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Wang, Stephanie W. and Camerer, Colin F. (2024) Allocators are more prosocial when affected agents can visually eavesdrop ; Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization; Vol. 228; 106772; 10.1016/j.jebo.2024.106772
Holzmeister, Felix and Johannesson, Magnus, el al. (2024) Examining the replicability of online experiments selected by a decision market ; Nature Human Behaviour; 1-15; 10.1038/s41562-024-02062-9
Chapman, Jonathan and Snowberg, Erik, el al. (2024) Looming Large or Seeming Small? Attitudes Towards Losses in a Representative Sample ; Review of Economic Studies; 10.1093/restud/rdae093
Brown, Alexander L. and Imai, Taisuke, el al. (2024) Meta-analysis of Empirical Estimates of Loss Aversion ; Journal of Economic Literature; Vol. 62; No. 2; 485-516; 10.1257/jel.20221698
Camerer, Colin and Xin, Yi, el al. (2024) A neural autopilot theory of habit: Evidence from consumer purchases and social media use ; Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior; Vol. 121; No. 1; 108-122; 10.1002/jeab.897
Buyalskaya, Anastasia and Ho, Hung, el al. (2023) What can machine learning teach us about habit formation? Evidence from exercise and hygiene ; Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America; Vol. 120; No. 17; Art. No. e2216115120; PMCID PMC10151500; 10.1073/pnas.2216115120
Camerer, Colin F. (2022) The apparent prevalence of outcome variation from hidden "dark methods" is a challenge for social science ; Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America; Vol. 119; No. 52; Art. No. e2216020119; PMCID PMC9907138; 10.1073/pnas.2216020119
Yang, Ruihan and Ma, Yina, el al. (2022) Dynamic neural reconfiguration for distinct strategies during competitive social interactions ; NeuroImage; Vol. 263; Art. No. 119585; 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2022.119585
Li, Xiaomin and Camerer, Colin F. (2022) Predictable Effects of Visual Salience in Experimental Decisions and Games ; Quarterly Journal of Economics; Vol. 137; No. 3; 1849-1900; 10.1093/qje/qjac025
Tashjian, Sarah M. and Fedrigo, Virginia, el al. (2022) Physiological Responses to a Haunted-House Threat Experience: Distinct Tonic and Phasic Effects ; Psychological Science; Vol. 33; No. 2; 236-248; 10.1177/09567976211032231
Milkman, Katherine L. and Gromet, Dena, el al. (2021) Megastudies improve the impact of applied behavioural science ; Nature; Vol. 600; No. 7889; 478-483; PMCID PMC8822539; 10.1038/s41586-021-04128-4
Linardi, Sera and Camerer, Colin (2021) Worker-firm relational contracts in the time of shutdowns: experimental evidence ; Experimental Economics; Vol. 24; No. 4; 1267-1293; PMCID PMC7883973; 10.1007/s10683-020-09697-1
Camerer, Colin F. and Li, Xiaomin (2021) Neural autopilot and context-sensitivity of habits ; Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences; Vol. 41; 185-190; 10.1016/j.cobeha.2021.07.002
Imai, Taisuke and Rutter, Tom A., el al. (2021) Meta-Analysis of Present-Bias Estimation using Convex Time Budgets ; Economic Journal; Vol. 131; No. 636; 1788-1814; 10.1093/ej/ueaa115
Mi, Qingtian and Wang, Cong, el al. (2021) Reading between the lines: Listener's vmPFC simulates speaker cooperative choices in communication games ; Science Advances; Vol. 7; No. 10; Art. No. eabe6276; PMCID PMC7929509; 10.1126/sciadv.abe6276
Buyalskaya, Anastasia and Gallo, Marcos, el al. (2021) The golden age of social science ; Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America; Vol. 118; No. 5; Art. No. e2002923118; PMCID PMC7865154; 10.1073/pnas.2002923118
Buyalskaya, Anastasia and Camerer, Colin F. (2020) The neuroeconomics of epistemic curiosity ; Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences; Vol. 35; 141-149; 10.1016/j.cobeha.2020.09.006
Lin, Po-Hsuan and Brown, Alexander L., el al. (2020) Evidence of general economic principles of bargaining and trade from 2,000 classroom experiments ; Nature Human Behaviour; Vol. 4; No. 9; 917-927; 10.1038/s41562-020-0916-8
