Buchwald, Jed
- Buchwald, Jed (2017) Politics, Morality, Innovation, and Misrepresentation in Physical Science and Technology; ISBN 978-3-319-58435-5; The Romance of Science: Essays in Honour of Trevor H. Levere; 201-217; 10.1007/978-3-319-58436-2_12
- Buchwald, Jed Z. and Yeang, Chen-Pang (2016) Kirchhoff's Theory for Optical Diffraction, Its Predecessor and Subsequent Development: The Resilience of an Inconsistent Theory; ISBN 9789813147133; Gustav Robert Kirchhoff's Treatise "On the Theory of Light Rays" (1882); 63-123; 10.1142/9789813147157_0004
- Buchwald, Jed Z. (2011) Publications by Charles Coulston Gillispie; ISBN 978-94-007-2626-0; A Master of Science History: Essays in Honor of Charles Coulston Gillispie; 3-13; 10.1007/978-94-007-2627-7_1
- Buchwald, Jed Z. (2011) Cauchy's Theory of Dispersion Anticipated by Fresnel; ISBN 978-94-007-2626-0; A Master of Science History: Essays in Honor of Charles Coulston Gillispie; 399-416; 10.1007/978-94-007-2627-7_22
- Buchwald, Jed Z. and Franklin, Allan (2005) Introduction: Beyond Disunity and Historicism; ISBN 978-1-4020-3047-5; Wrong for the Right Reasons; 1-16; 10.1007/1-4020-3048-7_1
- Buchwald, Jed Z. (2005) An Error within a Mistake?; ISBN 978-1-4020-3047-5; Wrong for the Right Reasons; 185-208; 10.1007/1-4020-3048-7_9