Burnett, Donald
Heber, Veronika S. and McKeegan, Kevin D., el al. (2021) Elemental Abundances of Major Elements in the Solar Wind as Measured in Genesis Targets and Implications on Solar Wind Fractionation ; Astrophysical Journal; Vol. 907; No. 1; Art. No. 15; PMCID PMC8350966; 10.3847/1538-4357/abc94a
Jurewicz, Amy J. G. and Olinger, Chad T., el al. (2021) Quantifying low fluence ion implants in diamond-like carbon film by secondary ion mass spectrometry by understanding matrix effects ; Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry; Vol. 36; No. 1; 194-209; 10.1039/d0ja00375a
Paque, Julie M. and Hofmann, Amy E., el al. (2020) Electron Microprobe/SIMS Determinations of Al in Olivine: Applications to Solar Wind, Pallasites and Trace Element Measurements ; Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research; Vol. 44; No. 3; 473-484; 10.1111/ggr.12347
Meshik, Alex and Pravdivtseva, Olga, el al. (2020) Refined composition of Solar Wind xenon delivered by Genesis NASA mission: Comparison with xenon captured by extraterrestrial regolith soils ; Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta; Vol. 276; 289-298; 10.1016/j.gca.2020.03.001
Jurewicz, A. J. G. and Rieck, K. D., el al. (2020) Magnesium isotopes of the bulk solar wind from Genesis diamond‐like carbon films ; Meteoritics and Planetary Science; Vol. 55; No. 2; 352-375; PMCID PMC7079557; 10.1111/maps.13439
Huss, Gary R. and Koeman-Shields, Elizabeth, el al. (2020) Hydrogen fluence in Genesis collectors: Implications for acceleration of solar wind and for solar metallicity ; Meteoritics and Planetary Science; Vol. 55; No. 2; 326-351; PMCID PMC7120949; 10.1111/maps.13420
Vogel, Nadia and Heber, Veronika S., el al. (2019) Noble gas elemental abundances in three solar wind regimes as recorded by the Genesis mission ; Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta; Vol. 263; 182-194; 10.1016/j.gca.2019.08.007
Burnett, D. S. and Jurewicz, A. J. G., el al. (2019) The future of Genesis science ; Meteoritics and Planetary Science; Vol. 54; No. 5; 1092-1114; PMCID PMC6519397; 10.1111/maps.13266
Laming, J. Martin and Heber, N. S., el al. (2017) Determining the Elemental and Isotopic Composition of the Pre-solar Nebula from Genesis Data Analysis: The Case of Oxygen ; Astrophysical Journal Letters; Vol. 851; No. 1; Art. No. L12; PMCID PMC5893144; 10.3847/2041-8213/aa9bf0
Jurewicz, Amy J. G. and Burnett, Don S., el al. (2017) Understanding heterogeneity in Genesis diamond-like carbon film using SIMS analysis of implants ; Journal of Materials Science; Vol. 52; No. 19; 11282-11305; PMCID PMC6979530; 10.1007/s10853-017-1267-3
Yurimoto, H. and Tonotani, A., el al. (2017) Helium from Coronal Mass Ejecta Collected by NASA's Genesis ; Meteoritics and Planetary Science; Vol. 52; No. S1; 401; 10.1111/maps.12934
Choi, Y. and Eng, P., el al. (2016) Discrimination and quantification of Fe and Ni abundances in Genesis solar wind implanted collectors using X-ray standing wave fluorescence yield depth profiling with internal referencing ; Chemical Geology; Vol. 441; 246-255; 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2016.08.025
Bajo, Ken-ichi and Olinger, Chad T., el al. (2015) Depth profiling analysis of solar wind helium collected in diamond-like carbon film from Genesis ; Geochemical Journal; Vol. 49; No. 5; 559-566; 10.2343/geochemj.2.0385
Burnett, Donald S. and Jurewicz, Amy J. G., el al. (2015) Ion Implants as Matrix-Appropriate Calibrators for Geochemical Ion Probe Analyses ; Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research; Vol. 39; No. 3; 265-276; 10.1111/j.1751-908X.2014.00318.x
Meshik, A. and Pravdivtseva, O., el al. (2015) Primitive Terrestrial Xenon: A Relation to Refined Composition of Solar Wind ; Meteoritics and Planetary Science; Vol. 50; No. S1; Art. No. 5371; 10.1111/maps.12501
Paque, J. M. and Burnett, D. S., el al. (2015) Materials Older Than Ca-Al-Rich Inclusions ; Meteoritics and Planetary Science; Vol. 50; No. S1; Art. No. 5281; 10.1111/maps.12501
Heber, Veronika S. and McKeegan, Kevin D., el al. (2014) Accurate analysis of shallowly implanted solar wind ions by SIMS backside depth profiling ; Chemical Geology; Vol. 390; 61-73; 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2014.10.003
Meshik, Alex and Hohenberg, Charles, el al. (2014) Heavy noble gases in solar wind delivered by Genesis mission ; Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta; Vol. 127; 326-347; PMCID PMC5688518; 10.1016/j.gca.2013.11.030
Burnett, D. S. (2013) The Genesis solar wind sample return mission: Past, present, and future ; Meteoritics and Planetary Science; Vol. 48; No. 12; 2351-2370; 10.1111/maps.12241
Paque, J. M. and Sutton, S. R., el al. (2013) XANES and Mg isotopic analyses of spinels in Ca-Al-rich inclusions: Evidence for formation under oxidizing conditions ; Meteoritics and Planetary Science; Vol. 48; No. 10; 2015-2043; 10.1111/maps.12216
Meshik, A. and Hohenberg, C., el al. (2013) Solar Wind Krypton in Genesis Collectors and in Lunar Regolith: Why are they Different? ; Meteoritics and Planetary Science; Vol. 48; No. S1; A243; 10.1111/maps.12165