Nave, Gideon and Daviet, Remi, el al. (2020) Reflecting on the Evidence: A Reply to Knight, McShane, et al. (2020) ; Psychological Science; Vol. 31; No. 7; 898-900; 10.1177/0956797620930966
Botvinik-Nezer, Rotem and Camerer, Colin F. (2020) Variability in the analysis of a single neuroimaging dataset by many teams ; Nature; Vol. 582; No. 7810; 84-88; 10.1038/s41586-020-2314-9
Altmejd, Adam and Dreber, Anna, el al. (2019) Predicting the replicability of social science lab experiments ; PLoS ONE; Vol. 14; No. 12; Art. No. e0225826; PMCID PMC6894796; 10.1371/journal.pone.0225826
Nadler, Amos and Camerer, Colin F., el al. (2019) Does testosterone impair men's cognitive empathy? Evidence from two large-scale randomized controlled trials ; Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological Sciences; Vol. 286; No. 1910; Art. No. 20191062; PMCID PMC6742992; 10.1098/rspb.2019.1062
Botvinik-Nezer, Rotem and Iwanir, Roni, el al. (2019) fMRI data of mixed gambles from the Neuroimaging Analysis Replication and Prediction Study ; Scientific Data; Vol. 6; Art. No. 106; PMCID PMC6602933; 10.1038/s41597-019-0113-7
Camerer, Colin F. and Nave, Gideon, el al. (2019) Dynamic Unstructured Bargaining with Private Information: Theory, Experiment, and Outcome Prediction via Machine Learning ; Management Science; Vol. 65; No. 4; 1867-1890; 10.1287/mnsc.2017.2965
Reutskaja, Elena and Lindner, Axel, el al. (2018) Choice overload reduces neural signatures of choice set value in dorsal striatum and anterior cingulate cortex ; Nature Human Behaviour; Vol. 2; No. 12; 925-935; 10.1038/s41562-018-0440-2
Camerer, Colin F. and Dreber, Anna, el al. (2018) Evaluating the replicability of social science experiments in Nature and Science between 2010 and 2015 ; Nature Human Behaviour; Vol. 2; No. 9; 637-644; 10.1038/s41562-018-0399-z
Ring, Patrick and Probst, Catharina C., el al. (2018) It's all about gains: Risk preferences in problem gambling ; Journal of Experimental Psychology: General; Vol. 147; No. 8; 1241-1255; 10.1037/xge0000418
Nave, G. and Nadler, A., el al. (2018) Single-dose testosterone administration increases men's preference for status goods ; Nature Communications; Vol. 9; Art. No. 2433; PMCID PMC6030157; 10.1038/s41467-018-04923-0
Kang, Min Jeong and Camerer, Colin (2018) Measured Anxiety Affects Choices in Experimental "Clock" Games ; Research in Economics; Vol. 72; No. 1; 49-64; 10.1016/j.rie.2017.02.002
Qi, Song and Footer, Owen, el al. (2018) A collaborator's reputation can bias decisions and anxiety under uncertainty ; Journal of Neuroscience; Vol. 38; No. 9; 2262-2269; PMCID PMC5830514; 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2337-17.2018
Benjamin, Daniel J. and Camerer, Colin (2018) Redefine statistical significance ; Nature Human Behaviour; Vol. 2; No. 1; 6-10; 10.1038/s41562-017-0189-z
Nave, Gideon and Nadler, Amos, el al. (2017) Single dose testosterone administration impairs cognitive reflection in men ; Psychological Science; Vol. 28; No. 10; 1398-1407; 10.1177/0956797617709592
Camerer, Colin and Mobbs, Dean (2017) Differences in Behavior and Brain Activity during Hypothetical and Real Choices ; Trends in Cognitive Sciences; Vol. 21; No. 1; 46-56; PMCID PMC7769501; 10.1016/j.tics.2016.11.001
Krajbich, Ian and Camerer, Colin, el al. (2017) Exploring the scope of neurometrically informed mechanism design ; Games and Economic Behavior; Vol. 101; 49-62; 10.1016/j.geb.2016.05.001
Frydman, Cary and Camerer, Colin (2016) Neural Evidence of Regret and Its Implications for Investor Behavior ; Review of Financial Studies; Vol. 29; No. 11; 3108-3139; 10.1093/rfs/hhw010
Fujino, Junya and Fujimoto, Shinsuke, el al. (2016) Neural mechanisms and personality correlates of the sunk cost effect ; Scientific Reports; Vol. 6; Art. No. 33171; PMCID PMC5017311; 10.1038/srep33171
Frydman, Cary and Camerer, Colin F. (2016) The Psychology and Neuroscience of Financial Decision Making ; Trends in Cognitive Sciences; Vol. 20; No. 9; 661-675; 10.1016/j.tics.2016.07.003
