Bruno, Oscar
Gaggioli, E. L. and Estrada, Laura C., el al. (2024) Boundary-layer structures arising in linear transport theory ; Physical Review E; Vol. 110; No. 2; 025306; 10.1103/physreve.110.025306
Bruno, Oscar and Yin, Tao (2024) Multiple-scattering frequency-time hybrid solver for the wave equation in interior domains ; Mathematics of Computation; Vol. 93; No. 346; 551-587; 10.1090/mcom/3872
Nesi, Vincenzo and Bruno, Oscar, el al. (2023) Tidal drag and westward drift of the lithosphere ; Geoscience Frontiers; Vol. 14; No. 6; Art. No. 101623; 10.1016/j.gsf.2023.101623
Bauinger, Christoph and Bruno, Oscar P. (2023) Massively parallelized interpolated factored Green function method ; Journal of Computational Physics; Vol. 475; Art. No. 111837; 10.1016/
Maust, Haydn and Li, Zongyi, el al. (2022) Fourier Continuation for Exact Derivative Computation in Physics-Informed Neural Operators ; 10.48550/arXiv.2211.15960
Gaggioli, E. L. and Bruno, Oscar P. (2022) Parallel inverse-problem solver for time-domain optical tomography with perfect parallel scaling ; Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer; Vol. 290; Art. No. 108300; 10.1016/j.jqsrt.2022.108300
Bruno, Oscar P. and Hesthaven, Jan S., el al. (2022) FC-based shock-dynamics solver with neural-network localized artificial-viscosity assignment ; Journal of Computational Physics: X; Vol. 15; Art. No. 100110; 10.1016/j.jcpx.2022.100110
Fontana, Mauro and Mininni, Pablo D., el al. (2022) Vector potential-based MHD solver for non-periodic flows using Fourier continuation expansions ; Computer Physics Communications; Vol. 275; Art. No. 108304; 10.1016/j.cpc.2022.108304
Bruno, Oscar P. and Paul, Jagabandhu (2022) Two-Dimensional Fourier Continuation and Applications ; SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing; Vol. 44; No. 2; A964-A992; 10.1137/20m1373189
Sideris, Constantine and Khachaturian, Aroutin, el al. (2022) Foundry-fabricated grating coupler demultiplexer inverse-designed via fast integral methods ; Communications Physics; Vol. 5; Art. No. 68; 10.1038/s42005-022-00839-w
Gaggioli, E. L. and Mitnik, D. M., el al. (2021) Skin effect in neutron transport theory ; Physical Review E; Vol. 104; No. 3; Art. No. L032801; 10.1103/physreve.104.L032801
Bruno, Oscar P. and Xu, Liwei, el al. (2021) Weighted integral solvers for elastic scattering by open arcs in two dimensions ; International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering; Vol. 122; No. 11; 2733-2750; 10.1002/nme.6639
Bauinger, Christoph and Bruno, Oscar P. (2021) "Interpolated Factored Green Function" method for accelerated solution of scattering problems ; Journal of Computational Physics; Vol. 430; Art. No. 110095; 10.1016/
Bruno, Oscar P. and Yin, Tao (2021) A windowed Green function method for elastic scattering problems on a half-space ; Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering; Vol. 376; Art. No. 113651; 10.1016/j.cma.2020.113651
Bruno, Oscar P. and Garza, Emmanuel (2020) A Chebyshev-based rectangular-polar integral solver for scattering by geometries described by non-overlapping patches ; Journal of Computational Physics; Vol. 421; Art. No. 109740; 10.1016/
Fontana, Mauro and Bruno, Oscar P., el al. (2020) Fourier continuation method for incompressible fluids with boundaries ; Computer Physics Communications; Vol. 256; Art. No. 107482; 10.1016/j.cpc.2020.107482
Bruno, Oscar P. and Yin, Tao (2020) Regularized integral equation methods for elastic scattering problems in three dimensions ; Journal of Computational Physics; Vol. 410; Art. No. 109350; 10.1016/
Bruno, Oscar P. and Fernandez-Lado, Agustin G. (2020) On the evaluation of quasi-periodic Green functions and wave-scattering at and around Rayleigh-Wood anomalies ; Journal of Computational Physics; Vol. 410; Art. No. 109352; 10.1016/