Wiens, Roger C. and Reisenfeld, Daniel B., el al. (2013) The Genesis SolarWind Concentrator: Flight and Post-Flight Conditions and Modeling of Instrumental Fractionation ; Space Science Reviews; Vol. 175; No. 1-4; 93-124; 10.1007/s11214-013-9961-1
Huss, Gary R. and Nagashima, Kazuhide, el al. (2012) The isotopic composition and fluence of solar-wind nitrogen in a genesis B/C array collector ; Meteoritics and Planetary Science; Vol. 47; No. 9; 1436-1448; 10.1111/j.1945-5100.2012.01406.x
Humayun, M. and Jurewicz, A. J. G., el al. (2012) Evidence for Unfractionated Magnesium Isotopes in Genesis SOS Wafers ; Meteoritics and Planetary Science; Vol. 47; No. S1; A202-A202; 10.1111/j.1945-5100.2012.01401_2.x
Burnett, D. S. and Genesis Science Team (2012) Genesis Solar Composition: Past, Present, and Future ; Meteoritics and Planetary Science; Vol. 47; No. S1; A89-A89; 10.1111/j.1945-5100.2012.01401_2.x
Schmeling, Martina and Burnett, Donald S., el al. (2012) Steps toward accurate large-area analyses of Genesis solar wind samples: evaluation of surface cleaning methods using total reflection X-ray fluorescence spectrometry ; Powder Diffraction; Vol. 27; No. 2; 75-78; 10.1017/S0885715612000346
Burnett, D. S. and Genesis Science Team (2011) Solar composition from the Genesis Discovery Mission ; Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America; Vol. 108; No. 48; 19147-19151; PMCID PMC3228446; 10.1073/pnas.1014877108
Pravdivtseva, O. and Meshik, A., el al. (2011) Feasibility of Iodine and Bromine Analysis in Genesis Solar Wind Collectors ; Meteoritics and Planetary Science; Vol. 46; No. S1; A192-A192; 10.1111/j.1945-5100.2011.01221.x
Meshik, A. and Pravdivtseva, O., el al. (2011) First Analysis of All Xenon Isotopes in Genesis Solar Wind AloS Collector ; Meteoritics and Planetary Science; Vol. 46; No. S1; A159-A159; 10.1111/j.1945-5100.2011.01221.x
Heber, V. S. and Jurewicz, A. J. G., el al. (2011) Mg Isotopic Composition of the Solar Wind by SIMS Analysis of Genesis Targets ; Meteoritics and Planetary Science; Vol. 46; No. S1; A90-A90; 10.1111/j.1945-5100.2011.01221.x
McKeegan, K. D. and Kallio, A. P. A., el al. (2011) The Oxygen Isotopic Composition of the Sun Inferred from Captured Solar Wind ; Science; Vol. 332; No. 6037; 1528-1532; 10.1126/science.1204636
Marty, B. and Chaussidon, M., el al. (2011) A ^(15)N-Poor Isotopic Composition for the Solar System As Shown by Genesis Solar Wind Samples ; Science; Vol. 332; No. 6037; 1533-1536; 10.1126/science.1204656
Vogel, Nadia and Heber, Veronika S., el al. (2011) Argon, krypton, and xenon in the bulk solar wind as collected
by the Genesis mission ; Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta; Vol. 75; No. 11; 3057-3071; 10.1016/j.gca.2011.02.039
Heber, Veronika S. and Wiens, Roger C., el al. (2011) Isotopic and elemental fractionation of solar wind implanted in the Genesis concentrator target characterized and quantified by noble gases ; Meteoritics and Planetary Science; Vol. 46; No. 4; 493-512; 10.1111/j.1945-5100.2011.01170.x
Veryovkin, I. V. and Tripa, C. E., el al. (2011) RIMS analysis of Ca and Cr in Genesis solar wind collectors ; Surface and Interface Analysis; Vol. 43; No. 1-2; 467-469; 10.1002/sia.3523
Heber, V. S. and Guan, Y., el al. (2010) Solar Wind Abundances of C and O ; Meteoritics and Planetary Science; Vol. 45; No. S1; A78; 10.1111/j.1945-5100.2010.01051.x
Paque, J. M. and Sutton, S. R., el al. (2010) Valence of Titanium in Ca-Al-Rich Inclusions: Experimental Samples and Relevance to Natural CAIs ; Meteoritics and Planetary Science; Vol. 45; No. S1; A161-A161; 10.1111/j.1945-5100.2010.01051.x
Burnett, D. S. (2010) Analytical cosmochemistry: 1965-2010 ; Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta; Vol. 74; No. 12; A129-A129
Marty, Bernard and Zimmermann, Laurent, el al. (2010) Nitrogen isotopes in the recent solar wind from the analysis of Genesis targets: Evidence for large scale isotope heterogeneity in the early solar system ; Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta; Vol. 74; No. 1; 340-355; 10.1016/j.gca.2009.09.007
Heber, Veronika S. and Wieler, Rainer, el al. (2009) Noble gas composition of the solar wind as collected by the Genesis mission ; Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta; Vol. 73; No. 24; 7414-7432; 10.1016/j.gca.2009.09.013
Guan, Y. and Paque, J. M., el al. (2009) Preliminary Nanosims Analysis of Carbon Isotope of Carbonates in Calcium-Aluminum-Rich Inclusions ; Meteoritics and Planetary Science; Vol. 44; No. S7; A82; 10.1111/j.1945-5100.2009.tb01099.x
Wang, J. and Nittler, L. R., el al. (2009) Chromium Fluence Measurements in Genesis Samples Using A Nanosims ; Meteoritics and Planetary Science; Vol. 44; No. S7; A213-A213; 10.1111/j.1945-5100.2009.tb01099.x
Jurewicz, A. J. G. and Hervig, R., el al. (2009) Fractionation of MG Isotopes between the Sun's Photosphere and the Solar Wind ; Meteoritics and Planetary Science; Vol. 44; No. S7; A104-A104; 10.1111/j.1945-5100.2009.tb01099.x
