Campbell, Ian
- Campbell, Richard Bradford (1959) The Texture, Origin, and Emplacement of the Granitic Rocks of Glenlyon Range, Yukon, Canada; 10.7907/HM6J-8Y76
- Smith, George Irving (1956) Geology and Petrology of the Lava Mountains, San Bernardino County, California; 10.7907/TC6X-QY59
- Rogers, John James William (1955) Textural Studies in Igneous Rocks near Twentynine Palms, California; 10.7907/A05M-NQ50
- Silver, Leon Theodore (1955) The Structure and Petrology of the Johnny Lyon Hills Area, Cochise County, Arizona; 10.7907/KSN8-HX15
- Potter, Donald Brandreth (1954) High Alumina Metamorphic Rocks of the Kings Mountain District, North Carolina and South Carolina; 10.7907/4PF2-GN68
- Kraut, Joseph (1954) A Study of the Molecular Properties of Rat-Tail Tendon Collagen and an Investigation of the Structure of Feather Keratin; 10.7907/710J-0K59
- Allingham, John Wing (1954) Metamorphism at the Contact of the Cable Stock, Montana; 10.7907/A9ME-5365
- Leighton, Freeman Beach (1952) Geology of the Vermiculite Deposits of the Gold Butte Mining District, Southern Virgin Mountains, Nevada. Ogives of the East Twin Glacier, Alaska: Their Nature and Origin. Investigations in the Taku Glacier Firn; 10.7907/ER20-ET85
- Barker, Fred (1952) The Coast Range Batholith Between Haines, Alaska and Bennett Lake, British Columbia; 10.7907/FAT7-BR23
- Hoppin, Richard Arthur (1951) The Geology of the Palen Mountains Gypsum Deposit, Riverside County, California. Oscillations in the Foraminifera of the Vicksburg Group from a Well in George County, Mississippi; 10.7907/39JR-ZS98
- Wright, Lauren Albert (1951) An Invertebrate Assemblage From the "Modelo" Formation of Reynier Canyon, Los Angeles, California. Geology and Origin of Talc Deposits of Eastern California; 10.7907/H7M7-2216
- Alexander, Joseph Brightwell (1950) Heavy Minerals of Certain Quartzites from Malaya: a Study in Differentiation and Correlation; 10.7907/5WW2-9A15
- Roddick, James Archibald (1950) Some Features of the Geology of the North Vancouver Area; 10.7907/0A68-6213
- Thomas, Blakemore Ewing (1949) Geology and Ore Deposits of the Wallapai District, Arizona; 10.7907/9T7Y-RG28
- Smith, Alexander (1947) I. Control of Ore by Primary Igneous Structures: Porcher Island, British Columbia. II. Structural Petrology: Crestmore, California. III. The Geochemistry and Paragenesis of the Ores of the Cactus Mine, Kern County, California; 10.7907/KJSR-8F29
- Pardee, Arthur Beck (1947) I. The Degree of Association of Some Simple Antigens. II. The Reactions of Synthetic Antigens with Specifically Purified Antibodies. III. The Size and Shape of Molecules of "A" Substance from Hog Gastric Mucin; 10.7907/9RYM-GG08
- Cebeci, Ahmet (1944) A Study of Quartz Deposits Near Highway Highlands, Los Angeles County, California; 10.7907/MFZR-NZ87
- Jahns, Richard Henry (1943) Tactite Rocks of the Iron Mountain District, Sierra and Socorro Counties, New Mexico. Stratigraphy of the Easternmost Ventura Basin, California, with a Description of a New Lower Miocene Mammalian Fauna from the Tick Canyon Formation; 10.7907/VGB7-WJ85
- Greenwood, Robert (1943) Geology of the Sugar Pine Area, Madera County, California; 10.7907/SWC4-F244
- Wallace, Robert Earl (1940) Volcanic Tuff Beds of the Mint Canyon Formation; 10.7907/RC14-TJ83
- Findlay, Willard Alexander (1940) Sources of Miocene Sediments in Southwestern San Joaquin Valley; 10.7907/SB5Z-K361
- Dreyer, Robert Marx (1939) The Geochemistry of Quicksilver Mineralization. Magnetometer Examination of the Monte Cristo Magnetite-Ilmenite Deposits; 10.7907/DYZ2-4H66
- Osborn, Elburt Franklin (1938) Micrometric and Petrofabric Studies of the Val Verde Tonalite, Southern California; 10.7907/P3AT-SF73
- Sklar, Maurice (1938) Petrology of the Volcanic Rocks of the Region Around Boulder Dam; 10.7907/3GPB-8K58
- Wells, John Cawse (1938) Petrology and Structure of the Crystal Lake Area, Los Angeles County, California; 10.7907/V9X4-FS83
- Putnam, William Clement (1937) The Geology of the Mono Craters, California; 10.7907/E8PG-SX27
- MacLellan, Donald Dominic (1936) The Geology of the East Coachella Tunnel of the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California. A San Diego Fauna in the Vicinity of Val Verde, California; 10.7907/9QW7-PZ45
- Chawner, William Donald (1934) The Montrose-La Crescenta (California) Flood of January 1, 1934, and its Sedimentary Aspects; 10.7907/F3ED-0V61