Bruno, Oscar P. and Galkowski, Jeffrey (2020) Domains without dense Steklov nodal sets ; Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications; Vol. 26; No. 3; Art. No. 45; 10.1007/s00041-020-09753-7
Anderson, Thomas G. and Bruno, Oscar P., el al. (2020) High-order, Dispersionless "Fast-Hybrid" Wave Equation Solver. Part I: O(1) Sampling Cost via Incident-Field Windowing and Recentering ; SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing; Vol. 42; No. 2; A1348-A1379; 10.1137/19M1251953
Ammari, Habib and Bruno, Oscar, el al. (2020) Wave Enhancement Through Optimization of Boundary Conditions ; SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing; Vol. 42; No. 1; B207-B224; 10.1137/19m1274651
Sideris, Constantine and Garza, Emmanuel, el al. (2019) Ultrafast Simulation and Optimization of Nanophotonic Devices with Integral Equation Methods ; ACS Photonics; Vol. 6; No. 12; 3233-3240; 10.1021/acsphotonics.9b01137
Gaggioli, E. L. and Bruno, O. P., el al. (2019) Light transport with the equation of radiative transfer: the Fourier Continuation – Discrete Ordinates (FC–DOM) Method ; Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer; Vol. 236; Art. No. 106589; 10.1016/j.jqsrt.2019.106589
Bruno, Oscar P. and Cubillos, Max, el al. (2019) Higher-order implicit-explicit multi-domain compressible Navier-Stokes solvers ; Journal of Computational Physics; Vol. 391; 322-346; 10.1016/
Bruno, Oscar P. and Pandey, Ambuj (2019) Fast, higher-order direct/iterative hybrid solver for scattering by Inhomogeneous media -- with application to high-frequency and discontinuous refractivity problems ; 10.48550/arXiv.1907.05914
Amlani, Faisal and Bruno, Oscar P., el al. (2019) Transient Propagation and Scattering of Quasi-Rayleigh Waves in Plates: Quantitative comparison between Pulsed TV-Holography Measurements and FC(Gram) elastodynamic simulations ; 10.48550/arXiv.1905.05289
Bruno, Oscar P. and Maas, Martín (2019) Shifted equivalent sources and FFT acceleration for periodic scattering problems, including Wood anomalies ; Journal of Computational Physics; Vol. 378; 548-572; 10.1016/
Acosta, Gabriel and Borthagaray, Juan Pablo, el al. (2018) Regularity theory and high order numerical methods for the (1D)-fractional Laplacian ; Mathematics of Computation; Vol. 87; No. 312; 1821-1857; 10.1090/mcom/3276
Franco, M. and Barber, M., el al. (2017) Validity of the Kirchhoff approximation for the scattering of electromagnetic waves from dielectric, doubly periodic surfaces ; Journal of the Optical Society of America A; Vol. 34; No. 12; 2266-2277; 10.1364/JOSAA.34.002266
Akhmetgaliyev, Eldar and Bruno, Oscar P. (2017) Regularized integral formulation of mixed Dirichlet-Neumann problems ; Journal of Integral Equations and Applications; Vol. 29; No. 4; 493-529; 10.1216/JIE-2017-29-4-493
Bruno, Oscar P. and Shipman, Stephen P., el al. (2017) Three-dimensional quasi-periodic shifted Green function throughout the spectrum, including Wood anomalies ; Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, physical, and engineering sciences; Vol. 473; No. 2207; Art. No. 20170242; PMCID PMC5719622; 10.1098/rspa.2017.0242
Bruno, Oscar P. and Garza, Emmanuel, el al. (2017) Windowed Green Function Method for Nonuniform Open-Waveguide Problems ; IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation; Vol. 65; No. 9; 4684-4692; 10.1109/TAP.2017.2728118
Bruno, O. P. and Pérez-Arancibia, C. (2017) Windowed Green function method for the Helmholtz equation in the presence of multiply layered media ; Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, physical, and engineering sciences; Vol. 473; No. 2202; Art. No. 20170161; PMCID PMC5493953; 10.1098/rspa.2017.0161
Bruno, Oscar P. and Cubillos, Max (2017) On the Quasi-unconditional Stability of BDF-ADI Solvers for the Compressible Navier-Stokes Equations and Related Linear Problems ; SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis; Vol. 55; No. 2; 892-922; 10.1137/15M1042279