Mabry, J. C. and Meshik, A. P., el al. (2009) Diffusion of Solar Wind Noble Gases from Genesis Aluminum Collectors ; Meteoritics and Planetary Science; Vol. 44; No. S7; A128-A128; 10.1111/j.1945-5100.2009.tb01099.x
Heber, V. S. and Vogel, N., el al. (2009) The composition of noble gases in the solar wind as collected by Genesis: A proxy for solar nebula composition ; Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta; Vol. 73; No. 13; A509-A509
Vogel, N. and Heber, V. S., el al. (2009) Solar wind Ar, Kr, and Xe abundances deduced from Genesis targets ; Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta; Vol. 73; No. 13; A1391-A1391
Paque, J. M. and Beckett, J. R., el al. (2009) The formation of boundary clinopyroxenes and associated glass veins in type B1 CAIs ; Meteoritics and Planetary Science; Vol. 44; No. 5; 665-687
King, B. V. and Pellin, M. J., el al. (2008) Investigation of radiation enhanced diffusion of magnesium in substrates flown on the NASA genesis mission ; Applied Surface Science; Vol. 255; No. 4; 1455-1457; 10.1016/j.apsusc.2008.05.158
Mao, Peter H. and Burnett, Donald S., el al. (2008) MegaSIMS: a SIMS/AMS hybrid for measurement of the Sun's oxygen isotopic composition ; Applied Surface Science; Vol. 255; No. 4; 1461-1464; 10.1016/j.apsusc.2008.05.175
Heber, V. S. and Baur, H., el al. (2008) Argon, krypton, and xenon abundances in the solar wind measured in silicon from the genesis mission ; Meteoritics and Planetary Science; Vol. 43; No. S7; A53-A53; 10.1111/j.1945-5100.2008.tb00711.x
Marty, B. and Zimmermann, L., el al. (2008) Nitrogen isotopes in the recent solar wind: Further analysis of gold-plated concentrator frame from Genesis ; Meteoritics and Planetary Science; Vol. 43; No. 7; A90; 10.1111/j.1945-5100.2008.tb00711.x
Meshik, Alex and Mabry, Jennifer, el al. (2007) Constraints on Neon and Argon Isotopic Fractionation in Solar Wind ; Science; Vol. 318; No. 5849; 433-435; 10.1126/science.1145528
Heber, V. S. and Baur, H., el al. (2007) Light noble gas composition of different solar wind regimes: results from genesis ; Meteoritics and Planetary Science; Vol. 42; No. S8; A63-A63; 10.1111/j.1945-5100.2007.tb00601.x
Paque, J. M. and Ishii, H. A., el al. (2007) Origin of boundary clinopyroxenes between spinel and melilite in type B1 CAIs ; Meteoritics and Planetary Science; Vol. 42; No. S8; A121-A121; 10.1111/j.1945-5100.2007.tb00601.x
Jurewicz, A. J. G. and Burnett, D. S., el al. (2007) SIMS results for solar wind elemental abundances from genesis collectors ; Meteoritics and Planetary Science; Vol. 42; No. S8; A80-A80; 10.1111/j.1945-5100.2007.tb00601.x
Wang, J. and Nittler, L. R., el al. (2007) Nanosims measurements of solar wind Mg, Fe, and Cr fluences ; Meteoritics and Planetary Science; Vol. 42; No. S8; A160; 10.1111/j.1945-5100.2007.tb00601.x
Wang, J. and Nittler, L. R., el al. (2007) Solar wind Mg, Cr and Fe abundances in diamond-like carbon collector from Genesis mission ; Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta; Vol. 71; No. S15; A1085; 10.1016/j.gca.2007.06.029
Miller, Sarah A. and Burnett, Donald S., el al. (2007) Experimental study of radium partitioning between anorthite and melt at 1 atm ; American Mineralogist; Vol. 92; No. 8-9; 1535-1538; 10.2138/am.2007.2640
Mabry, J. C. and Meshik, A. P., el al. (2007) Solar wind argon from Genesis alos regime collectors ; Meteoritics and Planetary Science; Vol. 42; No. S8; A95-A95; 10.1111/j.1945-5100.2007.tb00601.x
Meshik, A. P. and Hohenberg, C. M., el al. (2007) Preliminary studies of Xe and Kr from the Genesis polished aluminium collector ; Meteoritics and Planetary Science; Vol. 42; No. S8; A105-A105; 10.1111/j.1945-5100.2007.tb00601.x
Veryovkin, I. V. and Tripa, C. E., el al. (2007) Depth profiling of genesis solar wind collectors with laser post-ionization SNMS ; Meteoritics and Planetary Science; Vol. 42; No. S8; A156-A156; 10.1111/j.1945-5100.2007.tb00601.x
Reisenfeld, D. B. and Burnett, D. S., el al. (2007) Elemental Abundances of the Bulk Solar Wind: Analyses from Genesis and ACE ; Space Science Reviews; Vol. 130; No. 1-4; 79-86; 10.1007/s11214-007-9215-1
Paque, J. M. and Burnett, D. S., el al. (2007) Zoning patterns of Fe and V in spinel from a type B Ca-Al-rich inclusion: Constraints on subsolidus thermal history ; Meteoritics and Planetary Science; Vol. 42; No. 6; 899-912; 10.1111/j.1945-5100.2007.tb01140.x
Heber, V. S. and Wiens, R. C., el al. (2007) The Genesis Solar Wind Concentrator Target: Mass Fractionation Characterised by Neon Isotopes ; Space Science Reviews; Vol. 130; No. 1-4; 309-316; 10.1007/s11214-007-9179-1
Grimberg, A. and Burnett, D. S., el al. (2007) Composition of Light Solar Wind Noble Gases in the Bulk Metallic Glass flown on the Genesis Mission ; Space Science Reviews; Vol. 130; No. 1-4; 293-300; 10.1007/s11214-007-9150-1
Wiens, R. C. and Burnett, D. S., el al. (2007) Solar and Solar-Wind Composition Results from the Genesis Mission ; Space Science Reviews; Vol. 130; No. 1-4; 161-171; 10.1007/s11214-007-9227-x
Burnett, Don S. (2006) NASA Returns Rocks from a Comet ; Science; Vol. 314; No. 5806; 1709-1710; 10.1126/science.1137084