Chong, Juin-Kuan and Ho, Teck-Hua, el al. (2016) A generalized cognitive hierarchy model of games ; Games and Economic Behavior; Vol. 99; 257-274; 10.1016/j.geb.2016.08.007
Tanaka, Tomomi and Camerer, Colin F. (2016) Trait perceptions influence economic out-group bias: lab and field evidence from Vietnam ; Experimental Economics; Vol. 19; No. 3; 513-534; 10.1007/s10683-015-9452-1
Camerer, Colin and Nunnari, Salvatore, el al. (2016) Quantal response and nonequilibrium beliefs explain overbidding in maximum-value auctions ; Games and Economic Behavior; Vol. 98; 243-263; 10.1016/j.geb.2016.06.009
Camerer, Colin F. and Dreber, Anna, el al. (2016) Evaluating replicability of laboratory experiments in economics ; Science; Vol. 351; No. 6280; 1433-1436; 10.1126/science.aaf0918
Brunnlieb, Claudia and Nave, Gideon, el al. (2016) Vasopressin increases human risky cooperative behavior ; Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America; Vol. 113; No. 8; 2051-2056; PMCID PMC4776476; 10.1073/pnas.1518825113
Nave, Gideon and Camerer, Colin, el al. (2015) Does Oxytocin Increase Trust in Humans? A Critical Review of Research ; Perspectives on Psychological Science; Vol. 10; No. 6; 772-789; 10.1177/1745691615600138
Camerer, Colin and Yoon, Carolyn (2015) Introduction to the Journal of Marketing Research Special Issue on Neuroscience and Marketing ; Journal of Marketing Research; Vol. 52; No. 4; 423-426; 10.1509/0022-2437-52.4.423
Sokol-Hessner, Peter and Lackovic, Sandra F., el al. (2015) Determinants of Propranolol's Selective Effect on Loss Aversion ; Psychological Science; Vol. 26; No. 7; 1123-1130; PMCID PMC4504802; 10.1177/0956797615582026
Carlson, Kyle and Kim, Joshua, el al. (2015) Bankruptcy Rates among NFL Players with Short-Lived Income Spikes ; American Economic Review; Vol. 105; No. 5; 381-384; 10.1257/aer.p20151038
van Dolder, Dennie and van den Assem, Martijn J., el al. (2015) Standing United or Falling Divided? High Stakes Bargaining in a TV Game Show ; American Economic Review; Vol. 105; No. 5; 402-407; 10.1257/aer.p20151017
Ray, Debajyoti and Camerer, Colin F., el al. (2015) Loss Aversion in Post-Sale Purchases of Consumer Products and Their Substitutes ; American Economic Review; Vol. 105; No. 5; 376-380; 10.1257/aer.p20151037
Camerer, Colin F. (2014) Behavioral economics ; Current Biology; Vol. 24; No. 18; R867-R871; 10.1016/j.cub.2014.07.040
Smith, Alec and Lohrenz, Terry, el al. (2014) Irrational exuberance and neural crash warning signals during endogenous experimental market bubbles ; Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America; Vol. 111; No. 29; 10503-10508; PMCID PMC4115519; 10.1073/pnas.1318416111
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Frydman, Cary and Barberis, Nicholas, el al. (2014) Using Neural Data to Test a Theory of Investor Behavior: An Application to Realization Utility ; Journal of Finance; Vol. 69; No. 2; 907-946; PMCID PMC4357577; 10.1111/jofi.12126
Miguel, E. and Camerer, C., el al. (2014) Promoting Transparency in Social Science Research ; Science; Vol. 343; No. 6166; 30-31; PMCID PMC4103621; 10.1126/science.1245317
Camerer, Colin F. (2013) A Review Essay about Foundations of Neuroeconomic Analysis by Paul Glimcher ; Journal of Economic Literature; Vol. 51; No. 4; 1155-1182; 10.1257/jel.51.4.1155
De Martino, Benedetto and O'Doherty, John P., el al. (2013) In the Mind of the Market: Theory of Mind Biases Value Computation during Financial Bubbles ; Neuron; Vol. 79; No. 6; 1222-1231; PMCID PMC3781325; 10.1016/j.neuron.2013.07.003
Sonnemann, Ulrich and Camerer, Colin F., el al. (2013) How psychological framing affects economic market prices in the lab and field ; Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America; Vol. 110; No. 29; 11779-11784; PMCID PMC3718178; 10.1073/pnas.1206326110
Kang, Min J. and Camerer, Colin F. (2013) fMRI evidence of a hot-cold empathy gap in hypothetical and real aversive choices ; Frontiers in Neuroscience; Vol. 7; Art. No. 104; PMCID PMC3677130; 10.3389/fnins.2013.00104