Bruno, Oscar P. and Fernandez-Lado, Agustin G. (2017) Rapidly convergent quasi-periodic Green functions for scattering by arrays of cylinders—including Wood anomalies ; Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, physical, and engineering sciences; Vol. 473; No. 2199; Art. No. 20160802; PMCID PMC5378244; 10.1098/rspa.2016.0802
Bruno, Oscar P. and Lyon, Mark, el al. (2016) Windowed Green Function method for layered-media scattering ; SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics; Vol. 76; No. 5; 1871-1898; 10.1137/15M1033782
Bruno, Oscar P. and Shipman, Stephen P., el al. (2016) Superalgebraically convergent smoothly windowed lattice sums for doubly periodic Green functions in three-dimensional space ; Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, physical, and engineering sciences; Vol. 472; No. 2191; Art. No. 20160255; PMCID PMC4971249; 10.1098/rspa.2016.0255
Bruno, Oscar P. and Cubillos, Max (2016) Higher-order in time "quasi-unconditionally stable" ADI solvers for the compressible Navier–Stokes equations in 2D and 3D curvilinear domains ; Journal of Computational Physics; Vol. 307; 476-495; 10.1016/
Amlani, Faisal and Bruno, Oscar P. (2016) An FC-based spectral solver for elastodynamic problems in general three-dimensional domains ; Journal of Computational Physics; Vol. 307; 333-354; 10.1016/
Akhmetgaliyev, Eldar and Bruno, Oscar P., el al. (2015) A boundary integral algorithm for the Laplace Dirichlet-Neumann mixed eigenvalue problem ; Journal of Computational Physics; Vol. 298; 1-28; 10.1016/
Boubendir, Yassine and Bruno, Oscar, el al. (2015) Integral equations requiring small numbers of Krylov-subspace iterations for two-dimensional smooth penetrable scattering problems ; Applied Numerical Mathematics; Vol. 95; 82-98; 10.1016/j.apnum.2015.01.005
Lintner, Stéphane K. and Bruno, Oscar P. (2015) A generalized Calderon formula for open-arc diffraction problems: theoretical considerations ; Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Section A Mathematics; Vol. 145; No. 2; 331-364; 10.1017/S0308210512000807
Bruno, Oscar P. and Elling, Timothy, el al. (2015) A Fourier Continuation Method for the Solution of Elliptic Eigenvalue Problems in General Domains ; Mathematical Problems in Engineering; Vol. 2015; Art. No. 184786; 10.1155/2015/184786
Pérez-Arancibia, Carlos and Zhang, Peng, el al. (2014) Electromagnetic power absorption due to bumps and trenches on flat surfaces ; Journal of Applied Physics; Vol. 116; No. 12; Art. No. 124904; 10.1063/1.4896361
Pérez-Arancibia, Carlos and Bruno, Oscar P. (2014) High-order integral equation methods for problems of scattering by bumps and cavities on half-planes ; Journal of the Optical Society of America A; Vol. 31; No. 8; 1738-1746; 10.1364/JOSAA.31.001738
Bruno, Oscar P. and Jimenez, Edwin (2014) Higher-Order Linear-Time Unconditionally Stable Alternating Direction Implicit Methods for Nonlinear Convection-Diffusion Partial Differential Equation Systems ; Journal of Fluids Engineering; Vol. 136; No. 6; Art. No. 060904; 10.1115/1.4026868
Bruno, Oscar P. and Delourme, Bérangère (2014) Rapidly convergent two-dimensional quasi-periodic Green function throughout the spectrum-including Wood anomalies ; Journal of Computational Physics; Vol. 262; 262-290; 10.1016/
Bruno, O. P. and Prieto, A. (2014) Spatially Dispersionless, Unconditionally Stable FC–AD
Solvers for Variable-Coefficient PDEs ; Journal of Scientific Computing; Vol. 58; No. 2; 331-366; 10.1007/s10915-013-9734-8
Bruno, Oscar P. and Lintner, Stéphane K. (2013) A high-order integral solver for scalar problems of diffraction by screens and apertures in three-dimensional space ; Journal of Computational Physics; Vol. 252; 250-274; 10.1016/
Bruno, Oscar P. and Domínguez, Víctor, el al. (2013) Convergence analysis of a high-order Nyström integral-equation method for surface scattering problems ; Numerische Mathematik; Vol. 124; No. 4; 603-645; 10.1007/s00211-013-0525-9