Grimberg, Ansgar and Baur, Heinrich, el al. (2006) Solar Wind Neon from Genesis: Implications for the Lunar Noble Gas Record ; Science; Vol. 314; No. 5802; 1133-1135; 10.1126/science.1133568
Miller, Sarah A. and Asimow, Paul D., el al. (2006) Determination of melt influence on divalent element partitioning between anorthite and CMAS melts ; Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta; Vol. 70; No. 16; 4258-4274; 10.1016/j.gca.2006.06.1547
Meshik, A. and Marrocchi, Y., el al. (2006) Solar neon released from Genesis aluminum collector duriung stepped uv-laser extraction and step-wise pyrolysis ; Meteoritics and Planetary Science; Vol. 41; No. S8; A121; 10.1111/j.1945-5100.2006.tb00996.x
Mabry, J. C. and Meshik, A. P., el al. (2006) Argon and neon in Genesis aluminum-coated sapphire collectors from regime arrays ; Meteoritics and Planetary Science; Vol. 41; No. S8; A109; 10.1111/j.1945-5100.2006.tb00996.x
Heber, V. S. and Wiens, R. C., el al. (2006) Mass-fractionation induced by the Genesis solar wind concentrator: Analysis of neon isotopes by UV laser ablation ; Meteoritics and Planetary Science; Vol. 41; No. S8; A72-A72; 10.1111/j.1945-5100.2006.tb00996.x
Grimberg, A. and Bühler, F., el al. (2006) Depth-dependent fractionation of light solar wind noble gases in a Genesis target ; Meteoritics and Planetary Science; Vol. 41; No. S8; A67-A67; 10.1111/j.1945-5100.2006.tb00996.x
Burnett, D. S. and Jurewicz, A. J. G., el al. (2006) The solar wind FE/MG ratio ; Meteoritics and Planetary Science; Vol. 41; No. S8; A33; 10.1111/j.1945-5100.2006.tb00996.x
Robinson, Laura F. and Adkins, Jess F., el al. (2006) Primary U distribution in scleractinian corals and its implications for U series dating ; Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems; Vol. 7; No. 5; Q05022; 10.1029/2005GC001138
Grimberg, A. and Bühler, F., el al. (2005) Solar wind noble gases - Preliminary results from bulk metallic glass flown on Genesis ; Meteoritics and Planetary Science; Vol. 40; No. S9; S60; 10.1111/j.1945-5100.2005.tb00422.x
Miller, S. A. and Asimow, Paul D., el al. (2005) Melt thermodynamics and divalent element partitioning between anorthite and CMAS liquids ; Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta; Vol. 69; No. 10; A822
Wiens, Roger C. and Burnett, Donald S., el al. (2004) Genesis capsule yields solar wind samples ; Eos; Vol. 85; No. 47; 497-498; 10.1029/2004EO470003
Wiens, Roger C. and Bochsler, Peter, el al. (2004) Solar and solar-wind isotopic compositions ; Earth and Planetary Science Letters; Vol. 222; No. 3-4; 697-712; 10.1016/j.epsl.2004.03.025
Veryovkin, Igor V. and Calaway, Wallis F., el al. (2004) A new time-of-flight instrument for quantitative surface analysis ; Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms; Vol. 219; 473-479; 10.1016/j.nimb.2004.01.105
Shuster, David L. and Farley, Kenneth A., el al. (2004) Quantifying the diffusion kinetics and spatial distributions of radiogenic ^4He in minerals containing proton-induced ^3He ; Earth and Planetary Science Letters; Vol. 217; No. 1-2; 19-32; 10.1016/S0012-821X(03)00594-6
Connolly, Harold C., Jr. and Burnett, D. S. (2003) On type B CAI formation: experimental constraints on fO_2 variations in spinel minor element partitioning and reequilibration effects ; Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta; Vol. 67; No. 22; 4429-4434; 10.1016/S0016-7037(03)00271-0
Shuster, D. L. and Farley, K. A., el al. (2003) ^4He/^3He thermochronometry ; Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta; Vol. 67; No. 18; A436-A436; 10.1016/S0016-7037(03)00513-1
Connolly, Harold C., Jr. and Burnett, D. S., el al. (2003) The petrogenesis of type B1 Ca-Al-rich inclusions: The spinel perspective ; Meteoritics and Planetary Science; Vol. 38; No. 2; 197-224; 10.1111/j.1945-5100.2003.tb00260.x
Nordholt, Jane E. and Wiens, Roger C., el al. (2003) The Genesis Solar Wind Concentrator ; Space Science Reviews; Vol. 105; No. 3-4; 561-599; 10.1023/A:1024422011514
Jurewicz, A. J. G. and Burnett, D. S., el al. (2003) The Genesis Solar-Wind Collector Materials ; Space Science Reviews; Vol. 105; No. 3-4; 535-560; 10.1023/A:1024469927444
Burnett, D. S. and Barraclough, B. L., el al. (2003) The Genesis Discovery Mission: Return of Solar Matter to Earth ; Space Science Reviews; Vol. 105; No. 3-4; 509-534; 10.1023/A:1024425810605
Farley, K. A. and Shuster, D. L., el al. (2002) Using proton-induced ^3He to study He diffusion kinetics and rock thermal histories ; Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta; Vol. 66; No. 15A; A224; 10.1016/S0016-7037(02)01009-8
Wiens, Roger C. and Burnett, Donald S., el al. (2002) Genesis Mission to Return Solar Wind Samples to Earth ; Eos; Vol. 83; No. 21; 229-234; 10.1029/2002EO000157
Goreva, J. S. and Burnett, D. S. (2001) Phosphate control on the thorium/uranium variations in ordinary chondrites: Improving solar system abundances ; Meteoritics and Planetary Science; Vol. 36; No. 1; 63-74; 10.1111/j.1945-5100.2001.tb01810.x