Camerer, Colin F. (2013) Goals, Methods, and Progress in Neuroeconomics ; Annual Review of Economics; Vol. 5; 425-455; 10.1146/annurev-economics-082012-123040
Brown, Alexander L. and Camerer, Colin F., el al. (2013) Estimating Structural Models of Equilibrium and Cognitive Hierarchy Thinking in the Field: The Case of Withheld Movie Critic Reviews ; Management Science; Vol. 59; No. 3; 733-747; 10.1287/mnsc.1120.1563
Camerer, Colin and Smith, Alec, el al. (2013) Correspondence: Are Cognitive Functions Localizable? Colin Camerer et al. versus Marieke van Rooij and John G. Holden ; Journal of Economic Perspectives; Vol. 27; No. 2; 247-250; 10.1257/jep.27.2.247
Camerer, Colin F. (2013) Experimental, cultural, and neural evidence of
deliberate prosociality ; Trends in Cognitive Sciences; Vol. 17; No. 3; 106-108; 10.1016/j.tics.2013.01.009
Janowski, Vanessa and Camerer, Colin, el al. (2013) Empathic choice involves vmPFC value signals that are
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Yamada, Makiko and Camerer, Colin F., el al. (2012) Neural circuits in the brain that are activated when mitigating criminal sentences ; Nature Communications; Vol. 3; Art. No. 759; PMCID PMC3316876; 10.1038/ncomms1757
Sokol-Hessner, Peter and Camerer, Colin F., el al. (2012) Emotion regulation reduces loss aversion and decreases amygdala responses to losses ; Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience; Vol. 8; No. 3; 341-350; PMCID PMC3594725; 10.1093/scan/nss002
Henrich, Joseph and Boyd, Robert, el al. (2012) Culture does account for variation in game behavior ; Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America; Vol. 109; No. 2; E32-E33; PMCID PMC3258588; 10.1073/pnas.1118607109
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Frydman, Cary and Camerer, Colin F., el al. (2011) MAOA-L carriers are better at making optimal financial decisions under risk ; Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological Sciences; Vol. 278; No. 1714; 2053-2059; PMCID PMC3107654; 10.1098/rspb.2010.2304
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Brunner, Christoph and Camerer, Colin F., el al. (2011) Stationary Concepts for Experimental 2 X 2 Games: Comment ; American Economic Review; Vol. 101; No. 2; 1029-1040; 10.1257/aer.101.2.1029
Kang, Min Jeong and Rangel, Antonio, el al. (2011) Hypothetical and Real Choice Differentially Activate Common Valuation Areas ; Journal of Neuroscience; Vol. 31; No. 2; 461-468; PMCID PMC6623437; 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1583-10.2011
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Camerer, Colin F. (2010) Removing financial incentives demotivates the brain ; Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America; Vol. 107; No. 49; 20849-20850; PMCID PMC3000278; 10.1073/pnas.1016108107
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Feiler, Lauren and Camerer, Colin F. (2010) Code Creation in Endogenous Merger Experiments ; Economic Inquiry; Vol. 48; No. 2; 337-352; 10.1111/j.1465-7295.2009.00200.x
Tanaka, Tomomi and Camerer, Colin F., el al. (2010) Risk and Time Preferences: Linking Experimental and Household Survey Data from Vietnam ; American Economic Review; Vol. 100; No. 1; 557-571; 10.1257/aer.100.1.557
Tricomi, Elizabeth and Rangel, Antonio, el al. (2010) Neural evidence for inequality-averse social preferences ; Nature; Vol. 463; No. 7284; 1089-1092; 10.1038/nature08785
De Martino, Benedetto and Camerer, Colin F., el al. (2010) Amygdala damage eliminates monetary loss aversion ; Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America; Vol. 107; No. 8; 3788-3792; PMCID PMC2840433; 10.1073/pnas.0910230107
Hare, Todd A. and Camerer, Colin F., el al. (2010) Value Computations in Ventral Medial Prefrontal Cortex during Charitable Decision Making Incorporate Input from Regions Involved in Social Cognition ; Journal of Neuroscience; Vol. 30; No. 20; 583-590; PMCID PMC6633003; 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.4089-09.2010