Bruno, Oscar P. and Shipman, Stephen P., el al. (2013) Efficient Evaluation of Doubly Periodic Green Functions in 3D Scattering, Including Wood Anomaly Frequencies ; 10.48550/arXiv.1307.1176
Bruno, Oscar P. and Lintner, Stéphane K. (2012) Second-kind integral solvers for TE and TM problems of diffraction by open arcs ; Radio Science; Vol. 47; No. 6; Art. No. RS6006; 10.1029/2012RS005035
Albin, Nathan and Bruno, Oscar P., el al. (2012) Fourier continuation methods for high-fidelity simulation of nonlinear acoustic beams ; Journal of the Acoustical Society of America; Vol. 132; No. 4; 2371-2387; 10.1121/1.4742722
Bruno, Oscar and Elling, Tim, el al. (2012) Regularized integral equations and fast high-order solvers for sound-hard acoustic scattering problems ; International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering; Vol. 91; No. 10; 1045-1072; 10.1002/nme.4302
Bruno, O. and Hoch, D. (2012) Numerical Differentiation of Approximated Functions with Limited Order-of-Accuracy Deterioration ; SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis; Vol. 50; No. 3; 1581-1603; 10.1137/100805807
Shahbazi, Khosro and Albin, Nathan, el al. (2011) Multi-domain Fourier-continuation/WENO hybrid solver for conservation laws ; Journal of Computational Physics; Vol. 230; No. 24; 8779-8796; 10.1016/
Albin, Nathan and Bruno, Oscar P. (2011) A spectral FC solver for the compressible Navier–Stokes equations in general domains I: Explicit time-stepping ; Journal of Computational Physics; Vol. 230; No. 16; 6248-6270; 10.1016/
Nacev, A. and Beni, C., el al. (2011) The behaviors of ferromagnetic nano-particles in and around blood vessels under applied magnetic fields ; Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials; Vol. 323; No. 6; 651-668; 10.1016/j.jmmm.2010.09.008
Bruno, Oscar P. and Haslam, Michael C. (2010) Efficient high-order evaluation of scattering by periodic surfaces: vector-parametric gratings and geometric singularities ; Waves in Random and Complex Media; Vol. 20; No. 4; 530-550; 10.1080/17455030.2010.499151
Nacev, A. and Beni, C., el al. (2010) Magnetic nanoparticle transport within flowing blood and into surrounding tissue ; Nanomedicine; Vol. 5; No. 9; 1459-1466; PMCID PMC3057021; 10.2217/NNM.10.104
López-Vázquez, J. Carlos and Deán-Ben, X. Luís, el al. (2010) Numerical modeling and measurement by pulsed television holography of ultrasonic displacement maps in plates with through-thickness defects ; Optical Engineering; Vol. 49; No. 9; Art. No. 095802; 10.1117/1.3484953
Lyon, Mark and Bruno, Oscar P. (2010) High-order unconditionally stable FC-AD solvers for general smooth domains II. Elliptic, parabolic and hyperbolic PDEs; theoretical considerations ; Journal of Computational Physics; Vol. 229; No. 9; 3358-3381; 10.1016/
Bruno, Oscar P. and Lyon, Mark (2010) High-order unconditionally stable FC-AD solvers for general smooth domains I. Basic elements ; Journal of Computational Physics; Vol. 229; No. 6; 2009-2033; 10.1016/
Bruno, Oscar and Elling, Tim, el al. (2009) Electromagnetic integral equations requiring small numbers of Krylov-subspace iterations ; Journal of Computational Physics; Vol. 228; No. 17; 6169-6183; 10.1016/
López-Vázquez, J. Carlos and Deán, J. Luis, el al. (2009) Modelling for characterizing defects in plates using two-dimensional maps of instantaneous ultrasonic out-of-plane displacement obtained by pulsed TV-holography ; ISBN 9780819476722; Optical Measurement Systems for Industrial Inspection VI; Art. No. 738937; 10.1117/12.827819
Bruno, Oscar P. and Ovall, Jeffrey S., el al. (2009) A high-order integral algorithm for highly singular PDE solutions in Lipschitz domains ; Computing; Vol. 84; No. 3-4; 149-181; 10.1007/s00607-009-0031-1
