon Monoxide. II. A Mechanism for the Formation of Dislocations during the Oxidation of Zinc; 10.7907/PDYT-7V46
- Uradnisheck, Julius, III (1975) Rates and Mechanisms of Chemical Reactions during Flow of Secondary Treated Sewage Effluent through Porous Beds; 10.7907/9w4g-z504
- England, Christopher (1970) I. The Rate and Mechanism of the Vapor-Phase Reaction Between Water and Parts-Per Million Concentrations of Nitrogen Dioxide. II. The Rate and Mechanism of the Air Oxidation of Parts Per-Million Concentrations of Nitric Oxide in the Presence of Water Vapor; 10.7907/y6gn-rt03
- Blakemore, James Edwin (1970) The Pyrolysis and Partial Oxidation of N-Butane; 10.7907/TR7H-V189
- Davis, Allyn Merrill (1969) The Rate and Mechanism of the Partial Oxidation of Acetaldehyde by PPM Concentrations of Nitrogen Dioxide; 10.7907/DC6G-XN83
- Morrison, Malcolm Cameron (1969) I. The Effects of Variations in Certain Parameters Upon the Efficiency of In Vivo Hemodialysis with a Kiil Dialyzer. II. Interfacial Structure of Concurrent Air-Water Flow in a Two-Inch Diameter Horizontal Tube; 10.7907/9ERD-DM13
- Barker, John Roger (1969) The Pyrolysis of n-Butane; 10.7907/4QG7-JQ66
- Desai, Satish Vithal (1969) I. Thermodynamic and Kinetic Behavior of an Argon Plasma Jet. II. Decomposition of Nitric Oxide between 1300-1750°K in an Argon Plasma; 10.7907/ZDNV-X816
- Woodward, Joe William (1965) A Study of the Effects of Dislocation Density and Crystal Orientation on the Kinetics of the Catalyzed Oxidation of Ethylene over a Single Crystal of Silver; 10.7907/G7TT-6X89
- Morrison, Milton Edward (1965) I. The Rate and Mechanism of the Air Oxidation of Parts-Per-Million Concentrations of Nitric Oxide. II. The Quantitative Determination of Parts-per-Million Quantities of Nitrogen Dioxide in Nitrogen, Oxygen, and up to 75 p.p.m. of Nitric Oxide by Electron-Capture Detection in Gas Chromatography; 10.7907/12M9-RH51
- Wang, Yui Loong (1963) One. Thermal Decomposition of n-Butane. Two. Flow in Entrance Section of Parallel Plates; 10.7907/FGRQ-9X11
- Sakaida, Roy Ryosuke (1960) I. A Study of the Catalytic Decomposition of Nitric Oxide. II. A Chromatographic Apparatus and Technique for the Analysis of Nitric Oxide in Nitrogen. III. Kinetics and Mechanism of the Air Oxidation of the Dithionite Ion (S₂0₄⁼) in Aqueous Solution; 10.7907/VQEV-BW35
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- Rinker, Robert Gene (1959) I. Studies in the Chemistry of Sodium Dithionite. Il. A Preliminary Study of the Catalyzed Addition of Hydrogen Chloride to Vinyl Chloride in a Stirred Reactor; 10.7907/VS2K-BE10
- Helfrey, Paul Francis (1957) I. Preliminary Studies in the Application of a Ballistic Piston to Investigation of Chemical Reaction in the Nitrogen-Oxygen System. II. Isobaric Heat Capacities at Bubble Point of Pseudocumene and of n-Heptane; 10.7907/0TX5-XZ31
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