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Krajbich, Ian and Camerer, Colin, el al. (2009) Using Neural Measures of Economic Value to Solve the Public Goods Free-Rider Problem ; Science; Vol. 326; No. 5952; 596-599; 10.1126/science.1177302
Kang, Min Jeong and Hsu, Ming, el al. (2009) The Wick in the Candle of Learning: Epistemic Curiosity Activates Reward Circuitry and Enhances Memory ; Psychological Science; Vol. 20; No. 8; 963-973; 10.1111/j.1467-9280.2009.02402.x
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Hare, Todd A. and Camerer, Colin F., el al. (2009) Self-control in decision-making involves modulation of the vmPFC valuation system ; Science; Vol. 324; No. 5927; 646-648; 10.1126/science.1168450
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Krajbich, Ian and Adolphs, Ralph, el al. (2009) Economic Games Quantify Diminished Sense of Guilt in Patients with Damage to the Prefrontal Cortex ; Journal of Neuroscience; Vol. 29; No. 7; 2188-2192; PMCID PMC2646169; 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.5086-08.2009
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Camerer, Colin F. (2008) The potential of neuroeconomics ; Economics and Philosophy; Vol. 24; No. 3; 369-379; 10.1017/S0266267108002022
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Camerer, Colin F. (2007) Neuroeconomics: Using Neuroscience to Make Economic Predictions ; Economic Journal; Vol. 117; No. 519; C26-C42; 10.1111/j.1468-0297.2007.02033.x
Ho, Teck H. and Camerer, Colin F., el al. (2007) Self-tuning experience weighted attraction learning in games ; Journal of Economic Theory; Vol. 133; No. 1; 177-198; 10.1016/j.jet.2005.12.008
Camerer, Colin F. (2006) Wanting, Liking, and Learning: Neuroscience and Paternalism ; University of Chicago Law Review; Vol. 73; No. 1; 87-110
Weber, Roberto A. and Camerer, Colin F. (2006) "Behavioral experiments" in economics ; Experimental Economics; Vol. 9; No. 3; 187-192; 10.1007/s10683-006-9121-5
Ho, Teck H. and Lim, Noah, el al. (2006) How "Psychological" Should Economic and Marketing Models Be? ; Journal of Marketing Research; Vol. 43; No. 3; 341-344; 10.1509/jmkr.43.3.341
Tomlin, Damon and Kayali, M. Amin, el al. (2006) Agent-Specific Responses in the Cingulate Cortex During Economic Exchanges ; Science; Vol. 312; No. 5776; 1047-1050; 10.1126/science.1125596
Chong, Juin-Kuan and Camerer, Colin F., el al. (2006) A learning-based model of repeated games with incomplete information ; Games and Economic Behavior; Vol. 55; No. 2; 340-371; 10.1016/j.geb.2005.03.009
Camerer, Colin F. and Fehr, Ernst (2006) When Does "Economic Man" Dominate Social Behavior? ; Science; Vol. 311; No. 5757; 47-52; 10.1126/science.1110600
Hsu, Ming and Bhatt, Meghana, el al. (2005) Neural Systems Responding to Degrees of Uncertainty in Human Decision-Making ; Science; Vol. 310; No. 5754; 1680-1683; 10.1126/science.1115327
Henrich, Joseph and Boyd, Robert, el al. (2005) "Economic man" in cross-cultural perspective: Behavioral experiments in 15 small-scale societies ; Behavioral and Brain Sciences; Vol. 28; No. 6; 795-855; 10.1017/S0140525X05000142
Kovalchik, Stephanie and Camerer, Colin F., el al. (2005) Aging and decision making: a comparison between neurologically healthy elderly and young individuals ; Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization; Vol. 58; No. 1; 79-94; 10.1016/j.jebo.2003.12.001
Bhatt, Meghana and Camerer, Colin F. (2005) Self-referential thinking and equilibrium as states of mind in games: fMRI evidence ; Games and Economic Behavior; Vol. 52; No. 2; 424-459; 10.1016/j.geb.2005.03.007
Ashraf, Nava and Camerer, Colin F., el al. (2005) Adam Smith, Behavioral Economist ; Journal of Economic Perspectives; Vol. 19; No. 3; 131-145; 10.1257/089533005774357897
Camerer, Colin F. (2005) Three Cheers — Psychological, Theoretical, Empirical — for Loss Aversion ; Journal of Marketing Research; Vol. 42; No. 2; 129-133; 10.1509/jmkr.