Chaubell, Julian and Bruno, Oscar P., el al. (2009) Evaluation of EM-wave propagation in fully three-dimensional atmospheric refractive index distributions ; Radio Science; Vol. 44; RS1012; 10.1029/2008RS003882
Bruno, Oscar P. and Haslam, Michael C. (2009) Efficient high-order evaluation of scattering by periodic surfaces: deep gratings, high frequencies, and glancing incidences ; Journal of the Optical Society of America A; Vol. 26; No. 3; 658-668; 10.1364/JOSAA.26.000658
Berlyand, Leonid and Bruno, Oscar, el al. (2008) Rise of correlations of transformation strains in random polycrystals ; SIAM Journal on mathematical analysis; Vol. 40; No. 4; 1550-1584; 10.1137/070679685
Bruno, O. P. and Reitich, F. (2008) High-Order Methods for High-Frequency Scattering Applications ; ISBN 978-3-540-73777-3; Modeling and Computations in Electromagnetics: A Volume Dedicated to Jean-Claude Nédélec; 129-163; 10.1007/978-3-540-73778-0_5
Bruno, Oscar P. and Lintner, Stéphane (2007) Superlens-cloaking of small dielectric bodies in the quasistatic regime ; Journal of Applied Physics; Vol. 102; No. 12; Art. No. 124502; 10.1063/1.2821759
Bruno, Oscar P. and Han, Youngae, el al. (2007) Accurate, high-order representation of complex three-dimensional surfaces via Fourier continuation analysis ; Journal of Computational Physics; Vol. 227; No. 2; 1094-1125; 10.1016/
Weatherwax, John and Vaynblat, Dimitri, el al. (2007) On a viscous critical-stress model of martensitic phase transitions ; Journal of Applied Physics; Vol. 102; No. 6; Art. No. 064905; 10.1063/1.2778634
Bruno, Oscar P. and Geuzaine, Christophe A. (2007) An O(1) integration scheme for three-dimensional surface scattering problems ; Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics; Vol. 204; No. 2; 463-476; 10.1016/
Bruno, Oscar P. and Haslam, Michael C. (2007) Regularity Theory and Superalgebraic Solvers for Wire Antenna Problems ; SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing; Vol. 29; No. 4; 1375-1402; 10.1137/050648262
Amundsen, David E. and Bruno, Oscar (2007) Time Stepping Via One-Dimensional Padé Approximation ; Journal of Scientific Computing; Vol. 30; No. 1; 83-115; 10.1007/s10915-005-9021-4
Bruno, Oscar P. and Hyde, E. McKay (2005) Higher-Order Fourier Approximation in Scattering by Two-Dimensional, Inhomogeneous Media ; SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis; Vol. 42; No. 6; 2298-2319; 10.1137/S0036142903425811
Geuzaine, Christophe and Bruno, Oscar, el al. (2005) On the O(1) Solution of Multiple-Scattering Problems ; IEEE Transactions on Magnetics; Vol. 41; No. 5; 1488-1491; 10.1109/TMAG.2005.844567
Bruno, O. and Chaubell, J. (2005) One-dimensional inverse scattering problem for optical coherence tomography ; Inverse Problems; Vol. 21; No. 2; 499-524; 10.1088/0266-5611/21/2/006
Hyde, E. McKay and Bruno, Oscar P. (2005) A fast, higher-order solver for scattering by penetrable bodies in three dimensions ; Journal of Computational Physics; Vol. 202; No. 1; 236-261; 10.1016/
Bruno, Oscar P. and Hyde, E. McKay (2004) An efficient, preconditioned, high-order solver for scattering by two-dimensional inhomogeneous media ; Journal of Computational Physics; Vol. 200; No. 2; 670-694; 10.1016/
Goldsztein, Guillermo H. and Bruno, Oscar P. (2004) A fast algorithm for the simulation of polycrystalline misfits. II. Martensitic transformations in three space dimensions ; Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, physical, and engineering sciences; Vol. 460; No. 2046; 1613-1630; 10.1098/rspa.2003.1223
Bruno, Oscar P. and Geuzaine, Christophe A., el al. (2004) Prescribed error tolerances within fixed computational times for scattering problems of arbitrarily high frequency: the convex case ; Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences; Vol. 362; No. 1816; 629-645; 10.1098/rsta.2003.1338