Goreva, J. S. and Burnett, D. S. (2000) Origin of Thorium/Uranium Variations in Carbonaceous Chondrites ; Meteoritics and Planetary Science; Vol. 35; No. S5; A61
Burnett, Donald S. (2000) Bids requested for Genesis Mission analytical facilities ; Eos; Vol. 81; No. 21; 236; 10.1029/00EO00166
Connolly, H. C., Jr. and Burnett, D. S. (2000) On the Remelting of Type B Calcium-Aluminum-rich Inclusions ; Meteoritics and Planetary Science; Vol. 35; No. S5; A44-A45
Meshik, A. P. and Hohenberg, C. M., el al. (2000) Release Profile as an Indicator of Solar Wind Neon Loss from Genesis Collectors ; Meteoritics and Planetary Science; Vol. 35; No. S5; A109
Connolly, Harold C., Jr. and Burnett, D. S. (1999) A study of the minor element concentrations of spinels from two type B calcium-aluminum-rich inclusions: An investigation into potential formation conditions of calcium-aluminum-rich inclusions ; Meteoritics and Planetary Science; Vol. 34; No. 6; 829-848; 10.1111/j.1945-5100.1999.tb01401.x
Goreva, J. S. and Burnett, D. S. (1999) Apatite Control of Choncritic Actinide Chemistry? ; Meteoritics and Planetary Science; Vol. 34; No. S4; A45-A46; 10.1111/j.1945-5100.1999.tb01769.x
Wiens, R. C. and Huss, G. R., el al. (1999) The solar oxygen-isotopic composition: Predictions and implications for solar nebula processes ; Meteoritics and Planetary Science; Vol. 34; No. 1; 99-107; 10.1111/j.1945-5100.1999.tb01735.x
Connolly, H. C., Jr. and Burnett, D. S. (1998) Recycling (?): Relict Spinels (?) in Type B Calcium-Aluminum-Rich Inclusions ; Meteoritics and Planetary Science; Vol. 33; No. S4; A34; 10.1111/j.1945-5100.1998.tb01327.x
Burnett, D. S. and Goreva, Julia S., el al. (1997) SO_2-rock interaction on Io 2. Interaction with pure SO_2 ; Journal of Geophysical Research E; Vol. 102; No. E8; 19371-19382; 10.1029/97JE00718
Wiens, Roger C. and Burnett, D. S., el al. (1997) Sputtering products of sodium sulfate: Implications for Io's surface and for sodium-bearing molecules in the Io torus ; Icarus; Vol. 128; No. 2; 386-397; 10.1006/icar.1997.5758
Brownlee, D. E. and Tsou, P., el al. (1997) The Stardust Mission: Returning Comet Samples to Earth ; Meteoritics and Planetary Science; Vol. 32; No. S4; A22; 10.1111/j.1945-5100.1997.tb01599.x
Connolly, H. C., Jr. and Peters, M. T., el al. (1997) Europium valence state distributions in equilibrated ordinary chondrites ; Meteoritics and Planetary Science; Vol. 32; No. S4; A30-A31; 10.1111/j.1945-5100.1997.tb01599.x
Steele, Ian M. and Peters, Mark T., el al. (1997) Minor element partitioning and sector zoning in synthetic and meteoritic anorthite ; Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta; Vol. 61; No. 2; 415-423; 10.1016/S0016-7037(96)00348-1
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Peters, Mark T. and Shaffer, Elizabeth E., el al. (1995) Magnesium and titanium partitioning between anorthite and Type B CAI liquid: Dependence on oxygen fugacity and liquid composition ; Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta; Vol. 59; No. 13; 2785-2796; 10.1016/0016-7037(95)00173-W
Calaway, W. F. and Wiens, R. C., el al. (1995) Simultaneous dual-element analyses of refractory metals in naturally occurring matrices using resonance ionization of sputtered atoms ; Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A; Vol. 13; No. 3; 1310-1315; 10.1116/1.579556
Burnett, Don (1994) Leonard Medal Citation for Robert M. Walker ; Meteoritics and Planetary Science; Vol. 29; No. 4; 343-435; 10.1111/j.1945-5100.1994.tb00614.x
Simon, S. B. and Kuehner, S. M., el al. (1994) Experimental studies of trace element partitioning in Ca, Al-rich compositions: Anorthite and perovskite ; Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta; Vol. 58; No. 5; 1507-1523; 10.1016/0016-7037(94)90553-3
Johnson, M. L. and Burnett, D. S. (1993) SO_2-rock interaction on Io: Reaction under highly oxidizing conditions ; Journal of Geophysical Research E; Vol. 98; No. E1; 1223-1230; 10.1029/92JE02509
La Tourrette, T. Z. and Burnett, D. S. (1992) Experimental determination of U and Th partitioning between clinopyroxene and natural and synthetic basaltic liquid ; Earth and Planetary Science Letters; Vol. 110; No. 1-4; 227-244; 10.1016/0012-821X(92)90050-6
Calaway, W. F. and Coon, S. R., el al. (1992) Resonance ionization of sputtered atoms-progress toward a quantitative technique ; ISBN 0-7503-0230-5; Resonance Ionization Spectroscopy 1992; 271-274
Wiens, Roger C. and Burnett, D. S., el al. (1992) A Comparison of Solar Wind and Estimated Solar System Xenon Abundances: A Test for Solid/ Gas Fractionation in the Solar Nebula ; ISBN 0-942862-06-6; Proceedings of Lunar and Planetary Science; 153-159
Burnett, D. S. and Woolum, D. S. (1991) The status of PIXE in geochemistry ; Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society; Vol. 202; No. 2; NUCL-77
Hagee, B. and Bernatowicz, T. J., el al. (1991) Response to Comment by W.A. Myers and P.K. Kuroda on "Actinide abundances in ordinary chondrites" ; Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta; Vol. 55; No. 8; 2359-2363; 10.1016/0016-7037(91)90111-H