King-Casas, Brooks and Tomlin, Damon, el al. (2005) Getting to Know You: Reputation and Trust in a Two-Person Economic Exchange ; Science; Vol. 308; No. 5718; 78-83; 10.1126/science.1108062
Camerer, Colin and Loewenstein, George, el al. (2005) Neuroeconomics: How Neuroscience Can Inform Economics ; Journal of Economic Literature; Vol. 43; No. 1; 9-64; 10.1257/0022051053737843
Camerer, Colin F. and Loewenstein, George, el al. (2004) Neuroeconomia, that is as the neuroscienze can give new forms the economy ; Sistemi Intelligenti; Vol. 16; No. 3; 337-418; 10.1422/18685
Camerer, Colin F. and Ho, Teck-Hua, el al. (2004) A cognitive hierarchy model of games ; Quarterly Journal of Economics; Vol. 119; No. 3; 861-898; 10.1162/0033553041502225
Weber, Roberto A. and Camerer, Colin F., el al. (2004) Timing and Virtual Observability in Ultimatum Bargaining and "Weak Link" Coordination Games ; Experimental Economics; Vol. 7; No. 1; 25-48; 10.1023/A:1026257921046
Camerer, Colin F. and Blinder, Alan S., el al. (2004) The Behavioral challenge to economics ; New England Economic Review; No. 1; 10-14
Camerer, Colin F. and Loewenstein, George, el al. (2004) Neuroeconomics: Why Economics Needs Brains ; Scandinavian Journal of Economics; Vol. 106; No. 3; 555-579
Camerer, Colin F. (2003) Strategizing in the Brain ; Science; Vol. 300; No. 5626; 1673-1675; 10.1126/science.1086215
Camerer, Colin F. and Thaler, Richard H. (2003) In Honor of Matthew Rabin: Winner of the John Bates Clark Medal ; Journal of Economic Perspectives; Vol. 17; No. 3; 159-176; 10.1257/089533003769204407
Camerer, Colin F. (2003) Behavioural studies of strategic thinking in games ; Trends in Cognitive Sciences; Vol. 7; No. 5; 225-231; 10.1016/S1364-6613(03)00094-9
Camerer, Colin F. and Ho, Teck-Hua, el al. (2003) Models of thinking, learning, and teaching in games ; American Economic Review; Vol. 67; No. 2; 265-286; 10.1257/000282803321947038
Weber, Roberto A. and Camerer, Colin F. (2003) Cultural Conflict and Merger Failure: An Experimental Approach ; Management Science; Vol. 49; No. 4; 400-415; 10.1287/mnsc.49.4.400.14430
Camerer, Colin F. (2003) Behavioral game theory: Plausible formal models that predict accurately ; Behavioral and Brain Sciences; Vol. 26; No. 2; 157-158; 10.1017/S0140525X03260052
Camerer, Colin and Issacharoff, Samuel, el al. (2003) Regulation for Conservatives: Behavioral Economics and the Case for "Asymmetric Paternalism" ; University of Pennsylvania Law Review; Vol. 151; No. 3; 1211-1254
Camerer, Colin F. and Ho, Teck-Hua, el al. (2002) Sophisticated Experience-Weighted Attraction Learning and Strategic Teaching in Repeated Games ; Journal of Economic Theory; Vol. 104; No. 1; 137-188; 10.1006/jeth.2002.2927
Johnson, Eric J. and Camerer, Colin, el al. (2002) Detecting Failures of Backward Induction: Monitoring Information Search in Sequential Bargaining ; Journal of Economic Theory; Vol. 104; No. 1; 16-47; 10.1006/jeth.2001.2850
Weber, Roberto and Camerer, Colin F., el al. (2001) The Illusion of Leadership: Misattribution of Cause in Coordination Games ; Organization Science; Vol. 12; No. 5; 582-598; 10.1287/orsc.12.5.582.10090
Henrich, Joseph and Boyd, Robert, el al. (2001) In Search of Homo Economicus: Behavioral Experiments in 15 Small-Scale Societies ; American Economic Review; Vol. 91; No. 2; 73-78
Anderson, Christopher M. and Camerer, Colin F. (2000) Experience-weighted attraction learning in sender-receiver signaling games ; Economic Theory; Vol. 16; No. 3; 689-718; 10.1007/PL00020948
Knez, Marc and Camerer, Colin (2000) Increasing Cooperation in Prisoner's Dilemmas by Establishing a Precedent of Efficiency in Coordination Games ; Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes; Vol. 82; No. 2; 194-216; 10.1006/obhd.2000.2882
Camerer, Colin F. and Hogarth, Robin M. (1999) The Effects of Financial Incentives in Experiments: A Review and Capital-Labor-Production Framework ; Journal of Risk and Uncertainty; Vol. 19; No. 1-3; 7-42; 10.1023/A:1007850605129
Camerer, Colin (1999) Behavioral economics: Reunifying psychology and economics ; Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America; Vol. 96; No. 19; 10575-10577; PMCID PMC33745; 10.1073/pnas.96.19.10575
Camerer, Colin F. and Ho, Teck Hua (1999) Experience-weighted Attraction Learning in Normal Form Games ; Econometrica; Vol. 67; No. 4; 827-874; 10.1111/1468-0262.00054