Bruno, Oscar P. (2004) New high-order integral methods in computational electromagnetism ; CMES: Computer Modeling in Engineering and Sciences; Vol. 5; No. 4; 319-330; 10.3970/cmes.2004.005.319
Geronimo, Jeffrey S. and Bruno, Oscar, el al. (2004) WKB and Turning Point Theory for Second-order Difference Equations ; ISBN 978-3-0348-9632-0; Spectral Methods for Operators of Mathematical Physics; 101-138; 10.1007/978-3-0348-7947-7_7
Bruno, Oscar P. and Chaubell, Julian (2003) Inverse scattering problem for optical coherence tomography ; Optics Letters; Vol. 28; No. 21; 2049-2051
Bruno, Oscar P. and Sei, Alain (2003) A fast high-order solver for problems of scattering by heterogeneous bodies ; IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation; Vol. 51; No. 11; 3142-3154; 10.1109/TAP.2003.818783
Bruno, Oscar P. (2003) Wave scattering by inhomogeneous media: efficient algorithms and applications ; Physica B; Vol. 338; No. 1-4; 67-73; 10.1016/s0921-4526(03)00462-9
Hyde, E. McKay and Bruno, Oscar P. (2003) A fast, high-order method for scattering by inhomogeneous media in three dimensions ; Physica B; Vol. 338; No. 1-4; 82-86; 10.1016/s0921-4526(03)00465-4
Bruno, Oscar P. (2003) Fast, High-Order, High-Frequency Integral Methods for Computational Acoustics and Electromagnetics ; ISBN 978-3-540-00744-9; Topics in Computational Wave Propagation: Direct and Inverse Problems; 43-82; 10.1007/978-3-642-55483-4_2
Bruno, Oscar P. and Sei, Alain, el al. (2002) High-order high-frequency solutions of rough surface scattering problems ; Radio Science; Vol. 37; No. 4; Art. No. 1049; 10.1029/2000RS002551
Bruno, Oscar P. (2002) Fast, high-order, high-frequency "accurate Fourier methods" for scattering problems ; ISBN 0-7803-7330-8; IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium; 180-183; 10.1109/APS.2002.1018185
Bruno, Oscar P. and Kunyansky, Leonid A. (2001) Surface scattering in three dimensions: an accelerated high–order solver ; Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, physical, and engineering sciences; Vol. 457; No. 2016; 2921-2934; 10.1098/rspa.2001.0882
Bruno, Oscar and Vaynblat, Dimitri (2001) Shock–induced martensitic phase transitions: critical stresses, Riemann problems and applications ; Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, physical, and engineering sciences; Vol. 457; No. 2016; 2871-2920; 10.1098/rspa.2001.0829
Borcea, Liliana and Bruno, Oscar (2001) On the magneto-elastic properties of elastomer–ferromagnet composites ; Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids; Vol. 49; No. 12; 2877-2919; 10.1016/s0022-5096(01)00108-9
Bruno, O. and Vaynblat, D. (2001) Two-wave structures in shock-induced martensitic phase transitions ; Mathematical and Computer Modelling; Vol. 34; No. 12-13; 1261-1271; 10.1016/S0895-7177(01)00131-5
Bruno, Oscar P. and Kunyansky, Leonid A. (2001) Fast, high-order solution of surface scattering problems ; ISBN 0-7803-7070-8; IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium. 2001 Digest. Held in conjunction with: USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting; 554-557; 10.1109/APS.2001.959784
Sei, Alain and Caponi, Maria, el al. (2001) Polarization ratios anomalies of 3D rough surface scattering as second order effects ; ISBN 0-7803-7070-8; IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium. 2001 Digest. Held in conjunction with: USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting; 726-729; 10.1109/APS.2001.960200
Bruno, Oscar P. and Kunyansky, Leonid A. (2001) A Fast, High-Order Algorithm for the Solution of Surface Scattering Problems: Basic Implementation, Tests, and Applications ; Journal of Computational Physics; Vol. 169; No. 1; 80-110; 10.1006/jcph.2001.6714
Bruno, Oscar P. and Reitich, Fernando (2001) Boundary-variation solution of eigenvalue problems for elliptic operators ; Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications; Vol. 7; No. 2; 169-187; 10.1007/BF02510422