La Tourrette, T. Z. and Burnett, D. S., el al. (1991) Uranium and minor-element partitioning in Fe-Ti oxides and zircon from partially melted granodiorite, Crater Lake, Oregon ; Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta; Vol. 55; No. 2; 457-469; 10.1016/0016-7037(91)90004-O
Wiens, Roger C. and Burnett, D. S., el al. (1991) Solar-wind krypton and solid/gas fractionation in the Early Solar Nebula ; Geophysical Research Letters; Vol. 18; No. 2; 207-210; 10.1029/91GL00213
Burnett, D. S. and Johnson, M. L., el al. (1990) Relict grains in CAls, revisited ; Meteoritics; Vol. 25; No. 4; 353
Hagee, B. and Bernatowicz, T. J., el al. (1990) Actinide abundances in ordinary chondrites ; Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta; Vol. 54; No. 10; 2847-2858; 10.1016/0016-7037(90)90019-H
Johnson, Mary L. and Burnett, D. S. (1990) Igneous origin for the Na in the cloud of Io ; Geophysical Research Letters; Vol. 17; No. 7; 981-984; 10.1029/GL017i007p00981
Burnett, D. S. and Woolum, D. S. (1990) The interpretation of solar system abundances at the N = 50 neutron shell ; Astronomy and Astrophysics; Vol. 228; No. 1; 253-259
Kuehner, S. M. and Laughlin, J. R., el al. (1989) Determination of trace element mineral/liquid partition coefficients in melilite and diopside by ion and electron microprobe techniques ; Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta; Vol. 53; No. 12; 3115-3130; 10.1016/0016-7037(89)90093-8
Burnett, D. S. and Woolum, D. S., el al. (1989) A test of the smoothness of the elemental abundances of carbonaceous chondrites ; Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta; Vol. 53; No. 2; 471-481; 10.1016/0016-7037(89)90398-0
Burnett, D. S. and Woolum, D. S., el al. (1988) High precision thick target PIXE analyses of carbonaceous meteorites ; Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms; Vol. 35; No. 1; 67-74; 10.1016/0168-583X(88)90099-7
Hagee, B. and Bernatowicz, T. J., el al. (1988) ^(244)Pu Abundance in Ordinary Chondrites ; Meteoritics; Vol. 23; No. 9; 271-272
Johnson, M. L. and Burnett, D. S., el al. (1988) Relict Refractory Element Rich Phases in Type B CAI ; Meteoritics; Vol. 23; No. 9; 276-276
Woolum, D. S. and Burnett, D. S. (1988) Interpretation of Solar System Abundances Around the N = 50 Neutron Shell ; Meteoritics; Vol. 23; No. 9; 312-312
Woolum, D. S. and Burnett, D. S., el al. (1987) Melilite Crystal/Liquid Partitioning of Refractory Lithophiles ; Meteoritics; Vol. 22; No. 4; 534-535
Jones, John H. and Burnett, Donald S. (1987) Experimental geochemistry of Pu and Sm and the thermodynamics of trace element partitioning ; Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta; Vol. 51; No. 4; 769-782; 10.1016/0016-7037(87)90091-3
Murrell, M. T. and Burnett, D. S. (1987) Actinide chemistry in Allende Ca-Al-rich inclusions ; Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta; Vol. 51; No. 4; 985-999; 10.1016/0016-7037(87)90110-4
Woolum, D. S. and Burnett, D. S., el al. (1987) Trace element contents of primitive meteorites; A test of solar system abundance smoothness ; Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms; Vol. 22; No. 1-3; 376-379; 10.1016/0168-583X(87)90362-4
Woolum, D. S. and Burnett, D. S., el al. (1986) A Test of Solar-System Abundance Smoothness ; Meteoritics; Vol. 21; No. 4; 543-544; 10.1111/j.1945-5100.1986.tb00200.x
Brigham, C. A. and Yabuki, H., el al. (1986) Silica-bearing chondrules and clasts in ordinary chondrites ; Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta; Vol. 50; No. 8; 1655-1666; 10.1016/0016-7037(86)90128-6
Murrell, M. T. and Burnett, D. S. (1986) Partitioning of K, U, and Th between sulfide and silicate liquids: Implications for radioactive heating of planetary cores ; Journal of Geophysical Research B; Vol. 91; No. B8; 8126-8136; 10.1029/JB091iB08p08126
Murrell, M. T. and Burnett, D. S. (1985) Another Look at Actinide Chemistry in Ca-Al-Rich Inclusions ; Meteoritics; Vol. 20; No. 4; 713-714
Murrell, M. T. and Burnett, D. S. (1984) Actinide Chemistry of Allende Components ; Meteoritics; Vol. 19; No. 4; 275-276; 10.1111/j.1945-5100.1984.tb00840.x
Burnett, Donald S. (1984) From outer space; Study of smallest 'dust' offers new challenge ; Geotimes; Vol. 29; No. 6; 21-22
Benjamin, T. M. and Duffy, C. J., el al. (1984) Microprobe analyses of rare earth element fractionation in meteoritic minerals ; Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms; Vol. 3; No. 1-3; 677-680; 10.1016/0168-583X(84)90462-2
Rambaldi, E. R. and Rajan, R. S., el al. (1984) Coexisting Chalcophile and Lithophile Uranium in Qingzhen (EH3) Chondrite ; Meteoritics; Vol. 19; No. 4; 295-295
Murrell, M. T. and Burnett, D. S. (1983) The behavior of actinides, phosphorus, and rare earth elements during chondrite metamorphism ; Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta; Vol. 47; No. 11; 1999-2014; 10.1016/0016-7037(83)90216-8
Benjamin, T. M. and Jones, J. H., el al. (1983) Laboratory actinide partitioning: Whitlockite/liquid and influence of actinide concentration levels ; Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta; Vol. 47; No. 10; 1695-1705; 10.1016/0016-7037(83)90019-4