Camerer, Colin F. and Weber, Roberto A. (1999) The econometrics and behavioral economics of escalation of commitment: a re-examination of Staw and Hoang's NBA data ; Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization; Vol. 39; No. 1; 59-82; 10.1016/S0167-2681(99)00026-8
Camerer, Colin F. (1999) Rappresentazione mentale dei giochi: Framing e editing ; Sistemi Intelligenti; Vol. 11; No. 1; 113-143
Camerer, Colin F. and Lovallo, Dan (1999) Overconfidence and Excess Entry: An Experimental Approach ; American Economic Review; Vol. 89; No. 1; 306-318
Ho, Teck-Hua and Camerer, Colin F., el al. (1998) Iterated dominance and iterated best response in experimental "p-beauty contests" ; American Economic Review; Vol. 88; No. 4; 947-969
Rousseau, Denise M. and Sitkin, Sim B., el al. (1998) Not so different after all: A cross-discipline view of trust ; Academy of Management Review; Vol. 23; No. 3; 393-404
Camerer, Colin F. (1998) Can Asset Markets Be Manipulated? A Field Experiment With Racetrack Betting ; Journal of Political Economy; Vol. 106; No. 3; 457-482; 10.1086/250018
Camerer, Colin F. and Ho, Teck-Hua (1998) Experience-Weighted Attraction Learning in Coordination Games: Probability Rules, Heterogeneity, and Time-Variation ; Journal of Mathematical Psychology; Vol. 42; No. 2-3; 305-326; 10.1006/jmps.1998.1217
Weber, Martin and Camerer, Colin F. (1998) The disposition effect in securities trading: an experimental analysis ; Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization; Vol. 33; No. 2; 167-184; 10.1016/S0167-2681(97)00089-9
Camerer, Colin and Weigelt, Keith (1998) Experimental Tests of a Sequential Equilibrium Reputation Model ; Econometrica; Vol. 56; No. 1; 1-36
Camerer, Colin F. (1998) Bounded Rationality in Individual Decision Making ; Experimental Economics; Vol. 1; No. 2; 163-183; 10.1007/BF01669302
Rousseau, Denise M. and Sitkin, Sim B., el al. (1998) Not So Different After All: A Cross-Discipline View of Trust ; Academy of Management Review; Vol. 23; No. 3; 393-404
Camerer, Colin F. (1997) Progress in Behavioral Game Theory ; Journal of Economic Perspectives; Vol. 11; No. 4; 167-188
Camerer, Colin F. and Babcock, Linda, el al. (1997) Labor Supply of New York City Cabdrivers: One Day at a Time ; Quarterly Journal of Economics; Vol. 112; No. 2; 407-441; 10.1162/003355397555244
Camerer, Colin F. (1997) Taxi Drivers and Beauty Contests ; Engineering and Science; Vol. 60; No. 1; 10-19
Cachon, Gérard P. and Camerer, Colin F. (1996) Loss-Avoidance and Forward Induction in Experimental Coordination Games ; Quarterly Journal of Economics; Vol. 111; No. 1; 165-194; 10.2307/2946661
Camerer, Colin F. and Knez, Marc (1996) Coordination, Organizational Boundaries and Fads in Business Practices ; Industrial and Corporate Change; Vol. 5; No. 1; 89-112; 10.1093/icc/5.1.89
Babcock, Linda and Loewenstein, George, el al. (1995) Biased Judgments of Fairness in Bargaining ; American Economic Review; Vol. 85; No. 5; 1337-1343
Knez, Marc J. and Camerer, Colin F. (1995) Outside Options and Social Comparison in Three-Player Ultimatum Game Experiments ; Games and Economic Behavior; Vol. 10; No. 1; 65-94; 10.1006/game.1995.1025
Harless, David W. and Camerer, Colin F. (1995) An error rate analysis of experimental data
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Camerer, Colin F. and Thaler, Richard H. (1995) Anomalies: Ultimatums, Dictators and Manners ; Journal of Economic Perspectives; Vol. 9; No. 2; 209-219
Harless, David W. and Camerer, Colin F. (1994) The Predictive Utility of Generalized Expected Utility Theories ; Econometrica; Vol. 62; No. 6; 1251-1289
Camerer, Colin F. and Ho, Teck-Hua (1994) Violations of the betweenness axiom and nonlinearity in probability ; Journal of Risk and Uncertainty; Vol. 8; No. 2; 167-196; 10.1007/BF01065371
Banks, Jeffrey and Camerer, Colin F., el al. (1994) An Experimental Analysis of Nash Refinements in Signaling Games ; Games and Economic Behavior; Vol. 6; No. 1; 1-31; 10.1006/game.1994.1001
Knez, Marc and Camerer, Colin (1994) Creating Expectational Assets in the Laboratory: Coordination in 'Weakest- Link' Games ; Strategic Management Journal; Vol. 15; No. S1; 101-119; 10.1002/smj.4250150908
Camerer, Colin and Kunreuther, Howard (1993) Making Decisions About Liability and Insurance: Editors' Comments ; Journal of Risk and Uncertainty; Vol. 7; No. 1; 5-15; 10.1007/BF01065311
