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- Levine, Paul Hersh (1963) Phase Space Formulation of the Quantum Many-Body Problem; 10.7907/2JYR-A438
- Helliwell, Thomas McCalfree (1963) The Nodal Boundary Condition Method : Wave Functions and Transition Probabilities for Atoms with Two Valence Electrons; 10.7907/MGYT-HF26
- Miller, Charles Robert (1962) On the Orientation of Dust Grains in Interstellar Space; 10.7907/9A8Q-2G27
- Engelbrecht, Christian Albertus (1962) Photoproduction of Neutral Pions in Complex Nuclei; 10.7907/W82V-D913
- Duck, Ian Morley (1961) Muon Capture in the Shell Model; 10.7907/VWWY-B590
- Kohler, Donald Alvin (1959) Observations on the Lifetimes of the 3.37-Mev 2⁺ State of Be¹⁰ and of the 6.14-Mev 3⁻ State of O¹⁶; 10.7907/ERYR-RC89
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- Kameny, Stanley Leonard (1955) The α-Particle model of O¹⁶; 10.7907/3044-7176
- Liberman, David Arthur (1955) 17.63 and 18.14 Mev States in Be⁸; 10.7907/GFQP-E623
- Speisman, Gerald (1955) The Neutron-Proton Mass Difference; 10.7907/SSHW-9C33
- Mills, William Raymond (1955) Absolute Measurements of Internal Conversion Coefficients; 10.7907/E32D-W195
- Woodruff, Truman Owen (1955) On the Orthogonalized Plane Wave Method for Calculating Energy Eigenvalues in a Periodic Potential; 10.7907/4BC1-0895
- Karzas, William James (1955) The Effects of Atomic Electrons on Nuclear Radiation; 10.7907/P9P1-C330
- Reynolds, Harlan Kendall (1953) The Proton Stopping Cross Section of Gases at Low Energies; 10.7907/XGRY-HH72
- İnönü, Erdal Ismet (1952) Interpretation of Large Ionization Bursts Observed at High Altitudes in High Pressure Chambers Under Thick Shields; 10.7907/4NYG-0E88
- Robbins, Howard Murray (1952) I. Retardation Corrections in the Helium Atom. II. Self Energy of an Electron in a Magnetic Field; 10.7907/0VR6-PP86
- Ruderman, Malvin Avram (1951) I. Electron Decay of the π-Meson. II. A Non-Linear Field Theory; 10.7907/XK5P-ZD23
- Woodbury, Eric John (1951) Capture Cross Section of C¹³ for Low Energy Protons; 10.7907/9KQX-4335
- Helstrom, Carl Wilhelm (1951) Production and Annihilation of Antiprotons; 10.7907/RCCV-Z308
- Day, Robert Briggs (1951) Angular Distributions of Some γ-rays Produced in Nuclear Reactions; 10.7907/mfsw-2m02
- O'Reilly, James Donald (1950) A Study of the Physical and Chemical Composition of Homogenous and Inhomogenous Models of the Sun; 10.7907/13JF-3147
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