Melcher, C. L. and Tombrello, T. A., el al. (1983) Retention of ion-implanted-xenon in olivine: Dependence on implantation dose ; Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta; Vol. 47; No. 10; 1707-1712; 10.1016/0016-7037(83)90020-0
Burnett, D. S. and Woolum, D. S. (1983) In Situ Trace Element Microanalysis ; Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences; Vol. 11; 329-358; 10.1146/annurev.ea.11.050183.001553
Maggiore, C. J. and Benjamin, T. M., el al. (1983) Chemical History with a Nuclear Microprobe ; IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science; Vol. 30; No. 2; 1224-1227; 10.1109/TNS.1983.4332494
Murrell, M. T. and Burnett, D. S. (1982) Actinide microdistributions in the enstatite meteorites ; Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta; Vol. 46; No. 12; 2453-2460; 10.1016/0016-7037(82)90368-4
Woolum, D. S. and Burnett, D. S., el al. (1982) Trace elements in Peña Blanca Spring Oldhamite ; Meteoritics; Vol. 17; No. 4; 299
Murrell, M. T. and Burnett, D. S. (1982) Thorium-uranium fission radiography II ; Nuclear Instruments and Methods; Vol. 199; No. 3; 617-621; 10.1016/0167-5087(82)90163-6
Woolum, Dorothy S. and Burnett, D. S. (1982) Meteoritic Bismuth and ^(208)Pb Microdistributions ; Transactions of the American Nuclear Society; Vol. 41; 191-192
Furst, Marian J. and Stapanian, Maritza I., el al. (1982) Observation of non-lithophile behavior for U ; Geophysical Research Letters; Vol. 9; No. 1; 41-44; 10.1029/GL009i001p00041
Brigham, Cheryl and Murrell, M. T., el al. (1982) SiO2-rich condrules in ordinary chondrites ; Meteoritics; Vol. 17; No. 4; 187-188
Murrell, M. T. and Burnett, D. S. (1982) Extreme Pu-U and Possible Pu-REE Fractionation in Unequilibrated Chondrites ; Meteoritics; Vol. 17; No. 4; 256-257
Murrell, M. T. and Burnett, D. S. (1981) Th/U Microdistribution in Enstatite Meteorites ; Meteoritics; Vol. 16; No. 4; 363; 10.1111/j.1945-5100.1981.tb00687.x
Woolum, Dorothy S. and Burnett, D. S. (1981) Metal and Bi/Pb microdistribution studies of an L3 chondrite:
their implications for a meteorite parent body ; Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta; Vol. 45; No. 9; 1619-1632; 10.1016/0016-7037(81)90290-8
Jones, John H. and Burnett, Donald S. (1981) Quantitative radiography using Ag X-rays ; Nuclear Instruments and Methods; Vol. 180; No. 2-3; 625-633; 10.1016/0029-554X(81)90108-7
Heuser, W. R. and Burnett, D. S., el al. (1980) K-U Studies of Silica-Rich Inclusions in the Shaw Chondrite ; Meteoritics; Vol. 15; No. 12; 301-302
Benjamin, T. and Heuser, W. R., el al. (1980) Actinide crystal-liquid partitioning for clinopyroxene and Ca_3(PO_4)_2 ; Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta; Vol. 44; No. 9; 1251-1264; 10.1016/0016-7037(80)90086-1
Jones, J. H. and Burnett, D. S. (1979) The distribution of U and Pu in the St. Severin chondrite ; Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta; Vol. 43; No. 12; 1895-1905; 10.1016/0016-7037(79)90003-6
Woolum, Dorothy S. and Bies-Horn, Linda, el al. (1979) Bismuth and ^(208)Pb microdistributions in enstatite chondrites ; Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta; Vol. 43; No. 11; 1819-1828; 10.1016/0016-7037(79)90030-9
Weller, Martha Riherd and Furst, Marian, el al. (1978) Boron concentrations in carbonaceous chondrites ; Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta; Vol. 42; No. 7; 999-1009; 10.1016/0016-7037(78)90289-2
Switkowski, Z. E. and Haff, P. K., el al. (1977) Mass fractionation of the lunar surface by solar wind sputtering ; Journal of Geophysical Research; Vol. 82; No. 26; 3797-3804; 10.1029/JB082i026p03797
Weller, Martha Riherd and Furst, Marian, el al. (1977) The solar system boron abundance ; Astrophysical Journal; Vol. 214; L39-L43
Burnett, D. S. (1975) Lunar science: The Apollo Legacy ; Reviews of Geophysics; Vol. 13; No. 3; 13-34; 10.1029/RG013i003p00013
Burnett, Donald and Silver, L., el al. (1973) Fourth Lunar Science Conference ; Science; Vol. 181; No. 4100; 615-622; 10.1126/science.181.4100.615
Leich, D. A. and Tombrello, T. A., el al. (1973) The depth distribution of hydrogen in lunar materials ; Earth and Planetary Science Letters; Vol. 19; No. 3; 305-314; 10.1016/0012-821X(73)90080-0
Burlingame, A. and Burnett, D., el al. (1972) Third Lunar Science Conference ; Science; Vol. 176; No. 4038; 975-981; 10.1126/science.176.4038.975
Russ, G. Price, III and Burnett, D. S., el al. (1972) Lunar neutron stratigraphy ; Earth and Planetary Science Letters; Vol. 15; No. 2; 172-186; 10.1016/0012-821x(72)90058-1
Huneke, J. C. and Podosek, F. A., el al. (1972) Rare gas studies of the galactic cosmic ray irradiation history of lunar rocks ; Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta; Vol. 36; No. 3; 269-301; 10.1016/0016-7037(72)90024-5
Russ, G. P., III and Burnett, D. S., el al. (1971) Neutron capture on ¹⁴⁹Sm in lunar samples ; Earth and Planetary Science Letters; Vol. 13; No. 1; 53-60; 10.1016/0012-821x(71)90104-x