Loewenstein, George and Issacharoff, Samuel, el al. (1993) Self-Serving Assessments of Fairness and Pretrial Bargaining ; Journal of Legal Studies; Vol. 22; No. 1; 135-159
Heath, Chip and Knez, Marc, el al. (1993) The Strategic Management of the Entitlement Process in the Employment Relationship ; Strategic Management Journal; Vol. 14; No. S2; 75-93; 10.1002/smj.4250141008
Camerer, Colin and Weber, Martin (1992) Recent developments in modeling preferences: Uncertainty and ambiguity ; Journal of Risk and Uncertainty; Vol. 5; No. 4; 325-370; 10.1007/BF00122575
Camerer, Colin (1992) The Rationality of Prices and Volume in Experimental Markets ; Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes; Vol. 51; No. 2; 237-272; 10.1016/0749-5978(92)90013-W
Weber, Martin and Camerer, Colin F. (1992) Ein Experiment zum Anlegerverhalten ; Schmalenbachs Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung; Vol. 44; 131-148
Weigelt, Keith and Camerer, Colin F., el al. (1992) The Use of Experimental Economics in Strategy Research ; Advances in Strategic Management; Vol. 8; 163-200
Camerer, Colin F. (1991) Does Strategy Research Need Game Theory? ; Strategic Management Journal; Vol. 12; No. S2; 137-152; 10.1002/smj.4250121010
Camerer, Colin and Weigelt, Keith (1991) Information Mirages in Experimental Asset Markets ; Journal of Business; Vol. 64; No. 4; 463-493
Camerer, Colin F. (1991) Book Review: Judgment and Decision Making, J. Frank Yates. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice-Hall inc. 1990 ; Journal of Behavioral Decision Making; Vol. 4; No. 1; 76-78; 10.1002/bdm.3960040107
Camerer, Colin F. (1990) Comment on Noll and Krier, "Some Implications of Cognitive Psychology for Risk Regulation" ; Journal of Legal Studies; Vol. 19; No. 2; 791-799
Camerer, Colin F. (1990) Comment on Noll and Krier, "Some Implications of Cognitive Psychology for Risk Regulation" ; Journal of Legal Studies; Vol. 19; No. 2; 791-799
Camerer, Colin F. (1989) Does the Basketball Market Believe in the 'Hot Hand,'? ; American Economic Review; Vol. 79; No. 5; 1257-1261
Camerer, Colin and Loewenstein, George, el al. (1989) The Curse of Knowledge in Economic Settings: An Experimental Analysis ; Journal of Political Economy; Vol. 97; No. 5; 1232-1254
Camerer, Colin F. and Kunreuther, Howard (1989) Decision Processes for Low Probability Events: Policy Implications ; Journal of Policy Analysis and Management; Vol. 8; No. 4; 565-592; 10.2307/3325045
Camerer, Colin and Kunreuther, Howard (1989) Experimental Markets for Insurance ; Journal of Risk and Uncertainty; Vol. 2; No. 3; 265-300; 10.1007/BF00209390
Camerer, Colin F. (1989) An Experimental Test of Several Generalized Utility Theories ; Journal of Risk and Uncertainty; Vol. 2; No. 1; 61-104; 10.1007/BF00055711
Camerer, Colin (1989) Bubbles and Fads in Asset Prices ; Journal of Economic Surveys; Vol. 3; No. 1; 3-41; 10.1111/j.1467-6419.1989.tb00056.x
Camerer, Colin F. (1988) Taking Risks: The Management of Uncertainty ; Administrative Science Quarterly; Vol. 33; No. 4; 638-640
Camerer, Colin F. (1988) Book Review: Taking Risks: The Management of Uncertainty ; Administrative Science Quarterly; Vol. 33; No. 4; 638-640
Weigelt, Keith and Camerer, Colin (1988) Reputation and Corporate Strategy: A Review of Recent Theory and Applications ; Strategic Management Journal; Vol. 9; No. 5; 443-454; 10.1002/smj.4250090505
Camerer, Colin (1988) Illusory Correlations in Perceptions and
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Camerer, Colin F. and Vepsalainen, Ari (1988) The Economic Efficiency of Corporate Culture ; Strategic Management Journal; Vol. 9; No. S1; 115-126; 10.1002/smj.4250090712/
Camerer, Colin (1988) Gifts as Economic Signals and Social Symbols ; American Journal of Sociology; Vol. 94; No. Supple; S180-S214
Camerer, Colin F. (1987) Do Biases in Probability Judgment Matter in Markets? Experimental Evidence ; American Economic Review; Vol. 77; No. 5; 981-997
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Camerer, Colin (1985) Redirecting Research in Business Policy and Strategy ; Strategic Management Journal; Vol. 6; No. 1; 1-15; 10.1002/smj.4250060102
Camerer, Colin (1982) The Pricing and Social Value of Commodity Options ; Financial Analysts Journal; Vol. 38; No. 1; 62-66; 10.2469/faj.v38.n1.62
Camerer, Colin (1981) General Conditions for the Success of
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