Bruno, Oscar P. and Reitich, Fernando (2001) High-Order Boundary Perturbation Methods ; ISBN 978-0-89871-475-3; Mathematical Modeling in Optical Science; 71-109; 10.1137/1.9780898717594.ch3
Bruno, Oscar P. and Sei, Alain (2000) A fast high-order solver for EM scattering from complex penetrable bodies: TE case ; IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation; Vol. 48; No. 12; 1862-1864; 10.1109/8.901275
Bruno, Oscar P. and Kunyansky, Leonid A. (2000) Fast, high-order solution of surface scattering problems ; ISBN 0-7803-6369-8; IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium. Transmitting Waves of Progress to the Next Millennium. 2000 Digest. Held in conjunction with: USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting; 1860-1863; 10.1109/APS.2000.874851
Bruno, Oscar P. and Goldsztein, Guillermo H. (2000) Numerical simulation of martensitic transformations in two- and three-dimensional polycrystals ; Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids; Vol. 48; No. 6-7; 1175-1201; 10.1016/s0022-5096(99)00074-5
Bruno, Oscar P. and Goldsztein, Guillermo H. (1999) A fast algorithm for the simulation of polycrystalline misfits: martensitic transformations in two space dimensions ; Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, physical, and engineering sciences; Vol. 455; No. 1992; 4245-4276; 10.1098/rspa.1999.0500
Bruno, O. P. (1999) Shape Deforming Phase Transition in Solids: Energetics and pseudoelasticity ; ISBN 0792352653; IUTAM Symposium on Micro- and Macrostructural Aspects of Thermoplasticity; 319-324; 10.1007/0-306-46936-7_30
Bruno, Oscar P. and Reitich, Fernando (1998) Bounds on the Effective Elastic Properties of Martensitic Polycrystals ; ISBN 978-1-4612-7256-4; Mathematics of Multiscale Materials; 51-62; 10.1007/978-1-4612-1728-2_4
Bruno, O. P. (1998) Energetics in Martensites ; ISBN 978-0-7923-5122-1; IUTAM Symposium on Transformation Problems in Composite and Active Materials; 91-108; 10.1007/0-306-46935-9_7
Bruno, Oscar P. (1997) Energetics in martensites ; ISBN 9780819424525; Smart Structures and Materials 1997: Mathematics and Control in Smart Structures; 14-24; 10.1117/12.276557
Bruno, Oscar P. and Laurence, Peter (1996) Existence of three-dimensional toroidal MHD equilibria with nonconstant pressure ; Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics; Vol. 49; No. 7; 717-764; 10.1002/(SICI)1097-0312(199607)49:7<717::AID-CPA3>3.0.CO;2-C
Bruno, Oscar P. and Reitich, Fernando, el al. (1996) The overall elastic energy of polycrystalline martensitic solids ; Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids; Vol. 44; No. 7; 1051-1101; 10.1016/0022-5096(96)00031-2
Bruno, Oscar P. and Reitich, Fernando (1994) Maxwell equations in a nonlinear Kerr medium ; Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, physical, and engineering sciences; Vol. 447; No. 1929; 65-76; 10.1098/rspa.1994.0129
Bruno, Oscar P. and Reitich, Fernando (1994) Approximation of analytic functions: a method of enhanced convergence ; Mathematics of Computation; Vol. 63; No. 207; 195-213; 10.1090/S0025-5718-1994-1240654-9
Bruno, Oscar P. and Leo, Perry H. (1993) On the stiffness of materials containing a disordered array of microscopic holes or hard inclusions ; Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis; Vol. 121; No. 4; 303-338; 10.1007/BF00375624
Bruno, Oscar and Friedman, Avner, el al. (1993) Asymptotic Behavior for a Coalescence Problem ; Transactions of the American Mathematical Society; Vol. 338; No. 1; 133-158; 10.2307/2154448
Bruno, Oscar P. and Reitich, Fernando (1992) Solution of a boundary value problem for the Helmholtz equation via variation of the boundary into the complex domain ; Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Section A Mathematics; Vol. 122; No. 3-4; 317-340; 10.1017/S0308210500021132
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