Bogard, D. D. and Huneke, J. C., el al. (1971) Xe and Kr analyses of silicate inclusions from iron meteorites ; Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta; Vol. 35; No. 12; 1231-1254; 10.1016/0016-7037(71)90113-x
Burnett, D. S. (1971) Formation Times of Meteorites and Lunar Samples ; Eos; Vol. 52; No. 7; 435-440; 10.1029/EO052i007pIU435
Burnett, D. S. and Huneke, J. C., el al. (1971) The irradiation history of lunar samples ; ISBN 9780262120517; Proceedings of the Second Lunar Science Conference; 1671-1679
Podosek, F. A. and Huneke, J. C., el al. (1971) Isotopic composition of xenon and krypton in the lunar soil and in the solar wind ; Earth and Planetary Science Letters; Vol. 10; No. 2; 199-216; 10.1016/0012-821x(71)90008-2
Sanz, H. G. and Burnett, D. S., el al. (1970) A precise ⁸⁷Rb⁸⁷Sr age and initial ⁸⁷Sr⁸⁶Sr for the Colomera iron meteorite ; Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta; Vol. 34; No. 11; 1227-1239; 10.1016/0016-7037(70)90059-1
Albee, A. L. and Burnett, D. S., el al. (1970) Mineralogic and isotopic investigations on lunar rock 12013 ; Earth and Planetary Science Letters; Vol. 9; No. 2; 137-163; 10.1016/0012-821x(70)90046-4
Eugster, O. and Tera, F., el al. (1970) Isotopic composition of gadolinium and neutron-capture effects in some meteorites ; Journal of Geophysical Research; Vol. 75; No. 14; 2753-2768; 10.1029/JB075i014p02753
Eugster, O. and Tera, F., el al. (1970) The isotopic composition of Gd and the neutron capture effects in samples from Apollo 11 ; Earth and Planetary Science Letters; Vol. 8; No. 1; 20-30; 10.1016/0012-821x(70)90094-4
Papanastassiou, D. A. and Wasserburg, G. J., el al. (1970) Rb-Sr ages of lunar rocks from the sea of tranquillity ; Earth and Planetary Science Letters; Vol. 8; No. 1; 1-19; 10.1016/0012-821x(70)90093-2
Eugster, O. and Tera, F., el al. (1970) Neutron capture effects in Gd from the Norton County meteorite ; Earth and Planetary Science Letters; Vol. 7; No. 5; 436-440; 10.1016/0012-821x(70)90087-7
Albee, A. L. and Burnett, D. S., el al. (1970) Ages, Irradiation History, and Chemical Composition of Lunar Rocks from the Sea of Tranquillity ; Science; Vol. 167; No. 3918; 463-466; 10.1126/science.167.3918.463
Tera, F. and Eugster, O. J., el al. (1970) Comparative study of Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs, Ca, Sr and Ba abundances in achondrites and in Apollo 11 lunar samples ; ISBN 9780080163925; Proceedings of the Apollo 11 Lunar Science Conference; 1637-1657
Wasserburg, G. J. and Huneke, J. C., el al. (1969) Correlation between fission tracks and fission type xenon in meteoritic Whitlockite ; Journal of Geophysical Research; Vol. 74; No. 17; 4221-4232; 10.1029/JB074i017p04221
Wasserburg, G. J. and Huneke, J. C., el al. (1969) Correlation Between Fission Tracks and Fission-Type Xenon from an Extinct Radioactivity ; Physical Review Letters; Vol. 22; No. 22; 1198-1201; 10.1103/PhysRevLett.22.1198
Burnett, Donald S. and Wasserburg, Gerald J. (1969) The Time Scales of Nucleosynthesis ; Engineering and Science; Vol. 32; No. 9; 41-44
Wasserburg, G. J. and Burnett, D. S. (1969) The Status of Isotopic Age Determinations on Iron and Stone Meteorites ; ISBN 978-94-010-3413-5; Meteorite Research; 467-479; 10.1007/978-94-010-3411-1_38
Bogard, D. D. and Burnett, D. S., el al. (1968) Cosmogenic rare gases and the ⁴⁰K-⁴⁰Ar age of the kodaikanal iron meteorite ; Earth and Planetary Science Letters; Vol. 5; 273-281; 10.1016/s0012-821x(68)80052-4
Bogard, D. D. and Burnett, D. S., el al. (1967) ^(87)Rb-^(87)Sr isochron and ^(40)K-^(40)Ar ages of the norton county achondrite ; Earth and Planetary Science Letters; Vol. 3; 179-189; 10.1016/0012-821X(67)90033-7
Burnett, D. S. and Wasserburg, G. J. (1967) ^(87)Rb-^(87)Sr ages of silicate inclusions in iron meteorites ; Earth and Planetary Science Letters; Vol. 2; No. 5; 397-408; 10.1016/0012-821X(67)90180-X
Burnett, D. S. and Wasserburg, G. J. (1967) Evidence for the formation of an iron meteorite at 3.8 × 10^9 years ; Earth and Planetary Science Letters; Vol. 2; No. 3; 137-147; 10.1016/0012-821X(67)90117-3
Bogard, D. and Burnett, D., el al. (1967) ⁴⁰Ar-⁴⁰K ages of silicate inclusions in iron meteorites ; Earth and Planetary Science Letters; Vol. 3; 275-283; 10.1016/0012-821x(67)90048-9
Plasil, F. and Burnett, D. S., el al. (1966) Kinetic energy—mass distributions from the fission of nuclei lighter than radium ; Physical Review; Vol. 142; No. 3; 696-715; 10.1103/PhysRev.142.696
Burnett, D. S. and Lippolt, H. J., el al. (1966) The relative isotopic abundance of K^(40) in terrestrial and meteoritic samples ; Journal of Geophysical Research; Vol. 71; No. 4; 1249-1269; 10.1029/JZ071i004p01249
Wasserburg, G. J. and Burnett, D. S., el al. (1965) Strontium-Rubidium Age of an Iron Meteorite ; Science; Vol. 150; No. 3705; 1814-1818; 10.1126/science.150.3705.1814
Burnett, Donald S. and Gatti, Raymond C., el al. (1964) Fission Barrier of Thallium-201 ; Physical Review; Vol. 134; No. 5B; B952-B963; 10.1103/PhysRev.134.B952
Plasil, F. and Burnett, D. S., el al. (1964) Energy-mass distributions in induced fission