Bruno, Oscar
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- Roberts, Gregory David (2024) Design, Realization, and Applications of 3D Multifunctional Nanophotonics; 10.7907/1r1w-0234
- Leibovici, Daniel Victor (2024) General Domain FC-Based Shock Dynamics Solver; 10.7907/bd5r-4q30
- Bauinger, Christoph (2023) The "Interpolated Factored Green Function" Method; 10.7907/1cnc-s558
- White, Nicholas Conlan (2022) Nonlinear Dynamics and Stability of Viscous Free-Surface Microcapillary Flows in V-Shaped Channels and on Curved Surfaces; 10.7907/yd3w-ck87
- Anderson, Thomas Geoffrey (2021) Hybrid Frequency-Time Analysis and Numerical Methods for Time-Dependent Wave Propagation; 10.7907/hmv1-r869
- Garza Gonzalez, Emmanuel (2020) Boundary Integral Equation Methods for Simulation and Design of Photonic Devices; 10.7907/XXPX-9H78
- Fernandez-Lado, Agustin Gabriel (2020) Wave-Scattering by Periodic Media; 10.7907/G7XQ-RT85
- Zhou, Chengzhe (2020) Collection of Solved Nonlinear Problems for Remote Shaping and Patterning of Liquid Structures on Flat and Curved Substrates by Electric and Thermal Fields; 10.7907/PEJ5-1626
- Sideris, Constantine (2017) Electromagnetic Field Manipulation: Biosensing to Antennas; 10.7907/Z9RN35XW
- Liu, Pengfei (2017) Spatial Profiles in the Singular Solutions of the 3D Euler Equations and Simplified Models; 10.7907/Z9V9862G
- Pérez Arancibia, Carlos Andrés (2017) Windowed Integral Equation Methods for Problems of Scattering by Defects and Obstacles in Layered Media; 10.7907/Z9GQ6VQT
- Jerves Cobo, Alex Xavier (2016) Microscopic Origin of Macroscopic Strength in Granular Media: A Numerical and Analytical Approach; 10.7907/Z9GB2211
- Akhmetgaliyev, Eldar (2016) Fast Numerical Methods for Mixed, Singular Helmholtz Boundary Value Problems and Laplace Eigenvalue Problems - with Applications to Antenna Design, Sloshing, Electromagnetic Scattering and Spectral Geometry; 10.7907/Z97P8W93
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- Ci, Maolin (2014) Multiscale Model Reduction Methods for Deterministic and Stochastic Partial Differential Equations; 10.7907/06ND-CY07
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- Sanan, Patrick David (2014) Geometric Elasticity for Graphics, Simulation, and Computation; 10.7907/DF7X-F354
- Szelengowicz, Ivan Michel Nicolas (2013) Analysis and Optimization of Stress Wave Propagation in Two-Dimensional Granular Crystals with Defects; 10.7907/TE86-1A15
- Elling, Timothy James (2013) GPU-Accelerated Fourier-Continuation Solvers and Physically Exact Computational Boundary Conditions for Wave Scattering Problems; 10.7907/A5ZM-NK18
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- Chu, Chia-Chieh (2010) Multiscale Methods for Elliptic Partial Differential Equations and Related Applications; 10.7907/PFGA-YY17
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- Lyon, Mark Edward (2009) High-Order Unconditionally-Stable FC-AD PDE Solvers for General Domains; 10.7907/3FFW-GK56
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- Monro, John Anderson (2008) A Super-Algebraically Convergent, Windowing-Based Approach to the Evaluation of Scattering from Periodic Rough Surfaces; 10.7907/F9VM-JP39
- Hoch, David (2008) Nonreflecting Boundary Conditions Obtained from Equivalent Sources for Time-Dependent Scattering Problems; 10.7907/5M0P-NR33
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- Hyde, Edward McKay (2003) Fast, High-Order Methods for Scattering by Inhomogeneous Media; 10.7907/Z0V0-KM52
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