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- Kabakow, Howard Arthur (1969) A Perturbation Procedure for Nonlinear Oscillations: The Dynamics of Two Oscillators with Weak Nonlinear Coupling; 10.7907/HXVR-7T87
- Bluman, George Wallace (1968) Construction of Solutions to Partial Differential Equations by the Use of Transformation Groups; 10.7907/X1E8-1E61
- Schmulian, Robert Jay (1968) Nearly Free Molecular Heat Transfer from a Sphere; 10.7907/KZ16-1X08
- Harstad, Kenneth Gunder (1967) Steady Laminar Compressible Magneto-Fluid-Dynamic Gas Flows in Channels.; 10.7907/5T8X-8S80
- Zien, Tse-Fou (1967) A Class of Three-Dimensional Optimum Wings in Hypersonic Flow; 10.7907/X1J8-JK85
- Grimes, Charles Kenneth (1964) Studies on the Propagation of Elastic Waves in Solid Media; 10.7907/EW57-KB61
- Bush, William B. (1964) On the Viscous Hypersonic Blunt-Body Problem; 10.7907/QCBK-ZD50
- Malmuth, Norman David (1962) Perturbations on Hypersonic Wedge Flow; 10.7907/KE9Q-XN81
- Narasimha, Roddam (1961) Some Flow Problems in Rarefied Gas Dynamics; 10.7907/1S8T-QA38
- Lynn, Yen-Mow (1961) Isentropic Plane Waves in Magnetohydrodynamics; 10.7907/K49C-2N76
- MacGillivray, Dean (1960) Motion of a Current Element Through a Fluid of Low Electrical Conductivity; 10.7907/B0AW-TR02
- Gourdine, Meredith Charles (1960) On Magnetohydrodynamic Flow over Solids; 10.7907/5AMT-CM66
- Stockmair, Wilfried (1959) Problems in Effusion; 10.7907/KH55-XN11
- Royce, Winston Walker (1959) Transonic Flow Over a Non-Lifting Slender Body of Revolution; 10.7907/NFVH-YH92
- Messiter, Arthur Frederic (1957) Expansion Procedures and Similarity Laws for Transonic Flow; 10.7907/4HK0-K279
- Shen, Yung-chung (1956) Similarity Solution for Transonic Flow Past a Cone; 10.7907/74PX-HS89
- Willmarth, William Walter (1954) The Lift of Thin Airfoils at High-Subsonic Speeds; 10.7907/DFFC-8041
- Solomon, George Edward (1953) Transonic Flow Past Cone-Cylinders; 10.7907/DE4W-ZJ43
- Wu, Theodore Yao-tsu (1952) On Problems of Heat Conduction in a Compressible Fluid; 10.7907/G8DW-K988